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From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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(→‎Card List: Archiving. Did you miscount 300 or did I, Bucky?)
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==Card List==
==Card List==

:''The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: [[/Cards 1-100|1-100]], [[/Cards 101-200|101-200]]''
:''The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: [[/Cards 1-100|1-100]], [[/Cards 101-200|101-200]], [[/Cards 201-300|201-300]]''
{{Card|title=Zork dork|text=Hand this card to the oldest/most computer literate player; only they may read the rest of this card. Ask The other players to fill in the <i>blank</i>:"this space intentionally left <i>blank</i>." If anyone guesses correctly they get 10 tokens of their choice. If no one does you get 7.
A: Look it up!|longtext=true|type=Action-Quiz|bgcolor=482|cornervalue =IF|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=CONFORM. CONFORM. CONFORM. CONFORM.|bgcolor=600|creator=BiggerJ
|type=Action|text=Destroy all cards in play and in all players' hands that are either actions with colors other than standard Action red or things with colors other than standard Thing blue.}}
{{Card|title=What ith wrong with my thpeech?
|text=Until a winner ith declared all playerth mutht thpeak like thith.|type=Action|bgcolor=600|cornervalue=Th|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Perfectly useless.|text=Gain 10 times your age in Useless tokens. If your age is even gain a Quintessential token, if your age is odd gain a Zipper token.|type=Action|bgcolor=600|cornervalue=Quz|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Fun Time!|text=All players get to search the deck for one Thing card and one Action card which will go into a second hand which ignores all hand size rules. This card is the only way to add cards to this hand. The player of this card gets their cards first, order then continues in the current order of play until it gets back to the player. They then continue their turn
|type=Thing|text=You may play any card from your hand face-down, as if it were a Thing. Face-down Things are legally binding; face-down Actions are considered to be blank. You may flip a face-down Thing card face up at any time. When Mao leaves play, all face-down cards you control go to the discard pile.|longtext=true}}
{{card|title=Adapt, Adopt and Improve|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan
|type=Thing|text=Whenever another player's Action card affects you, your hand or your Things, you may take it from the discard pile after it has resolved, and put it into your hand.}}
{{Card|title=Redundant|text=Playing this card doesn't not do not not Nothing.|type=Action|bgcolor=600|cornervalue=Y?|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Headache|text=The first player to create a card that repeals the effects of this card gets 10 Brains Tokens. The first player to spot a loophole that would allow him to win as a result of '''both''' cards having been played does so.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=LJ|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Amoeba II|text=Create 2 cards. For each Card created that are worded '''Exactly''' the same as this one the player may create 2 more cards. The limit to cards that may be created this way in one turn is 1000. One hundreth (round down) of newly created cards may be kept in the players hand but may not be played this turn. '''All''' Amoeba II cards in the players control must be shuffled back into the deck after this card is played.|longtext=True|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=<->|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{card|title=Brain Training|bgcolor=600|creator=Kevan
|type=Action|text=Look at another player's hand for ten seconds. Afterwards, for each card that you can remember the title of, you may draw one card.}}
{{Card|title=Fly on the Wall|text=This card counts as an insect. Pick a target player. You may now look at their cards anytime you want.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=Fly|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Action Prism|text=This card counts as a glass object. Perform 7 extra actions this turn.|type=Action|bgcolor=600|cornervalue=Psm|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Meta|text='''Action:'''discard any cards with card written anywhere on them.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=JKL|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Clusterfudge|text=When this card is played, all players' hands go into the discard pile. All players then take turns taking single cards from the draw pile and adding them to their respective hands. The discard pile is then shuffled and added to the draw pile to start it anew. As long as this card is in play, players may play as many Things and/or Actions as they wish during their turns.|longtext=True|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=!!!|creator=BiggerJ}}
