To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)
(You can also get an output formatted for the Dvorax Engine.)
cleardeck loadcard Intern Programmer (0)/T/1: +1 Engine%r2: +1 Gameplay%r3: -%r4: +1 Bug%r5: +1 Bug%r6: All your Programmers lose their output this turn. loadcard Junior Programmer (1)/T/1: +2 Engine%r2: +1 Engine%r3: +1 Gameplay%r4: -%r5: +1 Bug%r6: +1 Bug loadcard Full Programmer (2)/T/1: +2 Engine%r2: +2 Engine or -1 Bug%r3: +1 Engine, +1 Gameplay%r4: +2 Gameplay or -1 Bug%r5: +1 Bug%r6: +2 Bugs loadcard Senior Programmer (3)/T/1: +3 Engine%r2: +2 Engine, +1 Gameplay%r3: +2 Engine or -2 Bugs%r4: +2 Gameplay or -2 Bugs%r5: +2 Bugs%r6: +3 Bugs loadcard Lead Programmer (4)/T/1: +5 Engine%r2: +1 Engine per Programmer in play%r3: +1 Gameplay per Programmer in play%r4: -%r5: -1 Bug per Programmer in play%r6: +1 Bug per Programmer in play. loadcard Tools Programmer (2)/T/1: +1 Engine per Programmer in play%r2: +1 Gameplay per Designer in play%r3: +1 Art per Artist in play%r4: -1 Bug per Programmer and Tester in play%r5: +1 Bug%r6: +1 Bug per Programmer and Tester in play. loadcard Contract Programmer (5)/T/1: +3 Engine or +3 Gameplay%r2: +3 Engine or +3 Gameplay%r3: +3 Engine or +3 Gameplay%r4: -%r5: +3 Bugs%r6: Destroy this. loadcard Intern Designer (0)/T/1: +1 Writing%r2: +1 Gameplay%r3: -%r4: -1 Writing%r5: -1 Gameplay%r6: -5 to a stat of your choice. loadcard Junior Designer (1)/T/1: +2 Writing%r2: +1 Writing%r3: +1 Gameplay%r4: -%r5: -1 Writing%r6: +1 Bug loadcard Full Designer (2)/T/1: +2 Writing%r2: +2 Writing or +1 Gameplay%r3: +1 Gameplay, +1 Art%r4: +1 Gameplay or +1 Art%r5: -1 Design, -1 Gameplay%r6: +1 Bug loadcard Senior Designer (3)/T/1: +3 Writing%r2: +2 Writing, +1 Gameplay%r3: +1 Writing, +2 Gameplay%r4: +2 Gameplay or +2 Art%r5: -2 Design or -2 Gameplay%r6: +2 Bugs loadcard Junior Tester (1)/T/1: -1 Bug%r2: -1 Bug%r3: -%r4: -%r5: -%r6: +1 Bug loadcard Full Tester (1)/T/1: -2 Bugs%r2: -1 Bug%r3: +1 Gameplay%r4: +1 Engine%r5: -%r6: +1 Bug loadcard Senior Tester (1)/T/1: -2 Bug%r2: -2 Bugs%r3: -1 Bug and +1 Gameplay%r4: -1 Bug and +1 Engine%r5: -1 Bug and +1 Writing%r6: +1 Bug, Target Developer loses their roll this turn loadcard Marketing Producer (3)/T/1: +2 Market%r2: +1 Market%r3: +1 Fanbase%r4: -%r5: -1 Market%r6: Destroy this. loadcard Junior Manager (3)/T/You can reroll one dice per turn.%r1: Draw a card.%r2: -%r3: -%r4: -%r5: -%r6: Discard a card. loadcard Middle Manager (4)/T/You can reroll two dice per turn.%r1: Draw a card.%r2: Play an extra Thing this turn.%r3: -%r4: -%r5: -%r6: Discard a card. loadcard Senior Manager (5)/T/You can reroll three dice per turn.%r1: Draw a card.%r2: Look at target opponent's hand.%r3: -%r4: -%r5: Discard a card.