Difference between revisions of "Booty for Booty deck"

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
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m (Reverted edits by Wayland (Talk) to last revision by Jacoby)
(41 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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| date = 3/18/2010
| date = 3/18/2010
| players = 1-4
| players = 1-4
| status = Unfinished
| status = Untested

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|Pet Parrot
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|Pet Monkey
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** If you go down to 0 Booty, your Pirates will steal what they need. (You do not go into negative Booty.)
** If you go down to 0 Booty, your Pirates will steal what they need. (You do not go into negative Booty.)
* Your Pirates do not need to consume Grog while at Port. (That's what the Booty is for!)
* Your Pirates do not need to consume Grog while at Port. (That's what the Booty is for!)
* You can buy more Grog at a cost of 1 Booty per Grog.
* You can recruit a new Pirate by paying 1 Booty and 1 Grog. Create the new Pirate following the normal Pirate creation rules.
* You can recruit a new Pirate by paying 1 Booty and 1 Grog. Create the new Pirate following the normal Pirate creation rules.
* You can bank some or all of your Booty while in Port. Banked treasures cannot be lost or used while At Sea or on an Island.
* You can bank some or all of your Booty while in Port. Banked treasures cannot be lost or used while At Sea or on an Island.
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|type=Crew Events
|type=Crew Events
|text= Roll for each Pirate. On 1-2 that Pirate counts as having the Scummy weakness until they next return to Port.
|text= Roll for each Pirate. On 1-2 that Pirate counts as having the Scummy Weakness until they next return to Port.
|flavortext=Ewww! There be lice in yer beard!
|flavortext=Ewww! There be lice in yer beard!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
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|type=Crew Events
|type=Crew Events
|text=Any Pirate that consumes Grog will count as having the Seasick weakness. Keep this card until you return to Port, then discard it.
|text=Any Pirate that consumes Grog will count as having the Seasick Weakness. Keep this card until you return to Port, then discard it.
|flavortext=The Grog has gone bad! We'll have to steal some good Grog when we get to Port.
|flavortext=The Grog has gone bad! We'll have to steal some good Grog when we get to Port.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
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|type=Crew Events
|type=Crew Events
|text= If no Pirate has a parrot ignore this card. Roll for each pirate. On a 1 lose that Pirate. Keep this card and repeat this roll each turn until the Crew returns to Port.
|text= If no Pirate has the Pet Parrot Feature ignore this card. Roll for each pirate. On a 1 lose that Pirate. Keep this card and repeat this roll each turn until the Crew returns to Port.
|flavortext=That is an infectious parrot!
|flavortext=That is an infectious parrot!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 654: Line 655:
|title=Giant Squid
|title=Giant Squid
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= A squid tries to drag you down to the abyss. Roll and add Swashbucklin' 1-3 the Squid drags one crew member down to the icey depths and you must roll again. 4-6 the Squid is defeated. 7+ the Squid is killed and you manage to salvage valuable trophies worth 10 Booty.
|text=Roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-3 Lose 1 Pirate and roll again. 4-6 discard this card. 7+ discard this card and gain 10 Booty.
|flavortext=A squid tries to drag you down to the abyss. Can your Crew defeat the beast?
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 663: Line 664:
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= The ship is torn open by an iceberg. Choose to lose either all your Booty, all your Grog or d6 Crew members.
|text=Choose to lose either all your Booty, all your Grog or d6 Crew members.
|flavortext=The ship is torn open by an iceberg.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
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|title=Helpless Ship
|title=Helpless Ship
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= You board a ship with no guards at all. Roll and add Stealin', you gain five times that amount of Booty.
|text=Roll and add Stealin'. You gain five times that amount of Booty.
|flavortext=You board a ship with no guards at all.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 681: Line 682:
|title=Navy Attack
|title=Navy Attack
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= The navy have got you in an ambush. Roll and add Shootin'. 1-4 the Navy pound your ship to bits, causing either two Pirates or 2d6 Booty and 2d6 Grog to be lost. On 5-6 you manage to escape the navy and on 7+ you shoot down one of the ships and salvage it for 4d6 Booty.
|text=Roll and add Shootin'. 1-4 Either lose two Pirates or 2d6 Booty and 2d6 Grog. On 5-6 no effect. On 7+ gain 4d6 Booty  
|flavortext=The navy have got you in an ambush. This could be bad, but there might be Booty in it if your luck holds...
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
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|title=Pirate Trap
|title=Pirate Trap
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Some fellow pirates are trying to beat you at your own game. Roll and add Shootin'. 1-2 the Pirates manage to board you and steal 10 Booty. 3-4 you just manage to fight the pirates off. 5+ you gain twice that number of Booty as you raid the ships trying to attack you!
|text=Roll and add Shootin'. 1-2 Lose 10 Booty. 3-4 no effect. 5+ you gain twice that number in Booty
|flavortext=Some fellow pirates are trying to beat you at your own game. Show 'em how it's done!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 699: Line 700:
|title=Triangle of Doom
|title=Triangle of Doom
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Thousands of ships have gone missing in this part of the ocean... roll three dice. If they all match the ship vanishes and is never seen again.
|text=Roll 3d6. If they all the dice match, lose all your Pirates, Grog and Booty. Start again with a new starting Crew and 40 Grog.
|flavortext=Thousands of ships have gone missing in this part of the ocean...  
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
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|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= The sails fall limp and the ship cannot move from the middle of the ocean until a 4 or more is rolled at the start of a new week.
|text=The ship will not move as long as you have this card. At the beginning of each turn, roll a die. On a roll of 4 or more, discard this card.
|flavortext=The sails fall limp and the ship cannot move from the middle of the ocean
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
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|title=Black Water
|title=Black Water
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= The water turns dark and daunting, as if something bad is about to happen. The captain immediately becomes scared and turns the bearing to Port.
|text=Your Course immediately changes to Port.
|flavortext=The water turns dark and daunting, as if something bad is about to happen.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
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|title=Native Canoes
|title=Native Canoes
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Some savages have sailed up to the ship in their canoes offering to trade. You may trade your Grog for Booty at a one to one ratio. If you have a Pirate with stealin' you can trade either way at a one to two ratio instead, as you trick the naive natives. Alternatively you may kill them and steal 2d6 Booty but you must roll and subtract Swashbucklin', losing that many crew members to poison darts.  
|text=You may trade your Grog for Booty at a one to one ratio. If you have a Pirate with stealin' you can trade either way at a one to two ratio instead. You may choose to gain 2d6 Booty, but if you do, you must roll and subtract Swashbucklin', losing that many Pirates.
|flavortext=Some savages have sailed up to the ship in their canoes offering to trade.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 735: Line 737:
|title=Sea Volcano
|title=Sea Volcano
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= A gush of superheated water destroys two of your choice from the following. A crew member, 1d6 Booty and 1d6 Grog.  
|text=Choose one of the following to lose: A Pirate, 1d6 Booty or 1d6 Grog.  
|flavortext=A gush of superheated water endangers the ship.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 744: Line 746:
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Roll. 1-2 the ship is damaged and 3d6 Booty lost. 3-4 you are washed up at an Island, 5-6 you are washed up at Port.  
|text= Roll. 1-2 lose 3d6 Booty. 3-4 you arrive at an Island, 5-6 you arrive at a Port.  
|flavortext=You never know where a hurricane might blow you.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 753: Line 755:
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= It's a legendary hungry whirlpool that will only let the ship past if it's fed! Throw either a Booty, Grog or Pirate into it and roll. 1-4 the whirlpool wants more and holds the ship in place, throw in something else! 5-6 the Whirlpool seems content and you can pass.  
|text=Lose either 1 Booty, 1 Grog or a Pirate and roll. 1-4 you must lose either 1 Booty, 1 Grog or a Pirate and roll again. 5-6 discard this card.  
|flavortext=It's a legendary hungry whirlpool that will only let the ship past if it's fed!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 762: Line 764:
|title=Big Wave
|title=Big Wave
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= A big wave it coming. The ship can try to avoid it, in which case they lose 1d6 Booty in the process, or try and ride it. If they ride it, roll. 1-2 the ship is almost crushed and all Booty is lost. 3-4 the ship rides the wave but doesn't make any real progress, but it looked pretty impressive. 5-6 the ship rides the wave and ends up at their destination immediately.
|text=Choose one: Lose 1d6 Booty or roll. If you roll, on 1-2 lose all Booty, 3-4 No effect, 5-6 you immediately arrive at your destination.
|flavortext=A big wave is coming. The ship can try to avoid it, or risk riding it.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 771: Line 773:
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= It's so hot that every Pirate will drink an extra barrel of Grog this week, or else suffer the effects of being sober as if they had drunk none.
|text=Every Pirate consumes 2 Grog this turn. If they cannot, they must roll on the Sober Pirate Table as though they had no Grog.
|flavortext=It's so hot!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
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|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Choose one Pirate to get thrown overboard in Shark-infested waters. Roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-2 the Pirate is quickly eaten down by the sharks. 3-4 the pirate fights off a Shark and gains Swaggerin' for being so impressive. 5+ the pirate gains Swaggerin' as he kills some sharks and also hauls up a trophy catch worth 1d6 Booty.
|text=Choose one Pirate. Roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-2 lose that Pirate. 3-4 the Pirate gains Swaggerin' 5+ the pirate gains Swaggerin' and gain 1d6 Booty.
|flavortext=A Pirate is thrown overboard into shark-infested waters!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 789: Line 791:
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Choose one Pirate to have a run in with some crocs while dangling a leg into the water. They gain a fatal fear of crocodiles and if the crew ever come across crocs again this pirate will keel over and die from fear.  
|text=Choose one Pirate. If the crew ever come across crocs again, lose this Pirate.
|flavortext=A Pirate has a run-in with crocs! Shouldn't dangle your feet in the water, I guess.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 798: Line 800:
