The HSSSSS Card Game

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The HSSSSS Card Game
Designers jftsang, ictl
Date August 2008
Players 2-4 (3 recommended)
This is a CCG set, a set of cards which can be used to construct personalised decks, in the style of a collectable card game.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export
Mtgcard.gif Generate Apprentice CSV

This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.


  • Gameplay is in turns. Each player takes his or her turn, and then the next player plays.
  • At the start of the game, it is decided whether HSSSSS ,FOFL or Genesoft should play first, second and third.
  • When constructing a deck, a player may use any of the neutral (grey, yellow or green) cards. He or she may also pick one of the colours (red, black or blue) to play, and may not use cards with the other two colours. If a player does not pick a colour, he or she is neutral or unaligned, and may not use any of the red, black or blue cards.
  • The first corner value indicates the attack value. The second corner value indicates the health value/hit points (HP). If the health value reaches 0, the card is removed from play into the discard pile.
  • At the start of the game, you MUST play FOFL, HSSSSS or Genesoft depending on which team you are playing as.
  • At the start of your turn, draw a card.
  • Any card can attack another card, providing the attacking card has an attack value of 1 or more. Each card can attack once during your turn.
  • You may play 1 card of each type (1 Website, 1 Software, 1 Person, 1 Action etc) per turn.
  • You may use actions on cards as many times as you want. You will need to take into consideration actions which state "once per turn", "once during your turn", "once every two turns" etc.
  • You may not play any card marked as "Unique" if the same card is already in play.
  • Only one Meme card may be in play at a time, unless Global War is in play; in which case 3 may be in play (including Global War).

Deck Construction

The following rules must be observed in deck construction:

  • A deck must have at least forty cards, but can have as many above that as you wish.
  • When constructing a deck, a player may use any of the neutral (grey or yellow) cards. He or she may also pick one of the colours (red, black or blue) to play, and may not use cards with the other two colours. If a player does not pick a colour, he or she is neutral or unaligned, and may not use any of the red, black or blue cards.
  • A deck must contain at least one Website, and one of the Websites is to be marked the home website. For an aligned player, this is preset to FOFL for Red, HSSSSS for Black and Genesoft for Blue. For an unaligned player, this home website may be any Unique Website that is designated as neutral.
  • A deck may not contain more than one copy of any card marked as "Unique".
  • Before the game, you must show exactly forty cards from your deck to your opponent, and your opponent must do likewise. These forty cards may be chosen by you.

Victory Conditions

You lose by any of these conditions:

  • Your home website (FOFL, HSSSSS, Genesoft) is destroyed.
  • You run out of cards in your deck.
  • The size of your discard pile is greater than half of your deck or forty cards, whichever is greater.

If you eliminate both opponents in this way, you win!


  • An unaligned player playing Conversion immediately converts any card. He or she may use Conversion to target any red, black or blue card. If an unaligned player uses Conversion to target a neutral card, the player instead gains control over the card.
  • When a card returns to your hand from play, it returns to full health.
  • The terms coaligned, controlled and owned are often used interchangeably. However, there are stricter definitions:
    • A coaligned card means that its colour is the same as yours. This may be due to a card such as Conversion.
    • A controlled card is one which is currently on your side.
    • An owned card is one which you started the game with.
  • Once per turn means once each turn, including your opponent's turn. This is different to once during your turn.
  • Might do bad Stuff's text is: If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card. You may only play this card if Tiftif is in play.
    Action: Once during your turn, each player may flip a coin until you get tails. For every head, discard one of your opponent's cards. For every tail, discard one of your own cards. If either player is out of cards in play, that player may discard cards from his/her hand. If a player is forced to discard his/her home Website, that player automatically loses the game.

The War: The CCG!

