To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)
(You can also get an output formatted for the Dvorax Engine.)
cleardeck loadcard The Wall/T/North of The North<br/> If an army goes on The Wall, his owner lose 1 Victory Point for assaulting the Night's Watch. loadcard The North/T/South of The Wall / North of The Riverlands / East of The Iron Islands / West of The Vale loadcard The Iron Islands/T/North of The Westerlands / West of The North<br/> You cannot go on or leave The Iron Islands without ships. loadcard The Vale/T/North of The Crownlands / East of The North loadcard The Westerlands/T/South of The Iron Islands / West of The Riverlands loadcard The Riverlands/T/South of The North / North of The Reach / East of The Westerlands / West of The Crownlands loadcard The Crownlands/T/South of The Vale / North of The Stormlands / East of The Riverlands loadcard The Reach/T/South of The Riverlands / North of Dorne / West of The Stormlands loadcard The Stormlands/T/South of The Crownlands / West of The Reach loadcard Dorne/T/South of The Reach loadcard White Walkers' Sighting/T/Remove this card from the deck, and shuffle Wights attack the Night's Watch in the draw pile. loadcard Wights attack the Night's Watch/T/Shuffle Mance Rayder marches South and 1 Defend the Realm to win the Throne in the draw pile. Armies can now go on The Wall without their owner losing a Victory Point. loadcard Mance Rayder marches South/T/Shuffle Mance Rayder attacks the Wall and 1 Defend the Realm to win the Throne in the draw pile. loadcard Mance Rayder attacks the Wall/T/If no player's army are on The Wall when this Event resolves, put a Wildings' army on The Wall. <br/><br/>???<br/><br/> If a player's army is on The Wall, the player with his army on The Wall gain 1 Victory Point for saving the Night's Watch instead. Shuffle White Walkers attack the Wildlings in the draw pile. loadcard White Walkers attack the Wildlings/T/Shuffle White Walkers attack the Wall in the draw pile. loadcard White Walkers attack the Wall/T/The White Walkers's army attacks The Wall<b/>. If there is no army on The Wall, put a White Walkers' army on it. If there is an army on The Wall, battle ensues. loadcard Defend the Realm to win the Throne/A/Put one of your armies on The Wall. @emit [name(%#)] pastes the Game of Thrones Deck into the Dvorak Engine.