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(Created page with "{{Infobox | title =A Blank Color Template for Deck Creation | designer =Coprolite Golem | date =2012 | players = 2+ | status=untested | unlocked = true }} ==Basic Rules== =...")
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The 10th Age is a competitive game for two or more players. Players take turns performing ''Actions'', including drawing cards from multiple decks, playing cards from their hands, or activating card abilities. Players do not engage each other directly, but instead compete to complete one or more objectives that are listed on certain played cards, or predetermined at the start of the game. The first to complete the necessary objectives wins the game.

==Basic Rules==
==Basic Rules==

===The Decks===
There are multiple decks of cards in The 10th Age.
*Red: the Warrior Deck
*Yellow: the Rogue Deck
===Start of Play===
Each player selects 5 Adventurers and places them into play

==Special Rules==
==Special Rules==

Revision as of 00:27, 8 May 2018

A Blank Color Template for Deck Creation
Designer Coprolite Golem
Date 2012
Players 2+
This deck has not been categorised.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.


The 10th Age is a competitive game for two or more players. Players take turns performing Actions, including drawing cards from multiple decks, playing cards from their hands, or activating card abilities. Players do not engage each other directly, but instead compete to complete one or more objectives that are listed on certain played cards, or predetermined at the start of the game. The first to complete the necessary objectives wins the game.

Basic Rules

The Decks

There are multiple decks of cards in The 10th Age.

  • Red: the Warrior Deck
  • Yellow: the Rogue Deck

Start of Play

Each player selects 5 Adventurers and places them into play

Special Rules

Optional Rules

Card List

Test Cards


Adam the Mighty
Adventurer - Fighter - Barbarian
Power: 4

Skill: 3
Armor: 3
Mind: 1
Essence: 2
Ward: 2

Equipment: Axe, Leather Armor
Ability - Rage: If this character's current is below his maximum , then successful attacks deal +1d6 damage.


Betty the Savage
Hero - Fighter - Barbarian
Power: 5

Skill: 3
Armor: 3
Mind: 1
Essence: 2
Ward: 2

Equipment: Longsword, Chainmail

Ability - Rage: If this character's current is below his maximum , then successful attacks deal +1d6 damage.

Charles the Brutal
Elite - Fighter - Barbarian
Power: 5

Skill: 4
Armor: 3
Mind: 1
Essence: 2
Ward: 2

Equipment: Greatsword, Chainmail

Ability - Rage: If this character's current is below his maximum , then successful attacks deal +1d6 damage.

Dave, Scourge of Worlds
Legendary - Fighter - Barbarian
Power: 6

Skill: 4
Armor: 3
Mind: 1
Essence: 2
Ward: 2

Equipment: Battleaxe, Chainmail

Ability - Rage: If this character's current is below his maximum , then successful attacks deal +1d6 damage.

Eve, Godslayer
Epic - Fighter - Barbarian
Power: 3

Skill: 3
Mind: 1
Armor: 3
Essence: 3
Ward: 3

Equipment: Giant's Sword, Chainmail

Ability - Rage: If this character's current is below his maximum , then successful attacks deal +1d6 damage.

Attack Enhancement
Info: Play on a character that has the Rage ability.
Ability: Increase Rage damage by +1d6.


Frank the Shadow
Adventurer - Rogue - Thief
Power: 2

Skill: 4
Armor: 2
Mind: 3
Essence: 1
Ward: 3

Equipment: Dagger, Tool Kit, Leather Armor

Ability - Stealth: Any enemy or monster must pass a contested Skill check with this character in order to attack them directly.

Genna Quick
Hero - Rogue - Thief
Power: 2

Skill: 5
Armor: 2
Mind: 3
Essence: 1
Ward: 3

Equipment: Short Sword, Tool Kit, Leather Armor

Ability - Stealth: Any enemy or monster must pass a contested Skill check with this character in order to attack them directly.

Hank the Hand
Elite - Rogue - Thief
Power: 2

Skill: 6
Armor: 2
Mind: 3
Essence: 1
Ward: 3

Equipment: Short Sword, Tool Kit, Buckler, Leather Armor

Ability - Stealth: Any enemy or monster must pass a contested Skill check with this character in order to attack them directly.

Ivy the Night Stalker
Legendary - Rogue - Thief
Power: 2

Skill: 6
Armor: 2
Mind: 4
Essence: 1
Ward: 3

Equipment: Rapier, Tool Kit, Buckler, Leather Armor

Ability - Stealth: Any enemy or monster must pass a contested Skill check with this character in order to attack them directly.

Joe; Just Joe
Epic - Rogue - Thief
Power: 2

Skill: 6
Armor: 2
Mind: 4
Essence: 1
Ward: 4

Equipment: Rapier, Tool Kit, Buckler, Heavy Leather Armor

Ability - Stealth: Any enemy or monster must pass a contested Skill check with this character in order to attack them directly.

