Battlefield Skirmish

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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Battle Shield
Designer Coprolite Golem
Date 2012
Players 2+
This deck has not been categorised.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

Basic Rules

Normal Dvorak rules apply, such as playing one Action and one Thing a turn, etc. A single deck is shared between players that uses one copy of each of the cards. If the deck is depleted, shuffle the trash into a new deck.

Special Rules

A six-sided die and a coin are used. Tokens are used to pay for Things and payment is made to a central "Pot". Each player is given 5 tokens at the start of the game. At the start of each of their turns, players take 1 token from the pot, if available.

"Flip:" Is an Action that requires flipping the coin to see if it is successful (if the flip is failed, the Action does nothing). Certain Things have this ability, and most Actions do that have a free cost to play (compared to most Things that require tokens paid to the pot) as a draw back and built in chance of failure. If you do not have enough tokens to pay for a Thing, you cannot play it.

The corner value of each card shows its statistics, they are as follows: Cost/Attack/Defense. Attack and Defense values range from 0 to 3, 3 being incredibly good because a roll of 1 gives a result of 4. If a value has a dash "-" it cannot be used, for example: a Thing with a Defense of - would be destroyed when Attacked, regardless of the Attack value; Another example is Attack value of - which shows that the Thing is not able to Attack. A free cost could be shown as -, but a zero is preferred.

Each Thing can declare an attack on another Thing in place of using an Action. This is done by comparing the attacking Thing's Attack value to the target Thing's Defense value. Each will roll 1D6 and add the result to its currently used value. If the attacking Thing's Attack total is GREATER than the target Thing's Defense total, the target Thing is destroyed. Only the defending Thing can be destroyed this way - although certain cards may be especially dangerous and their rules will explain any exceptions.

Knobs are attachments that are played onto Things. Knobs do not have Attack or Defense values but they will be destroyed along with the Thing they are attached to. A Knob will have a stat value of variable cost followed by two dashes [*/-/-] to show it cannot Attack or be Attacked directly.

To win the game, currently there is only one card, the V.I.P., who must be in play for the game to end. The winner being the player with the most tokens and Things at the same time. The V.I.P. is so important that he is shuffled back into the deck if he ever gets put into the trash.

Card List

Intel Hackers
Flip: Draw 3 Cards.
Tokens that would go to the Pot go to you instead.
A: Gain control of this card, any player can play this ability during their turn.