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| title =Baryon Coryda
| title =Baryon Coryda
| text =This card cannot be destroyed by anything but itself. Upon the destruction of any card, create a Subatomic Particle Token on the controller's field. After creating 14 such tokens, create a Higgs Boson token, then destroy the Higgs Boson token and this card.
| text = Upon the destruction of any card, create a Subatomic Particle Token on the controller's field. After creating 14 such tokens, create a Higgs Boson token, then destroy the Higgs Boson token and this card. The owner of a Higgs Boson wins the game.
| longtext =true
| longtext =true
| type =Thing
| type =Thing
| bgcolor =006
| bgcolor =006
| cornervalue =
| cornervalue =
| flavortext = I shall find the Higgs Boson!... Probably
| flavortext = Must find Higgs Boson...
| creator =NARF
| creator =NARF

Latest revision as of 14:35, 30 October 2010

So Yeah....

Castlevania Cards

(Infinite Dvorak Rules)

Basic Skeleton
"Risen from their graves, they now serve under the dark rule of Dracula."
Card by NARF
Ghost Dancer
If this card is to be destroyed, flip two coins. If both come up tails, Ghost Dancer is not destroyed.
"Some skeletons were dancers in their former lives. They're quick in all such respects, making it tough to outrun them."
Card by NARF
Hanged Bone
Action: Destroy a Thing. If this ability is used, delete all text on this card except the flavor text.
"Hanged skeletons, like skeledragons and white dragons, have been grown spine-first into solid structures."
Card by NARF
Jack o' Bones
Action: Flip three coins. For every one that comes up heads, destroy one thing of your choice. If all of them come up heads, destroy Jack o' Bones.
"These skeletons tie together dislodged bones to form their own version of the Belmont boomerang."
Card by NARF
If Paranthropus' cornervalue becomes 0 or less, destroy Paranthropus.
Action:Decrease Paranthropus' cornervalue by 1 and destroy a card.
"These are the skeletons of otherwise enormous human beings; they carry around their equally gigantic bones."
Card by NARF

Card Ideas

Card by NARF
Card's Ghost
This thing can only be played by discarding a card. This card does not use up your one thing per turn. If any player discards a card, or destroys one, create a copy of this card (lacking this sentence) under the control of the player who lost the card.
What, you thought cards just disappeared?
Card by NARF
Baryon Coryda
Upon the destruction of any card, create a Subatomic Particle Token on the controller's field. After creating 14 such tokens, create a Higgs Boson token, then destroy the Higgs Boson token and this card. The owner of a Higgs Boson wins the game.
Must find Higgs Boson...
Card by NARF
A Tale of Cards
This card's text is the text of all cards in play, in alphabetical order.
Card by NARF
Biomorphic Transmuter
Action: Copy a sentence not containing the words win or lose from one thing onto this one, in any place you like.
Action: Copy a sentence not containing the words win or lose from this thing onto another one, in any place you like.
It fiddles with the rules of our universe. Just ignore it.
Card by NARF
Immediately play all cards in your hand. All things with Action abilities that are played this turn use them immediately.
Card by NARF
Slippers Of God
Action: Destroy Slippers Of God. Destroy all Things belonging to a single player. This ability is instantly activated if an opponent plays a thing based on Sea-Life, without using up an Action.
"You may not have noticed, but I threw my slippers at the beast!"
Card by NARF
The Long Vertical Level In Every Platformer
This card can be played onto another player. If any one your cards are affected by another, all other cards you have are affected the same way.
Card by NARF
Wartime Holds No Rules
This card cannot be destroyed by any card except itself. It overrules cards which claim to destroy indestructible cards. As long as this card is in play, Thing's Action abilities can be played without using up the owners action turn. This card destroys itself after 7 turns.
"Just to make the area a bit more... Interesting."
Card by NARF