Wizard quest card set
Wizard Quest collectible card game (CCG) | |
Designer | Eric F. |
Date | Wed Dec 19th |
Players | 2-3 |
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable. | |
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.) | |
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This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more. |
This is a card game based on wizards. You can play as a wizard Character and battle other people and there characters using spells potions and more.
Special Rules
There is alot of explaining that I have also put into special rules.
Card types
1. Charecters: These are the people you battle with.
2. People: These are other people who show up in the game such as an apprentice or body guard.
3. Creatures:These are like wizards pets and range from cats to owls to dragons.
4. Potions: These are things that give you boosts harm other players etc.
5. Items: These are things like spell books, talismens, amulets, magicaly inhanced jewlry etc.
6. Weaponry: These are swords, shields, and armors
7. Potion ingredients: These are used to make potions
8. Defenders: These are things like brick wall, or wizard tower. If these are in play the other player can do nothing but try to destroy the wall.
1. Spells: These are the basis of the game. They can heal you, help you attack, and more.
2. Special attacks: These are attacks that you would use with weapons to boost there hit.
3. Boosts: These are cards that can heal you when played or harm the other player etc.
4. Neutral: These are cards such as draw 3 cards or discard 1 card.
5. Removers: These are cards that allow you to remove other cards in play.
6. Rule benders: These cards bend the rules.
7. Combo-cards/certificates: Some spells can be put together as a combo. Combo cards tell you how to do the combo and combo certificates allow you to do a certin combo that your not sure if you can do or not.
8. Phrases: These are famous or not so famous or just plain made up phrases. They have an effect tied up with them and often you have to role a die to chose 1 of many affects with it (e.g. If you roled a 1 on a die for the phrase card "They come with axes" you would get to take any axe like weapon out of your deck.
9. Magic words: Some spells require these (e.g. a card would say you need the magic words abracadabra to cast this spell.)
10. Magic geastures: These consist of 3 things. Hand, palm, and arm. And 2 actions. Snap, and clap. These are used in conjunction with the gesture cards to cast spells. (e.g. it might say use clap with gestures 1 and 2 to cast this spell.)
Card layout
Here we will point out a few areas of the card you might want to know.
Charecter/people cards
this wizard specilizes in water spells.
Top center: Name, this just gives the name.
Top right: Rarity, this is how rare it is. Goes as follows. 0: basic, 1: common, 2: uncommon, 3: hard to find, 4: rare, 5: super rare
2cond row: Type/level this gives the type of card and the its level (the level is for the advanced game where a character can only use a card if it is his level or lower.)
3rd row: (normaly above this is a picture.) This gives different information Hp; hit points (tells what health your charecter is at.)Mp; Magic points (these are used for the advanced game where each spell card costs so many Mp and if you don't have enough you need to raise using a potion, boost, etc. before you can use spells.)Each charecter has one special spell it can use (e.g. water blast). Where it says 100 h that is how much it hits. Weakness/strangth; some cards have weaknesses and strengths. For strangths whenever you use something related to that strength you gain 1 hp. Whenever it is used against you you gain 2 hp. For weaknesses whenever you use something realated to that you lose 2 hp. Whenever something like that is used against you you lose 1 hp. A charecter may not have a weakness or strength.
Last row: This is just text that gives a little backround on the card.
Spell cards
This shoots out a fiery blast
There are 2 things I would like to point out for spell cards.
2cond row: This tells that it is a spell card that it can be used by creatures and it is offensive. The star (*) next to the word creature says that it can be taught to humans (it is the same for humans only visversa)(to learn it it must be used 3 times). If there is no text stating creature or human it can be used by both.
3rd row: (noramaly above this ther would be a picture). The 100 h means that it can hit 100 and 100 mp means it wastes 100 mp (then ever ten mp you lose 1 energy).
A potion that heals mp
There is 1 point on potion/item cards I would like to point out.
2cond row: This also shows if it is stackable (you can place it on the same spot as similar cards therfore saving room on the playing bord, Equipable (you can equip it as a weapon or armor. You can only have 1 armor, on 1-2 weapons/sheilds 1 pair of boots, 1 pair of gloves, Up to 10 rings, and as many necklesses/amulets/talsimins you want.), or if it is neither.
Game Mat
The game mat has 2 rows each row containing 15 spots to put cards.
First row: The first six spots are for putting spell cards you would like to reserve for later. The next spot is for creatures/people. The middle spot is for your charecter. The spot next to this is for more creatures/people. The last six spots are for potions you wan't to put in reserve.
