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From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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| unlocked = true
| unlocked = true
| title = Odio
| longtitle =
| text = Summon one Odio card. If you have none, destroy your opponents hand.
| longtext =
| type = Action - Odio
| bgcolor =090
| cornervalue =
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Akimi
| longtitle =
| text = Choose one square. This square and all tiles directly surrounding it will be healed by 30.
| longtext =
| type = Action - Item - Heal
| bgcolor =090
| cornervalue =
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Recover Prayer
| longtitle =
| text = Choose one square. This square and all tiles directly surrounding it will be healed by 2 continously for 10 turns.
| longtext =
| type = Action - Item - Add
| bgcolor =090
| cornervalue =
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Slime
| longtitle =
| text = Choose one square. If any enemy card passes over this square, they will be frozen and the enmies term will automatically end. This card only works once.
| longtext =
| type = Action - Item - Debuff
| bgcolor =090
| cornervalue =
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Izanagi Scroll
| longtitle =
| text = All characters (including enemies) recover to full health.
| longtext =
| type = Action - Item - Heal
| bgcolor =090
| cornervalue =
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Land Mine
| longtitle =
| text = Choose one square. When any card moves over this square, this tile and all tiles directly surrounding it will take 10 damage.
| longtext =
| type = Action - Item - Attack
| bgcolor =090
| cornervalue =
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Great Soul
| longtitle =
| text = Sacrifice a card which has more current hp than 30. Heal all hp of your own side.
| longtext =
| type = Action - Item - Heal
| bgcolor =090
| cornervalue =
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Dark Soul
| longtitle =
| text = Sacrifice a card which has more current hp than 30. Damage all of your enemies side for 10 dmg.
| longtext =
| type = Action - Item - Attack
| bgcolor =090
| cornervalue =
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Gatling Gun
| longtitle =
| text = Choose a card. Flip 3 coins. for every heads, deal 3 damage to a target in any one line(Up, Down, Left, Right) from the chosen card.
| longtext =
| type = Action - Item - Attack
| bgcolor =090
| cornervalue =
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Prehistoric
| longtitle =
| text = Give all Prehistoric cards a +2 damage bonus.
| longtext =
| type = Time
| bgcolor =009
| cornervalue =10
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Bakumatsu
| longtitle =
| text = Give all Bakumatsu cards a +2 damage bonus.
| longtext =
| type = Time
| bgcolor =009
| cornervalue =10
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Ancient China
| longtitle =
| text = Give all Ancient China cards a +2 damage bonus.
| longtext =
| type = Time
| bgcolor =009
| cornervalue =10
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Old West
| longtitle =
| text = Give all Old West cards a +2 damage bonus.
| longtext =
| type = Time
| bgcolor =009
| cornervalue =10
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Present
| longtitle =
| text = Give all Present cards a +2 damage bonus.
| longtext =
| type = Time
| bgcolor =009
| cornervalue =10
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Far Future
| longtitle =
| text = Give all Far Future cards a +2 damage bonus.
| longtext =
| type = Time
| bgcolor =009
| cornervalue =10
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = KeKeMole
| longtitle =
| text = Techniques: Reverse Calm - Damage one target next to O-D-O for 2 dmg  and prevent them from being used by the opponent next turn. Every time KeKeMole is attacked, flip a coin. If heads, KeKeMole takes no damage. If tails, Deal double damage.
| longtext =true
| type = Character - Animal - Prehistoric
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 25
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = FirstTrap
| longtitle =
| text = Techniques: Control - if this character is used, then it allows any card directly adjacent to first trap to use first trap's turn. If there are no other cards, FirstTrap cannot attack.
| longtext =true
| type = Character - Trap - Bakumatsu
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 30
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Jungle Tiger
| longtitle =
| text = Techniques: Paw Slash - Damage any target next to Jungle Tiger for 4 damage. Cloak - Enemy card must flip a coin to attack Jungle Tiger this turn. If heads, Jungle Tiger takes no damage. If tails, deal damage +3.
