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m (→‎Benign Neutral: The Fist)
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{{card|title=Mage|type=Benign Neutral/Killer|text=Whenever a player would visit you, kill them. Their role will be unknown. <br> '''(Night)''' - Redirect a player to yourself. <br> '''Goal:''' Have at least 1/3 of the people visit you.|creator=JakeTheWolfie|bgcolor=337|longtext=|flavortext=}}
{{card|title=Mage|type=Benign Neutral/Killer|text=Whenever a player would visit you, kill them. Their role will be unknown. <br> '''(Night)''' - Redirect a player to yourself. <br> '''Goal:''' Have at least 1/3 of the people visit you.|creator=JakeTheWolfie|bgcolor=337|longtext=|flavortext=}}

{{card|title=Surgeon|type=Benign Neutral/Support|text='''(Night)''' - Heal target player. The fist successful use of this will be Strongmanned. <br> '''Goal: Prevent 3 people from dying.'''|creator=JakeTheWolfie|bgcolor=3D3|longtext=|flavortext=}}
{{card|title=Surgeon|type=Benign Neutral/Support|text='''(Night)''' - Heal target player. The first successful use of this will be Strongmanned. <br> '''Goal: Prevent 3 people from dying.'''|creator=JakeTheWolfie|bgcolor=3D3|longtext=|flavortext=}}

{{card|title=Scorned|type=Benign Neutral/Social|text='''(Night)''' - Frame and Mark target player for 1 day. <br> '''Goal:''' Live to see 2 marked targets die.|creator=JakeTheWolfie|bgcolor=888|longtext=|flavortext=}}
{{card|title=Scorned|type=Benign Neutral/Social|text='''(Night)''' - Frame and Mark target player for 1 day. <br> '''Goal:''' Live to see 2 marked targets die.|creator=JakeTheWolfie|bgcolor=888|longtext=|flavortext=}}

Revision as of 15:23, 6 October 2019

Destruction in Dvorak
Designer Anyone!
Date 10/4 and onwards
Players 5+
Although this is an unfinished deck, it is still playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.


This is my attempt to create (The Framework for) a Mafia-esque game

Adding Cards

As this is a game meant for everyone to play, I want everyone to have a chance to create cards! These are the rules:

1: Don't add more than 3 roles at a time.

2: Don't make too over powerful roles. (Ex: A Good Guy that instawins the game for Good Guys if it dies or is revealed)

3: Don't make too under powerful roles. (Ex: A Bad Guy who commits suicide at the beginning of the first night)

4: Only change other's roles to fix grammar.

5: Roles shouldn't refer to other roles, as they might not be present in all games.

5.1: If a role has good reason to refer to another role (Ex: "This role can only exist in games with The Vampire"), then it is allowed to refer to it.

6: Use the talk page to suggest edits for this page (excluding roles)

7: Create a Subsection for a new alignment within an overall heading, if your role creates a new alignment. (Ex: The alignment "Blue Dragon" would be a subsection of "Uninformed Minority")

7.1: Neutrals can be ignored for the sake of this

Special Rules

Disregard all rules that apply to Dvorak. (Terminology might still apply)

Players only have 1 card in their hand at time.

One Player is the "Moderator". They do not receive any role cards. This is the Engine of the game, which takes into account all effects that happen at night.

All players have 3 cards, their role card, and a Decision card (Lynch and Pardon) Their role card should always be hidden unless mechanics says otherwise

The Deck

There is no deck.


At the beginning of the game, the Moderator hands out role cards to everyone.

There are 2 parts per cycle, day and night.

During the Morning(Day), players are allowed to say anything that they want to. Players are never allowed to show their card to anyone during this phase, unless the moderator tells them to. During the Afternoon(Day), players vote on who to lynch against conspiracy against the town. Whoever has half or more of the other players voting them becomes the accused and a trial starts. During the Trial(Trial(Day)), the accused player gets a brief time to say why they are innocent. No one else may speak during this time. During the Decision(Trial(Day)), all players aside from the accused may secretly vote on whether to Lynch or Pardon, by giving a card to the Moderator Votes are always secret until the end of the Decision period. Anyone who does not give a card to the moderator before time is up abstains from the vote. If more than half of the votes are Lynch, the accused flips their card over and the day ends. During the Night, everyone closes their eyes. The moderator will tell roles to wake up, and do their night actions, if they have any, then to fall back asleep.

If there are any alignments that wake up with their team, the Moderator will tell the team to wake up instead.

If a player has died, they give the moderator their voting cards to signify that they are dead. If a player is revealed, their card is flipped over, but they retain their voting cards. Dead players are revealed if they are revived, or they have post-death abilities. At any time, a player may look at their role card. If a role card has changed while revealed, then it will become unrevealed (The default state of a role)

If any role has any day abilities, they must first be revealed to use it.

If there is only one remaining alignment (and no Neutrals prevent the game from ending), the game will end with the last alignment as the winner, along with any Neutrals that achieved their goal.


There can be any number of alignments present in a game. Instead of a card type, Each role has a single alignment and a role type.

There are four categories of alignments: Uninformed Majority, Informed Minority, Neutral Evil, and Benign Neutrals. A non-neutral role's goal is to kill off all players of other alignments except for Benign Neutrals. Neutral roles each have their own unique goal. Neutral Evil roles have the goal of killing off members of all alignments besides Benign Neutrals and Neutral Evils of the same role.