Bottom row: The first spot is for spell field cards (enhances certin abbilities when used). The next spot is for your spell book (spells you have learned). The third spot is for your spell list (this is a pile of 5 spell cards that in case you need a spell card you can draw form it each turn or add to it.) And the fourth spot is for Your potion rack (same as spell list only for potions). The next nine spots are for putting other cards. The 2cond last spot is for the discard pile and the last spot is for your deck.
Starting a game
First lay out a game mat (you may need to make it you self). Then remove 5 spells and potions from you deck. Seperate them and put the spells on the spell list and the potions on the potion rack spot face down. Place all combo cards/certificates in a pile off to the side for verifacation later. Then remove all your character cards and choose 1 (put the rest off to the sidef). Finaly shuffle your deck and draw 5 cards. You will also like to have a few things ready. A dice(may be needed for certain cards), A calculator(to figure out hp etc.), a coin (may be needed for certain cards), and pen and paper (in case you come up with a card). Now then you need to figure out who goes first (you can flip a coin, see who roles the highest on a dice, or do Potion (rock), Spell (paper), Weapon (sicors) (this is also used in the game for ties and certain other situations). Once this is all done let the games begin.
Playing the game
Once you have everything set up and ready to play the first person goes. Below are the phases you go through.
The beggining phase:
1. Draw a card from your deck.
2. Play any cards you want to reserve onto the field.
3. Put any spells/potions you want on the potion rack/spell list.
4. Put any spell you have learned so far on the spell book pile.
5. Activate any non offensive/deffensive cards you want.
The battle phase:(any time during this phase you may activate any cards in reserve or attack with a creature (if you play any non offensive/deffensive card from your hand your turn ends).
1. Attack
2. If your opponant blocks the attack then you may attack again
3. This repeats until you end your turn, or you have no more chances to attack
End phase:
1. Draw a card
2. if you have more then ten cards shuffle cards from your hand into you deck so that you only have 7 cards.
It is now the next players turn. During the battle phase you may activate any boost/etc. you want to heal yourself and you may play any deffensive/offensive card you want to deffend your self from attacks as long as it makes sensce (e.g. It would not make sense to use fire wall to block fire blast or use fire blast to block a wind strike.)
Winning the game
You play till ethier a person is dead because they are at 0 hp. Can not use any spells because they are at 0 mp and cant heal any mp or they are to exhausted to fight because they are out of energy. This means you have won the round. Then you start another round by starting all over and picking different charecters. The winner gets to go first and he can take the hp, mp, and energy left on the charecter from their previous round and subtract it from the hp, mp, and energy of their new charecter and take the differences and add it on to there new charecters hp, mp, and energy. To win the game you need to win the most rounds (e.g. 1 out of 1, 2 out of 3, 3 out of five, etc.)
Rule changes
There are a few changes to the rules.
First of all at the end of the turn instead of dicarding card so that you have five cards you dicard cards so that you have 7 cards if you have more then ten cards.
Second of all instead of only drawing a card at the beggining of your turn you also draw at the end of your turn.
Keepsies, the advanced version, and other optional stuff
Keepsies: Some cards allow the players to capture other players cards. If you are playing for keepsies then these cards become the propertie of the players who captured it(must do if you are playing for keepsies). Also some cards instead of going to the discard pile (because then they can still be brought back into the game and have an effect in it). May be removed compleatly from the game. It is optional that if you are playing for keepsies everyone who has a card that was removed from the game must put it in a pile and be evenly distrubutid among the players (the winner gets the extras if there is an odd number) this thou is optional. Some tournaments (and all offical tournaments) have tournament officials who arn't particapating select a card that the loser must forfiet to the winner (never a realy good card it is normaly just a basic potion or boost) this though is optional for all tournaments except official ones.
The advanced version: This is the same as the basic version only in the basic version you do not use level, mp, and energy while in the advanced version you do.
Other stuff: You and the others you are playing with can make up special rules. These are often things like "If you hold up the game by going to the bathroom you loose your turn" or something like that.
Card List
The sword of the evil shade Durza
The sword of the elf Arya
The sword of Brom
The sword Brom gave to Eragon which was stolen by Murtaugh
The sword stolen by Gadnalf from trolls. It was used in the goblin wars
The sword stolin by Thorin the dwarf from trolls.
The short sword stolen by Frodo the hobbit from the trolls.
Gadalf the mighty wizard from the lord of the rings.
Gadalf becomes the white after his battle with the balorg.
Gadalf the mighty wizard from the lord of the rings.
Gadalf the mighty wizard from the lord of the rings.