{{Card|title=Switcheroo|text=The draw pile is now the discard pile and vice versa. After three turns this effect reverses. Do not disturb the order of either pile.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Switcheroo|text=The draw pile is now the discard plie and vice versa. After three turns this effect reverses. Do not disturb the order of either pile.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{card|title=Scroll of Genocide|bgcolor=600|creator=Kevan
|type=Action|text=Pick a word. Destroy all Things which have that word on them, and all tokens with that word in their name.}}
|type=Action|text=Destroy a Thing, and replace it with a Thing from your hand. (If you don't have a Thing in your hand, this card has no effect.)}}
|type=Thing|text=If Cockatrice is destroyed by the ability of another Thing, destroy that Thing as well. If Cockatrice is destroyed by an Action, the player who played that Action is eliminated.}}
{{card|title=Group thinking|bgcolor=600|type=Action|text=Create a card following these rules:
1.Each player takes turns adding one word.
2.The player of this card goes first.
3.Punctuation marks count as a word; when one is used to end a sentence the player goes next.
4.The player of this card decides when to stop.
5.The player of this card decides the title and type of this card once completed
ex. A plays this card A:"destroy" B:"ten" C:"." A:"...Create" D:"I don't get a turn?"|longtext=true|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{card|title=OmegaPsi|bgcolor=600|type=Action|text=Place draw pile in reverse Alapabetical order. Uppercase is higher alphabeticaly:AaBbCc,etc. Cards that don't start with a letter go to the bottom in an order the players decide on. a suggestion: 1234567890!@#$...
Another:!1@2#3 or 1!2@3#|longtext=true|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{card|title=United Nations Building|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan
|type=Thing|text=Actions may only be played if they specifically target the UN Building, or if every player agrees to their being played.}}
{{Card|title=Poet Revolution!| text=As soon as a card is seen by any player it must be placed on the table for all to see and immediately reworded to rhyme using rhyme scheme A, A, or A, B, C or A, B. The card must retain its meaning. If this cannot be acheived the card is placed out of play. These cards must be available for all to see. Also they must be available for searching. These cards shalt be shuffled back into the draw pile when this card is discarded/destroyed, I say!.|type=thing|bgcolor=006|longtext=true|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Planned Anarchy|text=Once this card has been played and read aloud the player's turn ends and the next players turn does not occur until this card is discarded/destroyed. Until this card is discarded/destroyed any Game related actions that a player says happens/will happen, actually occur. "I win" or anything to that effect is replaced with "I am an idiot." Vote on any other restrictions/replacements now.|longtext=true|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=5H|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Clone Me!|text=If you control three copies of this card, you win the game.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=8Y|creator=Bucky}}
{{Card|title=One in a Million|text=Flip 20 coins.  If they all come up Heads, you win.|type=Action |bgcolor=600|creator=Bucky}}
{{Card|title=Double Time|text=Players may play one extra Action and one extra Thing per turn|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=2T|creator=Bucky}}
{{card|title=The Weakest Link|bgcolor=600|creator=Kevan
|type=Action|text=Each player secretly nominates one other player. All nominations are then revealed - the single player with most nominations (if there is one) must discard their hand.}}
|type=Thing|text='''Action:''' Perform the Action ability of any other Thing on the table.}}
|type=Action|text=Play in response to the Action ability of a Thing card. The ability is cancelled, and the Thing is destroyed.}}
{{Card|title=  |text=All cards with visible titles are placed in a pile, out of play. If this is the only card without a visible title, destroy it then shuffle the rest of the cards and deal the current hand limit to each player.|type=Action||bgcolor=000|cornervalue=null|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{card|title=Eye Doctor|bgcolor=600|cornervalue=2I|creator=Zaratustra
|type=Action|text=All players remove visual aids (glasses, contacts, etc.) and read the text of each card they  have in play aloud. If a player misreads a card, destroy it.}}
|type=Thing|text=You may play an extra Thing each turn.}}
{{card|title=Black Lotus|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=0L|creator=Zaratustra
|type=Thing|text=Destroy this card to put in play three Red, Ultramarine, Green, White or Black Tokens.}}