| longtext =true
| type = Character - Animal - Ancient China
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 25
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Jagi Egg
| longtitle =
| text = Techniques: Paw Slash - Damage any target next to Jungle Tiger for 4 damage. Shock Massage - Flip a coin. If heads, heal 5 hp to Jagi Egg and all friendly characters adjacent to Jagi Egg. If tails, deal 5 damage to Jagi Egg and all enemy characters adjacent to Jagi Egg
| type = Character - Mineral - Prehistoric
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 25
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Post
| longtitle =
| text = Techniques: Body Blow - Deal 3 damage to an enemy adjacent to Post. If Post or any adjacent friendly card is hit by an attack, Body Blow will be automatically used on the attacker.
| type = Character - Trap - Bakumatsu
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 35
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Kung Fu Master
| longtitle =
| text = Techniques: Body Smash - Deal 7 damage to an enemy adjacent to Kung Fu Master.
| type = Character - Human - Ancient China
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 15
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Bandit
| longtitle =
| text = Techniques: Chase - If any adjacent enemy card moves next turn, they will take 4 damage per square moved. Gunshot - Fire down any row or column from Bandit and deal 3 damage to first enemy hit.
| type = Character - Human - Old West
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 13
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Sheriff
| longtitle =
| text = Techniques: Arrest - Remove one enemy card from play.(Only usable once) Gunshot - Fire down any row or column from Sheriff and deal 3 damage to first enemy hit.
| type = Character - Human - Old West
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 20
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Private
| longtitle =
| text = Techniques: Call For Help - If you have any other Private cards in your deck, you may summon one to an empty square adjacent to Private. Machinegun - Flip 4 coins. Fire down any row or column from private and deal 2 damage to first enemy hit for every heads.
| type = Character - Human - Present
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 20
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Major
| longtitle =
| text = Techniques: Order - If you have any Private cards on the field, you may move all of them for one move cost(But only once per Private)
| type = Character - Human - Present
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 35
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Laser
| longtitle =
| text = Techniques: Fire - Deal 10 damage to any target down a row or column from the laser.
| type = Character - Machine - Far Future
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 10
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Cosmo Stroller
| longtitle =
| text = Techniques: Fire - Deal 3 damage to any target down a row or column from the Stroller. Swing - Hit any target adjacent to the Stroller for 5 damage.
| type = Character - Robot - Far Future
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 30
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = O-D-O
| longtitle =
| text = Techniques: Bloodsuck - Damage one target next to O-D-O for 5 dmg and restore 3 to O-D-O. Ransack - Damage one target next to O-D-O for 5 dmg and remove any actions boosting them. Reverse Calm - Damage one target next to O-D-O for 2 dmg  and prevent them from being used by the opponent next turn.
| longtext =true
| type = Character - Odio - Prehistoric
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 50
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Gamahebi
| longtitle =
| text = SharpFang - Damage one target next to Gamahebi for 5 dmg. ViperWhip - Deal no damage to the target next to Gamahebi with this attack, but they will take 2 damage for 10 turns. BloodSucker - Damage one target next to Gamahebi for 3 dmg and restore 2 to Gamahebi.
| longtext = true
| type = Character - Odio - Bakumatsu
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 60
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Odiwan Lee
| longtitle =
| text = DragonKick - Flip a coin. If head, deal 7 dmg to a target two spaces away from Odiwan Lee. if tails, deal 2 dmg to a target next to Odiwan Lee. WolfKick - Flip a coin. If head, deal 7 dmg to a target next to Odiwan Lee. if tails, deal 2 dmg to a target two spaces from Odiwan Lee. FireDance - Odiwan Lee's next attack will deal twice as much damage.
