Dvorak Export: Government Warehouse deck (Dvorax)

To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)

Regenerate this output, minus the cards created by a comma-separated list of users:
loadcard hb/Cookies/Thing/C is for cookie, that's good enough for me.
loadcard hb/Anonymous Seed/Thing/Not sure what it grows.
loadcard hb/Mace 'N Chain/Thing/Don't know why this is in the warehouse.
loadcard hb/Force Field Generator/Thing/Generates a force field.
loadcard hb/Security Uniform/Thing/Disguise yourself.
loadcard hb/Mind Bender/Thing/More like a reality bender.
loadcard hb/Apple of Knowledge/Thing/Consumption grants infinite wisdom.
loadcard hb/Caveman/Thing/Frozen in a block of ice.
loadcard hb/Yeti/Thing/Stuffed in "lifelike" pose.
loadcard hb/The Ice Gun/Thing/Fires bullets made of ice. Killed JFK.
loadcard hb/Degree in Anythingology/Thing/Degree in anything but not everything. Comes with one of those hats.
loadcard hb/The Holy Grail/Thing/Drink from it to become immortal. Does not come with a beverage.
loadcard hb/Martian Corpse/Thing/Very dead.
loadcard hb/DeLorean/Thing/Time-traveling car.
loadcard hb/Phone Booth/Thing/Time-traveling phone booth.
loadcard hb/Pandora's Box/Thing/Mythology people know that the only thing left in here is raw despair.
loadcard hb/Jimmy Hoffa/Thing/Dead body preserved in cryo-pod.
loadcard hb/Insta-Cure/Thing/Rule: Upon consumption, you are immune to the effects of disease for the rest of the game. Cures any disease. Effects last for 24 hours.
loadcard hb/The Levitator/Thing/Self-explanatory.
loadcard hb/Shuriken/Thing/Y'know, ninja stars.
loadcard hb/H-Bomb Penny/Thing/Sound-activated, just flip it and shout "Boom!"
loadcard hb/Andromeda Strain/Thing/Rule: Release of this disease kills everyone not immune to disease, or alive but not breathing. Trapped in bottle. Kills within minutes by blood clotting. Airborne.
loadcard hb/Freddy's Glove/Thing/In addition to murder weapon, it makes a lovely culinary utensil.
loadcard hb/Whip/Thing/Whips things, like Indianapolis Jones.
loadcard hb/Titanium Elastic/Thing/Stretches to lengths just beyond reasonable, plus it's made of titanium!
loadcard hb/IMPOSSIBLE THINGS/Thing/An Escher cube and a Penrose triangle.
loadcard hb/Guitar Hero Guitar/Thing/Playing the guitar will cause the entire song to play.
loadcard hb/One Man Alien Craft/Thing/Relation to Martian Corpse unknown.
loadcard hb/Bottomless Can of Gasoline/Thing/The oil crisis really is fake!
loadcard hb/Meteorite/Thing/Radioactive. I don't know how. Just go with it.
loadcard hb/AIDS V2.38/Thing/Rule: Release of this disease kills everyone who is not immune to disease, or alive and not breathing. Airborne. Mix of HIV, influenza, and e.coli (Wait, would that even work?). 24 hours to death.
loadcard hb/Suitcase Nuke/Thing/A nuke and trigger hidden in a suitcase.
loadcard hb/Necrophone/Thing/Made by Edison. Enables one to speak with the dead.
loadcard hb/Live Dinosaur/Thing/Last survivor of Jurassic Park.
loadcard hb/Kenny McCormick/Thing/Rule: All attacks are now directed at Kenny, or things next to him. Also, he's indestructable. Please avoid standing next to him.
loadcard hb/Hookshot/Thing/Gauntlet mixed with a grappling hook.
loadcard hb/Cure for Cancer/Thing/Liquid or tablet form. Disguised as rat poison.
loadcard hb/Real Stonehenge/Thing/Resembles a firing range made of rock.
loadcard hb/Heart of Gold/Thing/Equipped with Infinite Improbability Drive, and one annoying computer.
loadcard hb/Duct Tape/Thing/Just in case.
loadcard hb/Blackbeard's Shovel/Thing/Used to bury treasure.
loadcard hb/Oddjob's Hat/Thing/With steel rim.
loadcard hb/T-Virus Syringe/Thing/Causes super-strength, enlarged body size, and mild ZOMBIFICATION!
loadcard hb/Super Bar/Thing/Satisfies hunger and thirst for a week. Tastes like anti-chicken. Note: If the deck runs out of cards, and you at some point during the game ate the Super Bar or have it, then you win.
loadcard hb/Dr. Coca-Pepsi/Thing/Never loses its fizz.
loadcard hb/Shield/Thing/Indestructible. Property of Captain America.
loadcard hb/Hitler's Brain-in-a-Jar/Thing/Don't break glass.
loadcard hb/Mach Rider's Motorcycle/Thing/Machine guns attached to handlebars.
loadcard hb/Weapon Locker/Thing/Contains arsenal of conventional weapons.
loadcard hb/Bomb Gun/Thing/Emits a laser sight. Firing makes the targeted object implode.
loadcard hb/Robot Arm/Thing/Remains of T-800.
loadcard hb/Empty Box/Thing/This box intentionally left blank.
loadcard hb/Starbucks/Thing/They're everywhere!
loadcard hb/Lightsaber/Thing/A <i>pink</i> lightsaber.
loadcard hb/Mystery Egg/Thing/Hatches into something.
loadcard hb/Thor's Hammer/Thing/Has electromagnetic properties. Also electric properties.
loadcard hb/Radiation Beam/Thing/Fires concentrated radiation. The kind that gives superpowers and cancer, not the kind that kills on the spot.
loadcard hb/The Killer Joke/Thing/In English and German. Death by laughter will occur five minutes after reading.
loadcard hb/Scarabs/Thing/Hungry. Have a penchant for flesh eating.
loadcard hb/Space-Time Continuum Eraser/Thing/Completely erases things from space and time.
loadcard hb/Diet Pills/Thing/On consumption, you will reach your ideal body weight for your height within two weeks, regardless of what your eat.
loadcard hb/Grab Bag/Thing/Contains any item, but the item is stolen.
loadcard hb/The Monkey's Paw/Thing/Corrupts your wishes in the worst way possible.
loadcard hb/Lighter + Aerosol/Thing/Improv flamethrower.
loadcard hb/Invisibility Cloak/Thing/Size XXXXL
loadcard hb/Holy Hand Grenade/Thing/Count to three and throw.
loadcard hb/Dark Bulb/Thing/Reduces the light in a room.
loadcard hb/Bag of Holding/Thing/Holds infinite items.
loadcard hb/Ark of the Covenant/Thing/Contents may cause electrocution.
loadcard hb/Proton Pack/Thing/The gravity gun for Ghostbusters, for those with trouble remembering names.
loadcard hb/Perpetual Motion Machine/Thing/It's turned off.
loadcard hb/Neuralizer/Thing/Erases memories, including the memories of having superpowers.
loadcard hb/Key to the Door/Thing/If you have four other objects, then escape the warehouse and show the world what the government is hiding. The objects don't count if they are too mundane to make a difference to the world.
@emit [name(%#)] pastes the Government Warehouse deck into the Dvorak Engine.

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