Sneak Attack
Attack Enhancement
Info: Play on any Rogue character.
Ability: if your attack dice roll (before modifiers) is 9 or more AND the attack succeeds, deal +1d6 damage.


Kylie the Powerful
Adventurer - Mage - Invoker
Power: 2

Skill: 3
Armor: 2
Mind: 3
Essence: 4
Ward: 3

Equipment: Wooden Wand, Wizard's Robes

Ability - Arcane Bolt: Your Essence attacks deal both magical and physical damage.

Larry the Lethal
Adventurer - Mage - Invoker
Power: 2

Skill: 3
Armor: 2
Mind: 3
Essence: 5
Ward: 3

Equipment: Wooden Wand, Wizard's Robes

Ability - Arcane Bolt: Your Essence attacks deal both magical and physical damage.

Marcie von Wrankle
Adventurer - Mage - Invoker
Power: 2

Skill: 3
Armor: 2
Mind: 3
Essence: 6
Ward: 3

Equipment: Wooden Wand, Wizard's Robes

Ability - Arcane Bolt: Your Essence attacks deal both magical and physical damage.

Norman of Whisperwood
Adventurer - Mage - Invoker
Power: 2

Skill: 3
Armor: 2
Mind: 3
Essence: 7
Ward: 3

Equipment: Wooden Wand, Wizard's Robes

Ability - Arcane Bolt: Your Essence attacks deal both magical and physical damage.

Olivia the Glorious
Adventurer - Mage - Invoker
Power: 2

Skill: 3
Armor: 2
Mind: 3
Essence: 8
Ward: 3

Equipment: Wooden Wand, Wizard's Robes

Ability - Arcane Bolt: Your Essence attacks deal both magical and physical damage.
Incendiary Boost
Spell Enhancement
Info: Play on any Mage character
Ability: Whenever this character casts a spell, the spell's damage type gains fire in addition to its listed damage type or types.


Peter the Blessed
Adventurer - Healer - Cleric
Power: 2

Skill: 2
Armor: 3
Mind: 1
Essence: 4
Ward: 3

Equipment: Cudgel, Chainmail, Wooden Icon

5 Healing: As an Action, heal one ally's HP by an amount equal to your Essence score.

Quin Solaris
Hero - Healer - Cleric
Power: 2

Skill: 2
Armor: 3
Mind: 1
Essence: 5
Ward: 3

Equipment: Mace, Chainmail, Silver Icon

5 Healing: As an Action, heal one ally's HP by an amount equal to your Essence score.

Robert the Banner
Elite - Healer - Cleric
Power: 2

Skill: 2
Armor: 3
Mind: 1
Essence: 5
Ward: 4

Equipment: War Mace, Chainmail, Silver Icon

5 Healing: As an Action, heal one ally's HP by an amount equal to your Essence score.

Sally the Fourth
Legendary - Healer - Cleric
Power: 2

Skill: 2
Armor: 3
Mind: 1
Essence: 6
Ward: 4

Equipment: War Mace, Chainmail, Silver Icon, Holy Relic

5 Healing: As an Action, heal one ally's HP by an amount equal to your Essence score.

Timothy the Disciple
Epic - Healer - Cleric
Power: 2

Skill: 2
Armor: 4
Mind: 1
Essence: 6
Ward: 4

Equipment: War Mace, Plate & Mail, Silver Icon, Holy Relic

5 Healing: As an Action, heal one ally's HP by an amount equal to your Essence score.

Lux Spell
Info: Play on one ally card that is affected by one or more Debuffs, then discard this card.
Ability: Discard any Debuff effects on the target.


Ursula the Dramatic
Adventurer - Support - Bard
Power: 2

Skill: 3
Armor: 1
Mind: 4
Essence: 3
Ward: 2

Equipment: Instrument, Short Sword, Gambeson

5 Hearten: As an Action, grant all allied characters a +1 bonus to all die rolls until the beginning of your next turn.

Victor the Flamboyant
Adventurer - Support - Bard
Power: 2

Skill: 3
Armor: 1
Mind: 5
Essence: 3
Ward: 2

Equipment: Instrument, Short Sword, Gambeson, Performer's Cloak

5 Hearten: As an Action, grant all allied characters a +1 bonus to all die rolls until the beginning of your next turn.

Wanda Silvertongue
Adventurer - Support - Bard
Power: 2

Skill: 3
Armor: 1
Mind: 5
Essence: 4
Ward: 2

Equipment: Instrument, Short Sword, Tools, Gambeson, Performer's Cloak

5 Hearten: As an Action, grant all allied characters a +1 bonus to all die rolls until the beginning of your next turn.

Xavier Charming
Adventurer - Support - Bard
Power: 2

Skill: 4
Armor: 1
Mind: 5
Essence: 4
Ward: 2

Equipment: Instrument, Rapier, Tools, Gambeson, Performer's Cloak

5 Hearten: As an Action, grant all allied characters a +1 bonus to all die rolls until the beginning of your next turn.

Zelda Noylol
Adventurer - Support - Bard
Power: 2

Skill: 4
Armor: 1
Mind: 6
Essence: 4
Ward: 2

Equipment: Instrument, Rapier, Tools, Leather Armor, Performer's Cloak

5 Hearten: As an Action, grant all allied characters a +1 bonus to all die rolls until the beginning of your next turn.

Ballad of the Gobbslayer
Song Spell
Power: +2

Skill: +2

Info: Play on any Bard; if the Bard takes any other action, discard this card.

