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| title =  
| title = The Snitch
| type = Victim -  
| type = Victim - M
| cornervalue = 1
| cornervalue = 2
| bgcolor = 005588
| bgcolor = 005588
| text =  
| text = -1 chance to kill, add one evidence to each killer if he dies.
| longtext =  
| longtext =  
| flavortext =  
| flavortext = "Look, I've got dirt on all of you, so you better watch your step!"

Revision as of 15:36, 23 May 2013

The Most Dangerous Game deck
Designer MrEdwardNigma
Date 20/05/2013
Players 2+
This is a playable deck - it's finished, tested and ready to play.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

In this game, everyone plays a serial killer, and competes to have the greatest notoriety. Meanwhile, everyone is also playing a detective, trying to have the others incarcerated. When no serial killers are left in freedom, the game ends, and the player with the greatest notoriety wins.

Special Rules

Serial Killer Profiles

There are cards called Serial Killer Profiles. These are kept seperately from the main deck, and when the game begins each player is handed one. These can be chosen if everyone is able to agree on such a thing, or handed out randomly, at which point the players will discuss furiously about why the Profile they were handed is less powerful than the others and why they totally feel cheated, man. It is permitted to have such players trade with one another until everyone is more or less satisfied.

Every turn, you may have your serial killer roll a six-sided die to attempt to murder a victim on the table. Your chance of success is determined by the numbers on your Serial Killer Profile (for example, 4/6 means a chance of 4 out of 6 to succeed) and modified by external factors (for example, a victim card may modify your chance of success, or a weapon or action card may as well).

Upon death a serial killer is removed from the game, but his player keeps on playing.

The Victim Deck

All of the victim cards are in a seperate deck as well. At the start of the game, the first players places as many victim cards face-up on the table as there are other players at the table. These are the targets eligible for murder by the serial killers. If you start your turn, and there are no victims on the centre of the table, place as many cards as there are other players again. A player may also choose to discard a card when there are victims on the table to draw another one. If you draw new victims during a turn, you may not play a thing.

When a victim is killed, it is removed from the centre of the table and placed by their killer's profile, where it will stay until it is converted into evidence or otherwise removed. They are henceforth referred to as corpses.


Evidence takes the form of counters placed on Serial Killer Profiles. Every turn each player may convert a corpse associated with a Serial Killer Profile to an evidence counter on that killer's profile. There are also many cards offering other ways to increase the number of evidence counters on someone's profile.

When a Serial Killer Profile has ten counters on it, the Serial Killer is hauled off to jail, where he can no longer commit murders. At this point it is no longer possible to remove or add evidence counters to the profile, unless the cards specifically state that you can. When all killers are incarcerated (or dead), the game ends, and the player with the most notoriety wins.


Weapons are part of the main deck. Each serial killer may have one weapon on the table which modifies his chance to kill (the number mentioned on the weapon card). When replacing this weapon, the old weapon must be discarded. You may also discard a weapon when you choose.


Detectives usually upgrade your ability to research murders. You can only have one detective in play, unless the cards state otherwise.

Serial Killer Profiles

Jack The Ripper
Killer - M
The Ripper may only kill female victims. However, due to high media exposure, he gets double the amount of notoriety for every kill. If the Ripper is incarcerated, he loses 5 points of notoriety, due to loss of mystique.
"I am down on whores and I shant quit ripping them till I do get buckled."
Hannibal Lecter
Killer - M
Hannibal may announce that he will spend his next turn eating his last victim, instead of finding a new one, in which case the corpse is destroyed and cannot be used as evidence.
"On a similar note I must confess to you, I'm giving very serious thought... to eating your wife."
Church of the Holy Laserdragon
Each turn, the church must choose: it may convert one victim into a follower, or each of the followers may attempt one kill. The church itself is not a person. If the church has weapons, it needs to divide them among the followers. If the church is incarcerated, it loses all followers.
"And thus the dragon spoke, go forth my children, and bathe in the blood of the unbelievers!"
Black Widow
Killer - F
The Widow only kills men.
"Notorious for their bloodthirsty courtship, black widow spiders are identified by the colored markings on their black bodies."
Haunted War Veteran
Killer - M
The Veteran can attempt up to three killings every turn, each with one chance for success less than the last. On the downside, he's not exactly subtle, and all evidence against him counts double.
"He came back, and he brought the war back with him."
The Strangler
Killer - M
The Strangler always uses his bare hands: he cannot use any weapons.
"I like to kill up close. I like to savour all the little feelings."
Calendar Man
Killer - M
The Calendar Man only kills once every two turns, but each kill gives him an extra notoriety point.
"Of course we know when he is going to strike next, the question is where!"
The Chessmaster
Killer - M
The Chessmaster may discard a card to achieve any of the following: +1 chance to kill until end of turn, double notoriety for a kill but also double evidence, remove 1 evidence & remove 3 notoriety.
"We are all just pawns, you know, pawns in a game. And I am the Chessmaster."
Weapon Enthusiast
Killer - M
The Enthusiast can only kill using a weapon, and he can only use each weapon once before discarding it. However, he may at any point discard a card from his hand to receive a weapon someone else is discarding.
"Knives? No, knives are so boring, I tried knives last week... I think this week I'll go for fire. Yes, I haven't tried fire before!"
The Gravedigger
Killer - M
Instead of trying to kill a victim, you may choose to try to bury them alive. Each detective may choose to make a roll to save your victim instead of looking for evidence during their turn, if none roll 6 for two turns, you get as much notoriety as there are players.
"The scrape of shovels and the tumble of cold dirt soon muffled their pleas."