|title=White Whale
|title=White Whale
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= A whale tauntingly nudges the ship before dissapearing into the depths. The captain vows to catch it and refuses to return to port until it is caught. The ship immediately sets bearing for The White Whale, which is sailed to just like an island or port (requiring a roll of 6 or more on the sails roll). When they catch the whale roll and add Shootin' for the whole crew. 1-2 the Whale escapes and manages to swallow one pirate and d6 Booty in the process. 3-4 the Whale just escapes. 5+ the Whale is caught, much to the relief of the captain, and its bones are worth 2d6 Booty. The ship cannot go to an Island or Port until either the whale or the captain are dead.
|text=The ship immediately sets Course for The White Whale, which is sailed to just like an Island or Port. When they arrive, roll and add Shootin' for the whole crew. 1-2 Lose a Pirate and d6 Booty and keep this card, 3-4 keep this card, 5+ gain 2d6 Booty and discard this card. The ship cannot go to an Island or Port while you have this card. If the Captain is lost, discard this card.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 807: Line 809:
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Roll for each pirate. Any who roll 1-2 head off onto some rocks to frollick with some mermaids, which turn out to be sea hags after the grog-vision has cleared! Roll and add Swashbucklin' for each Pirate that fell for the trap. 1-3 the Hag tears the Pirate to shreds. 4+ the Pirate manages to fight off the Hag and returns to the ship.
|text= Roll for each pirate. Any who get 1-2 are set aside. Roll and add Swashbucklin' for each Pirate that was set aside. 1-3 lose that Pirate, 4+ no effect.
|flavortext=The Crew spots mermaids! They're really vicious sea hags, but the Crew is too drunk to see that.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 816: Line 818:
|title=Message in a Bottle
|title=Message in a Bottle
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Someone's calling for help. If the Pirates make it to an Island next week they find a new Pirate, who joins the crew. Otherwise they find some bones.  
|text=If the Pirates make it to an Island on the next turn they find a new Pirate, who joins the crew.
|flavortext=Just a castaway, on an island lost at sea-oh...
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 825: Line 827:
|title=Man in a Barrel
|title=Man in a Barrel
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= The crew can choose whether or not to take this man on board. If they do, they gain a new crew member but must roll immediately. On a 1-2 they are infact riddled with Sea Madness and kill one crew member before diving back into the sea.
|text=You may choose to roll. If you do, on a 1-2 lose a Pirate, and on 3+ gain a new Pirate. If you don't, no effect.
|flavortext=The Crew finds a man floating in a barrel. He might make a good Pirate, if he doesn't have Sea Madness.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 834: Line 836:
|title=Ghost Ship
|title=Ghost Ship
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= A ghost ship! Honestly! Didn't you just see that? Roll and add shootin'. 1-3 some ghosts fly over from the other ship and tear 3 crew members to pieces. 4-6 the ship vanishes into thin air. Spooky.7+ the ship is brought down and the legendary pearl of deadface floats in the wreckage! Gain 20 Booty.  44
|text=Roll and add Shootin'. 1-3 lose 3 Pirates 4-6 no effect (but still spooky) 7+ gain 20 Booty
|flavortext=A ghost ship! Honestly! Didn't you just see that?
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 843: Line 845:
|title=Sea Rats
|title=Sea Rats
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Some dirty pirates have left a sinking ship. You may choose to gain 2 new crew members or kill them and take 2d6 Booty and 1d6 Grog.
|text=You may choose to gain 2 new Pirates or gain 2d6 Booty and 1d6 Grog.
|flavortext=Some dirty pirates have left a sinking ship.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 852: Line 854:
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= A haunting song lures the ship onto some rocks. Lose 2d6 Booty and 2d6 Grog.  
|text=Lose 2d6 Booty and 2d6 Grog.
|flavortext=A haunting song lures the ship onto some rocks.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 861: Line 863:
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= The legendary colussus of the sea rises and tries to swallow the ship! Roll and add Shootin'. 1-5 the ship is swallowed whole! Months later the crew and what's left of the ship are vomited out into a Port but they have lost all their Booty and Grog. A generous stranger at Port donates 1d6 Grog.  
|text=Roll and add Shootin'. 1-5 You immediately arrive (washed up) at Port. Lose all Booty and Grog, then gain 1d6 Grog.  
|flavortext=The legendary colossus of the sea rises and tries to swallow the ship!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 870: Line 872:
|title=Treasure Hunters
|title=Treasure Hunters
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= A group of treasure hunters want the pirates' help. They will take you to an island immediately in return for half of any grog or booty found there. Alternatively you can board them and try to steal their booty. If so, roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-3 you are faught off and one Pirate dies. 4-6 you steal 1d6 Booty. 7+ you steal 2d6 Booty.  
|text=Choose one: Immediately arrive at an Island, but you only gain half the normal Booty or Grog, or roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-3 lose one Pirate, 4-6 gain 1d6 Booty, 7+ gain 2d6 Booty.  
|flavortext=A group of treasure hunters want the pirates' help. You could help yourself to their treasures...
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 879: Line 881:
|title=Bounty Hunters
|title=Bounty Hunters
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Someone's put a price on the Captain's head and tries to take it! Roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-3 the Captain is killed. 4-5 the attackers are fended off. 6+ they are fended off and you manage to salvage 1d6 Booty from them in the process.
|text=Roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-3 lose the Captain, 4-5 no effect, 6+ gain 1d6 Booty
|flavortext=Someone's put a price on the Captain's head and tries to take it!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 888: Line 890:
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= These explorers will guide you immediately to an Island in exchange for 5 Booty. Alternatively you can attack them. Roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-2 you are faught off. 3-4 you steal 1d6 Booty. 5-6 you steal 2d6 Booty. 7+ you steal twice that amount of Booty.
|text=Choose one: Lose 5 Booty and immediately arrive at an Island, or roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-2 no effect, 3-4 gain 1d6 Booty, 5-6 gain 2d6 Booty. 7+ gain twice that amount of Booty.
|flavortext=You could pay these explorers to guide you to an Island, or you could steal all their stuff. Up to you...
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 897: Line 900:
|title=Merchant Convoy
|title=Merchant Convoy
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= These ships are helpless without their escort. Roll and add Shootin'. 1-4 you are faught off and 1 Pirate dies. 5+ the escort is destroyed, you may roll and add Stealin', gaining twice that much Booty.
|text=Roll and add Shootin'. 1-4 Lose 1 Pirate. 5+ You may roll and add Stealin', gaining twice that much Booty.
|flavortext=These ships are helpless without their escort, but the escort certainly isn't helpless...
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 906: Line 909:
|title=Ship Graveyard
|title=Ship Graveyard
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Roll and add Stealin'. You manage to salvage that much Booty from the wrecked ships but if the roll is a 1 then one pirate gets too greedy and drowns inside a sinking ship.  
|text= Roll and add Stealin'. You gain that much Booty. If the roll is a 1, lose a Pirate.
|flavortext=There's plenty of Booty to steal from these wrecks, but it can be dangerous business
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 915: Line 918:
|title=Rising Island
|title=Rising Island
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Out of nowhere an island springs up out of the ocean. Send out a group to explore it like any other island.
|text=You may treat the rest of this turn as if you arrived at an Island.
|flavortext=Out of nowhere an island springs up out of the ocean.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 924: Line 927:
|title=The Mist
|title=The Mist
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Navigation is impossible. You may travel as normal but when you next reach an Island or Port roll. On a 1 you've arrived at nothing more than a patch of empty ocean. On a 2 you have reached the other type of location. On 3+ you arrive at your destination as normal.
|text=You may travel as normal but when you next reach an Island or Port roll. On a 1 nothing happens. On a 2 you have reached the other type of location. On 3+ you arrive at your destination as normal.
|flavortext=Navigation is impossible in this fog!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 933: Line 936:
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Roll and add Shootin'. 1-3 your ship is pounded by cannons. Lose 1d6 Booty and one Pirate, roll again immediately. 4-5 you manage to just escape from the huge ship. 6+ you manage to sink the ship! Gain 2d6 Booty and 2d6 Grog.  
|text= Roll and add Shootin'. 1-3 Lose 1d6 Booty and one Pirate and roll again immediately. 4-5 no effect 6+ Gain 2d6 Booty and 2d6 Grog.  
|flavortext=There's plenty of Booty on this huge ship, but there's plenty of cannons as well.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 942: Line 945:
|title=Cursed Ship
|title=Cursed Ship
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= You steal 2d6 Booty from a completely helpless ship. However, when you next reach Port or an Island roll. If that roll is a 1 or 2 all of your Booty has mysteriously disappeared.
|text=Gain 2d6 Booty. When you next reach Port or an Island, roll. If that roll is a 1 or 2 lose all of your Booty.
|flavortext=It always seemed to good to be true...
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 951: Line 954:
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Some dolphins decide to accompany the ship, guiding them somewhere nice. You may reroll the next Island Encounter or Port Happenings event if you wish, after which the dolphins leave.
|text=Keep this card. You may redraw the next Island Encounter or Sea Encounters card if you wish. If you do, discard this card.
|flavortext=Some dolphins decide to accompany the ship, guiding them somewhere nice.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 960: Line 963:
|title=Spice Vessel
|title=Spice Vessel
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= A helpless ship filled with valuable cargo! Roll and add Stealin', gaining 5 times that number of Booty.
|text=Roll and add Stealin', gaining 5 times that number of Booty.
|flavortext=A helpless ship filled with valuable cargo!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 969: Line 972:
|title=Stirring Deep
|title=Stirring Deep
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Sea Encounters
|text= Shadows and shapes grasp at the ship from below. They speak in a deep voice, demanding the Captain hand over either all but one of his crew (not including himself) or all his Booty and Grog. If he fails to comply the ship is smashed to pieces and all are killed. Otherwise the shapes disperse in satisfaction.
|text=Choose one of the following: Lose all Pirates except the Captain, lose all Booty and Grog, or lose all Pirates, Grog and Booty, and start again with a new Pirate Crew (as though you were just starting the game).
|flavortext=Shadows and shapes grasp at the ship from below. They speak in a deep voice, demanding terrible things of the Captain.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 981: Line 985:

|title=We have no Grog today
|title=We Have No Grog Today
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= This port has no grog for sale! None at all!
|text=You cannot buy any Grog at this Port.
|flavortext=This port has no grog for sale! None at all!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 992: Line 996:
|title=The Black Spot
|title=The Black Spot
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= A hunched stranger gives one pirate the Black Spot! From now on whenever an event could negatively affect this pirate, it does.
|text=Choose a Pirate to get the Black Spot. If you get a Card that could negatively affect a Pirate, it must affect this Pirate.
|flavortext=A hunched stranger gives one pirate the Black Spot!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,001: Line 1,005:
|title=The Governor's Daughter
|title=The Governor's Daughter
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= Choose one Pirate with Swaggerin' (if there are none ignore this event), they have become involved with the Governor's Daughter and must roll. 1-2 they are found out and hung! 3-4 they finish their business with the daughter and steal 1d6 Booty on the way out. 5-6 the daughter gives up her life of luxury and joins the crew as a new pirate-ess.
|text=Choose one Pirate with Swaggerin' (If there are none, ignore this event) to roll. 1-2 Lose that Pirate 3-4 Gain 1d6 Booty 5-6 Gain a new Pirate (who must be female).
|flavortext=A Pirate in your crew has become involved with the Governor's daughter.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,010: Line 1,014:
|title=Attack the Mansion
|title=Attack the Mansion
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= Some pirates are raiding the Governor's mansion. Up to 4 crew members may join the raiding. Roll and add the number of crewmen joining in. 1-4 1d6 pirates die, but the crew still manages to grab 1d6 Booty. 5-6 one pirate dies but each pirate gets 1d6 Booty, doubling this if they have Stealin'. 7+ each pirate steals 1d6 Booty and a new pirate joins the crew in admiration.
|text=Choose up to 4 Pirates. Roll and add the number of Pirates you chose. 1-4 Lose 1d6 of the Pirates you chose and gain 1d6 Booty. 5-6 lose one of the Pirates you chose and gain 1d6 Booty for each remaining Pirate, doubling this if they have Stealin'. 7+ gain 1d6 Booty for each Pirate you chose and gain a new Pirate.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,019: Line 1,023:
|title=Exceptional Service
|title=Exceptional Service
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= Each Pirate will spend an additional Booty on the essentials at this port, due to the quality of goods being particularly high.
|text= Each Pirate will spend an additional Booty at this Port.
|flavortext=The quality of goods at this Port is particularly high! Should be worth spending a little extra...
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,028: Line 1,032:
|title=Under Seige
|title=Under Seige
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= The port is being bombarded by a rival. If the crew with to dock here they must roll first. 1-2 the ship is hit by cannonfire and 1d6 pirates are killed. 3-4 the fire hits the store and all grog is lost. 5-6 the ship makes it to port safely and may trade as normal.
|text=Roll. 1-2 Lose 1d6 Pirates, and you are still At Sea. 3-4 Lose all Grog, and you are still At Sea. 5-6 no effect.
|flavortext=The port is being bombarded by a rival. If you want to trade at Port, you're going to have to defeat him.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,037: Line 1,041:
|title=Grog Sale
|title=Grog Sale
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= Grog is half price here! 2 Grog may be bought for 1 Booty.
|text=2 Grog may be bought for 1 Booty.
|flavortext=Grog is half price here!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,046: Line 1,050:
|title=Old Enemy
|title=Old Enemy
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= One pirate must fight an old foe. Roll and add Swashbuckin' and Shootin'. 1-3 the pirate is killed dead. 4-6 the pirate wins the fight and steals 1 Booty from the corpse.
|text=Choose a Pirate. Roll and add Swashbuckin' and Shootin'. 1-3 Lose that Pirate. 4-6 Gain 1 Booty.
|flavortext=One pirate must fight an old foe.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,055: Line 1,059:
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= This port is ruined by a recent fire. Only 2d6 Booty is available for trade but the crew will not spend any Booty on the essentials, as the required establishments are burnt down.
|text=You can only spend 2d6 Booty at this Port. Your Pirates will not spend their 1 Booty at this Port.
|flavortext=This Port is ruined by a recent fire.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,064: Line 1,068:
|title=Business Opportunity
|title=Business Opportunity
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= There's a chance to make some serious Booty on a risky purchase. The goods cost 10 Booty and are apparently in high demand at a nearby port. If the crew buy the goods they may try to sell them next time they arrive at a port, rolling. 1-3 the goods aren't in demand afterall and will only be sold for 1 Booty. 4-6 the deal has worked and the goods can be sold for 30 Booty!
|text=You may spend 10 Booty to keep this card. The next time you arrive at Port, roll. 1-3 gain 1 Booty. 4-6 gain 30 Booty!
|flavortext=There's a chance to make some serious Booty on a risky purchase, which might be valuable at the next Port.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,073: Line 1,077:
|title=Settling Down
|title=Settling Down
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= This place is nice! Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 1 decide to give up the pirate life and settle down here.
|text=Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 1 are lost.
|flavortext=This place is nice! Some Pirates might want to settle down here...
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,082: Line 1,086:
|title=Scum and Villainy
|title=Scum and Villainy
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= This place isn't so nice. Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 1 are killed and left in a gutter. Any that roll a 2 are robbed of 1 Booty and any that roll a 3 just get into a few scraps and eat some bad food. All others manage to stay out of trouble.
|text=Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 1 are lost. Any that roll a 2 lose 1 Booty.
|flavortext=This place isn't so nice. Let's get out of here!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,091: Line 1,095:
|title=High Demand
|title=High Demand
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= If the crew has any booty part of it is of great value to the residents here. They can trade this 1 Booty for 15 Booty!
|text=You can trade 1 Booty for 15 Booty. You may only do this once.
|flavortext=One of your treasures is very valuable to the residents of this Port.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,100: Line 1,104:
|title=Special Offer
|title=Special Offer
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= There's an offer on Grog here. 20 Grog for just 19 Booty! It tastes strange, though.
|text=You may spend 19 Booty to get 20 Grog!
|flavortext=Cheap Grog here! Tastes a bit strange, but it's still good.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,109: Line 1,113:
|title=Legendary Sea Dog
|title=Legendary Sea Dog
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= A new legendary pirate joins the crew. Choose any type of legendary pirate from the list.
|text=Gain a new Legendary Pirate of your choice.
|flavortext=A new Legendary Pirate joins the crew.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,118: Line 1,122:
|title=Disease Hole
|title=Disease Hole
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 1 or 2 gain the Seasick weakness until they next reach a Port.
|text=Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 1 or 2 gain the Seasick Weakness until they next reach a Port.
|flavortext=This Port is full of disease!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,127: Line 1,131:
|title=Burning Love
|title=Burning Love
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= There's a nasty infection going around Port. Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 1 catch the infection and word spreads. They gain the Scummy weakness permanently.
|text=Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 1 gain the Scummy Weakness permanently.
|flavortext=There's a nasty infection going around Port.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,136: Line 1,140:
|title=Witch Hunt
|title=Witch Hunt
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= The captain is accused of being a Witch! The crew can either let him burn or try to rescue him. If the crew do, roll and add Shootin' and Swashbucklin'. 1-5 1d6 other Pirates are killed, as well as the Captain, before they flee back to their ship. 6+ the rescue attempt works and the crew all escape!
|text=You may roll and add Shootin' and Swashbucklin'. 1-5 1d6 other Pirates and the Captain are killed 6+ no effect. If you do not roll, lose the Captain.
|flavortext=The captain is accused of being a Witch! The crew can either let him burn or try to rescue him.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,145: Line 1,149:
|title=I'm Comandeering this Ship
|title=I'm Comandeering this Ship
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= An insane navy officer demands to take control of the ship. If the crew let him he joins the crew immediately, as a new Pirate, and becomes Captain. If they refuse the Captain will have to duel the officer, roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-3 the officer kills the Captain dead and takes command of the ship. 4+ the officer is killed and the crew must leave port immediately.
|text=You may gain a new Pirate, who immediately becomes Captain. Otherwise, roll and add the Captain's Swashbucklin'. 1-3 Lose your Captain and gain a new Pirate. 4+ you must leave Port immediately.
|flavortext=An insane navy officer demands to take control of the ship.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,154: Line 1,158:
|title=Docking Fee
|title=Docking Fee
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= If the crew wants to dock here it will cost them 5 Booty, or else they must keep on sailing.
|text=Either pay 5 Booty, or you are still At Sea.
|flavortext=If you want to dock here, you have to pay the fee!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,163: Line 1,167:
|title=Labour Strike
|title=Labour Strike
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 6 spend their time at port joining in the labour strikes, moved by the plight of the workers, rather than spending their Booty in the normal way. When the ship leaves port they come along as normal.
|text=Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 6 do not spend 1 Booty at Port as normal.
|flavortext=There are strikes in Port. Some of your Pirates might join in...
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,172: Line 1,176:
|title=Gambling Den
|title=Gambling Den
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= The captain will head into this den and may gamble any amount of Booty. Make a roll. 1-2 they loose all the Booty gambled and are thrown out of the den. 3-4 after a while he gets bored and quits, taking the Booty with him. 5-6 he doubles the Booty but must roll again immediately!
|text=Choose any amount of Booty that you have and roll. 1-2 Lose your chosen Booty. 3-4 No effect. 5-6 Double your chosen Booty and roll again.
|flavortext=The Captain's going to do a little gambling. Which might turn into a lot of gambling...
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,181: Line 1,185:
|title=Fancy Ball
|title=Fancy Ball
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= The captain is invited to a fancy ball. He spends 1d6 Booty on a new outfit and must roll. 1-2 he accidentally shoots the governor in the back and the ship flees port immediately. 3-4 he pockets 1d6 Booty, eats some food and then leaves. 5-6 he is the toast of the ball! He gains Swaggerin' and a young noble decides to join the crew as a new pirate.
|text=Lose 1d6 Booty and roll. 1-2 The ship leaves Port immediately. 3-4 gain 1d6 Booty. 5-6 The Captain gains Swaggerin' and you gain a new Pirate.
|flavortext=The captain is invited to a fancy ball. This is a great chance to impress the locals, so long as you don't accidentally kill the governor again.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,190: Line 1,195:
|title=Exotic Goods
|title=Exotic Goods
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= One pirate is particularly taken by one of the local girls. He'll spend 1d6 Booty on top of the usual 1 upon arriving at this port. If this roll is a 1 he refuses to leave Port with the crew and settles down next door to her establishment.
|text=Choose a Pirate and roll. On a 1, lose that Pirate. 2-6, that Pirate spends that much Booty on top of the usual 1 Booty at this Port.
|flavortext=One pirate is particularly taken by one of the local girls.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,199: Line 1,204:
|title=Pet Shop
|title=Pet Shop
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= One crewman spends 5 Booty on an exotic new pet.
|text=Lose 5 Booty and a Pirate of your choice gains either the Pet Parrot or Pet Monkey Feature (your choice).
|flavortext=Parrots and monkeys for sale!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,208: Line 1,213:
|title=Quality Prosthetics
|title=Quality Prosthetics
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= For every hook, eyepatch or peg-leg the crew has it spends 1d6 Booty on fancy replacements.
|text=For every Hook, Eyepatch or Peg-leg Feature the crew has, lose 1d6 Booty.
|flavortext=The sharpest hooks, blackest eyepatches and peggiest legs in the Seven Seas!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,217: Line 1,222:
|title=Con Artist
|title=Con Artist
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= The captain is conned out of 10 Booty. Roll immediately. 1-4 the con artist gets away. 5 the captain kills the con artist and takes the Booty back. 6 the captain catches the con artist and he returns the Booty and offers to join the crew. He'll join as a new Pirate with Stealin'.
|text=Roll. 1-4 lose 10 Booty. 5 no effect. 6 Gain a new Pirate with Stealin'.
|flavortext=The Captain is tricked by a con man! Can he get the money back?
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,226: Line 1,231:
|title=Wanted Sign
|title=Wanted Sign
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= One pirate is a wanted man here. If the crew leave immediately, without spending any Booty, nothing will come of it or else they must roll. 1-4 the Pirate is caught and hauled into jail for years. 5-6 the pirate manages to keep a low profile.
|text=You may leave Port immediately without spending any Booty. Otherwise, roll. 1-4 lose 1 Pirate. 5-6 no effect.
|flavortext=One pirate is a wanted man here.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,235: Line 1,240:
|title=Pirate Attack
|title=Pirate Attack
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= While the crew are in town their ship is mercilessly raided by other pirates! The repairs will cost 10 Booty. If the ship is not repaired it must roll every week it sails. On a 1 it sinks and all pirates die.
|text=You may pay 10 Booty. If you do not, keep this card. You must roll on every turn On a 1 lose all Booty, Grog and Pirates, and start over as if you were just starting the game.
|flavortext=While the crew are in town their ship is mercilessly attacked and damaged by other pirates!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,244: Line 1,249:
|title=False Advertisement
|title=False Advertisement
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= The captain misunderstands an offer at the grog shop and trades in all his Booty for Grog. The crew must leave immediately in shame.
|text=Lose all Booty and gain that much Grog. Your Crew must leave Port immediately.
|flavortext=The captain misunderstands an offer at the grog shop
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,253: Line 1,258:
|title=Parrots Wanted
|title=Parrots Wanted
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= The governor's young daughter has lost her precious parrot. If the crew has a Parrot they may sell it here for 30 Booty!
|text=If a Pirate has the Pet Parrot Feature they may lose it to gain 30 Booty
|flavortext=The governor's young daughter has lost her precious parrot.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,262: Line 1,267:
|title=Treasure Map
|title=Treasure Map
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= The crew may buy this map for 10 Booty. If they do, the next time they need to roll an Island Event they may choose the event directly above or below the rolled result if they so wish.
|text=You may pay 10 Booty to keep this card. If you do, the next time you must draw an Island Exploration Card you may discard this card to draw 3 Island Exploration Cards and pick 1.
|flavortext=It's good to know where the treasure actually is.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,271: Line 1,276:
|title=Smouldering Ruin
|title=Smouldering Ruin
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= This port is little more than a pile of burnt wreckage. Keep on sailing!
|text=You are still At Sea.
|flavortext=This port is little more than a pile of burnt wreckage. Keep on sailing!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,280: Line 1,285:
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= If the crew take this messenger to another Port he will pay them 10 Booty.
|text=You may choose to keep this card. If you do, the next time you arrive at Port, gain 10 Booty and discard this card.
|flavortext=If the crew take this messenger to another Port he will pay them handsomely.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,289: Line 1,294:
|title=Powderstore Explosion
|title=Powderstore Explosion
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= While the crew are in town there's a huge explosion! Roll for each pirate. Any that roll 1-2 are killed by the blast.
|text=Roll for each Pirate. Any that roll 1-2 are lost.
|flavortext=While the crew are in town there's a huge explosion!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,298: Line 1,303:
|title=Fortune Teller
|title=Fortune Teller
|type=Port Happenings
|type=Port Happenings
|text= The Fortune Teller proclaims one pirate will have exceptional luck! They may treat any dice rolled for them (as long as it only affects them!) as a 6 from now on. However, if the roll is a natural 1 the luck runs out and the effect is removed instantly.  
