A Practical Guide to Evil

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A Practical Guide to Evil
Designer Aerdor
Date 30th September 2020
Players ???
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
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This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

A card game inspired by the web novel A Practical Guide to Evil : check it out here, it's so good ! /!\ ATTENTION : POSSIBLE SPOILERS IN THE DECK /!\

  • This deck is still only a draft. Suggestions are welcome if you know the Guideverse.



Dvorak is played entirely with cards, and there are just two types of card - Things and Actions. When you play a Thing card, it goes onto the table in front of you and stays there, usually having a useful effect while it remains in play; when you play an Action card, it does whatever it does and goes to a discard pile.

Take the deck of cards, shuffle it, and deal five cards to each player (which they hold in their hand where other players can't see). The rest of the cards go in the middle of the table as a face-down draw pile, and whenever a card is discarded or destroyed, it goes into a face-up discard pile.

Starting with a random player, you take turns in order. A turn consists of:

  • Drawing the top card from the draw pile. (If the draw pile's empty, shuffle the discard pile and turn it over to make a new draw pile.)
  • Playing up to two cards from your hand. You can play one Thing and one Action per turn (or just one of those, or no cards at all).
  • Checking your hand size; if you have more than five cards, discard down to five.

The game continues until somebody meets the deck's victory condition.

A Practical Guide to Evil

Win condition

To win, you must control 3 different Stories.


A Story :

  • can be played when its Condition is met and if you control a Named.
  • can be played maximum once each turn (each turn, you can play a Story and/or a Thing and/or an Action).
  • resolves its Effect when it is played.

If at any point, you don't control any Named, you must destroy all your Stories.


Named is a generic term that englobe Vilains and Heroes.

A Name can have built-in Aspect that works like an Aspect card.

Rule of Three

The card Rule of Three works very particularly. Because the text is so long, it is written here and summarize on the card.


  • Play this card when one of your Named is destroyed by an opponent
  • You still need to control at least one Named
  • You can't have multiple Rule of Three linked to the same opponenet.

On playing it:

  • Put two markers on it.
  • This card isn't taken into account for the win condition as long as it has markers on it.
  • This Story is link to the opponent mentioned in the condition. He is thereafter refered to as the linked opponent.

As long as there is exactly 2 markers on the card:

  • If you destroy one of the linked opponent Named or he destroys one of yours, destroy this card.
  • Three turns after playing thsi card, remove one marker from it.

As long as there is exactly 1 marker on the card:

  • The linked opponent cannot destroy any of your Named.
  • When you destroy one of the linked opponent's Named, remove the last marker from this card. It is now taken into account for the win condition.


An Aspect :

  • can be played when its Condition is met.
  • can be played as a Reaction if followed by "(R)", even when it is not your turn.
  • must be played attached to an Eligible Named.
  • resolves its Effect when it is played.

Each Named can have a maximum of 3 Aspects.

When a Named uses one of its Aspect (i.e. activate its effect when it is already attached to a Named), put a marker on it. Each player removes the markers on his Aspects at the beginning of his turn. A Named can only use one of its Aspect if none of its Aspects has a marker on it. You can use an Aspect event if it is not your turn in reaction to something.

When playing an Aspect, resolving its effect doesn't put a marker on it, but you can't activate it before your next turn. You can play an Aspect on a Named, even if there is a marker on one of its Aspects.

Band of Five

Each player cannot control more than 5 Named, and a Band of Five must be composed exclusively of Vilains or exclusively of Heroes (except when Team up ! is in play).

Card List


Evil turn on Evil
Condition: A player controls at least two Vilains not attached to each other.
Effect: The targeted player separate all his Vilains into two groups. You destroy the group of your choosing. The targeted player get control over this Story.
Excalibur in the Stone
Condition: One of your Named is the heir of a kingdom AND there is an unattached Sword in play.
Effect: Gain control of the sword and attached it to the heir AND ???
Shackled Monster breaks free and turns on its Master
Redemption story
Effect: Flip a coin. Head, the Vilain is now considered a Hero and you gain control of it. Tail, the Vilain is destroyed.
Corruption story
Effect: The Hero is now considered a Vilain and you gain control of it.
Rule of Three

Condition: An opponent without Rule of Three with you destroyed one of your Named, but not the last one.
Effect: Put two markers on it.
2 markers: If destruction of a Named, destroy this card. After three turns, remove one marker.

1 marker: The opponent cannot destroy your Named. When you destroy one of his Named, remove the last marker.
Rule of Three

Condition: An opponent without Rule of Three with you destroyed one of your Named, but not the last one.
Effect: Put two markers on it.
2 markers: If destruction of a Named, destroy this card. After three turns, remove one marker.

1 marker: The opponent cannot destroy your Named. When you destroy one of his Named, remove the last marker.
Rule of Three

Condition: An opponent without Rule of Three with you destroyed one of your Named, but not the last one.
Effect: Put two markers on it.
2 markers: If destruction of a Named, destroy this card. After three turns, remove one marker.

1 marker: The opponent cannot destroy your Named. When you destroy one of his Named, remove the last marker.
The Good Guys Always Win
Condition: You only need one more Story to win the game AND all your named are Heroes.
Effect: None.
First step always works
Condition: You don't control any Story yet AND you control at least one Vilain.
Effect: None.
Summoning the Hashmallim
Condition: You own a Hero with a Sword attached ot it.