| longtext = true
| type = Character - Odio - Ancient China
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 40
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = O.Dio
| longtitle =
| text = FreezingHand - Damage one target next to O.Dio for 5 dmg and prevent them from being used by the opponent next turn. Molotov - Damage a target 2 spaces away from O.Dio for 3 dmg. GatlingGun - Flip 3 coins. for every heads, deal 3 damage to a target in any line(Up, Down, Left, Right) from O.Dio.
| longtext = true
| type = Character - Odio - Old West
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 50
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Odie Olbright
| longtitle =
| text = DeathSize - Damage any target next to Odie for 10 damage. Deal 5 dmg to Odie. ExperienceGun - deal 5 damage to a target in any line(Up, Down, Left, Right) from Odie. TerribleShaunt - Heal Odie by 5 hp.
| longtext = true
| type = Character - Odio - Present
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 45
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Mother Computer 0D-10
| longtitle =
| text = HardProtect - Next attack to 0D-10 will do half damage. QuickAnalyze - Damage all enemy targets for 2 dmg . DriveBack - Hit any target next to 0D-10 and smash it to the end of the field, dealing 2 dmg for every space it is smashed across.
| longtext =
| type = Character - Odio - Far Future
| bgcolor =900
| cornervalue = 55
| image =
| imgback =
| flavortext =
| creator =NARF
| minicard =
| title = Odio
| title = Odio

Revision as of 02:15, 18 September 2008

These are experimental card games.
Live A Live Card Game:for card ideas.
Rules:You start out by choosing two character(Thing) cards and one time(Action if none) card. Character cards can be used five different times per turn (TOTAL amount of card actions, using action and time cards counts as one.). Character cards are set on a 7X7 field of spaces in which each player gets a 2X2 field in their corner to summon cards in. Cards may attack by using techniques, which are printed on the card, or move one space in any cardinal direction(No diagonals). Actions are auto played, and Times stay in a place until destroyed.(All cards have hp except for action cards.)Time card power up cards of their time. Deck Size = Depends on game style:15,20,or 25.

Live A Live
Designer NARF
Date 09-17-08
Players 2-4
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.

Action - Odio
Summon one Odio card. If you have none, destroy your opponents hand.
Card by NARF
Action - Item - Heal
Choose one square. This square and all tiles directly surrounding it will be healed by 30.
Card by NARF
Recover Prayer
Action - Item - Add
Choose one square. This square and all tiles directly surrounding it will be healed by 2 continously for 10 turns.
Card by NARF
Action - Item - Debuff
Choose one square. If any enemy card passes over this square, they will be frozen and the enmies term will automatically end. This card only works once.
Card by NARF
Izanagi Scroll
Action - Item - Heal
All characters (including enemies) recover to full health.
Card by NARF
Land Mine
Action - Item - Attack
Choose one square. When any card moves over this square, this tile and all tiles directly surrounding it will take 10 damage.
Card by NARF
Great Soul
Action - Item - Heal
Sacrifice a card which has more current hp than 30. Heal all hp of your own side.
Card by NARF
Dark Soul
Action - Item - Attack
Sacrifice a card which has more current hp than 30. Damage all of your enemies side for 10 dmg.
Card by NARF
Gatling Gun
Action - Item - Attack
Choose a card. Flip 3 coins. for every heads, deal 3 damage to a target in any one line(Up, Down, Left, Right) from the chosen card.
Card by NARF
Give all Prehistoric cards a +2 damage bonus.
Card by NARF
Give all Bakumatsu cards a +2 damage bonus.
Card by NARF
Ancient China
Give all Ancient China cards a +2 damage bonus.
Card by NARF
Old West
Give all Old West cards a +2 damage bonus.
Card by NARF
Give all Present cards a +2 damage bonus.
Card by NARF
Far Future
Give all Far Future cards a +2 damage bonus.