Role types are a different terminology. This determines what the overall role is aimed at being. A card can only have 1 card type.

There are only 6 role types, and each role must have one.

Killer - Roles who's main mechanics kill other players.
Offensive - Any roles that disrupt other role's ability to do their intended action.
Social - Any mechanics that affect the game's social dynamics, either positively or negatively.
Support - Any roles that help other players, whether it be healing or strongmanning their action.
Investigative - Roles that seek to gain mechanical information from the game itself.
Special - Roles that don't fit into any of the previous role types.

Game Alterations

If you want to alter your game, you are free to do so. Here are a few suggestions from me (JakeTheWolfie)

Alignment Grouping - Some Major Alignments can win with each other. (Ex: The Mafia are able to win with the Unseen, despite being differing Alignments). This could also apply to only specific roles (Ex:The Mastermind, The Coven Leader, The Cult Leader, and The Godfather are able to win with each other, if alive. This also applies of one or more of them aren't alive. All other members of their factions would lose)

Different Trials - Players vote on who to lynch during the trial phase. Whoever has the most votes is lynched.

Alignment Separating - Roles within an alignment cannot win with each other (Ex: The Vigilante can only win if the Veteran is killed, and vice versa. If both are alive/dead at the end of the game, they both lose.)


Investigate - Gain information about target player.
Heal - Prevent target player from dying tonight.
Kill - Kill target player. This can also be paired with other modifications.
Strongman - This ability cannot be stopped unless another strongman ability stops it.
Death Immune - You cannot die at night.
Unique - There can only be one of this role at a time.
Distract - A Distracted player cannot use night abilities tonight.
Redirect - Change the target of a player to another.
Frame - Any investigative checks will receive false results. If there are more Frames than Tailors, the target will be Framed.
Tailor - Negates 1 Potential Frame.

(Add more as you come up with cards with these terms)

Role Cards

Uninformed Majority


Police Person
(Night) - Investigate target player. You will know if they are an Informed Minority.
(Night) - Heal another player, preventing them from dying tonight.
(Night) - Heal yourself. (1 use)
(Post-Death, Night) - If you were killed, target a player. If they killed you, this will be announced tomorrow. (3 uses)
Jack of All Trades
Moderner/Special - Unique
(Night) - Gain a 1 use ability based of of target player's type, wasting any you have stored.
Investigative/Special - Investigate target player, determining alignment.
Social - Target player cannot be voted tomorrow.
Support - Heal Target Player.
Offensive - Distract Target player.
Killer - Kill target player.
(Night) - Target player cannot be lynched the following day. This is not announced until the next day. (2 uses)
(Night) - If target player is attacked, you will strongman kill the attacker, and the attacker will kill you.
(Night) - Target a player. You learn the names of each person who visits your target tonight.
Card by ChippyYYZ
You can't be Distracted.
(Night) Visit target player. They are Distracted tonight.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Moderner/Social - Unique
During the day, you may reveal yourself as the Mayor. You may not be Healed if you are revealed.
(Day) Your votes count as 3 votes.
Card by ChippyYYZ

Informed Minority

The Mafia

Mafia/Killer - Unique
Death Immune
When a player Investigates you, your alignment appears be their alignment.
(Night) - The Mafioso uses their Night ability targeting a player of your choosing. If they are unable, you Visit and Kill the targeted player instead.
Card by ChippyYYZ
Mafia/Killer - Unique
(Night) Visit and Kill target player. The Godfather's ability overrules this one.
If the Godfather dies, you become the Godfather.
Card by ChippyYYZ
(Night) Visit target player. If they die tonight, their role is not revealed to anyone except you. Limit: 3 successful uses per game.
If no Mafia/Killers are alive, a random Mafia becomes a Mafioso.
Card by ChippyYYZ
You can't be Distracted.
(Night) Visit target player. They are Distracted tonight.
If no Mafia/Killers are alive, a random Mafia becomes a Mafioso.
Card by ChippyYYZ
(Night) Visit target player. You learn their role.
If no Mafia/Killers are alive, a random Mafia becomes a Mafioso.
Card by ChippyYYZ


Benign Neutral

Benign Neutral/Social
When you are executed, you get the choice of either killing a player at night, or preventing a trial the next day.
Goal: Get yourself Lynched
Benign Neutral/Killer
Whenever a player would visit you, kill them. Their role will be unknown.
(Night) - Redirect a player to yourself.
Goal: Have at least 1/3 of the people visit you.
Benign Neutral/Support
(Night) - Heal target player. The first successful use of this will be Strongmanned.
Goal: Prevent 3 people from dying.
Benign Neutral/Social
(Night) - Frame and Mark target player for 1 day.
Goal: Live to see 2 marked targets die.

Neutral Evil

Jack of More Trades
Neutral Evil/Killer
(Night) - Kill target player, and gain a 1 use version of their night ability.
Neutral Evil/Killer
(Night) - Kill target player. Their body will be burned up, leaving their role unknown to everyone.
Neutral/Killer - Unique
Death Immune
- Visit target player and Douse them in gasoline. They don't know that they have been Doused. Doused players appear to be an Arsonist when Investigated.
(Night) - Kill all Doused players, bypassing Healing and Death Immunity.
Card by ChippyYYZ