Victim - M
He won't be missed by anyone: cannot be turned into evidence.
"He has no family, no friends, no job... It could be years before anyone notices he's dead."
Old Cat Lady
Victim - F
She won't be missed by anyone: cannot be turned into evidence.
"It's not like her cats are going to call the police. In fact, with any luck, they'll eat the body. That's gratitude for you."
Pesky Witness
Victim - M
-1 chance to kill, remove 2 evidence if successful.
"He's seen too much."
Pesky Witness
Victim - F
-1 chance to kill, remove 2 evidence if successful.
"She's seen too much."
Alcoholic and Abusive Father
Victim - M
Worth 2 evidence instead of one.
"Killing your own father will probably lead the police straight to your door... But it's so worth it."
That Girl You Used to Like in Kindergarten
Victim - F
Worth 2 evidence instead of one.
"She should have reciprocated when she had the chance..."
Pawn Store Owner
Victim - M
-2 chance to kill. Draw three cards upon a successful kill.
"Yeah, so that little baby can blow a man's brains out! Yeah, it's loaded, yeah. Wait, why are you pointing that thing at me?"
Scream Queen
Victim - F
+1 chance to kill.
"She didn't put up much of a fight, but in her defense, I do think she burst one of my eardrums."
Backalley Bimbo
Victim - F
+1 chance to kill.
"It always amuses me when they think they can run from me in high heels."
Morbidly Obese 'Murican
Victim - M
+1 chance to kill, Hannibal has to take 2 turns instead of 1 to eat him.
"Where do you think you're running, fat boy?"
Couple on Make-out Hill
Victim - M & F
Two for the price of one: roll two kill attempts, each successful one is worth 1 notoriety. However, each unsuccessful one automatically becomes one piece of evidence.
"Well now, Cindy, it looks like we've run out of gas."
Grizzled Vietnam Veteran
Victim - M
-1 chance to kill, cannot be attacked by the Haunted War Veteran due to sympathy.
"Old Man Rogers lives up on the hill, and spends most of his time yelling at kids and filling anyone foolish enough to trespass on his land full of buckshot."
Token Black Guy
Victim - M
If he is your very first kill, he counts for double notoriety.
"All I can say is, I'm worried. We're in a lousy horror movie and I'm the only black person around."
Laura Palmer
Victim - F
If she is your first kill, she counts for double notoriety, but also for double evidence.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Laura Palmer is dead."
Talk Show Host
Victim - F
-1 chance to kill, or -3 chance to try to kill her on air for an extra whopping 4 points of notoriety and one point of evidence.
"Joining us tonight is the suspect for the recent streak of murders for an exclusive interview! Would I like to see the murderweapon up close? Why yes, that sounds marvellous!"
Ambitious Young Senator
Victim - M
-3 chance to kill.
"And when I am elected, I swear to do something about the brutal murders plagueing our fair town!"
Local Junkyard Owner
Victim - M
His killer may draw the top card of the discard pile.
"One man's trash is another man's treasure."
Classy Callgirl
Victim - F
You must discard a card to kill the Callgirl. If you cannot, you cannot even attempt the kill.
"Seems like a waste of money, if he was just going to murder her."
Deluded Dreamer
Victim - M
Automatic kill success.
"I've dreamt of meeting you... I can't tell you how much I admire what you do, it's... -it's like art. Could I be your next masterpiece?"
Gullible Goose
Victim - F
Automatic kill success.
"If you can tie me up? Well of course, darling, if you're into that sorta thing." *giggle*
Victim - F
Draw one card when you kill this victim.
"The hardest part of killing her was getting across all the junk in her living room."
Bus Full of Schoolchildren
Victim - M & F
For every point you roll above the target for success, add one extra notoriety (so for example, if you need to roll 4 or less to succeed, but roll 2, add 2 notoriety).
"You take one down, you splatter around, only 4 children left on the bus!"
Conspiracy Theorist
Victim - M
-1 chance to kill, add 2 evidence to another serial killer when you succeed.
"They are out to get me, I'm sure they're out to get me. That killer I've been hearing about, he's after me. I'm sure of it."
Serial Killer Groupie
Victim - F
Add 1 evidence to another serial killer when you succeed.
"Her most prized possession was a jar of toenail clippings from her favourite killer."
When this card is drawn, discard it immediately and draw 5 new victims.
The Snitch
Victim - M
-1 chance to kill, add one evidence to each killer if he dies.
"Look, I've got dirt on all of you, so you better watch your step!"
Victim -
Victim -
Victim -
Victim -

