Talk:Magic Numbers

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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Talk Page: Magic Numbers

Welcome one and all. Looking for any interesting ideas for cards as I round out the first run of the game. All submissions welcome; but a few ground rules.

1) Keep it whole number real integers. Right out are things like natural log/Euler's number, weird constants, and anything higher than basic arithmatic for now. Save that stuff for expansions :-D

2) Target deck size is 100-150 cards, split evenly on Actions/Things. Anything over that might make it into further editions, so don't let that discourage you.

3) I do have a little trump to pull; as lead designer, I make the final cut. But if there's a card people really like or really hate, LMK.

4) Keep it reasonably clean. "69" is bound to come up's a game about numbers. But let's keep it to a 15-20-point max, PG-13 rating. Ask yourself "If I was playing this with my mom/dad/sister/grandmother etc. would I be embarrassed to play this card?"

5) All card titles MUST have a number, number concept, number-related figure of speech, etc. in them.