Card Listing


Website - Unique
When this card is destroyed the game is lost for Red Team. This card must be played at the start of the game and cannot be withdrawn from play. When a card attacks or action targets this card you may flip a coin. If heads, that attack or action is negated.
Website - Unique
When this card is destroyed the game is lost for Black Team. This card must be played at the start of the game and cannot be withdrawn from play. When a card attacks or action targets this card whilst another Website you control is in play you may have the attack or action target that Website instead.
Website - Unique
When this card is destroyed the game is lost for Blue Team. This card must be played at the start of the game. This card may be returned to your hand during your turn. If Genesoft is in play at the end of your turn, you may flip a coin. If heads, you may search your deck and discard pile for as many Copypaste and Copypasta cards as you like and put them into your hand.
Website - Unique
Action: Once per turn,
Either: Look through your deck and discard pile for one of the following and put it into play: Forum, Wiki, Reproducer, LockdownLite, emailspam, emailsend
Or: Remove 10 damage from this card.
Website - Unique
Action: Once per turn, you may look through your deck and take any card and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards. If you also control YouTube, take 3 cards instead.
Website - Unique
Action: Once per turn, you may look at the top three cards on your deck and arrange them in any order.
Website - Unique
Action: Once per turn, you may draw 2 cards. If you also control Google, draw 5 cards instead.
Website - Unique
Discard this card if AOL is in play.
Action: Once per turn, you may search your deck for up to 3 Pron cards and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
Website - Unique
For every Chav in play, increase this card's health by 10. This card's health cannot be increased by more than 40 in this way.
Action: Once per turn, you may look through your discard pile for a Chav and put it in play.
Website - Unique
For every Chav in play, reduce this card's health by 10. This card's health cannot be decreased by more than 40 in this way.
Action: Once per turn, you may look through your deck for a Chav and put it in play.
Website - Unique
Chavs cannot attack this card.
Action: Once per turn, you may discard any Chav card in play (including your opponents).
Website - Unique
All Websites cannot perform actions, except for AOL, MySpace and Bebo, as long as this card is in play. Discard 4chan if it is in play.
Action: If Bebo and MySpace are in play, their health is no longer affected by how many Chavs are in play.
This card has an unlimited health value if there is a Person sharing your alignment which is marked as "able to hack".
This card has an unlimited health value if there is a Person sharing your alignment which is marked as "able to hack".
Virtual Server
When this card is played choose any Website you control. If that Website takes damage, Virtual Server shares half of the damage dealt (rounded up). If that Website is destroyed, remove 25 damage from it and destroy Virtual Server instead.
Alt Server
When this card is played choose any Website you control. Alt Server now has the same attack and health value as the chosen Website. If that Website is destroyed, remove all damage from it and destroy Alt Server instead.

Hacks and Reproducers

To play this card there must be a Person sharing your alignment and marked as "able to hack". When this card is played choose a Website. This card deals damage equal to half of the Website's remaining health (rounded up). This card has no effect on Websites which have 10 or less health. Discard this card afterwards.
DoS Attack
To play this card there must be a Person sharing your alignment and marked as "able to hack". When this card is played choose any Website in play apart from Genesoft and FOFL. As long as this card is in play, the effects of that Website are negated, nor can any action effects of that card be used. If that Website is destroyed, discard DoS Attack.
Original Reproducer
Software - Unique
Action: As many times as you like during your turn, you may look through your deck or discard pile for Reproducer and put it into play.
Your opponents may not play any Software while this card is in play.
Action: Once per turn, you may look through your deck for Reproducer and put it into play. Discard this card afterwards.
Choose an opponent Website which has a health value of 30 or less. That Website's effects are negated, nor can any action effects of that card be used. If that Website is destroyed, discard LockdownLite.
You may only attack if there are at least two Persons in play sharing your alignment who are marked with "able to hack".
If this card is about to be destroyed, flip three coins. If all three are heads, remove all damage counters from this card and keep it in play, else discard this card.
Play this card on an opponent Website when Hack or DoS Attack is played on that Website. That Website takes 10 damage per turn. If that Website is destroyed, discard this card. If this card is destroyed by an attack, the Website takes the rest of the damage.
(e.g.: if the attack dealt 5 damage to this card, the Website will receive 3 damage.)
PHP for include
Choose an opponent Website and a Website you control. The opponent Website takes 7 damage per turn and your Website takes 2 damage per turn. If either Website is destroyed, discard this card.
Look through your discard pile for a Hack, Software or Website and put it into your hand. You may not play it this turn. Discard this card afterwards.