Card by NARF
Character - Animal - Prehistoric
Techniques: Reverse Calm - Damage one target next to O-D-O for 2 dmg and prevent them from being used by the opponent next turn. Every time KeKeMole is attacked, flip a coin. If heads, KeKeMole takes no damage. If tails, Deal double damage.
Card by NARF
Character - Trap - Bakumatsu
Techniques: Control - if this character is used, then it allows any card directly adjacent to first trap to use first trap's turn. If there are no other cards, FirstTrap cannot attack.
Card by NARF
Jungle Tiger
Character - Animal - Ancient China
Techniques: Paw Slash - Damage any target next to Jungle Tiger for 4 damage. Cloak - Enemy card must flip a coin to attack Jungle Tiger this turn. If heads, Jungle Tiger takes no damage. If tails, deal damage +3.
Card by NARF
Jagi Egg
Character - Mineral - Prehistoric
Techniques: Paw Slash - Damage any target next to Jungle Tiger for 4 damage. Shock Massage - Flip a coin. If heads, heal 5 hp to Jagi Egg and all friendly characters adjacent to Jagi Egg. If tails, deal 5 damage to Jagi Egg and all enemy characters adjacent to Jagi Egg
Card by NARF
Character - Trap - Bakumatsu
Techniques: Body Blow - Deal 3 damage to an enemy adjacent to Post. If Post or any adjacent friendly card is hit by an attack, Body Blow will be automatically used on the attacker.
Card by NARF
Kung Fu Master
Character - Human - Ancient China
Techniques: Body Smash - Deal 7 damage to an enemy adjacent to Kung Fu Master.
Card by NARF
Character - Human - Old West
Techniques: Chase - If any adjacent enemy card moves next turn, they will take 4 damage per square moved. Gunshot - Fire down any row or column from Bandit and deal 3 damage to first enemy hit.
Card by NARF
Character - Human - Old West
Techniques: Arrest - Remove one enemy card from play.(Only usable once) Gunshot - Fire down any row or column from Sheriff and deal 3 damage to first enemy hit.
Card by NARF
Character - Human - Present
Techniques: Call For Help - If you have any other Private cards in your deck, you may summon one to an empty square adjacent to Private. Machinegun - Flip 4 coins. Fire down any row or column from private and deal 2 damage to first enemy hit for every heads.
Card by NARF
Character - Human - Present
Techniques: Order - If you have any Private cards on the field, you may move all of them for one move cost(But only once per Private)
Card by NARF
Character - Machine - Far Future
Techniques: Fire - Deal 10 damage to any target down a row or column from the laser.
Card by NARF
Cosmo Stroller
Character - Robot - Far Future
Techniques: Fire - Deal 3 damage to any target down a row or column from the Stroller. Swing - Hit any target adjacent to the Stroller for 5 damage.
Card by NARF
Character - Odio - Prehistoric
Techniques: Bloodsuck - Damage one target next to O-D-O for 5 dmg and restore 3 to O-D-O. Ransack - Damage one target next to O-D-O for 5 dmg and remove any actions boosting them. Reverse Calm - Damage one target next to O-D-O for 2 dmg and prevent them from being used by the opponent next turn.
Card by NARF
Character - Odio - Bakumatsu
SharpFang - Damage one target next to Gamahebi for 5 dmg. ViperWhip - Deal no damage to the target next to Gamahebi with this attack, but they will take 2 damage for 10 turns. BloodSucker - Damage one target next to Gamahebi for 3 dmg and restore 2 to Gamahebi.
Card by NARF
Odiwan Lee
Character - Odio - Ancient China
DragonKick - Flip a coin. If head, deal 7 dmg to a target two spaces away from Odiwan Lee. if tails, deal 2 dmg to a target next to Odiwan Lee. WolfKick - Flip a coin. If head, deal 7 dmg to a target next to Odiwan Lee. if tails, deal 2 dmg to a target two spaces from Odiwan Lee. FireDance - Odiwan Lee's next attack will deal twice as much damage.