|text=Keep this card and choose a Pirate. Any natural die roll of 2 or more that affects that Pirate only is treated as a 6. Any natural die roll of 1 that affects that Pirate only is still treated as a 1, and you must discard this card.
|flavortext=The Fortune Teller proclaims one pirate will have exceptional luck!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,311: Line 1,317:
|title=Skull Island
|title=Skull Island
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= A giant ape attacks the explorers! Roll and add Shooting. 1-4 that many pirates are eaten. 5+ the ape is killed and 3d6 Booty is found in its stomach.
|text=Roll and add Shootin'. 1-4 lose that many Pirates 5+ gain 3d6 Booty
|flavortext=A giant ape attacks the explorers!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,320: Line 1,326:
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= Although there is no booty on this island, as such, it's a truly beautiful place. Roll for each explorer. Any that roll 1-3 choose to stay forever. The others return to the ship empty handed.
|text=Roll for each exploring Pirate. Lose any that roll 1-3.
|flavortext=Although there is no Booty on this island, it's a truly beautiful place.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,329: Line 1,335:
|title=Kingdom of Booty
|title=Kingdom of Booty
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= This island hosts an abandoned city filled with Booty! Roll for each explorer and add Stealin'. 1 they are torn apart by ancient forces. 2-5 they steal that much Booty. 6+ they steal double that amount of Booty!
|text=Roll for each exploring Pirate and add Stealin'. 1 lose that Pirate. 2-5 gain that much Booty. 6+ gain double that amount of Booty!
|flavortext=This island hosts an abandoned city filled with Booty!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,338: Line 1,344:
|title=Native Attack
|title=Native Attack
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= Roll and add Shootin' and Swashbucklin'. 1-3 that many pirates are killed by natives. 4-6 the natives are faught off and each pirate salvages 1d6 Booty. 7+ one of the natives joins the crew as a new pirate and each explorer, including the new recruit, gather 2d6 Booty.
|text=Roll and add Shootin' and Swashbucklin'. 1-3 lose that many Pirates. 4-6 gain 1d6 Booty for each exploring Pirate. 7+ gain a new Pirate and 2d6 Booty for each exploring Pirate (including the new one).
|flavortext=The natives are attacking! Can the crew fend them off?
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,347: Line 1,353:
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= This island has no booty but a single Castaway! He'll join the crew as a new pirate.
|text=Gain a new Pirate.
|flavortext=This island has no Booty but does have a single castaway!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,356: Line 1,362:
|title=Navy Outpost
|title=Navy Outpost
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= No team is sent out, but roll for the whole crew, adding Shootin'. 1-2 the ship is shot to bits and driven back, losing 5 Booty. 3-4 the ship fights off the navy for a while but has to flee undamaged. 5+ the crew defeat the navy! Roll and add Stealin'. Claim ten times this much Booty.
|text=Do not choose Pirates to explore. Roll for the whole crew, adding Shootin'. 1-2 lose 5 Booty. 3-4 no effect. 5+ roll and add Stealin'. Gain ten times this much Booty.
|flavortext=Can your crew fight off the navy?
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,365: Line 1,371:
|title=Volcano Island
|title=Volcano Island
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= This volcano is covered in lost Booty! Roll for each explorer. Any rolling a 1 are killed by lava, or else they gather Booty equal to their roll. The crew may stay and roll as many times as they want but subtract 1 from each roll after the first, this penalty stacking with each subsequent roll.
|text=Roll for each exploring Pirate. Any rolling a 1 are lost. otherwise, gain Booty equal to their roll. The crew may stay and roll as many times as they want but have a penalty to their rolls equal to the number of rolls made after the first roll.
|flavortext=This volcano is covered in lost Booty!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,374: Line 1,381:
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= If there is a female pirate on board the crew the locals will grant the crew 30 Booty as a gift! Otherwise they will attack. Roll for the explorers and add Swashbucklin. 1-5 the explorers are dragged off by the mighty natives and ceremonially killed. 6+ the explorers manage to fight off the attackers and each explorer claims 5 Booty.
|text=If there is a female pirate on board the crew gain 30 Booty! Otherwise roll for the exploring Pirates and add Swashbucklin. 1-5 lose all exploring Pirates. 6+ gain 5 Booty for each exploring Pirates.
|flavortext=The Amazons are fierce warriors, but are generous to other warrior women.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,383: Line 1,390:
|title=Main Course
|title=Main Course
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= Each explorer manages to claim 2 Booty from the caves on this island but one never returns, being fed to some local monster by natives.
|text=Lose one exploring Pirate. Gain 2 Booty for each remaining exploring Pirate.
|flavortext=There's treasure here, but one of your Crew is captured by the natives and fed to a horrible monster!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,392: Line 1,399:
|title=Treasure Cave
|title=Treasure Cave
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= The explorers find a cave filled with fifty booty. However, they may only take back 5 booty for each pirate on the team. Pirates with Stealin' may take 10 booty instead.
|text=Gain 5 Booty for each exploring Pirate, or 10 Booty for each exploring Pirate with Stealin', up to a maximum of 50 Booty.
|flavortext=The explorers find a cave filled with so much Booty, they might not be able to bring it all back!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,401: Line 1,408:
|title=Abandoned Temple
|title=Abandoned Temple
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= Roll for each pirate and add Stealin'. They each bring back that much Booty.
|text=Roll for each exploring Pirate and add Stealin'. Gain that much Booty.
|flavortext=This temple has plenty of Booty!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,410: Line 1,417:
|title=Ape Island
|title=Ape Island
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= If the explorers have a monkey the apes will present the explorers with 10 Booty as a gift, otherwise they will attack! Roll for the explorers and add Swashbucklin'. 1-3 that many explorers are killed by the apes. 4-6 the pirates fight back the apes but flee empty handed. 7+ the apes are killed and the pirates raid their treetop city for 30 Booty!
|text=If one of the exploring Pirates has the Monkey Feature, gain 10 Booty. Otherwise, roll for the explorers and add Swashbucklin'. 1-3 lose that many exploring Pirates. 4-6 no effect. 7+ gain 30 Booty.
|flavortext=Does anyone here speak ape?
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,419: Line 1,426:
|title=Docked Ship
|title=Docked Ship
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= Some idiot has left a ship here, the explorers raid it for 20 Booty and 20 Grog before fleeing.
|text=Gain 20 Booty and 20 Grog.
|flavortext=Some idiot has left a ship here!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,428: Line 1,435:
|title=Crab Island
|title=Crab Island
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= Just regular sized, friendly crabs. Each explorer manages to gather 1d6 Booty and one takes a Crab as a pet.
|text=Gain 1d6 Booty for each exploring Pirates. Give one of your exploring Pirates the Pet Crab Feature.
|flavortext=No giant crabs, just regular sized, friendly crabs.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,437: Line 1,444:
|title=Pygmy Island
|title=Pygmy Island
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= Natives will shoot darts at you while you gather booty, roll. 1-2 a Pirate is hit by a dart and dragged off, never seen again. 3-6 the team gathers that much booty. You may repeat this roll as many times as you wish.
|text=Roll. 1-2 lose one exploring Pirate. 3-6 gain that much booty. You may repeat this roll as many times as you wish.
|flavortext=The natives shoot darts at the exploring Pirates as they try to find Booty!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,446: Line 1,453:
|title=Monster Island
|title=Monster Island
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= Don't worry, it's just a name. You find a cave filled with 20 Booty. Also, one explorer is killed by a monster.
|text=Gain 20 Booty and lose one exploring Pirate.
|flavortext=Don't worry, it's just a name. Well, there is one monster...
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,455: Line 1,462:
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= Nothing but bones here. Move along.
|text=No effect.
|flavortext=Nothing but bones here. Move along.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,464: Line 1,471:
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= The crew haul up something from a ship wrecked in the coral around this island. On 1-3 it's 10 Booty and on 4-6 it's 10 Grog. The crew may then decide whether or not to attempt to approach the coral-surrounded island. If they do, roll. 1-4 the ship is torn apart and 2d6 Booty and 2d6 Grog is lost. 5-6 the ship just makes it to the island and claims 20 Booty.
|text=Roll. 1-3 gain 10 Booty. 4-6 gain 10 Grog. You may choose to roll. 1-4 lose 2d6 Booty and 2d6 Grog. 5-6 gain 20 Booty.
|flavortext=The crew haul up something from a ship wrecked in the coral around this island. Should they try to reach the island?
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,473: Line 1,480:
|title=The Cave
|title=The Cave
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= The explorers check all the caves nearby, but no Booty. However, roll for each explorer, any rolling 1-2 become obsessed with caves. Whenever the ship lands on an island again these 'cavers' will wander off into caves by themselves rather than help with exploring. They will return to the ship as it leaves.
|text=Roll for each exploring Pirate. Any rolling 1-2 gain the Caver Feature. Whenever the ship arrives at an Island again any Pirates with the Caver Feature cannot be chosen to be an exploring Pirate.
|flavortext=The exploring Pirates check all the caves nearby, but no Booty. They're still talking about caves though.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,482: Line 1,490:
|title=Native Wildlife
|title=Native Wildlife
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= One pirate claims a pet of his choice! In addition every explorer brings 1d6 Booty back to the ship.
|text=Gain 1d6 Booty for each exploring Pirate. One exploring Pirate gains either the Pet Monkey or Pet Parrot Feature (your choice).
|flavortext=It's a little weird that the boar has a ring, but we're not complaining.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,491: Line 1,499:
|title=Endless Jungle
|title=Endless Jungle
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= The explorers find 20 Booty but become lost, roll. 1-2 a pirate is killed by a snake, roll again! 3-4 the pirates wander and lost 1d6 of their new Booty, roll again. 5-6 the pirates make it back to the ship.
|text=Set aside 20 Booty and roll. 1-2 Lose an exploring Pirate and roll again. 3-4 lose 1d6 of the set-aside Booty and roll again. 5-6 you gain the set-aside Booty.
|flavortext=Did we take a left at that tree or the other tree that looks just like it?
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,500: Line 1,508:
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= You're not just at any island, you're at Port!
|text=You arrive at Port.
|flavortext=You're not just at any island, you're at Port!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,509: Line 1,517:
|title=Coral Reef
|title=Coral Reef
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= You gather precious coral with 20 Booty but lose 2d6 Grog from the stores as the coral tears your ship open.
|text=Gain 20 Booty and lose 2d6 Grog.
|flavortext=You gather precious coral but lose Grog from the stores as the coral tears your ship open.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,518: Line 1,526:
|title=Giant Turtle
|title=Giant Turtle
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= This island is a giant turtle! The explorers gather 1d6 Booty each and return to the ship, which is immediately dropped off at either a Port (1-3) or another island (4-6) by the turtle.
|text=Gain 1d6 Booty for each exploring Pirate and roll. 1-3 you arrive at Port. 4-6 you arrive at another Island.
|flavortext=This island is a giant turtle!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,527: Line 1,535:
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= The island is a mirage... better luck next time.
|text=You are still At Sea.
|flavortext=The island is a mirage... better luck next time.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,536: Line 1,544:
|title=Tropical Fruit
|title=Tropical Fruit
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= The explorers gather some delicious fruit, but it doesn't agree with them. All explorers gain the Seasick weakness until they next return to port and spend 1 Booty on some leeches.
|text=All exploring Pirates without the Seasick Weakness gain the Seasick Weakness until you next arrive at Port and spend 1 Booty (beyond the normal 1 Booty spent at Port).
|flavortext=The explorers gather some delicious fruit, but it doesn't agree with them.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,545: Line 1,553:
|title=Naive Natives
|title=Naive Natives
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= The locals here will buy Grog for 5 Booty a barrel!
|text=You may trade Grog for Booty at a rate of 1 Grog for 5 Booty.
|flavortext=They sure do want that Grog.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,554: Line 1,562:
|title=Isle of the Dead
|title=Isle of the Dead
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= Ghosts, Zombies and Skeletons attack the explorers! Roll and add Swashbucklin' for each explorer. 1-2 they are killed by the undead. 3-4 they flee back to the ship. 5+ they kill some walking dead, claiming 5 Booty before returning to the ship.
|text=Roll and add Swashbucklin' for each exploring Pirate. 1-2 lose that Pirate. 3-4 no effect. 5+ gain 5 Booty.
|flavortext=Ghosts, Zombies and Skeletons attack the exploring Pirates!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,563: Line 1,571:
|title=Parrot Island
|title=Parrot Island
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= Parrots are plentiful here and 1d6 explorers manage to tame one each. No Booty, though.
|text=You may give the Pet Parrot Feature to 1d6 exploring Pirates.
|flavortext=Parrots are plentiful here! No Booty, though.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,572: Line 1,580:
|title=Dread Lair
|title=Dread Lair
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= A narrow cave has the disctinct lure of a Booty-Hoard. Explorers may enter one at a time, rolling. 1-4 they don't return. 5-6 they return with any explorers that previously entered, each carrying 10 Booty.
|text=Roll for each exploring Pirate. 1-4 set aside that Pirate. 5-6 gain 10 Booty for each set-aside Pirate. If all exploring Pirates are set aside, lose those Pirates.
|flavortext=A narrow cave has the disctinct lure of a Booty-Hoard.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,581: Line 1,589:
|title=Booty Bay
|title=Booty Bay
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= Another pirate has hidden their hoard in the caves of this island! Roll and add Stealin'. 1-3 the Booty is trapped and 1 Pirate dies! Roll again if you wish. 4+ the pirates gather up 30 Booty and return to the ship.
|text=Roll and add Stealin'. 1-3 lose one exploring Pirate! You may roll again. 4+ gain 30 Booty.
|flavortext=Another pirate has hidden their hoard in the caves of this island!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,590: Line 1,598:
|title=Fountain of Fate
|title=Fountain of Fate
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= One pirate may drink from this fountain if they wish. The next time they go out to explore an Island they may reroll the result once, but must keep the new result if they do.
|text=You may choose one exploring Pirate. The next time that Pirate explores an Island they may discard the Island Exploration Card once, but must keep the new card if they do.
|flavortext=They say the Fountain gives good fortune! Who will drink from it?
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,599: Line 1,607:
|title=Hole to Hades
|title=Hole to Hades
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= One pirate catches a glimpse of Pirate Hell itself! As soon as he next returns to port he'll give up the pirate life and become a priest. No Booty here, just strange holes.
|text=Choose one of the exploring Pirates. When you next arrive at Port, lose that Pirate.
|flavortext=One pirate catches a glimpse of Pirate Hell itself!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,608: Line 1,616:
|title=Glittering Hoard
|title=Glittering Hoard
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= No catch, just treasure! Each explorer takes 10 Booty back to the ship.
|text=Gain 10 Booty for each exploring Pirate.
|flavortext=No catch, just treasure!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,617: Line 1,625:
|title=Buried Treasure
|title=Buried Treasure
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= There's a huge X in the middle of this island. The explorers can try to dig it up if they wish, rolling. 1 a huge bird swoops down and steals a pirate away, feeding them to its young, roll again or leave the island. 2-5 the pirates find nothing but may roll again if they wish. 6 the pirates strike the treasure! Each explorer takes 15 Booty back to the ship.
|text=You may choose to roll. 1 lose one exploring Pirate, and you may roll again. 2-5 you may roll again. 6 gain 15 Booty for each exploring Pirate.
|flavortext=There's a huge X in the middle of this island. Better hurry before the giant bird catches you!
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Line 1,626: Line 1,634:
|title=The Devil's Fist
|title=The Devil's Fist
|type=Island Exploration
|type=Island Exploration
|text= As well as finding d6 Booty each the pirates find the legendary ruby known as the Devil's Fist. This is worth 50 Booty but must be spent in one transaction.
|text=Gain 1d6 Booty for each exploring Pirate, as well as "The Devil's Fist". "The Devil's Fist" counts as 50 Booty but must be spent in one transaction.
|flavortext=As well as finding Booty each the pirates find the legendary ruby known as the Devil's Fist.
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
|creator=SUPERSUGA and Jacoby