Gobbslayer: While this Ability is in play, all allies gain these bonuses when attacking Gobbs, Hobbs, or Orggs.


Short Sword
Weapon - 1-Hand
Physical, Melee

Power: +2
Skill: +2
Armor: +1

Info: A short blade, ideal for fighting in close quarters.
Combat: Grants bonuses to combat stats. 3 Slash: As an action, make one cutting melee attack against one target.

3 Strike: As an action, make one piercing melee attack against one target.

Carved Flute
Instrument - 2-Hands

Skill: +1
Mind: +1

Info: A rustic musical implement that a Bard can use to manifest magical effects.

Ability: Song Spell effects that Buff allies' Skill and Mind gain these bonuses.

Shield - 1-Hand

Power: +1
Skill: +1
Armor: +2
Ward: +2

Info: Wooden planks reinforced with metal,
Combat: Grants bonuses to combat stats. This item has no effect against Mind abilities.

7 Cover: As an action, increase your Armor and Ward by a further +2 until the beginning of your next turn. You cannot use attack Actions while using Cover.

Armor - Body

Armor: +2
Ward: +1

Info: Tiny steel rings that are interlinked into an armored shirt.
Combat: Grants bonuses to combat stats. This item has no effect against Mind abilities.

Specialty: Gain a further +1 Armor against piercing and cutting attacks.

Ivory Wand
Weapon - 1-Hand
Ranged, Magical

Power: +3
Skill: +3

Info: A slender rod intricately carved from animal ivory.
Combat: Grants bonuses to combat stats.

Magic Boost: Add the above listed Power bonus to Lux Spells.


Weapon - 1-Hand
Melee/Thrown, Physical, Magical, Poison

Power: +1
Skill: +1

Info: This crooked dagger seems carved from black metal and sports a sickly-green emerald in the hilt.
Combat: Grants bonuses to combat stats.

Envenomed: Adds 1d6 poison damage on successful attack.

Melee, Physical, Magical, Fire

Power: +2
Skill: +2

Info: This wavy-bladed short sword burns with a brilliant flame when drawn.
Combat: Grants bonuses to combat stats. Burning: Adds 1d6 fire damage on successful attack.

Fire Burst: Adds +1d6 additional fire damage on a successful critical hit.

Cloak of Protection
Accessory - Back

Armor: +1
Ward: +1

Info: This fine cloak shimmers with a faint magical aura.

Combat: Grants bonuses to combat stats.

Mithril Plate & Mail
Armor - Body

Armor: +6
Ward: +6

Info: This chainmail armor, reinforced with metal plates, is made of gleaming, ultra-strong mythril.

Combat: Grants bonuses to combat stats.

Amulet of Health

Info: This silver pendant holds a glowing, heart-shaped ruby.
Bonus Health: This item grants its owner temporary HP. This HP is lost before the owner's HP when they take damage.

Depletion: When this item's temporary HP is reduced to 0, it is destroyed.

Ancient Barrow
Location - Crypt
Info: This grassy mound is fronted by a doorway, protected by a large boulder that has been dislodged slightly by time.
Explore: Draw an Adventurer card.


Gobb Hunter
Hazard - Gobb - Hunter
Power: 3

Skill: 4
Armor: 3
Essence: 1
Ward: 2

Info: A scraggly gobb, he looks like he hasn't seen a bath in years. Actions: At the start of each player's turn, this Monster makes one ranged attack against the player's unit with the lowest HP.

Equipment: Short Bow (Power +2), Dagger (Power +1), Hide Armor (+2 Armor)
Pit Trap
Hazard - Physical - Trap
Power: 6

Skill: 2

Info: A crudely disguised hole, about ten feet deep. Permanent: This hazard remains in play at the location it was drawn for. Every player unit that acts at this location must encounter this Hazard.

Disarm: A Character with Tools can make a contested Skill check to destroy this card.

Wandering Merchant
NPC - Human - Rogue
Power: 1

Skill: 4
Armor: 2
Essence: 3
Ward: 2

Info: A young fellow selling an assortment of items.
Permanent: This card remains in play at the location it was drawn for. Every player unit that acts at this location may choose to encounter this Hazard.

Shop: Draw an Item card.
Select one option when played.

Explore: Draw a Location card and play it immediately.

Search: Select a Location card already in play; draw an Adventurer card and play it on that Location.

Etterra (talk) 20:12, 1 May 2018 (UTC)