Imaginary Wars CCG card set

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Imaginary Wars CCG card set
Designer NARF
Date 10-9-2008
Players 2+
This is a CCG set, a set of cards which can be used to construct personalised decks, in the style of a collectable card game.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
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Imaginary Wars CCG

Deck Rules:
Deck is 50 cards.
3 total copies of a card at most.

Game Rules:
Hand Size = 5

All cards have an HP value and an MP value.
Attacks cost MP, as listed on the card.
MP is refilled by 3 every turn.
If a card has a corner value, it may only be played is there is a card in play that allows play of the letter(This also allows certain location cards to be only playable if you already have one location card out).
Only 2 location cards may be in your hand at all times.
Location cards only affect your side of the field.
All players have an PHP of 75 and PMP of 75, if no thing cards are in play, PHP can be attacked directly.
Actions and other special cards cost PMP, which regenerates at 1 PMP per turn.
A total of:
5 Things,
1 Location card,
and 2 Other cards,
May be in play on each side at all times.
Each turn you may use three effects from cards, along with standard Dvorak action thing rules.

Status Effects may be inflicted. Only one status may be on a card at any time. They are:
Poison - Deal 2 damage to afflicted target every turn. Goes away after 5 turns.
Purified - This status stops other status from being afflicted on the user. Goes away after 5 turns.
Petrification - Card is treated as dead, but still takes up a space on the field. Goes away after 3 turns.
Confusion - Flip a coin every time the card attacks. Heads - Proceed as normal. Tails - Opponent who inflicted the status gets to choose what the card does this turn. Goes away after this card is attacked or in 7 turns.
Curing - Heal 2 damage from afflicted target every turn. Goes away after 5 turns.

Green Lawns
Allows play of A, B, D, E, and G cards.
A plain, boring green lawn.
Card by NARF
Lawn Patio
Allows play of A, B, C, D, E, F and G cards.
A not so boring green lawn now that it has a patio!
Card by NARF
Thing - Animal
HP:5 MP:5 Attacks: Nibble - 2 HP damage, costs 2 MP, auto kills plants.
A bunny. Not to be confused with a Bunneh.
Card by NARF

Thing - Animal
HP:7 MP:3 Attacks: Nibble - 2 HP damage, costs 2 MP, auto kills plants.
A Bunneh. Not to be confused with a bunny.
Card by NARF

Ninja Flip Out Bunny
Thing - Animal
HP:5 MP:5 Attacks: Nibble - 2 HP damage, costs 2 MP, auto kills plants. NINJA FLIP OUT - 5 HP damage, costs 5 MP.
"Ever seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail?"
Card by NARF
Thing - Vegetable
HP:10 MP:2 Attacks: Heal - Costs 1 MP. Heal one card on Carrots side for 3 HP. Carrot Regenerates MP at 1 MP per 2 turns.
Food for a Bunny.
Card by NARF
Thing - Vegetable
HP:3 MP:10 Attacks: Spawn - Costs 3 MP, Create another grass with half as much HP as the original on your side. Whipper - Costs 2 MP, deal 1 HP damage to on target. Grass regenerates MP at 2 MP per 1 turns.
Grows just about everywhere, and in nowhere too.
Card by NARF
Thing - Vegetable
Only playable if you have at least 2 Grass in play. HP:7 MP:17 Attacks - Poison Dart - Hits only animals. Costs 3 MP, Deals 1 HP damage and poisons enemy. Overgrow - Only hits vegetables that are not grass or bamboo. Costs 3 MP. Flip a coin. if it is heads, deal instant death. If tails, half Bamboo's HP.
Take some grass and supersize it.
Card by NARF
Costs 2 PMP. Destroy any cards on the field (Both ones) that are Bamboo or Grass.
Prepare to die, mister Grass...
Card by NARF
Bunny Babies
Costs 3 PMP. Spawn two Bunnies.
"Their breeding like... well, rabbits!"
Card by NARF
Buneh Babehs
Costs 3 PMP. Spawn two Bunnehs.
"Their breeding like... well, rabbits!"
Card by NARF
Allows play of A, C, D, M, and T cards.
A calm forest. Decidous.
Card by NARF
Thing - Vegetable
HP:20 MP:20 Attacks: Heal - Costs 1 MP. Heal one card on Tree's side for 2 HP. Competition - Flip a coin. if heads, kill a vegetable on the opponents side. If tails, kill a vegetable on Tree's side. Tree Regenerates MP and HP at 3 per 2 turns.
Sits and contributes a lot to the forest actually.
Card by NARF
Tree Fungus
Destroys any Trees in play.
All it does is suck life from trees.
Card by NARF
Thing - Virus
Can only be played if there is a tree in play on any side. Must be played on the tree and will inflict permanent poison status for as long as it lives. HP:5 MP:5 Attacks Spread - Costs no MP. Flip a coin: Heads - Create another Virus:Tree on another tree in play. Tails - Destroy Virus:Tree. Danger! - Costs no MP. Deals 1 damage to a chosen target.
Virus Type 1: Tree Killer
Card by NARF
Thing - Animal
HP:4 MP:7 Attacks - Ignore - Costs 3 MP. Next turn, one enemy card may not act. Bite - Costs 2 MP. Deals 2 damage.
Sits in the forest and ignores stuff.
Card by NARF