{{Card|title=Something from Nothing|text=If Nothing has happened in this game then the player of this card must create a card Entitled "Something" and the player whose took the last turn must play it. Any player may discard a card to remove "Something" from the game.|type=Action|bgcolor=600|cornervalue=All|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Self-Inflating Balloon|text=Each turn another card exactly the same as this one is created and placed in front of the player. That card is considered already played. If this card is deflated (discarded) then all Self-inflating balloons are shuffled into the deck. If this card is popped (destroyed) then all Self-inflating balloons are destroyed.
{{card|title=R-Bomb|text=Put one speed counter on R-Bomb when it is played.  At the beginning of each of your turns, double the number of speed counters on R-Bomb.  If R-Bomb is destroyed, destroy a number of other things equal to the number of speed counters on R-bomb.
{{card|title=Golf Club|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=3W|creator=Bucky
|type=Thing|text=<b>Action</b>:Fore! Give a Token you control to a random player.}}
|type=Action|text=Play in response to any Action or Action replacement.  That Action happens three times, if possible.  These extra Actions, and the Action of playing this card, do not count against any Action frequency limit.}}
{{card|title=Wand of Cancellation|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=$9|creator=Bucky
|type=Thing|text=<b>Action</b>:Undo any lingering effects of one past Action.  You may not do this on the same turn as playing this card.}}
{{card|title=Observation Mode|bgcolor=006|creator=KillSmiley
|type=Thing|text=You can't win or lose the game as long as this is in play.
<b>Action</b>: Discard your hand (at least two cards) to destroy this card.}}
{{card|title=Gnomish Toe-Stubber|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=0W|creator=KillSmiley
|type=Thing|text=If a card forces you to discard this, the player who played that card must discard a card. Put this card into play.}}
{{card|title=Blatant Cheating|bgcolor=600|creator=KillSmiley
|type=Action|text=Look at every player's hand. You may take any card revealed in this way and play it as though it was in your hand. That card doesn't count against your card-per-turn limit.}}
{{card|title=Long Range Probe|bgcolor=006|creator=MagiMaster
|type=Thing|text=This card may be played onto any player.  Any player can sacrifice two energy-related tokens to look at your hand.  <br/>'''Action:''' Reveal your hand to all other players, then draw a card.}}
{{card|title=KKD|text=At the beginning of each of your turns, add a speed counter to KKD.  If KKD is destroyed, destroy a number of other things equal to the number of speed counters on KKD.
{{card|title=Inertial Damper|text='''Action:''' Sacrifice any number of energy-related tokens to destroy an equal number of speed tokens.
|title=Press Conference
|text=Draw up to five cards. Reveal your hand to all Players.
|creator=Kevan, in Kryptopol deck
|title=Suspect Package
|text=Action: Destroy this card and destroy a Thing.
|creator=Kevan, in Kryptopol deck
|title=Freedom of Information
|text=All Players reveal their hands.
|creator=Kevan, in Kryptopol deck
{{card|title=Nice try!|type=Action|text=Play in response to someone playing a card in response to you winning. That card's effects are negated.|bgcolor=600|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Workshop|text=Receive 100 Raw Materials tokens '''Action:''' Destroy 10 Raw Materials tokens to create a new card. Destroy another one for each word written on it (title counts, Type doesn't.) The phrase "I win" or anything to that effect costs 100000 Raw Materials tokens. After one turn this card is placed in the player's hand.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=6;|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Eraser|text=Once this card is played it becomes public property and anyone may use it on their turn. '''Action:'''Remove a card's title. If a card has no title/one is not visible you may erase one word from the text on the card. If a card that has been erased is played and fails to make sense, it is destroyed.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=__|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{card|title=Much of a Muchness|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan
|type=Thing|text=All Tokens are of type "Generic". Any card that refers to a specific type of token is considered to refer to Generic Tokens.}}
{{card|title=The Dagger of Time|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan
|type=Thing|text=When the Dagger of Time comes into play, note down all Things in play, and who controls them. '''Action:''' Destroy all Things that weren't noted down, and return to play any Things that were noted down and are now in the discard pile. Destroy Dagger of Time.}}