While this card is in play Hack, Reproducer and LockdownLite have no effect for all players.
Action: Discard all Reproducer and LockdownLite cards in play. If Original Reproducer is in play, return it to its owner's hand.
While this card is in play PHP for include and DoS Attack have no effect for all players. This card cannot be destroyed by other Software.
Action: If request.htm is on one of your Websites, you may flip a coin every other turn. If heads, the effects of request.htm are negated until the end of your next turn.
While this card is in play emailspam and emailsend have no effect for all players.
Look through your deck for Windows or a card beginning with Adobe and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck and discard this card afterwards.
Adobe Flash
You must control Windows to play this card.
Action: You may flip a coin once per turn. If heads, search your deck and discard pile for as many Software as you want and put it into your hand.
Adobe Photoshop
You must control Windows to play this card.
Action: You may flip a coin once per turn. If heads, search your deck and discard pile for as many Persons as you want and put it into your hand.
Adobe Dreamweaver
You must control Windows to play this card.
Action: You may flip a coin once per turn. If heads, choose a Website you control. That Website receives 0/+10 for the duration of the game.
Adobe Uninstaller
You must control Windows to play this card. If Sidious is in play and you do not control it, you must get permission from the player who controls it to play this card. Cards beginning with Adobe cannot be played whilst this card is in play.
Action: Return all cards beginning with Adobe (excluding this one) to their owners' hands.
Action: You may flip two coins every other turn. If both are heads, search your deck and discard pile for as many Persons as you want and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
Action: You may flip two coins every other turn. If both are heads, search your deck and discard pile for as many Websites as you want and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
Action: Once per turn, you may search your deck for a Reproducer or a LockdownLite and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
You can play cards beginning with Adobe as long as this card is in play. You may not play this card if you control Linux. This card may not be destroyed. You may discard this card at any time during your turn as long as you do not have any Adobe cards in play.
Each Website you control gains 50 health and you may remove 10 damage from each Website you control at the end of each turn as long as this card is in play. You may not play this card if you control Windows. This card may not be destroyed. You may discard this card at any time during your turn as long as it will not cause one of your Websites to be destroyed.

Unique People

Person - Unique
Able to hack. No one can play Adobe Uninstaller without your permission.
Action: You can play an action on all Adobe cards you control without flipping a coin.
Person - Unique
Able to hack.
Action: If Sidious is in play, both Sidious and Vader receive +1/+10.
The Lion
Person - Unique
Action: Choose a card. That card receives +3/-10 as long as this card is in play. This action has no effect if the health value of the target card is 10 or less.
Person - Unique
Able to hack. HSSSSS and LG cannot be destroyed whilst this card is in play. For every Software card you control (excluding Windows), this card receives +1/+1.
Action: Once during your turn, you may remove all damage from HSSSSS and LG.
Person - Unique
Able to hack. While this card is in play, you may play unlimited Software cards each turn.
Action: As many times as you like during your turn, you may search through your discard pile for as many cards as you like and put them into your hand.
Moxsty Hasqur
Person - Unique
Able to hack. While this card is in play, you may play unlimited Pron and Chav cards each turn.
Action: As many times as you like during your turn, you may destroy any number of Pron and Chav cards in play to permanently give this card +1/+1 per Pron or Chav card destroyed.
Person - Unique
Any damage from software or Persons marked as "able to hack" dealt to this card is doubled. If Linux is in play (can be controlled by any player), discard this card and another card you control.
Action: Once during your turn, you may destroy up to 2 Non-Unique People.
Person - Unique
You must control raddicalrabbit to play this card. If raddicalrabbit is destroyed, discard this card. You may treat this card as a non-Unique Item card at any time during the game.
Action: Once per turn, you may destroy a Wiki.
Person - Unique
While this card is in play no Wikis may be played.
Action: Once per turn, you may destroy a Wiki.
Person - Unique
While this card is in play no Forums may be played.
Action: Once per turn, you may destroy a Forum.
Person - Unique
If you control Linux, discard this card.
Action: Once per turn, you may look through your discard pile for all Pron cards and put them all into play.
Person - Unique
Action: Once per turn, you may flip a coin. If heads, choose a Person. That Person takes 4 points of damage.
Person - Unique
If you control Linux, discard this card.
Action: When you attack with this card, you may deal 6 points of damage to all cards in play (including your own and this card), ignoring other cards' effects.
Person - Unique
You may only play this card if you control Chav and Pron cards.
Action: If you control a Chav card, treat this card as any other Chav card (including attack and health values and card effects).