Card by NARF
Character - Odio - Old West
FreezingHand - Damage one target next to O.Dio for 5 dmg and prevent them from being used by the opponent next turn. Molotov - Damage a target 2 spaces away from O.Dio for 3 dmg. GatlingGun - Flip 3 coins. for every heads, deal 3 damage to a target in any line(Up, Down, Left, Right) from O.Dio.
Card by NARF
Odie Olbright
Character - Odio - Present
DeathSize - Damage any target next to Odie for 10 damage. Deal 5 dmg to Odie. ExperienceGun - deal 5 damage to a target in any line(Up, Down, Left, Right) from Odie. TerribleShaunt - Heal Odie by 5 hp.
Card by NARF
Mother Computer 0D-10
Character - Odio - Far Future
HardProtect - Next attack to 0D-10 will do half damage. QuickAnalyze - Damage all enemy targets for 2 dmg . DriveBack - Hit any target next to 0D-10 and smash it to the end of the field, dealing 2 dmg for every space it is smashed across.
Card by NARF
Action - Odio
Summon one Odio card. If you have none, destroy your opponents hand.
Card by NARF
Action - Item - Heal
Choose one square. This square and all tiles directly surrounding it will be healed by 30.
Card by NARF
Recover Prayer
Action - Item - Add
Choose one square. This square and all tiles directly surrounding it will be healed by 2 continously for 10 turns.
Card by NARF
Action - Item - Debuff
Choose one square. If any enemy card passes over this square, they will be frozen and the enmies term will automatically end. This card only works once.
Card by NARF
Izanagi Scroll
Action - Item - Heal
All characters (including enemies) recover to full health.
Card by NARF
Land Mine
Action - Item - Attack
Choose one square. When any card moves over this square, this tile and all tiles directly surrounding it will take 10 damage.
Card by NARF
Great Soul
Action - Item - Heal
Sacrifice a card which has more current hp than 30. Heal all hp of your own side.
Card by NARF
Dark Soul
Action - Item - Attack
Sacrifice a card which has more current hp than 30. Damage all of your enemies side for 10 dmg.
Card by NARF
Gatling Gun
Action - Item - Attack
Choose a card. Flip 3 coins. for every heads, deal 3 damage to a target in any one line(Up, Down, Left, Right) from the chosen card.
Card by NARF
Give all Prehistoric cards a +2 damage bonus.
Card by NARF
Give all Bakumatsu cards a +2 damage bonus.
Card by NARF
Ancient China
Give all Ancient China cards a +2 damage bonus.
Card by NARF
Old West
Give all Old West cards a +2 damage bonus.
Card by NARF
Give all Present cards a +2 damage bonus.
Card by NARF
Far Future
Give all Far Future cards a +2 damage bonus.
Card by NARF
Character - Animal - Prehistoric
Techniques: Reverse Calm - Damage one target next to O-D-O for 2 dmg and prevent them from being used by the opponent next turn. Every time KeKeMole is attacked, flip a coin. If heads, KeKeMole takes no damage. If tails, Deal double damage.
Card by NARF
Character - Trap - Bakumatsu
Techniques: Control - if this character is used, then it allows any card directly adjacent to first trap to use first trap's turn. If there are no other cards, FirstTrap cannot attack.
Card by NARF
Jungle Tiger
Character - Animal - Ancient China
Techniques: Paw Slash - Damage any target next to Jungle Tiger for 4 damage. Cloak - Enemy card must flip a coin to attack Jungle Tiger this turn. If heads, Jungle Tiger takes no damage. If tails, deal damage +3.
Card by NARF
Jagi Egg
Character - Mineral - Prehistoric
Techniques: Paw Slash - Damage any target next to Jungle Tiger for 4 damage. Shock Massage - Flip a coin. If heads, heal 5 hp to Jagi Egg and all friendly characters adjacent to Jagi Egg. If tails, deal 5 damage to Jagi Egg and all enemy characters adjacent to Jagi Egg
Card by NARF
Character - Trap - Bakumatsu
Techniques: Body Blow - Deal 3 damage to an enemy adjacent to Post. If Post or any adjacent friendly card is hit by an attack, Body Blow will be automatically used on the attacker.