|type=Thing|text='''Action:''' Draw a card and play it. If it's a Thing, destroy it at the end of your turn. If it's a Thing with an activated Action, you may choose to activate it once.}}
{{card|title=Deus ex machina|text=This card may be played at any time. Create a new card and immediately play it. Any player may discard a card to remove the new card from the game.|type=Action|bgcolor=600|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Jonny, Johnny|text=Only the player of this card may read this card. Ask the other players to fill in the <i>blank</i>:An animated television show entitled "Jonney <i>blank</i>est." If anyone guesses "Qu" they receive one Nostalgia and one Old token, If anyone guesses "T" they receive 2 New tokens. You get 4 Quizmaster tokens.|longtext=true|type=Action-Quiz|bgcolor=482|cornervalue =JY|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=More of that please!|text=Receive 1000 of any previously defined tokens.|type=Action|bgcolor=600|cornervalue=MOR|creator=Ryan_1729}}
|title=Ministry of Love
|text=You may look at any Opponent's hand at any time.
|creator=[[User:Kevan|Kevan]] (World Domination deck)
|title=Ministry of Truth
|text='''Action:''' Remove a card in the discard pile from the game.
|creator=[[User:Kevan|Kevan]] (World Domination deck)
|text=Choose an Opponent. Take their next turn for them.
|creator=[[User:Kevan|Kevan]] (World Domination deck)
{{card|title=X-ray goggles|text='''Action:'''search the draw pile (but do not disturb the order of the cards.)|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|creator=Ryan_1729}}
|type=Action - Quiz|text=Ask the other players any trivia question that you're able to verify the answer of. Any player who gets it right may draw a card. If some players got it right and some got it wrong, you draw three cards.}}
{{card|title=Bureau de Change|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan
|type=Thing|text='''Action:''' Discard a card to gain a token of your choice, or destroy a token you control to draw a card. Any player may use this action.}}
{{card|title=Pop-Up Toaster|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan
|type=Thing|text=When Pop-Up Toaster comes into play, you may put up to two cards from your hand underneath it, face-down. At the start of your turn, if there are any cards under Pop-Up Toaster, remove one and play it. (It doesn't count towards your Thing/Action limit.)}}
{{card|title=Time bomb|text=If this card isn't defused (discarded/destroyed) before 5 minutes after this card is played, this Thing and all other Things in play not controlled by the player of this card are destroyed.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=BOOM|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{card|title=Ignore this.|text=All sentences that start with a verb are ignored. Understand, Chimp-breath?|type=thing|bgcolor=006|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{card|title=Bureaucracy|type=thing|text=All actions now take three times as long. If a an action would normally occur the same turn the card causing it was played, it now takes place four turns later.|bgcolor=006|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{card|title=Haste|type=Thing|text=Attach this to another Thing you control. You may use that Thing's Action (if any) once per turn without using your Action. If that Thing is destroyed, so is this one.|bgcolor=006|creator=KillSmiley}}
{{card|title=Quick Draw|type=Thing|text='''Action:''' Discard a card, then reveal the top card of the deck and play it immediately if you can. It doesn't count against your per-turn limit.|bgcolor=006|creator=KillSmiley}}
{{card|title=No, Don't!|type=Action|text=Discard this any time except your turn to play another card. Skip your next turn.|bgcolor=600|creator=KillSmiley}}
{{Card|title=Luck|text=Whenever you need to flip a coin, you may flip it twice.  If it comes up differently the second time, you choose which result to use.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=2T|creator=Bucky}}
{{Card|title=Cursed|text=Play onto a Thing.  That Thing's text is "This Thing is Cursed".  It cannot be destroyed unless Cursed is also destroyed at the same time.  When Cursed is destroyed, destroy it.  |type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=2T|creator=Bucky}}
{{card|title=Lock|text=Play on a thing. That thing may not be destroyed/discarded until this card is. This card may not be destroyed/discarded unless a card that counts as a key or a card that all players agree should destroy a padlock is played against it.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=G8|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{card|title=Key|text=This card counts as a key. Action: Put this and another card in your hand. These two cards don't count toward your hand limit.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=G8|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{card|title=Key|text=This card counts as a key. Action: Put this and another card in your hand. These two cards don't count toward your hand limit.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=G8|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{Card|title=Nomic|text=Special Rules may be changed as long as all players agree to all such changes.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|creator=Bucky}}