%r6: Destroy a Developer in play. loadcard Indie Developer (1)/T/1: +3 Engine%r2: +3 Gameplay%r3: +3 Writing%r4: +3 Art%r5: +3 Bugs%r6: Destroy this. loadcard Documentation/T/Assign this to a Developer. They generate +1 Gameplay each turn instead of their regular output. loadcard Betatesting/T/Assign this to a Developer. They generate -1 Bug each turn instead of their regular output. loadcard Legacy Engine Programmer/T/Assign this to a Programmer. They generate +1 additional Engine per turn. If they're destroyed, lose half your Engine resource. loadcard Mascot/T/Costs 10 Writing and 10 Art. You retain Market between games. loadcard Physics Engine (2)/A/Add +5 Engine, +5 Gameplay and +1d6 Bugs. loadcard 3D Engine (5)/A/Add +10 Engine, +5 Gameplay, +5 Art and +2d6 Bugs. loadcard Network Engine (3)/A/Add +10 Gameplay and +1d6 Bugs. loadcard Model Library (1)/A/Add +5 Art. loadcard In-Game Cutscenes/A/Add +10 Writing, lose -10 Gameplay. loadcard Palette Shift/A/Add +10 Art, lose -10 Gameplay. loadcard QTE/A/Add +10 Engine, lose -10 Gameplay. loadcard FMV/A/Add +10 Writing, lose -10 Art. loadcard Player Customization/A/Add +10 Gameplay, lose -10 Art. loadcard Expansive Game World/A/Add +10 Engine, lose -10 Art. loadcard User-Friendly Interface/A/Add +10 Gameplay, lose -10 Engine. loadcard Artificial Intelligence/A/Add +10 Writing, lose -10 Engine. loadcard Procedural Generation/A/Add +10 Art, lose -10 Engine. loadcard Sandbox World/A/Add +10 Gameplay, lose -10 Writing. loadcard Morality System/A/Add +10 Engine, lose -10 Writing. loadcard Dialogue Trees/A/Add +10 Art, lose -10 Writing. loadcard Third-Party Engine Upgrade (1)/A/Add +1d6 Gameplay, +1d6 Engine, +1d6 Art, and +1d6 Bugs. loadcard HD Reformat (1)/A/Target loses 10 Engine, Gameplay or Art. loadcard Valve Time (1)/A/Return target Genre or Theme to its owner's hand. They recover all of the resources used on it. loadcard DNF (5)/A/Destroy target Genre or Theme. Its owner recovers half of the resources used on it. loadcard Bandwagoning/A/Pick any Genre and Theme cards an opponent used to make a Game since your last turn and put them in your hand. loadcard Sequelitis/A/Pick any Genre and Theme cards you used to make a Game since your last turn and put them in your hand. loadcard Red Bull/A/Roll three times for a Developer. loadcard Overtime/A/Roll for all your Developers again, ignoring all 1s. loadcard Scrum/A/Reroll any number of dice, ignoring the previous result. loadcard Source Control/A/Your Bugs count does not change this turn. (May be played in response to an Action.) loadcard Death March/A/Destroy a Developer, draw a card, then roll for all your Developers again. Repeat this until you lose all Developers or release a Game. loadcard Brain Drain/A/Pick a Developer from a discard pile and put it in play under your control. loadcard Vacation/A/Return Target Developer to their owner's hand. Their salary cost and roll are not counted this turn. loadcard Puzzle/T/Cost - 10 Gameplay, 10 Engine%rMarket - 3d6%rFanbase x1 loadcard Casual/T/Cost - 20 Gameplay, 5 Engine%rMarket - 6d6%rFanbase x1 loadcard Platformer/T/Cost - 30 Gameplay, 20 Engine%rMarket - 5d6%rFanbase x2 loadcard MMORPG/T/Cost - 20 Gameplay, 50 Engine%rMarket - 10d6%rFanbase x5 loadcard Pirate/T/Cost - 10 Writing, 10 Art%rMarket - 3d6%rFanbase x1 loadcard High Fantasy/T/Cost - 10 Writing, 40 Art%rMarket - 6d6%rFanbase x2 loadcard Indie/T/Cost - 20 Writing or 20 Art%rMarket - 1d6%rFanbase x3 @emit [name(%#)] pastes the Game Development into the Dvorak Engine.