Chav Tribe Leader
Action: During your next turn Chav Tribe Leader has +2/-2. This has no effect if Gemma is in play.
For every Chav in play (excluding this card), this card receives +1/+1.
Action: Once during your turn, you may destroy 1 Person in play.
Once per turn, either discard a card (from play or from your hand) or discard this card.
Able to hack.
Action: Once per turn, you may search your deck and discard pile for Hack and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
System Admin
Able to hack. When this card is played choose any Website in play. If that Website is the target of a card effect you may flip a coin, and on heads that effect is negated. Only one System Admin may protect a Website at a time.
Action: Once per turn, you may repair the Website this card protects by up to 10 points of health.

Items and Weapons

Super Lightsaber
Play onto a Person. That Person receives +2/0 as long as this card is attached to that Person.
Machine Gun
Play onto a Person. That Person receives +1/0 as long as this card is attached to that Person.
Play onto a Person. That Person receives 0/+1 as long as this card is attached to that Person.
Action: Once per turn, you may flip 5 coins. If all 5 are heads, search through your deck for a Copypasta card and put it into your hand. If 3 or 4 are heads, search for a Copypaste card instead. Shuffle your deck afterwards, regardless of outcome.
Action: Once per turn, if you control at least 2 Copypaste cards, you may flip a coin. If heads, choose a Website. Search through your deck and discard pile for that exact same card, show it to your opponent(s), then put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck and discard this card and those 2 Copypaste cards afterwards.
This card does nothing (on its own).
Hydrogen Hydroxide
If there are 5 or less Hydrogen Hydroxide cards in play (including this one), all Persons you control receive +1/+10. If 6 or more Hydrogen Hydroxide cards are in play, all Persons receive -1/-3.
Action: Once per turn, you may deal 20 damage to a target Website.
Acetic Acid
For every Acetic Acid card in play (excluding this card), the damage dealt by this card's action is increased by 1.
Action: Once per turn, you may deal 3 damage to any card in play.
You must control Bethene and Hydrogen Hydroxide to play this card. Discard Bethene and Hydrogen Hydroxide when you play this card.
Action: Once per turn, you may destroy a Person.
Bethyl Acetate
You must control Bethanol and Acetic Acid to play this card. Discard Bethanol and Acetic Acid when you play this card.
Action: Once per turn, you may remove all damage from all cards you control (not including this card).
If Stevo is in play, it gains +1/+20 as long as this card remains in play. If multiple Buses are in play, Stevo only receives the defence bonus once.
Got Talent Buzzer
Action: If you control 3 Got Talent Buzzer cards (including this one), choose an opponent Person and discard it. Discard those 3 Got Talent Buzzer cards afterwards.
Got Talent Checkmark
Action: If you control 2 Got Talent Checkmark cards (including this one), flip a coin. If heads, search your deck for a Unique Person, show it to your opponent and put it into your hand. If you control 3 Got Talent Checkmark cards, you can bypass the coin flip. Discard the Got Talent Checkmark cards afterwards.