Effect: Put 7 markers on this card. This Story doesn't count for the win condition as long as it has markers on it. The Sword is unattached to the Hero and must remain unattached as long as there are markers on this card, else this card is destroyed.
At the beginning of your turn, remove one marker from this card.

When you remove the last marker, destroy all Things in play.



Eligible: A Named who must be attached to an other.

Effect: Look at the five card on top of the draw pile and put one into your hand. Shuffle the rest into the draw pile.


Effect: Draw one card.

Eligible: Combat Named





Effect: Gain control of an Aspect card an opponent controls. Put its card on Take. If you must remove a marker from the taken Aspect, discard it.


Effect: Destroy a non-Named Thing.

Eligible: Magic Named

Effect: As long as there is a marker on Fall, ???
Condition: The Named targeted is going to be destroyed.

Eligible: Combat Named

Effect: If the Named who used this Aspect should be destroyed, cancel the destruction.



Eligible: Hero

Effect: Look at the cards in the hand of a target opponent.

Eligible: Combat Named

Condition: There must be a Thing or player that can't be targeted.


Effect: You can target any Thing or player, even if an other card states otherwise.

Eligible: Combat Named

Effect: If no other Named you control as a marker on their Aspects, destroy a Thing. As long as there is a marker on Sever, you can't activate any Aspect of any of your Named.


Effect: As long as there is a marker on Hold, you have no maximum hand size.

Eligible: Trick Named

Effect: As long as there is a marker on Hide, the Named who used it can't be targeted.


Amadeus, The Black Knight
Thing - Vilain - Combat
Lead: As long as there is a marker on this Aspect, every Named attached to Amadeus can use one more Aspect each turn.
Conquer: If you meet the condition of a Story (other than Rule of Three) an opponent controls, you can take the card and play it.
Wekesa, The Warlock
Thing - Vilain - Magic
Eudokia, The Scribe
Thing - Vilain - Strategy
You can control Eudokia in addition to a complete Band of Five.

When played, must be attached to an other Named of your band. Destroy her if the attached Named leaves play.

?????(R): As long as there is a marker on this Aspect, Eudokia can't be targeted.
Hye Su, The Ranger
Thing - Vilain - Combat
If you don't control any other Named, she is not limited for the number of Aspects she uses in one turn.
?????, The Assassin
Thing - Vilain - Trick
Kill ???: If no other Named you control as a marker on their Aspects, destroy a Named. As long as there is a marker on Kill, you can't activate any Aspect of any of your Named.
Sabah, The Captain
Thing - Vilain - Combat
When played, must be attached to an other Named of your band. Destroy her if the attached Named leaves play.


Unleash: When activated, destroy two random Thing except member of her Band of Five. As long as there is a marker on Unleash, she can only be destroyed by a Story.
Catherine Foundling, "The Black Queen"
Thing - Vilain
She is eligible to any Aspect. At any time, Catherine can discard all her Aspects.
Hakram of the Howling Wolves, The Adjudant
Thing - Vilain - Combat
When played, must be attached to an other Named of your band. Destroy him if the attached Named leaves play.
Stand(R): If the attached Named should be destroyed, cancel the destruction.
Masego, The Hierophant
Thing - Vilain - Magic
Indrani, The Archer
Thing - Vilain - Combat
Akua Sahelian, The Diabolist
Thing - Vilain - Magic
Call: Play a Thing (it doesn't count as the Thing you can play each turn).


Tariq Isbili, The Grey Pilgrim
Thing - Hero - Priest
Forgive(R): Can bring back to life a member of his Band of Five who was destroyed since his controller's last turn.
Shine: As long as there is a marker on Shine, at the beginning of each player's turn, this player can only remove one marker among all those on his Vilains' Aspects.
Laurence De Montfort, The Saint of Swords
Thing - Hero - Combat
Decree(R): As long as there is a marker on Decree, Laurence is a sword.
Hanno of Arwad, The White Knight
Thing - Hero - Combat
William of Greenbury, The Lone Swordsman
Thing - Hero - Combat
Swing: If a sword is attached to William, destroy a Named an opponent controls.
Vivienne Dartwick, The Thief
Thing - Hero - Trick
Steal: Gain control of a non-Named Thing controlled by an opponent.
The Wandering Bard
Thing - Hero - Strategist
Keeper of Stories ???: If you don't control any other Named, you can play a Story if one of your opponent meets the condition. The opponent gets the effect (he can't target The Wandering Bard with it), but you get the Story.
Wander(R): As long as there is a marker on Wander, she can't be targeted by an opponent.
John, The Hunter
Thing - Hero - Combat
Simeon, The Bumbling Conjurer
Thing - Hero - Magic
Bumble ???: You have to put a marker on Bumble at the beginning of your turn to use it. You can play any number of Action you want, but each time you must flip a coin. Head, resolve the Action. Tail, discard the Action without resolving its effect.

Other cards

Team up !
This Thing is undestructible. No player control this Thing.
Bands of Five can now be composed of Vilains and Heroes together.
Penitent's Blade
Thing - Sword
Can only be attached to a Hero. ???
Tyrant of Praes
Thing - Name
Attached this card to a Vilain you control. When this Named is destroyed, the player who destroyed it must attached this card to a Vilain he control. If he doesn't control one, this card is destroyed.
You can control the Named attached in addition to a complete Band of Five. This Named cannot be destroy as long as you control another Vilain, except by a Story.
"I am invincible !"