{{Card|title=Asteroid of Equality|text=All players vote on which player is most likely to win. For each vote a player receives, the voter's choice of one of their things is destroyed. If a player is unanimously voted most likely to win (excluding the player's vote) they discard their hand.|type =Action|bgcolor=600|cornervalue=29075|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{card|title=Key|text=This card counts as a key. Action: Put this and another card in your hand. These two cards don't count toward your hand limit.|type=Thing|bgcolor=006|cornervalue=G8|creator=Ryan_1729}}
{{card|title=Halfback|type=action|cornervalue=><|text=Take half of the cards in the discard pile and shuffle them into the draw pile. Then, take approxametly half of the draw pile and put it in the discard pile. Do the action in this order unless there are more total cards in play than the total cards in all player's hands, in which case reverse the order.|creator=fanofphilosophy}}
{{card|title=Power of Two|type=action|cornervalue=22|text=If this is the first card you played this turn, choose one. If this is the second card you played this turn, chose two: Destroy/create 2 tokens. Draw two cards. Destroy one player's thing, and one other player's thing. Look at two cards in an opponent's hand.|creator=fanofphilosophy}}
{{card|title=Surge Machine|type=thing|text=Action: Destroy target thing with a corner value that has a letter in it. If target is living, negate effects of this action. If this action was used on your last turn, you cannot use it this turn.|bgcolor=000066|creator=fanofphilosophy}}
{{card|title=Battery's on the fritz|bgcolor=060|type=action|text=Two turns from now, you may reverse, negate, or double the effect of any mechanical thing or action. If your target was a thing, destroy that thing at the end of turn.|creator=fanofphilosophy}}
{{card|title=Infinite Dumpster|bgcolor=666|type=thing|text=No card can be removed from the discard pile while Infinite Dumpster is in play. If every card except Infinite Dumpster is in the discard pile, you win.|creator=fanofphilosophy}}
|type=Action|text=Choose another player. They gain control of all Things in play.}}
{{card|title=Artillery Support|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan
|type=Thing|text=At the start of your turn, you may destroy any Things that have a Crosshair token on them. '''Action:''' Put a Crosshair token onto a Thing.}}
{{card|title=Extra Life|cornervalue=1UP|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan
|type=Thing|text=If you would be eliminated from the game, destroy this Thing instead, and continue playing.}}
{{card|title=Super Mushroom|bgcolor=006|creator=Kevan
|type=Thing|text=Play onto a Thing. If that Thing has an Action, it takes effect twice when it's invoked. If the Thing would be destroyed, destroy Super Mushroom instead.}}
|title=Thunderstorm Generator
|text=Action: Discard two cards and designate a Thing. That Thing is destroyed at the end of its' controller's next turn.
|creator=[[User:Depressi|Depressi]](Noll's Superweapons deck)
|title=Tamorisian Device
|text=Requires you to have exactly three cards in your hand to operate. Action: Destroy a Thing.
|creator=[[User:Depressi|Depressi]](Noll's Superweapons deck)
{{card|title=Fire Flower|bgcolor=006|creator=Bucky
|type=Thing|text=Play onto a Thing. That thing gains the text "<b>Action:</b>Destroy a Token.". If the Thing would be destroyed, destroy Fire Flower instead.}}
|text=When this Thing comes into play, destroy a Thing of your choice. While Parallels is in play, all tokens count as two tokens.
|title=Blackboard cleaning
|text=All lingering effects of Actions are negated. Every player discards their hand and draws two cards.
|title=Curse of the Gostak
|text=Draw a player, and randomly gain control of an extra turn.
{{card|title=Corner Audit|bgcolor=600|creator=Bucky|cornervalue=4G
|type=Action|text=Destroy all Things which have cornervalues that aren't in letter-number or number-letter format.}}
{{card|title=Cash In|bgcolor=600|creator=Bucky
|type=Action|text=Every Player draws one card per Token they control, then discards down to their hand size limit.  Afterwards, destroy all Tokens.}}
{{card|title=Game Over|bgcolor=600|creator=Bucky
|type=Action|text=You lose the game.}}
{{card|title=Here, Hold This|bgcolor=600|creator=Kevan
|type=Action|text=A chosen player draws a card and plays it immediately, with you making any choices required by it this turn.}}
|type=Action|text=Swap a Thing in play with a Thing from your hand, where both cards start with the same letter.}}

