Dvorak Export: Gems booster pack

To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)

(You can also get an output formatted for the Dvorax Engine.)

Regenerate this output, minus the cards created by a comma-separated list of users:
skipcard Pressure Garden/T/When Pressure Garden enters play, create a blank Thing card named Gem and put it in your hand.<BR>Action: Create a blank Thing card named Gem and put it in your hand.
skipcard Gemsmithing/A/Create 5 blank Thing cards named Gem. Put them in players' hands, distributed how you choose.<BR>Draw a card.
skipcard Diamond Laboratory/T/At the beginning of your turn, gain a copy of Gem (#7470) into your hand.
skipcard Ruby Laboratory/T/At the beginning of your other turn, gain a copy of Gem (#7470) into your hand.
skipcard Void Laboratory/T/At the beginning of your turn, randomly gain 2 Gems (#7470) into your hand or destroy one of your own things.
skipcard Gem Shrine/A/If you control a gem or reveal one from your hand, put two copies of it into your hand. Otherwise, create a blank Thing card named Gem and put it into your hand. ("A marvelous gem...")
skipcard Diamond Ring/T/When this enters play, discard a Gem (#7470 from your hand. Otherwise, destroy this and gain a copy of Gem (#7470) into your hand. Action: Prevent target thing from performing their action their next turn.
skipcard Quantum Laboratory/T/At the beginning of your turn, discard a card or destroy a thing to gain a copy of Gem (#7470) into your hand.
skipcard Crystal Ball/T/When this enters play, discard a Gem (#7470) in your hand. Otherwise, destroy this and gain a blank thing tilted gem into your hand. You are clairvoyant, meaning that you may look at all cards that people draw.
skipcard Gem Crusher/A/Everyone must discard all of their Gem (#7470) cards, if they have any. If they have none, they discard a card instead.
skipcard Magpie/T/Action: Gain a Money Token or put a Gem from the discard pile into your hand. ("Always collecting shiny things for her nest.")
skipcard Imprison in Crystal/A/Create a blank Thing card named Gem and put it into play on top of target Thing. Treat it and that Thing as a single Thing with the properties of only the top card.
skipcard Prismatic Revelation/A/For each of the colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, White, and Black among Things you control, draw two cards. Draw two additional cards if you control or discard a Gem. Put half of those cards back on top of the deck in a random order. If you control Things that are at least five of the above colors, you win the game. ("Pink is technically red.")
skipcard Refraction Laser/T/Once during your turn, you may discard a card to create a blank Thing card named Gem and shuffle it into the top 9 cards of the deck.<BR>Action:  If you control a Gem, destroy target Thing. ("It burns straight through stone, steel, and especially funding.")
skipcard Heist of the Century/T/This card cannot be targeted by Actions.<BR>When this enters play, create a Thing card named Gem with the text "[your name]'s Heist Target." and put it in an opponent's hand.<BR>Action and Thing:  If you control your Heist Target, you win the game.
skipcard Gem 'Fractory/T/When this enters play, anyone who has a Gem (#7470) in-hand immediately gains control of it. Action: Shoot a straight laser through each Gem (#7470) from this card. For every Gem (#7470) that this hits, destroy a thing.
skipcard Crystal Shard/T/When you play this, discard a Gem (#7470) from your hand. If you do not have one, gain a copy of Gem (#7470) into your hand, and destroy this. Action: Place a crystal token on target thing. After 3 turns, destroy it. It's owner gains a copy of Gem (#7470).
skipcard Gem/T/
skipcard Very Valuable Gem/A/Gain a Gem (#7470) with the text: Action: Destroy this and gain 10 money tokens.
skipcard The Chaos Quartz/T/When this enters play, discard or destroy a total of 7 Gems (#7470) that you control. If you cannot, destroy this and gain a copy of Gem (#7470). Action: Take an additional turn, and place a Power token on this thing. When this has 7 Power Tokens, destroy them and this thing.
skipcard Red Diamond/T/When this enters play, discard or destroy 1 Gem (#7470) that you control. If you cannot, destroy this and gain a copy of Gem (#7470). Action: Gain a playing card in the Diamond suit. If you control an entire suit, you win.
skipcard Mana Crystal (M3)/T/If you do not have Gem (#7470) in your hand or in control, you may not play this.%rAt the beginning of your turn, gain a Mana Token.
skipcard Varied Gems (XG)/A/Gain X copies of Gem (#7470). ("Lots of precious (and useless) gems, all in your control!")
@emit [name(%#)] pastes the Gems booster pack into the Dvorak Engine.

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