Main Deck

Thing - Weapon
Gives an extra +1 for Jack The Ripper.
Thing - Weapon
Gives an extra +1 for Jack The Ripper. Can be used while in jail to kill a fellow prisoner: either a regular inmate for one notoriety, or another serial killer (-1 chance to kill if they have 4/6). Discard after use in jail.
Thing - Weapon
The Church may choose to use this instead to kill all of its followers, and then discard it.
Rubber Hammer
Thing - Weapon
Two extra notoriety for every kill with this weapon.
Thing - Weapon
This is the only weapon that modifies the Gravedigger's chance of success for burying someone as well.
Sniper Rifle
Thing - Weapon - Gun
An extra +1 when attacking the Ambitious Young Senator.
Saturday Night Special
Thing - Weapon - Gun
Can only be used once and must then be discarded.
Machine Gun
Thing - Weapon - Gun
An extra +1 for the Haunted Veteran.
Thing - Weapon
Can be used together with a gun. Any effect that loses the gun also loses the bayonet. Gives an extra +1 for Jack The Ripper when used alone.
Thing - Weapon - Gun
The corpses are burnt beyond recognition and cannot be used as evidence.
Elaborate and Devious Trap
Thing - Weapon
Can only be used once and must then be discarded. Automatically adds 2 evidence (or one for the Chessmaster) when used.
Dinner Fork
Thing - Weapon
An extra +1 for Hannibal.
Thing - Weapon
The only weapon that may be used by the Strangler.
Thing - Weapon - Gun
You may attempt two kills instead of one, but each at -1 instead of +1.
Souped-up Stuntcar
Thing - Weapon
Discard two cards to play this. May only be used to kill women. If you fail to kill one, discard the car.
Thing - Weapon
+2 notoriety for every kill, but also automatically add 1 evidence due to blood splattering.
Thing - Weapon
Usable only once: destroy a thing instead of killing a victim, add 2 notoriety.
Those Meddling Kids
Thing - Detective - M & F
You may no longer deal with corpses (this is strictly PG13). However, once per turn you may add an evidence counter to a serial killer when he commits a crime.
"Look, gang, tracks in the mud! And this smear of strange powder looks mighty interesting too!"
Spunky Female Cop
Thing - Detective - F
Instead of turning a corpse into evidence once per turn, she may attempt to rescue a victim by rolling a 6 when they are attacked.
"She's sexy. She's dangerous. And she's going to catch the bad guys!" (This summer, in Full HD)
Sherlock Holmes
Thing - Detective - M
Holmes may turn a corpse into two evidence counters instead of one.
"My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know."
Thing - Detective - M
When a serial killer is sent off to jail, you may instead opt to kill them.
"So he kills ten people and he gets to hang around in a cell watching reruns of the Simpsons? Jail is too good for him."
FBI Agent
Thing - Detective - M
The Agent may choose to turn two corpses of one killer into evidence counters instead of one. If the Spunky Female Cop is in play when the Agent comes into play, each Serial Killer Profile loses two evidence counters due to jurisdiction squabbles.
"Gentlemen. When two separate events occur simultaneously pertaining to the same object in inquiry we must always pay strict attention."
Speculative Reporter
Thing - Detective - F
In addition to turning corpses into evidence, the Reporter may, once per turn, roll a die. If it is a 1, 2 or 3 she may add an evidence counter to a Serial Killer Profile of her choosing.
"Well, I can't exactly prove it, but it certainly makes a good story, doesn't it?"
Caught for Speeding
Play on a profile with 8 or more evidence on it: immediately add two more evidence and haul the killer to jail.
Prison Breakout
All serial killers escape from prison, and their evidence counters are lowered to 5.
The Great Switcheroo
If you have a free serial killer and one that is incarcerated, you may switch them (as well as the evidence counters). If the Deluded Dreamer is in play, you can switch with him. If you are the Church you may also play this card when being arrested to dump 5 counters and stay free at the cost of a follower.
Plead Insanity
Play when you are hauled off to jail. Instead, stay free and remove 3 evidence counters.
The Great Escape
Discard four cards to escape from prison (only one killer can escape). The escapee only has 5 evidence counters left.
Super Cop Team-up!
Play this with a detective from your hand while already having a detective in play. Each turn you may now choose which detective's powers to use.