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Latest revision as of 18:07, 21 September 2010

Booty for Booty
Designers SUPERSUGA, Jacoby
Date 3/18/2010
Players 1-4
This is an untested deck. Its cards are complete, but it hasn't yet been tested.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

This deck is locked. Further cards should not be added - leave feedback on the talk page.

Booty for Booty is a Dvorak version of the game of the same name, originally made by SUPERSUGA for the Penny Arcade IRC channel and forums.

You are the captain of a surly pirate crew, hoping you can one day get enough booty to trade it in for a mansion and a wife. Not before you've had a few more years of adventure though!

Special Rules

Makin' Yer Crew

Your crew will start with 8 pirates, but you will be able to get more during the game.


When you make a new pirate, you start by finding his Strength. Roll a d6 and check the Strength Table.

Strength Table
Result Strength Description
1 No Strength Roll on Weakness Table instead.
2 Swashbucklin' Stabbin', Tauntin' and Swingin' on ropes all included.
3 Swaggerin' Wearing impressive hats, shouting loudly and inspiring fear in others.
4 Stealin' Finding and claiming Booty
5 Shootin' Firing cannons and pistols.
6 Choose any! Choose any Strength. If this is your first 6, roll again.

A pirate can have a maximum total of 2 Strengths and Weaknesses. For example, 2 Strengths would be okay, as would a Strength and a Weakness.

Legendary Pirates

A pirate with two Strengths is a Legendary Pirate. Check the Legendary Table to see which Legendary Title that pirate has.

Legendary Table
Strength 1 Strength 2 Legendary Title Description
Swashbucklin' Swaggerin' The Terrible Any Pirates put on a job with this Pirate ignore the effects of Seasick and Scrapper Weaknesses.
Swashbucklin' Stealin' The Backstabber Roll whenever this Pirate returns to Port he will murder a few people and gain 1d6 Booty. However, if this roll is a 1 they get thrown in jail until the next time the ship returns to Port.
Swashbucklin' Shootin' The Bloody Roll whenever this Pirate would be killed. On 4+ they manage to claw themselves out of the situation somehow and are unharmed.
Swaggerin' Stealin' The Bastard This Pirate has an enemy in every Port. Upon arriving in Port they must roll. On a 1 they are killed. On 2-4 they get in a few brawls but only lose a tooth or two. On 5-6 they beat up an enemy so badly they are forced to join the crew out of admiration, roll for a new crewman immediately.
Swaggerin' Shootin' The Killer Whenever you wish you may have this Pirate shoot another crewmember dead. This may interrupt any other event or happenings.
Stealin' Shootin' The Plunderer Whenever the crew gain any Booty with this Pirate present they may gain an additional d6 Booty.


Pirates can get a Weakness if you roll a 1 on the Strength Table, or through Events in the game.
To find your pirate's weakness, roll a d6 and check the Weakness Table.

Weakness Table
Result Weakness Description
1 Scummy This pirate is so repulsive that any non-Scummy pirates will refuse to work with them on jobs.
2 Scaredy Whenever there is any sort of Event that would effect this pirate (sea encounter, crew event, island event or port happening) roll. On 1-3 they hide somewhere and take no part in the event.
3 Seasick Roll at the start of each week. On 1-2 the Pirate can do nothing but vomit and sleep until the next week.
4 Swigger Each week this Pirate must roll. On 1-3 they consume an extra barrel of grog and must roll again. On 4+ they drink no additional Grog. If there is no Grog left for them to drink they must roll on the Sober Pirate table.
5 Scrapper Roll whenever this Pirate is set on a job. On a 1 they get into a brawl with another Pirate on that job, preventing both of them from doing any work.
6 Feature The pirate has no Weakness, but gains a Feature instead.


No two Pirates on a crew may be identical. If two match one of them must roll for a Feature.
For example, if a crew is rolled with three Pirates with Stealin' as their only Strength two of them must get a Feature, and they both must get different Features.
This rule also applies to new pirates that are recruited at port.

To get a Feature, roll 2d6 and check the Features Table.

Features Table
Result Feature
2 No Nose
3 Blind
4 Pet Parrot
5 Toothless
6 Eyepatch
7 Beard
8 Peg Leg
9 Hook
10 Tattoos
11 Pet Monkey
12 Two Hooks

Finishing Touches

You should give each Pirate a name. (It's more fun that way!)
You will need to choose a Captain out of your 8 pirates. If you have any Legendary Pirates, your Captain must be one of them.


You have two Resources while playing the game.


Grog acts as fuel for the crew. If the crew doesn't have enough grog, bad things can happen!


Booty is the treasures you get during your pirate adventures. Getting 300 Booty lets you win the game, but you might have to use it, especially to get Grog.

Other Rules

Pirate Strengths

Some cards may ask you to roll and add a strength. That means you should add 1 to the roll for every Pirate with that strength.
For example, if you have 3 Pirates with Swashbucklin', and a card asks you to "roll and add Swashbucklin'", you would add 3 to the roll.

Every Ship Needs A Captain

If you ever lose the Captain, you must immediately choose a new Captain from the remaining Pirates in your Crew. If you have any Legendary Pirates remaining in your Crew, your Captain must be one of them.

Starting The Game

  • Make your 8 Pirates and choose a Captain.
  • You begin with 40 Grog and 0 Booty.

Playing The Game

Each turn, the Pirate Crews must do these steps.

  • Each Crew must do the step before moving on to the next step.
    • For example, you can't Set Course until every Crew has been divided into Job groups.
  • Each Crew should roll a d6 to decide who goes first.

Step 1: Jobs

Divide your Pirate Crew into 3 Job groups.

Helm: Your Captain must be part of the Helm group. If you do not have at least 1 other Pirate in this group besides the Captain, you will have to roll on the Captain's Madness table.
Decks: These pirates keep the ship working. The more Pirates you have in this group, the less likely you are to get a Crew Event card.
Sails: These pirates keep the ship moving. The more Pirates you have in this group, the more likely you are to get to your destination.

