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=== Pirate Strengths ===
=== Pirate Strengths ===
Some cards may ask you to roll and add a strength. That means you should add 1 to the roll for every Pirate with that strength.<br />
For example, if you have 3 Pirates with Swashbucklin', and a card asks you to "roll and add Swashbucklin'", you would add 3 to the roll.

=== Starting The Game ===
=== Starting The Game ===

Revision as of 07:33, 21 May 2010

Booty for Booty
Designers SUPERSUGA, Jacoby
Date 3/18/2010
Players 1-4
This is an untested deck. Its cards are complete, but it hasn't yet been tested.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

Booty for Booty is a Dvorak version of the game of the same name, originally made by SUPERSUGA for the Penny Arcade IRC channel and forums.

You are the captain of a surly pirate crew, hoping you can one day get enough booty to trade it in for a mansion and a wife. Not before you've had a few more years of adventure though!

Special Rules

Makin' Yer Crew

Your crew will start with 8 pirates, but you will be able to get more during the game.


When you make a new pirate, you start by finding his Strength. Roll a d6 and check the Strength Table.

Strength Table
Result Strength Description
1 No Strength Roll on Weakness Table instead.
2 Swashbucklin' Stabbin', Tauntin' and Swingin' on ropes all included.
3 Swaggerin' Wearing impressive hats, shouting loudly and inspiring fear in others.
4 Stealin' Finding and claiming Booty
5 Shootin' Firing cannons and pistols.
6 Choose any! Choose any Strength. If this is your first 6, roll again.

A pirate can have a maximum total of 2 Strengths and Weaknesses. For example, 2 Strengths would be okay, as would a Strength and a Weakness.

Legendary Pirates

A pirate with two Strengths is a Legendary Pirate. Check the Legendary Table to see which Legendary Title that pirate has.

Legendary Table
Strength 1 Strength 2 Legendary Title Description
Swashbucklin' Swaggerin' The Terrible Any Pirates put on a job with this Pirate ignore the effects of Seasick and Scrapper Weaknesses.
Swashbucklin' Stealin' The Backstabber Roll whenever this Pirate returns to Port he will murder a few people and gain 1d6 Booty. However, if this roll is a 1 they get thrown in jail until the next time the ship returns to Port.
Swashbucklin' Shootin' The Bloody Roll whenever this Pirate would be killed. On 4+ they manage to claw themselves out of the situation somehow and are unharmed.
Swaggerin' Stealin' The Bastard This Pirate has an enemy in every Port. Upon arriving in Port they must roll. On a 1 they are killed. On 2-4 they get in a few brawls but only lose a tooth or two. On 5-6 they beat up an enemy so badly they are forced to join the crew out of admiration, roll for a new crewman immediately.
Swaggerin' Shootin' The Killer Whenever you wish you may have this Pirate shoot another crewmember dead. This may interrupt any other event or happenings.
Stealin' Shootin' The Plunderer Whenever the crew gain any Booty with this Pirate present they may gain an additional d6 Booty.


Pirates can get a Weakness if you roll a 1 on the Strength Table, or through Events in the game.
To find your pirate's weakness, roll a d6 and check the Weakness Table.

Weakness Table
Result Weakness Description
1 Scummy This pirate is so repulsive that any non-Scummy pirates will refuse to work with them on jobs.
2 Scaredy Whenever there is any sort of Event that would effect this pirate (sea encounter, crew event, island event or port happening) roll. On 1-3 they hide somewhere and take no part in the event.
3 Seasick Roll at the start of each week. On 1-2 the Pirate can do nothing but vomit and sleep until the next week.
4 Swigger Each week this Pirate must roll. On 1-3 they consume an extra barrel of grog and must roll again. On 4+ they drink no additional Grog. If there is no Grog left for them to drink they must roll on the Sober Pirate table.
5 Scrapper Roll whenever this Pirate is set on a job. On a 1 they get into a brawl with another Pirate on that job, preventing both of them from doing any work.
6 Feature The pirate has no Weakness, but gains a Feature instead.


No two Pirates on a crew may be identical. If two match one of them must roll for a Feature.
For example, if a crew is rolled with three Pirates with Stealin' as their only Strength two of them must get a Feature, and they both must get different Features.
This rule also applies to new pirates that are recruited at port.

To get a Feature, roll 2d6 and check the Features Table.

Features Table
Result Feature
2 No Nose
3 Blind
4 Parrot
5 Toothless
6 Eyepatch
7 Beard
8 Peg Leg
9 Hook
10 Tattoos
11 Monkey
12 Two Hooks

Finishing Touches

You should give each Pirate a name. (It's more fun that way!)
You will need to choose a Captain out of your 8 pirates. If you have any Legendary Pirates, your Captain must be one of them.


You have two Resources while playing the game.


Grog acts as fuel for the crew. If the crew doesn't have enough grog, bad things can happen!


Booty is the treasures you get during your pirate adventures. Getting 300 Booty lets you win the game, but you might have to use it, especially to get Grog.

Pirate Strengths

Some cards may ask you to roll and add a strength. That means you should add 1 to the roll for every Pirate with that strength.
For example, if you have 3 Pirates with Swashbucklin', and a card asks you to "roll and add Swashbucklin'", you would add 3 to the roll.

Starting The Game

  • Make your 8 Pirates and choose a Captain.
  • You begin with 40 Grog and 0 Booty.

Playing The Game

On your turn, you must do these steps in order.

Step 1: Jobs

Divide your Pirate Crew into 3 Job groups.

Helm: Your Captain must be part of the Helm group. If you do not have at least 1 other Pirate in this group besides the Captain, you will have to roll on the Captain's Madness table.
Decks: These pirates keep the ship working. The more Pirates you have in this group, the less likely you are to get a Crew Event card.
Sails: These pirates keep the ship moving. The more Pirates you have in this group, the more likely you are to get to your destination.

Step 2: Set Course

  • If the Captain is the only member of the Helm group, roll on the Captain's Madness table below.
  • If this makes the Captain unable to work, roll a d6 to determine your course.
    • On a roll of 1-3, you head for Port. On a roll of 4-6, you head for an Island.
  • Declare whether you are going to head for an Island or a Port.

Step 3: Swab The Decks

  • Roll a d6 and add the number of Pirates in the Decks group. If this roll is 5 or less, take a Crew Event card and follow the instructions on it.

Step 4: Set Sail

  • Roll a d6 and add the number of Pirates in the Sails group. The roll succeeds if you roll 6 or more.
    • If the roll succeeds, you have arrived at the destination you chose to sail towards.
    • If the roll fails, you are still At Sea.
Island Destination
  • When you arrive at an Island, you must choose a number of Pirates to investigate the Island. Only those Pirates' Strengths will affect rolls made on Island Exploration Cards.
  • Draw an Island Exploration Card and follow the instructions.
Port Destination
  • When you arrive at an Island, you will lose 1 Booty for each Pirate.
    • If you go down to 0 Booty, your Pirates will steal what they need. (You do not go into negative Booty.)
  • Your Pirates do not need to consume Grog while at Port. (That's what the Booty is for!)
  • You can recruit a new Pirate by paying 1 Booty and 1 Grog. Create the new Pirate following the normal Pirate creation rules.
  • You can bank some or all of your Booty while in Port. Banked treasures cannot be lost or used while At Sea or on an Island.
  • You must draw a Port Happenings Card and follow the instructions.
At Sea
  • Draw a Sea Encounters Card and follow the instructions.

Step 5: Grog!

Winning The Game

Card List

Sample Card
Sample Card

Crew Events

Sea Encounters

Port Happenings

Island Exploration