Card by NARF
Kung Fu Master
Character - Human - Ancient China
Techniques: Body Smash - Deal 7 damage to an enemy adjacent to Kung Fu Master.
Card by NARF
Character - Human - Old West
Techniques: Chase - If any adjacent enemy card moves next turn, they will take 4 damage per square moved. Gunshot - Fire down any row or column from Bandit and deal 3 damage to first enemy hit.
Card by NARF
Character - Human - Old West
Techniques: Arrest - Remove one enemy card from play.(Only usable once) Gunshot - Fire down any row or column from Sheriff and deal 3 damage to first enemy hit.
Card by NARF
Character - Human - Present
Techniques: Call For Help - If you have any other Private cards in your deck, you may summon one to an empty square adjacent to Private. Machinegun - Flip 4 coins. Fire down any row or column from private and deal 2 damage to first enemy hit for every heads.
Card by NARF
Character - Human - Present
Techniques: Order - If you have any Private cards on the field, you may move all of them for one move cost(But only once per Private)
Card by NARF
Character - Machine - Far Future
Techniques: Fire - Deal 10 damage to any target down a row or column from the laser.
Card by NARF
Cosmo Stroller
Character - Robot - Far Future
Techniques: Fire - Deal 3 damage to any target down a row or column from the Stroller. Swing - Hit any target adjacent to the Stroller for 5 damage.
Card by NARF
Character - Odio - Prehistoric
Techniques: Bloodsuck - Damage one target next to O-D-O for 5 dmg and restore 3 to O-D-O. Ransack - Damage one target next to O-D-O for 5 dmg and remove any actions boosting them. Reverse Calm - Damage one target next to O-D-O for 2 dmg and prevent them from being used by the opponent next turn.
Card by NARF
Character - Odio - Bakumatsu
SharpFang - Damage one target next to Gamahebi for 5 dmg. ViperWhip - Deal no damage to the target next to Gamahebi with this attack, but they will take 2 damage for 10 turns. BloodSucker - Damage one target next to Gamahebi for 3 dmg and restore 2 to Gamahebi.
Card by NARF
Odiwan Lee
Character - Odio - Ancient China
DragonKick - Flip a coin. If head, deal 7 dmg to a target two spaces away from Odiwan Lee. if tails, deal 2 dmg to a target next to Odiwan Lee. WolfKick - Flip a coin. If head, deal 7 dmg to a target next to Odiwan Lee. if tails, deal 2 dmg to a target two spaces from Odiwan Lee. FireDance - Odiwan Lee's next attack will deal twice as much damage.
Card by NARF
Character - Odio - Old West
FreezingHand - Damage one target next to O.Dio for 5 dmg and prevent them from being used by the opponent next turn. Molotov - Damage a target 2 spaces away from O.Dio for 3 dmg. GatlingGun - Flip 3 coins. for every heads, deal 3 damage to a target in any line(Up, Down, Left, Right) from O.Dio.
Card by NARF
Odie Olbright
Character - Odio - Present
DeathSize - Damage any target next to Odie for 10 damage. Deal 5 dmg to Odie. ExperienceGun - deal 5 damage to a target in any line(Up, Down, Left, Right) from Odie. TerribleShaunt - Heal Odie by 5 hp.
Card by NARF
Mother Computer 0D-10
Character - Odio - Far Future
HardProtect - Next attack to 0D-10 will do half damage. QuickAnalyze - Damage all enemy targets for 2 dmg . DriveBack - Hit any target next to 0D-10 and smash it to the end of the field, dealing 2 dmg for every space it is smashed across.
Card by NARF