Other Actions

Choose a card which is not FOFL, HSSSSS or Genesoft. Discard that card. Discard this card afterwards.
The target card is shifted one step towards your alignment (an opposing colour card becomes neutral and a neutral card becomes your colour). If you are unaligned, you may target a neutral card to gain control of that card. If the target card is Unique, flip a coin. If tails, this card does nothing. This card has no effect on FOFL, HSSSSS and Genesoft. Discard this card afterwards.
Political Correctness
All cards in play are now in a neutral alignment as long as this card is in play. This card may not be destroyed. You may discard this card at any time during your turn.
Action - Unique
You may only play this card if MySpace and Facebook are in play. Discard all Websites in play, excluding FOFL, HSSSSS, Genesoft, LG, MySpace and Facebook. Stevo receives +10/+10 for the duration of the game, even if it is not in play. Discard this card afterwards. MyFace may not be played again for the duration of the game.
Action - Unique
You may only play this card if MySpace and Facebook are in play. Discard MySpace, Bebo, Facebook and AOL if they are in play. Discard this card afterwards.
You may play this card when your opponent plays an Action card other than ORLY?. Your opponent's Action is negated and discarded. Discard ORLY? afterwards.
You may play this card when your opponent plays ORLY?. ORLY? has no effect. Discard ORLY? and this card afterwards.
You may play this card when an opponent's card effect causes you to do something not during your turn. You do not have to perform that action. Discard this card afterwards.


Might do bad Stuff
Meme - Unique
If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card. You may only play this card if Tiftif is in play.
Action: Once during your turn, each player may flip a coin until you get tails. For every head, discard one of your opponent's cards. For every tail, discard one of your own cards. If either player is out of cards in play, that player may discard cards from his/her hand. If a player is forced to discard his/her home Website, that player automatically loses the game.
Dael with it
Meme - Unique
If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card.
Action: Each player may not complain about anything as long as this card is in play, even if it is unrelated to the game. If someone does complain, he/she must discard his/her entire hand.
He Speaking Franch
Meme - Unique
If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card. You may only play this card if ictl is in play.
Action: Each player must speak in French as long as this card is in play. Failure to do so will result in the offending player discarding all Persons he/she has in play.
Ingalciv Licence
Meme - Unique
If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card. You may only play this card if raddicalrabbit is in play.
Action: As long as this card is in play, at the start of each turn, the player controlling raddicalrabbit may choose a card and take control of it for the turn. This Action has no effect if nobody controls raddicalrabbit.
"Beth"- Hydrocarbons
Meme - Unique
If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card. You may only play this card if raddicalrabbit and/or a card beginning with Beth is in play.
Action: Once per turn, each player may search his/her deck for a card beginning with Beth, show it to his/her opponent and put it into his/her hand. That player shuffles his/her deck afterwards.
Meme - Unique
If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card.
Action: This card is now a replica of raddicalrabbit, except that this card cannot be attacked or destroyed, unless another Meme card is played. raddicalrabbit (the proper card) cannot be played whilst this card is in play.
Meme - Unique
If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card.
Action: This card may substitute for any amount of Pron cards for any player.
Global War
Meme - Unique
If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card.
Action: 3 Meme cards (including this one) may exist in play as long as this card is in play. Ignore the first sentence on every Meme card. This card may only be discarded by Narrow Room.
Narrow Room
Meme - Unique
If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card.
Action: Discard Global War if it is in play. Each player may only have 5 Websites (including his/her home Website), 5 Persons, 5 Items, 5 Software etc in play. If you are over this limit, discard down as often as necessary.
No Sense of Humour
Meme - Unique
If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card. You may only play this card if ictl and Forum are in play.
Action: As long as raddicalrabbit is in play, ictl must attack a Forum each turn. If any of these cards are not in play, this Action does nothing.
Meme - Unique
If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card. You may only play this card if jftsang or Moxsty Hasqur are in play.
Action: If your opponent attacks, you may also attack. If your opponent plays an Action card, you may also play an Action card and so on. You may not copy an opponent's initial card draw.
Meme - Unique
If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card. You may only play this card if ictl is in play.
Action: Once during your turn, if ictl is in play, you may flip 8 coins. If all 8 are heads, you automatically win the game.
Meme - Unique
If there are any other Meme cards in play, discard them when you play this card.
Action: All cards which describe a positive value now describe a negative value and vice versa. This has no effect on original card values. All cards will have at least 0/1 or higher as their final total card value, except cards which do not have a value at all.
e.g. an item which gives a card +1/-3 will now give -1/+3.