Step 2: Set Course

  • If the Captain is the only member of the Helm group, roll a d6 and check the Captain's Madness table below.
  • If this makes the Captain unable to work, roll a d6 to determine your Course.
    • On a roll of 1-3, you head for Port. On a roll of 4-6, you head for an Island.
  • Declare your Course: Island, Port, or another Pirate Ship.
Captain's Madness Table
Result Event
1 The Captain fears a mutiny. No Pirate is safe! Roll 1d6 for each other Pirate. On a 1, lose that Pirate.
2 The Captain decides getting drunk is more entertaining than working. Lose 1d6 Grog.
3 The Captain is sick! Roll on the Weakness Table and give the Captain that Weakness. If they already possess this Weakness, you lose the Captain.
4 The Captain has had enough of the sea and desires a luxurious life on land! Change the course to Port. This course cannot be changed until you arrive. On arrival, lose 2d6 Booty.
5 The Captain is bored, so the Crew will have to entertain him. On your next turn, all Pirates must be placed in the Helm group.
6 The Captain changes course on a whim. Your course is changed to the opposite of its normal course (i.e. Port instead of Island, Island instead of Port), and cannot be changed until you arrive at your destination.

Step 3: Swab The Decks

  • Roll a d6 and add the number of Pirates in the Decks group. If this roll is 5 or less, take a Crew Event card and follow the instructions on it.

Step 4: Set Sail

  • Roll a d6 and add the number of Pirates in the Sails group. The roll succeeds if you roll 6 or more (unless your Course is another Ship; see Pirate Attack!).
    • If the roll succeeds, you have arrived at the destination you chose to sail towards.
    • If the roll fails, you are still At Sea.
Island Destination
  • When you arrive at an Island, you must choose a number of Pirates to investigate the Island. Only those Pirates' Strengths will affect rolls made on Island Exploration Cards.
  • Draw an Island Exploration Card and follow the instructions.
Port Destination
  • When you arrive at an Island, you will lose 1 Booty for each Pirate.
    • If you go down to 0 Booty, your Pirates will steal what they need. (You do not go into negative Booty.)
  • Your Pirates do not need to consume Grog while at Port. (That's what the Booty is for!)
  • You can buy more Grog at a cost of 1 Booty per Grog.
  • You can recruit a new Pirate by paying 1 Booty and 1 Grog. Create the new Pirate following the normal Pirate creation rules.
  • You can bank some or all of your Booty while in Port. Banked treasures cannot be lost or used while At Sea or on an Island.
  • You must draw a Port Happenings Card and follow the instructions.
At Sea
  • Draw a Sea Encounters Card and follow the instructions.
Pirate Attack!
  • To reach another ship, your Sail roll must beat your target's Sail roll.
  • If this roll is successful, both Crews must roll and add Swashbucklin' and Shootin'.
    • The loser gives 2d6 Booty to the winners. If the loser doesn't have enough Booty, they must give enough Grog to make up the difference.
    • Roll a d6 for each Pirate on the losing Crew. On a 1, lose that Pirate.
  • If this roll is not successful, you are still At Sea.

Step 5: Grog!

  • You must use 1 Grog for every Pirate in your Crew.
  • If you would run out of Grog, choose the Pirates who will get Grog. You must roll a d6 and check the Sober Pirate Table once for each remaining Pirate.
    • For example, if 2 Pirates did not get Grog this turn, you would have to roll on the Sober Pirate Table twice.
Sober Pirate Table
Result Event
1 Abandon Ship! - The pirate leaps off the boat and swims off into the horizon, never seen again. Lose that Pirate.
2 Mutiny! - The pirate decides he could do a better job of running the ship.
  • Roll and add Swashbucklin'.
    • On 1-5 the Pirate is defeated by the Captain and forced to walk the plank. Lose that Pirate.
    • On 6+ they kill the Captain! Lose the Captain. This Pirate becomes the new Captain of the ship.
      • If the Captain gets this result for himself he kills one other crew member of his choice before they get the chance to Mutiny. Lose that Pirate.
3 Beserk! - The Pirate goes into a murderous frenzy! Lose that Pirate and another Pirate of your choice.
4+ Fine For Now - The Pirate manages to work without Grog.

Winning The Game

If you are the first Crew to get 300 Booty, your Pirate Captain can finally retire and settle down with a wife, a mansion, and a truly impressive hat. You win!

Card List

Crew Events

Thrown Overboard
Crew Events
Roll for each Pirate and add Swaggerin'. On a roll of 1, lose that Pirate.
Pirates are brawlin'! Be careful or you might be thrown overboard!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Beard Lice
Crew Events
Roll for each Pirate. On 1-2 that Pirate counts as having the Scummy Weakness until they next return to Port.
Ewww! There be lice in yer beard!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Dice Cheat
Crew Events
If no Pirates have Stealin' ignore this event. Otherwise one Pirate with Stealin' is put aside until the Crew next returns to Port. That Pirate is not considered to be part of the Crew, and does not consume Grog.
Ye bloody cheater! Lock 'im in the Brig!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Booty Call
Crew Events
Roll and add Stealin'. 1-3 Gain 1d6 Booty. 4-5 Nothing happens. 6+ Some Booty is missing! Lose 1d6 Booty.
Some Booty is missing, we're sure of it! This calls for a recount.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Bad Grog
Crew Events
Any Pirate that consumes Grog will count as having the Seasick Weakness. Keep this card until you return to Port, then discard it.
The Grog has gone bad! We'll have to steal some good Grog when we get to Port.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crew Events
Roll for each Pirate, adding Swashbucklin'. If you roll 6 or more, lose another Pirate.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Jig Fest
Crew Events
Roll for each pirate and add Swaggerin'. The Pirate with the highest result is Jig-King until you next return to Port. That Pirate consumes 1 extra Grog. If the result is tied, roll for each Pirate and add Swashbucklin'. If you roll 6 or more, lose another Pirate.
The crew decide to have a jig contest.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Cabin Fever
Crew Events
Roll for each pirate. All those who roll a 1 or 2 must immediately roll on the Sober Pirate table as if they had no Grog.
The Pirates are going stir crazy!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crew Events
Roll and add Swaggerin'. 1-3 No effect 4+ Any Pirates that haven't worked yet will not work this turn.
Pirate songs are notoriously catchy...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Flying Fish
Crew Events
Any Pirates that haven't worked yet will not work this turn.
The pirates invent a new game involving throwing a freshly caught fish around the deck.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Out of Grog
Crew Events
Lose all your Grog.
Where's the Grog? Where has the Grog gone? What is the current status and location of the Grog?
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Broken Mast
Crew Events
The ship will not move, and no Jobs can be done, as long as you have this card. Roll a d6. On 1-2 keep this card and repeat this check next turn. On 3-6 discard this card and you may move next turn.
It's going to take a long time to fix the broken mast...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Hook Club
Crew Events
If no Pirates have the Hook Feature, ignore this card. Roll once for every pirate that does not have a hook. On a 6 that Pirate gains the Hook Feature. Pirates with the Hook Feature must work in the same Job group. Keep this card until there are no Pirates with the Hook Feature.
The first rule of Hook Club is...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crew Events
Roll at the end of each turn until you return to Port. On a 1, lose 1 Grog. On a 2, lose 1 Booty. On a 6, a Pirate of your choice gets the Pet Rat Feature. Any other results are ignored.
The ship has even more rats than usual.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crew Events
Any pirates without Swaggerin' count as having the Scaredy Weakness until the ship next returns to Port.
A ghost has been sighted on the ship.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Stolen Hat
Crew Events
If the crew has at least one pirate with Stealin' and one with Swaggerin' choose one of each to be involved, otherwise ignore the event. Roll a d6. 1-3 the Pirate with Swaggerin' loses Swaggerin', and the Pirate with Stealin' gains Swaggerin' (and a new hat) 4-6 Lose the Pirate with Stealin'.
You stole me hat! I can see it on yer bloody head!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crew Events
Keep this card until you next return to Port. Roll for each Pirate. On a 1 Pirates without the Scummy Weakness gain that Weakness, Pirates with the Scummy Weakness get Scurvy, and Pirates with Scurvy are lost.
Pirate needs limes badly!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
The Box
Crew Events
Roll for each pirate, on a 1 they are put aside until the next time the Crew returns to Port. While they are put aside they are not part of the Crew, and use no Grog.
There's a general ruckus on the deck of the ship and the captain feels some pirates need some time in The Box.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Bird Flu
Crew Events
If no Pirate has the Pet Parrot Feature ignore this card. Roll for each pirate. On a 1 lose that Pirate. Keep this card and repeat this roll each turn until the Crew returns to Port.
That is an infectious parrot!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crew Events
Lose one Pirate of your choice. After this roll a d6. On 1-2 choose another pirate to die. Repeat this until a 3-6 is rolled.
Someone decides to have a night-stabbing.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Indecisive Compass
Crew Events
Keep this card until the Crew arrives at their next destination, then roll a d6 to decide your real destination. 1-3 it is a Port, 4-6 it is an Island.
Something's not right with the compass.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
A Plan
Crew Events
Choose one Pirate, then randomly choose 1d6 other Pirates (but not the Captain), and set them aside. Keep this card until the next turn, then roll a d6. 1-2 lose those Pirates, 3-4 Return those Pirates to the Crew, 5-6 gain 10 Booty and return those Pirates to the Crew
I've got a cunning plan!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
A New Name
Crew Events
Choose one pirate. They insist on changing their name to something much more impressive. It must use the following structure. [Adjective] [Name], the [Noun] of [Location]. Examples include Firey Dave, the Scourge of Azure-Bay or Dumpy Lars, the Crab of the West.
Names are very important to Pirates.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crew Events
Keep this card until you roll a 6. Every turn, you must roll a d6. On 1-3 that much Booty is lost, on 4-5 no effect, on a 6 discard this card.
How could termites possibly eat gold?
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crew Events
If there are no pirates with hooks or peg legs then lose 2d6 Booty. Otherwise choose one Pirate with a Hook or Peg Leg. That Pirate cannot work until they return to port. The Pirate still consumes Grog.
That doesn't look good...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crew Events
Immediately roll a new Pirate and add them to the crew.
I was here the whole time!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Ocean Madness
Crew Events
Every pirate must immediately roll on the Sober Pirate table except the Captain, who will roll on the Captain's Madness table instead.
You try hanging around a bunch of dirty pirates for weeks on end without going crazy!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crew Events
Roll for each pirate. On a 1 lose 5 Booty and that Pirate.
I'm gettin' outta here and I'm takin it with me!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crew Events
Lose 3 Booty the next time you return to Port.
The ship has even more Barnacles than normal. It's starting to look a mess. You'll have to get professional cleaning at the next Port.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Mast Rot
Crew Events
Roll, on a 1 keep this card, otherwise discard it. While you have this card, all rolls for working the Sails suffer a -5 penalty. When you arrive at Port, you can discard this card by paying 5 Booty.
Can't sail without a mast, can't fix it without sailing to Port. We're screwed...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Pearl Diving
Crew Events
Choose any number of Pirates. Roll for each and add Stealin'. On 1 lose that Pirate, 2-4 no effect, 5+ gain that much Booty.
The crew suspect this is a pearl-heavy area. Who will risk the dangerous dive?
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Pet Crab
Crew Events
Choose a Pirate to gain the Pet Crab Feature.
I'll name him Mr. Crab!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Lobster Racing
Crew Events
A random Pirate cannot work next turn. They still consume Grog.
After attempting to set up a Lobster Racing league one of the pirates gets a nasty snip on their hand.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crew Events
Choose a Pirate. That Pirate starts a Mutiny, as if he had rolled Mutiny on the Sober Pirate Table.
One pirate decides he could do a better job of running the ship.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crew Events
Choose two Pirates. Those Pirates can never be put on the same Job as one another.
You could hear it clear to Bodney Bay!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
The Prettiest Dress
Crew Events
Roll for each pirate, adding Swashbucklin'. On a 6 or more lose another Pirate. The Pirate with the highest roll gets the Dress. If the highest result is tied, roll again.
A dress washes up nearby the ship and the crew haul it in. It's beautiful. Naturally, the Pirates have to fight over it.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby

