Heroes and Dragons deck

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
Revision as of 07:33, 21 March 2007 by MagiMaster (talk | contribs) (One more card)
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Heroes and Dragons
Designer MagiMaster
Date 3/09/2007
Players 2+
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

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Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.

The hero and the dragon decide to put aside their differences for the moment and face off against their mutual enemies, the other players' heroes and dragons.

Special Rules

Heroes and Dragons

Each player has a Hero and a Dragon. Each hero and each dragon can be alive or dead. In a game with physical cards, these would be represented be a card with a living hero/dragon on one side and a dead one on the other. These do not count as things or cards and cannot be changed other than to flip them over. Many cards require either a live hero or a live dragon (or, rarely, both) to play. For this deck, these requirements will be noted in the Type of the card.

Winning and Losing

If all other players' heroes and dragons are dead, the remaining player wins the game. If all heroes and dragons are dead, the game continues.

Having both a dead hero and a dead dragon does not eliminate a player. They may continue to play as long as no one wins.


This is another deck based on one I had played before. I remember most of the play mechanics, but very few cards. The main problem with this deck was the symmetry. Every time someone added a card for heroes, someone else would add an equivalent card for dragons. Some of this is a good thing, but there should be some cards unique to each.

Card List

Slay the Dragon
Action - Hero
Kill target dragon.
Card by MagiMaster
Slay the Dragon
Action - Hero
Kill target dragon.
Card by MagiMaster
Slay the Dragon
Action - Hero
Kill target dragon.
Card by MagiMaster
Action - Dragon
Kill target hero.
Card by MagiMaster
Action - Dragon
Kill target hero.
Card by MagiMaster
Action - Dragon
Kill target hero.
Card by MagiMaster
Magic Shield
Thing - Hero
Your hero cannot be killed while you control this card.
Card by MagiMaster
Dragon's Lair
Thing - Dragon
Your dragon cannot be killed while you control this card.
Card by MagiMaster
While this is in play, your dragon is considered alive for the purposes of playing cards (but not for winning or losing the game).
Card by MagiMaster

{{ |title=Distressed Damsel |type=Thing |text=While this is in play, neither Heroes nor Dragons may be killed. (Dead ones stay dead.) |bgcolor=000088 |creator=MagiMaster }}