{{card|title=Card Number 300|bgcolor=660|creator=Bucky|cornervalue=300C
{{card|title=Card Number 300|bgcolor=660|creator=Bucky|cornervalue=300C

Revision as of 00:37, 20 March 2007

The Infinite Dvorak Deck
Designer Everyone
Date March 2007 and onwards
Players 2+
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.

The Infinite Dvorak Deck is an ever-expanding card game, which anyone can add cards to. There's no coherent theme, and cards can be original, inspired by anything, copied from other Dvorak decks, or even dragged in verbatim from other card games.

The only rules to adding cards are:-

  • Don't add more than three cards at a time; give someone else a chance to add some, before you add any more.
  • Don't change other people's cards. If something's ambiguous or broken, raise it on the talk page.
  • Cards shouldn't refer to other cards. Remember that the deck is infinite! Cards should avoid making any specific references to other cards or mechanics, because they might never see those specific cards during play, particularly if you think of the deck as infinite. "Grenade destroys a soldier" is a meaningless card if you draw it in a game where no soldier cards get drawn - if it's worded more generically as "destroy a living Thing", there's much less chance of it being an unplayable card stuck in someone's hand.
  • No special rules. This deck has no Special Rules aside from the two described below; it's all on the cards. Cards should not create Special Rules (or any equivalent effect, something that significantly outlives the lifetime of the card); players should only have to read the cards on the table to know what's going on.
  • Values in the corners of cards are meaningless, unless there's another card in play that somehow gives them meaning.

Whenever anyone's feeling insane enough to play a game of it, they can export it to the Dvorak Engine, or possibly Apprentice (if it's possible to make decks that contain every card of a set).

Special Rules

The only rules that this deck uses in addition to the basic Dvorak rules are:-

  • Tokens exist. Some cards can create or destroy or manipulate "tokens", which you should represent with whatever coins or counters you have to hand. Tokens count as Things, but if a token is destroyed or otherwise removed from play, it's removed from the game entirely. Tokens may or may not have individual types (such as "energy" or "goblin"); if a token has a type, it's considered to be its name, otherwise its name is just "Token".
  • If there's an ambiguity, vote on it. For example: if a card says to destroy a "living" Thing, and a player's wondering if it'll work against a "zombie" card, the players should take a vote to determine whether or not the zombie counts as living. If a majority decision can't be reached, resolve it randomly.