Sea Encounters

Giant Squid
Sea Encounters
Roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-3 Lose 1 Pirate and roll again. 4-6 discard this card. 7+ discard this card and gain 10 Booty.
A squid tries to drag you down to the abyss. Can your Crew defeat the beast?
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Encounters
Choose to lose either all your Booty, all your Grog or d6 Crew members.
The ship is torn open by an iceberg.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Helpless Ship
Sea Encounters
Roll and add Stealin'. You gain five times that amount of Booty.
You board a ship with no guards at all.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Navy Attack
Sea Encounters
Roll and add Shootin'. 1-4 Either lose two Pirates or 2d6 Booty and 2d6 Grog. On 5-6 no effect. On 7+ gain 4d6 Booty
The navy have got you in an ambush. This could be bad, but there might be Booty in it if your luck holds...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Pirate Trap
Sea Encounters
Roll and add Shootin'. 1-2 Lose 10 Booty. 3-4 no effect. 5+ you gain twice that number in Booty
Some fellow pirates are trying to beat you at your own game. Show 'em how it's done!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Triangle of Doom
Sea Encounters
Roll 3d6. If they all the dice match, lose all your Pirates, Grog and Booty. Start again with a new starting Crew and 40 Grog.
Thousands of ships have gone missing in this part of the ocean...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Encounters
The ship will not move as long as you have this card. At the beginning of each turn, roll a die. On a roll of 4 or more, discard this card.
The sails fall limp and the ship cannot move from the middle of the ocean
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Black Water
Sea Encounters
Your Course immediately changes to Port.
The water turns dark and daunting, as if something bad is about to happen.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Native Canoes
Sea Encounters
You may trade your Grog for Booty at a one to one ratio. If you have a Pirate with stealin' you can trade either way at a one to two ratio instead. You may choose to gain 2d6 Booty, but if you do, you must roll and subtract Swashbucklin', losing that many Pirates.
Some savages have sailed up to the ship in their canoes offering to trade.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Volcano
Sea Encounters
Choose one of the following to lose: A Pirate, 1d6 Booty or 1d6 Grog.
A gush of superheated water endangers the ship.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Encounters
Roll. 1-2 lose 3d6 Booty. 3-4 you arrive at an Island, 5-6 you arrive at a Port.
You never know where a hurricane might blow you.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Encounters
Lose either 1 Booty, 1 Grog or a Pirate and roll. 1-4 you must lose either 1 Booty, 1 Grog or a Pirate and roll again. 5-6 discard this card.
It's a legendary hungry whirlpool that will only let the ship past if it's fed!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Big Wave
Sea Encounters
Choose one: Lose 1d6 Booty or roll. If you roll, on 1-2 lose all Booty, 3-4 No effect, 5-6 you immediately arrive at your destination.
A big wave is coming. The ship can try to avoid it, or risk riding it.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Encounters
Every Pirate consumes 2 Grog this turn. If they cannot, they must roll on the Sober Pirate Table as though they had no Grog.
It's so hot!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Encounters
Choose one Pirate. Roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-2 lose that Pirate. 3-4 the Pirate gains Swaggerin' 5+ the pirate gains Swaggerin' and gain 1d6 Booty.
A Pirate is thrown overboard into shark-infested waters!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Encounters
Choose one Pirate. If the crew ever come across crocs again, lose this Pirate.
A Pirate has a run-in with crocs! Shouldn't dangle your feet in the water, I guess.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
White Whale
Sea Encounters
The ship immediately sets Course for The White Whale, which is sailed to just like an Island or Port. When they arrive, roll and add Shootin' for the whole crew. 1-2 Lose a Pirate and d6 Booty and keep this card, 3-4 keep this card, 5+ gain 2d6 Booty and discard this card. The ship cannot go to an Island or Port while you have this card. If the Captain is lost, discard this card.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Encounters
Roll for each pirate. Any who get 1-2 are set aside. Roll and add Swashbucklin' for each Pirate that was set aside. 1-3 lose that Pirate, 4+ no effect.
The Crew spots mermaids! They're really vicious sea hags, but the Crew is too drunk to see that.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Message in a Bottle
Sea Encounters
If the Pirates make it to an Island on the next turn they find a new Pirate, who joins the crew.
Just a castaway, on an island lost at sea-oh...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Man in a Barrel
Sea Encounters
You may choose to roll. If you do, on a 1-2 lose a Pirate, and on 3+ gain a new Pirate. If you don't, no effect.
The Crew finds a man floating in a barrel. He might make a good Pirate, if he doesn't have Sea Madness.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Ghost Ship
Sea Encounters
Roll and add Shootin'. 1-3 lose 3 Pirates 4-6 no effect (but still spooky) 7+ gain 20 Booty
A ghost ship! Honestly! Didn't you just see that?
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Rats
Sea Encounters
You may choose to gain 2 new Pirates or gain 2d6 Booty and 1d6 Grog.
Some dirty pirates have left a sinking ship.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Encounters
Lose 2d6 Booty and 2d6 Grog.
A haunting song lures the ship onto some rocks.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Encounters
Roll and add Shootin'. 1-5 You immediately arrive (washed up) at Port. Lose all Booty and Grog, then gain 1d6 Grog.
The legendary colossus of the sea rises and tries to swallow the ship!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Treasure Hunters
Sea Encounters
Choose one: Immediately arrive at an Island, but you only gain half the normal Booty or Grog, or roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-3 lose one Pirate, 4-6 gain 1d6 Booty, 7+ gain 2d6 Booty.
A group of treasure hunters want the pirates' help. You could help yourself to their treasures...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Bounty Hunters
Sea Encounters
Roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-3 lose the Captain, 4-5 no effect, 6+ gain 1d6 Booty
Someone's put a price on the Captain's head and tries to take it!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Encounters
Choose one: Lose 5 Booty and immediately arrive at an Island, or roll and add Swashbucklin'. 1-2 no effect, 3-4 gain 1d6 Booty, 5-6 gain 2d6 Booty. 7+ gain twice that amount of Booty.
You could pay these explorers to guide you to an Island, or you could steal all their stuff. Up to you...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Merchant Convoy
Sea Encounters
Roll and add Shootin'. 1-4 Lose 1 Pirate. 5+ You may roll and add Stealin', gaining twice that much Booty.
These ships are helpless without their escort, but the escort certainly isn't helpless...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Ship Graveyard
Sea Encounters
Roll and add Stealin'. You gain that much Booty. If the roll is a 1, lose a Pirate.
There's plenty of Booty to steal from these wrecks, but it can be dangerous business
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Rising Island
Sea Encounters
You may treat the rest of this turn as if you arrived at an Island.
Out of nowhere an island springs up out of the ocean.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
The Mist
Sea Encounters
You may travel as normal but when you next reach an Island or Port roll. On a 1 nothing happens. On a 2 you have reached the other type of location. On 3+ you arrive at your destination as normal.
Navigation is impossible in this fog!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Encounters
Roll and add Shootin'. 1-3 Lose 1d6 Booty and one Pirate and roll again immediately. 4-5 no effect 6+ Gain 2d6 Booty and 2d6 Grog.
There's plenty of Booty on this huge ship, but there's plenty of cannons as well.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Cursed Ship
Sea Encounters
Gain 2d6 Booty. When you next reach Port or an Island, roll. If that roll is a 1 or 2 lose all of your Booty.
It always seemed to good to be true...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Sea Encounters
Keep this card. You may redraw the next Island Encounter or Sea Encounters card if you wish. If you do, discard this card.
Some dolphins decide to accompany the ship, guiding them somewhere nice.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Spice Vessel
Sea Encounters
Roll and add Stealin', gaining 5 times that number of Booty.
A helpless ship filled with valuable cargo!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Stirring Deep
Sea Encounters
Choose one of the following: Lose all Pirates except the Captain, lose all Booty and Grog, or lose all Pirates, Grog and Booty, and start again with a new Pirate Crew (as though you were just starting the game).
Shadows and shapes grasp at the ship from below. They speak in a deep voice, demanding terrible things of the Captain.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby

Port Happenings

We Have No Grog Today
Port Happenings
You cannot buy any Grog at this Port.
This port has no grog for sale! None at all!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
The Black Spot
Port Happenings
Choose a Pirate to get the Black Spot. If you get a Card that could negatively affect a Pirate, it must affect this Pirate.
A hunched stranger gives one pirate the Black Spot!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
The Governor's Daughter
Port Happenings
Choose one Pirate with Swaggerin' (If there are none, ignore this event) to roll. 1-2 Lose that Pirate 3-4 Gain 1d6 Booty 5-6 Gain a new Pirate (who must be female).
A Pirate in your crew has become involved with the Governor's daughter.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Attack the Mansion
Port Happenings
Choose up to 4 Pirates. Roll and add the number of Pirates you chose. 1-4 Lose 1d6 of the Pirates you chose and gain 1d6 Booty. 5-6 lose one of the Pirates you chose and gain 1d6 Booty for each remaining Pirate, doubling this if they have Stealin'. 7+ gain 1d6 Booty for each Pirate you chose and gain a new Pirate.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Exceptional Service
Port Happenings
Each Pirate will spend an additional Booty at this Port.
The quality of goods at this Port is particularly high! Should be worth spending a little extra...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Under Seige
Port Happenings
Roll. 1-2 Lose 1d6 Pirates, and you are still At Sea. 3-4 Lose all Grog, and you are still At Sea. 5-6 no effect.
The port is being bombarded by a rival. If you want to trade at Port, you're going to have to defeat him.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Grog Sale
Port Happenings
2 Grog may be bought for 1 Booty.
Grog is half price here!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Old Enemy
Port Happenings
Choose a Pirate. Roll and add Swashbuckin' and Shootin'. 1-3 Lose that Pirate. 4-6 Gain 1 Booty.
One pirate must fight an old foe.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Port Happenings
You can only spend 2d6 Booty at this Port. Your Pirates will not spend their 1 Booty at this Port.
This Port is ruined by a recent fire.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Business Opportunity
Port Happenings
You may spend 10 Booty to keep this card. The next time you arrive at Port, roll. 1-3 gain 1 Booty. 4-6 gain 30 Booty!
There's a chance to make some serious Booty on a risky purchase, which might be valuable at the next Port.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Settling Down
Port Happenings
Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 1 are lost.
This place is nice! Some Pirates might want to settle down here...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Scum and Villainy
Port Happenings
Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 1 are lost. Any that roll a 2 lose 1 Booty.
This place isn't so nice. Let's get out of here!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
High Demand
Port Happenings
You can trade 1 Booty for 15 Booty. You may only do this once.
One of your treasures is very valuable to the residents of this Port.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Special Offer
Port Happenings
You may spend 19 Booty to get 20 Grog!
Cheap Grog here! Tastes a bit strange, but it's still good.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Legendary Sea Dog
Port Happenings
Gain a new Legendary Pirate of your choice.
A new Legendary Pirate joins the crew.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Disease Hole
Port Happenings
Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 1 or 2 gain the Seasick Weakness until they next reach a Port.
This Port is full of disease!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Burning Love
Port Happenings
Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 1 gain the Scummy Weakness permanently.
There's a nasty infection going around Port.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Witch Hunt
Port Happenings
You may roll and add Shootin' and Swashbucklin'. 1-5 1d6 other Pirates and the Captain are killed 6+ no effect. If you do not roll, lose the Captain.
The captain is accused of being a Witch! The crew can either let him burn or try to rescue him.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
I'm Comandeering this Ship
Port Happenings
You may gain a new Pirate, who immediately becomes Captain. Otherwise, roll and add the Captain's Swashbucklin'. 1-3 Lose your Captain and gain a new Pirate. 4+ you must leave Port immediately.
An insane navy officer demands to take control of the ship.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Docking Fee
Port Happenings
Either pay 5 Booty, or you are still At Sea.
If you want to dock here, you have to pay the fee!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Labour Strike
Port Happenings
Roll for each pirate. Any that roll a 6 do not spend 1 Booty at Port as normal.
There are strikes in Port. Some of your Pirates might join in...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Gambling Den
Port Happenings
Choose any amount of Booty that you have and roll. 1-2 Lose your chosen Booty. 3-4 No effect. 5-6 Double your chosen Booty and roll again.
The Captain's going to do a little gambling. Which might turn into a lot of gambling...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Fancy Ball
Port Happenings
Lose 1d6 Booty and roll. 1-2 The ship leaves Port immediately. 3-4 gain 1d6 Booty. 5-6 The Captain gains Swaggerin' and you gain a new Pirate.
The captain is invited to a fancy ball. This is a great chance to impress the locals, so long as you don't accidentally kill the governor again.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Exotic Goods
Port Happenings
Choose a Pirate and roll. On a 1, lose that Pirate. 2-6, that Pirate spends that much Booty on top of the usual 1 Booty at this Port.
One pirate is particularly taken by one of the local girls.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Pet Shop
Port Happenings
Lose 5 Booty and a Pirate of your choice gains either the Pet Parrot or Pet Monkey Feature (your choice).
Parrots and monkeys for sale!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Quality Prosthetics
Port Happenings
For every Hook, Eyepatch or Peg-leg Feature the crew has, lose 1d6 Booty.
The sharpest hooks, blackest eyepatches and peggiest legs in the Seven Seas!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Con Artist
Port Happenings
Roll. 1-4 lose 10 Booty. 5 no effect. 6 Gain a new Pirate with Stealin'.
The Captain is tricked by a con man! Can he get the money back?
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Wanted Sign
Port Happenings
You may leave Port immediately without spending any Booty. Otherwise, roll. 1-4 lose 1 Pirate. 5-6 no effect.
One pirate is a wanted man here.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Pirate Attack
Port Happenings
You may pay 10 Booty. If you do not, keep this card. You must roll on every turn On a 1 lose all Booty, Grog and Pirates, and start over as if you were just starting the game.
While the crew are in town their ship is mercilessly attacked and damaged by other pirates!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
False Advertisement
Port Happenings
Lose all Booty and gain that much Grog. Your Crew must leave Port immediately.
The captain misunderstands an offer at the grog shop
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Parrots Wanted
Port Happenings
If a Pirate has the Pet Parrot Feature they may lose it to gain 30 Booty
The governor's young daughter has lost her precious parrot.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Treasure Map
Port Happenings
You may pay 10 Booty to keep this card. If you do, the next time you must draw an Island Exploration Card you may discard this card to draw 3 Island Exploration Cards and pick 1.
It's good to know where the treasure actually is.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Smouldering Ruin
Port Happenings
You are still At Sea.
This port is little more than a pile of burnt wreckage. Keep on sailing!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Port Happenings
You may choose to keep this card. If you do, the next time you arrive at Port, gain 10 Booty and discard this card.
If the crew take this messenger to another Port he will pay them handsomely.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Powderstore Explosion
Port Happenings
Roll for each Pirate. Any that roll 1-2 are lost.
While the crew are in town there's a huge explosion!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Fortune Teller
Port Happenings
Keep this card and choose a Pirate. Any natural die roll of 2 or more that affects that Pirate only is treated as a 6. Any natural die roll of 1 that affects that Pirate only is still treated as a 1, and you must discard this card.
The Fortune Teller proclaims one pirate will have exceptional luck!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby

Island Exploration

Skull Island
Island Exploration
Roll and add Shootin'. 1-4 lose that many Pirates 5+ gain 3d6 Booty
A giant ape attacks the explorers!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Island Exploration
Roll for each exploring Pirate. Lose any that roll 1-3.
Although there is no Booty on this island, it's a truly beautiful place.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Kingdom of Booty
Island Exploration
Roll for each exploring Pirate and add Stealin'. 1 lose that Pirate. 2-5 gain that much Booty. 6+ gain double that amount of Booty!
This island hosts an abandoned city filled with Booty!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Native Attack
Island Exploration
Roll and add Shootin' and Swashbucklin'. 1-3 lose that many Pirates. 4-6 gain 1d6 Booty for each exploring Pirate. 7+ gain a new Pirate and 2d6 Booty for each exploring Pirate (including the new one).
The natives are attacking! Can the crew fend them off?
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Island Exploration
Gain a new Pirate.
This island has no Booty but does have a single castaway!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Navy Outpost
Island Exploration
Do not choose Pirates to explore. Roll for the whole crew, adding Shootin'. 1-2 lose 5 Booty. 3-4 no effect. 5+ roll and add Stealin'. Gain ten times this much Booty.
Can your crew fight off the navy?
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Volcano Island
Island Exploration
Roll for each exploring Pirate. Any rolling a 1 are lost. otherwise, gain Booty equal to their roll. The crew may stay and roll as many times as they want but have a penalty to their rolls equal to the number of rolls made after the first roll.
This volcano is covered in lost Booty!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Island Exploration
If there is a female pirate on board the crew gain 30 Booty! Otherwise roll for the exploring Pirates and add Swashbucklin. 1-5 lose all exploring Pirates. 6+ gain 5 Booty for each exploring Pirates.
The Amazons are fierce warriors, but are generous to other warrior women.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Main Course
Island Exploration
Lose one exploring Pirate. Gain 2 Booty for each remaining exploring Pirate.
There's treasure here, but one of your Crew is captured by the natives and fed to a horrible monster!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Treasure Cave
Island Exploration
Gain 5 Booty for each exploring Pirate, or 10 Booty for each exploring Pirate with Stealin', up to a maximum of 50 Booty.
The explorers find a cave filled with so much Booty, they might not be able to bring it all back!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Abandoned Temple
Island Exploration
Roll for each exploring Pirate and add Stealin'. Gain that much Booty.
This temple has plenty of Booty!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Ape Island
Island Exploration
If one of the exploring Pirates has the Monkey Feature, gain 10 Booty. Otherwise, roll for the explorers and add Swashbucklin'. 1-3 lose that many exploring Pirates. 4-6 no effect. 7+ gain 30 Booty.
Does anyone here speak ape?
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Docked Ship
Island Exploration
Gain 20 Booty and 20 Grog.
Some idiot has left a ship here!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Crab Island
Island Exploration
Gain 1d6 Booty for each exploring Pirates. Give one of your exploring Pirates the Pet Crab Feature.
No giant crabs, just regular sized, friendly crabs.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Pygmy Island
Island Exploration
Roll. 1-2 lose one exploring Pirate. 3-6 gain that much booty. You may repeat this roll as many times as you wish.
The natives shoot darts at the exploring Pirates as they try to find Booty!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Monster Island
Island Exploration
Gain 20 Booty and lose one exploring Pirate.
Don't worry, it's just a name. Well, there is one monster...
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Island Exploration
No effect.
Nothing but bones here. Move along.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Island Exploration
Roll. 1-3 gain 10 Booty. 4-6 gain 10 Grog. You may choose to roll. 1-4 lose 2d6 Booty and 2d6 Grog. 5-6 gain 20 Booty.
The crew haul up something from a ship wrecked in the coral around this island. Should they try to reach the island?
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
The Cave
Island Exploration
Roll for each exploring Pirate. Any rolling 1-2 gain the Caver Feature. Whenever the ship arrives at an Island again any Pirates with the Caver Feature cannot be chosen to be an exploring Pirate.
The exploring Pirates check all the caves nearby, but no Booty. They're still talking about caves though.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Native Wildlife
Island Exploration
Gain 1d6 Booty for each exploring Pirate. One exploring Pirate gains either the Pet Monkey or Pet Parrot Feature (your choice).
It's a little weird that the boar has a ring, but we're not complaining.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Endless Jungle
Island Exploration
Set aside 20 Booty and roll. 1-2 Lose an exploring Pirate and roll again. 3-4 lose 1d6 of the set-aside Booty and roll again. 5-6 you gain the set-aside Booty.
Did we take a left at that tree or the other tree that looks just like it?
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Island Exploration
You arrive at Port.
You're not just at any island, you're at Port!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Coral Reef
Island Exploration
Gain 20 Booty and lose 2d6 Grog.
You gather precious coral but lose Grog from the stores as the coral tears your ship open.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Giant Turtle
Island Exploration
Gain 1d6 Booty for each exploring Pirate and roll. 1-3 you arrive at Port. 4-6 you arrive at another Island.
This island is a giant turtle!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Island Exploration
You are still At Sea.
The island is a mirage... better luck next time.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Tropical Fruit
Island Exploration
All exploring Pirates without the Seasick Weakness gain the Seasick Weakness until you next arrive at Port and spend 1 Booty (beyond the normal 1 Booty spent at Port).
The explorers gather some delicious fruit, but it doesn't agree with them.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Naive Natives
Island Exploration
You may trade Grog for Booty at a rate of 1 Grog for 5 Booty.
They sure do want that Grog.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Isle of the Dead
Island Exploration
Roll and add Swashbucklin' for each exploring Pirate. 1-2 lose that Pirate. 3-4 no effect. 5+ gain 5 Booty.
Ghosts, Zombies and Skeletons attack the exploring Pirates!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Parrot Island
Island Exploration
You may give the Pet Parrot Feature to 1d6 exploring Pirates.
Parrots are plentiful here! No Booty, though.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Dread Lair
Island Exploration
Roll for each exploring Pirate. 1-4 set aside that Pirate. 5-6 gain 10 Booty for each set-aside Pirate. If all exploring Pirates are set aside, lose those Pirates.
A narrow cave has the disctinct lure of a Booty-Hoard.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Booty Bay
Island Exploration
Roll and add Stealin'. 1-3 lose one exploring Pirate! You may roll again. 4+ gain 30 Booty.
Another pirate has hidden their hoard in the caves of this island!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Fountain of Fate
Island Exploration
You may choose one exploring Pirate. The next time that Pirate explores an Island they may discard the Island Exploration Card once, but must keep the new card if they do.
They say the Fountain gives good fortune! Who will drink from it?
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Hole to Hades
Island Exploration
Choose one of the exploring Pirates. When you next arrive at Port, lose that Pirate.
One pirate catches a glimpse of Pirate Hell itself!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Glittering Hoard
Island Exploration
Gain 10 Booty for each exploring Pirate.
No catch, just treasure!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
Buried Treasure
Island Exploration
You may choose to roll. 1 lose one exploring Pirate, and you may roll again. 2-5 you may roll again. 6 gain 15 Booty for each exploring Pirate.
There's a huge X in the middle of this island. Better hurry before the giant bird catches you!
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby
The Devil's Fist
Island Exploration
Gain 1d6 Booty for each exploring Pirate, as well as "The Devil's Fist". "The Devil's Fist" counts as 50 Booty but must be spent in one transaction.
As well as finding Booty each the pirates find the legendary ruby known as the Devil's Fist.
Card by SUPERSUGA and Jacoby