Serial Killer Team-up!!!
Draw an extra serial killer. Put him into play. Evidence against your killers is counted seperately, but their notoriety is pooled. Choose each turn which killer to use.
Hunter becomes Prey
This turn you may target a detective as a victim. Detectives are at -2 to kill, but are worth 4 notoriety.
Darkly Dreaming
This turn you may target a serial killer with 7 or more evidence as a victim. For every point they are above 3/6, you get -1 to chance to kill. If you fail, they kill you instead (if they may). A serial killer is worth 4 notoriety. You cannot target the church, only its followers.
Make it look like an accident
No evidence can be collected for the murder that you commit this turn.
If, for some reason, you have two serial killers in play (neither incarcerated) one may kill the other for a whopping 4 notoriety points.
You'll Never Find the Bodies
Discard all the corpses you have in play
Tar Pits
Discard all the corpses you make this turn, and your murderweapon if you wish to do so.
He's a Cop!
Remove 5 evidence counters from a serial killer profile.
And Your Little Doggy Too
Half a point of extra notoriety for one kill this turn, or a full point for Those Meddling Kids (it doesn't cost an extra action to play this card when killing them).
Make a lame pun about someone's kill. Add 4 evidence counters to that killer's profile. This number is not doubled for the Veteran.
Planting Evidence
Add 3 evidence counter to a serial killer. This number is not doubled for the Veteran.
Framing the Scapegoat
Move 2 evidence counter from your serial killer to another.
Cold Case
Turn a corpse that has been there for longer than one turn into 2 evidence counters.
The Murderweapon Found
Discard target weapon. Add one evidence counter to the associated killer.
A Different Kind of Justice
When a killer is hauled off to jail, kill him instead (automatic success).
Should Have Double Checked if They Were Dead
Prevent one murder. Add one evidence counter to the killer anyways.
Into a Tight Spot
Target player discards his hand.
Into a Tight Spot
Target player discards his hand.
Set Loose the Hounds
Target player with 8 or more evidence counters is sent to jail. 7 if you have Those Meddling Kids in play.
Cryptic Clue
Play on another player. They may roll a die, if they roll a 6, add 1 evidence to your killer. If they have a detective in play, they may discard cards for better odds (every discard is +1, so 1 discard: roll 5 or 6 to succeed). Whatever happens, add 2 notoriety to your killer.
Severed Finger in the Mail
Play this after successfully committing a murder. Add 1 evidence to your serial killer, and 3 notoriety.
Take the Credit
When another killer commits a murder, steal the notoriety.
Procedural Error
Remove 2 evidence from a serial killer profile.
Attach this card to a victim. The victim gets -3 chance to kill, but +3 notoriety. If the killer fails, add 3 evidence.
All out of Ammo
When a murder is committed with a gun, you may play this to prevent the murder and destroy the weapon.
Copycat Killer
Treat this card as an exact copy of your killer, except with -1 chance to kill. You may choose each turn whether to choose your copycat, or your real killer. Evidence is tracked seperately, but all notoriety is added to your primary killer. If the copycat is caught, lose 10 notoriety.
Son of ...
May only be played when your killer is dead or incarcerated. Treat this card as an exact copy of your killer. You may choose each turn whether to choose your copycat, or your real killer. Evidence is tracked seperately, but all notoriety is added to your primary killer. Is caught at 7 evidence, at which point you lose 5 notoriety.
CSI Forensics Lab
Whenever investigating a corpse, add one extra evidence.
Ballistics Lab
Whenever a murder is committed with a gun, you may choose to add one evidence to the killer (once per turn).
Torture Chamber
+1 notoriety for every kill. However, detectives may choose to look for the chamber instead of taking another action whenever you kill. If they roll a 6, lose the chamber, add 2 evidence.
Police Scanner
Once per turn, if your evidence is 8 or higher, you may lower it by one.
Pig Farm
Discard a card, discard a corpse.
Creepy Cabin in the Woods
Your evidence limit goes up by one (so, in most cases, 11 evidence would need to be gathered instead of 10 to haul your killer off to jail).