Card List

The earlier cards of this deck have been archived: 1-100, 101-200, 201-300
Card Number 300
Action: Destroy any Thing that appears after this on the Infinite Dvorak Deck wiki.
Card by Bucky
Thing - Positive
When you play this, choose a Token type. Whenever one Token of that type would be created, two are created instead.
Card by unknown(Technopoly deck)
Thing - Positive
Action: Generate a copy of a Token you own.
Card by Unknown(Technopoly deck)
Random Token Generator
Every turn, you must create a token under your control. Its type must be one word that does not appear on any title of any card in play or is already a token type in play. If you do not create a token through Random Token Generator on your turn every turn, destroy all things under your control.
Low Ceiling
If a player has two or more Things in play (including tokens, but not counting this card), they may not play Thing cards.
Card by Kevan
Repeal the effects of any card with a title that contains the string "eadache". If the first sentence of this card has any effect, Bucky wins regardless of whether or not e is playing. Leave this card out of the deck when playing.
Card by Bucky
Name an author. Reveal cards from the deck until you've revealed three from that author, and put them in your hand. Shuffle the rest back into the deck.
Card by Zaratustra
The Only Winning Move
You skip your turns. Win the game when 3 turns have been skipped.
Card by Zaratustra
Bizarro Universe
While this is in play, read 'discard' as 'draw', 'in play' as 'in hand', 'lose' as 'win', and vice-versa. This card is exempt from its own effect.
Card by Zaratustra
Mana Leak
If a card has a corner value with a number in it, it can only be played by a player who controls at least that number of Things. If a card has a corner value with an entirely non-numerical corner value, its corner value is considered to be the number of characters in that corner value, for the purpose of this card.
Card by Kevan
Eight Men Down
Every player reveals their hand, and adds together the first digit of their cards' corner values, for each that has one. The player with the highest total wins the game.
Card by Kevan
Locate all cards in play, players' hands, and the draw and discard piles, that were not present at the beginning of the game. Remove all such cards from the game and shuffle the deck.
Card by Bucky
At the end of each of your turns, choose a Token you control. Until the end of your next turn, Flip-Flop counts as a copy of that Token.
Card by Bucky
Glowing Meteorite
If played as an Action, destroy up to three physical Things in play. If played as a Thing, draw an extra card at the start of your turn.
Card by Zaratustra
Think Tank
If played as an Action, draw three cards. If played as a Thing, your hand size increases by two.
Card by Zaratustra
Action: Put three Fire, Smoke, Gunpowder, Iron or Oil tokens in play.
Card by Zaratustra
Credit Card
When this comes into play, put ten Money tokens into play. When it leaves play, you must either destroy ten Money tokens you control, or destroy all Things you control.
Card by Kevan
Oyster Card
At the start of your turn, put a Money token into play. At the end of your turn, destroy a Money token you control, if there is still one in play.
Card by Kevan
Birthday Card
When this comes into play, the player who's birthday is fewest days in the future gains control of it (unless it's a tie). Action: Destroy this card and draw a card.
Card by Kevan
Island of Catan
Action: Put three Wood, Sheep, Corn, Ore or Brick tokens in play.
Card by Zaratustra
Token War
Action: Destroy any number of tokens you control, to destroy an equal number of tokens belonging to another player. Any player may use this action.
Card by Kevan
Destroy three energy-related Tokens to draw a card.
Card by Zaratustra
Copyright Fight
Destroy all cards in play that share names with elements of games more famous than this one.
Card by Zaratustra
Ironic Wish
Draw as many cards as you want. At the end of your turn, give all cards that were drawn this way and not played to the next player.
Card by Zaratustra
Yellow Pages
Have another player draw four cards and read their titles aloud. Pick one of them and put it into your hand; the other three are discarded.
Card by Kevan
Meme Machine
Whenever a player plays an Action card, every other player is considered to then play a copy of that Action card (proceeding clockwise).
Card by Kevan
Highlander Sword
Any player with more than one Thing in play must destroy all but one Thing they control. Any player with more than one card in their hand must discard all but one card.
Card by Kevan
Missile Battery
Action: Fold this card into an airplane and throw it. If it hits any Thing, that Thing is destroyed. If it hits any player, that player draws 3 cards.
Card by Zaratustra
The Midas Touch
All tokens are considered to be Gold tokens (of no other type) while this card is in play.
Card by Kevan
The next time a non-Token Thing comes into play, gain control of it and destroy this card.
Card by Kevan
Love Potion
Gain control of a living Thing.
Card by Kevan