When Pressure Garden enters play, create a blank Thing card named Gem and put it in your hand. Action: Create a blank Thing card named Gem and put it in your hand. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Create 5 blank Thing cards named Gem. Put them in players' hands, distributed how you choose. Draw a card. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
At the beginning of your turn, gain a copy of Gem (#7470) into your hand. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
At the beginning of your other turn, gain a copy of Gem (#7470) into your hand. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
At the beginning of your turn, randomly gain 2 Gems (#7470) into your hand or destroy one of your own things. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
If you control a gem or reveal one from your hand, put two copies of it into your hand. Otherwise, create a blank Thing card named Gem and put it into your hand.
A marvelous gem... |
Card : Binarius |
When this enters play, discard a Gem (#7470 from your hand. Otherwise, destroy this and gain a copy of Gem (#7470) into your hand. Action: Prevent target thing from performing their action their next turn. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
At the beginning of your turn, discard a card or destroy a thing to gain a copy of Gem (#7470) into your hand. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
When this enters play, discard a Gem (#7470) in your hand. Otherwise, destroy this and gain a blank thing tilted gem into your hand. You are clairvoyant, meaning that you may look at all cards that people draw. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Everyone must discard all of their Gem (#7470) cards, if they have any. If they have none, they discard a card instead. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Action: Gain a Money Token or put a Gem from the discard pile into your hand.
Always collecting shiny things for her nest. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Create a blank Thing card named Gem and put it into play on top of target Thing. Treat it and that Thing as a single Thing with the properties of only the top card. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
For each of the colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, White, and Black among Things you control, draw two cards. Draw two additional cards if you control or discard a Gem. Put half of those cards back on top of the deck in a random order. If you control Things that are at least five of the above colors, you win the game.
Pink is technically red. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Once during your turn, you may discard a card to create a blank Thing card named Gem and shuffle it into the top 9 cards of the deck. Action: If you control a Gem, destroy target Thing.
It burns straight through stone, steel, and especially funding. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
This card cannot be targeted by Actions. When this enters play, create a Thing card named Gem with the text "[your name]'s Heist Target." and put it in an opponent's hand. Action and Thing: If you control your Heist Target, you win the game. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
When this enters play, anyone who has a Gem (#7470) in-hand immediately gains control of it. Action: Shoot a straight laser through each Gem (#7470) from this card. For every Gem (#7470) that this hits, destroy a thing. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
When you play this, discard a Gem (#7470) from your hand. If you do not have one, gain a copy of Gem (#7470) into your hand, and destroy this. Action: Place a crystal token on target thing. After 3 turns, destroy it. It's owner gains a copy of Gem (#7470). |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Gain a Gem (#7470) with the text: Action: Destroy this and gain 10 money tokens. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
When this enters play, discard or destroy a total of 7 Gems (#7470) that you control. If you cannot, destroy this and gain a copy of Gem (#7470). Action: Take an additional turn, and place a Power token on this thing. When this has 7 Power Tokens, destroy them and this thing. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
When this enters play, discard or destroy 1 Gem (#7470) that you control. If you cannot, destroy this and gain a copy of Gem (#7470). Action: Gain a playing card in the Diamond suit. If you control an entire suit, you win. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
If you do not have Gem (#7470) in your hand or in control, you may not play this. At the beginning of your turn, gain a Mana Token. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Gain X copies of Gem (#7470).
Lots of precious (and useless) gems, all in your control! |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |