
From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
Revision as of 20:04, 2 May 2018 by Etterra (talk | contribs)
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Testing for self reference purposes.

Human, Warrior, Melee

Attack: 1d4 Physical Melee
Defense: 1d4

Ability: After making one or more melee attacks, gain +1 defense until the start of your next turn.

You never need to reload a sword!
Lorem Ipsum
dolor sit amet
consectetur adipiscing elit

Ability: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Human, Warrior, Melee

Attack: 1d4 Physical Melee
Defense: 1d4

Ability: After making one or more melee attacks, gain +1 defense until the start of your next turn.

You never need to reload a sword!
Lorem Ipsum
dolor sit amet
consectetur adipiscing elit

Ability: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Etterra (talk) 01:53, 21 September 2017 (UTC)

This is a title!

⬣ 10
Capitol Ship
Hydra Class Battle Cruiser


⌅ Physical: N
⚡ Energy: N
⬈ Missiles: N


⬒ Armor: N
☉ Shields: N

✱ Counter: N

Commission date 12-17-19,447.
⬣ 3
Standard Salvo

Damage: 10 ⬈ (missile).

Incoming launch detected.
⬣ 3
Ablative Plate

Destroy this card to negate 3 ⌅ (physical) damage.

Lucky we had some armor to spare.
Evasive Maneuvers

Destroy one hostile Weapon card.

Evasive pattern epsilon theta!

Etterra (talk) 03:55, 14 October 2017 (UTC)

9th Age Test Cards


Imperial Heavy Infantry
Core Unit
Unit Size 10

Power: 3
Skill: 3
Armor: 3
Essence: 3
Ward: 3
Morale: 7

Equipment: Sidearm, Light Armor, Shield
Addons: Sergeant, Standard, Musician
Upgrades: Medium Armor, Shields
Options: Swap shields for 2-handed weapons.


If we are to bleed today, let them bleed thrice as much first!
4 x

Unit Size
Military Equipment

Power: +1

Special: 2-handed weapon.

Ability: +1 Skill vs. Mounted Units.

Steady men, pull them down!
4 x

Unit Size
Elevation +1

Special: A Ranged Unit positioned here gains no cover from other units.

Ability: A Ranged Unit positioned here can ignore enemy cover.

Don't do it - we have the high ground!
2 x

Unit Size
Military Equipment

Special: Usable by Ranged Units.

Ability: Grants Soft Cover (+1 Armor from ranged attacks).

Ready your cover first men, then your arms!
Melee Attack Action

Special: Usable by any Unit.

Ability: Units you dictate may move into combat with enemy units with a +1 bonus to Skill (+2 if leaving terrain of higher elevation).

For the Empire!
Stand & Fire
Ranged Attack Reaction

Special: Usable by any Units with a Ranged attack option while being charged.

Ability: Before resolving the charge, the Unit being charged may make one ranged attack against the charging unit.

Don't shoot 'till you can see the whites of their eyes!
Loot the Fallen
Non-Combat Action

Special: Usable by any Units that have defeated another unit in Melee combat this turn.

Ability: Gain equal to half the card's listed , not including the value any equipment. If the unit includes a Champion, you may also take any Superior or Magical Item cards the unit held.

A gold crown bonus for each head you fetch me!
Issue a Challenge
Special Combat Action

Special: Usable by any individual of rank Champion or higher.

Ability: Target an adjacent enemy Champion (or higher) to single combat; if they accept, engage them in single combat immediately (even if it is out of normal combat sequence). If they refuse, reduce their Morale bonus to 0 until the beginning of your next turn.

Come on, let's settle this like true warriors!

Peasant Miners
Auxiliary Unit
Unit Size 5

Power: 3
Skill: 3
Armor: 3
Essence: 3
Ward: 3
Morale: 3

Equipment: Pickaxe
Upgrades: Dynamite

Ability: Mine: Play this unit on any Mine Location. Each turn, gain 5 .

Grab that pickaxe and get to work!

Gold Mine
Constructed Building

Power: 3
Skill: 3
Armor: 3
Essence: 3
Ward: 3
Morale: 3

Addons: Minecarts
Options: Must be built on terrain with an elevation of at least +1.

Ability: Miners can be played here to produce every turn.

Get a move on, this ore ain't gonna dig itself up!
Explosive Tool or Weapon
Mundane Equipment

Power: +7

Options: Equip on Miners to improve their output, or on a unit as a single-use ranged weapon.
Ability: Mine: Play this Item on one or more Miner units in a single location to improve their gain by +1 per individual.

Ability: Light & Throw: Make a single ranged attack against an adjacent target that deals explosive damage.
Fire in the hole!
Mine Carts
Structure Equipment

Power: +7

Options: Equip on any single Mine.

Ability: Mine: Play this Item on one or more Miner units in a single location to improve their gain by +1 per individual.


Skirmish Game Test Cards

Etterra (talk) 20:12, 1 May 2018 (UTC)