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For further information, read this page.Name Set ImageFile Type CornerValue Text FlavorText Creator Intern Programmer game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 0 1: +1 Engine 2: +1 Gameplay 3: - 4: +1 Bug 5: +1 Bug 6: All your Programmers lose their output this turn. Junior Programmer game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 1 1: +2 Engine 2: +1 Engine 3: +1 Gameplay 4: - 5: +1 Bug 6: +1 Bug Full Programmer game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 2 1: +2 Engine 2: +2 Engine or -1 Bug 3: +1 Engine, +1 Gameplay 4: +2 Gameplay or -1 Bug 5: +1 Bug 6: +2 Bugs Senior Programmer game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 3 1: +3 Engine 2: +2 Engine, +1 Gameplay 3: +2 Engine or -2 Bugs 4: +2 Gameplay or -2 Bugs 5: +2 Bugs 6: +3 Bugs Lead Programmer game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 4 1: +5 Engine 2: +1 Engine per Programmer in play 3: +1 Gameplay per Programmer in play 4: - 5: -1 Bug per Programmer in play 6: +1 Bug per Programmer in play. Tools Programmer game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 2 1: +1 Engine per Programmer in play 2: +1 Gameplay per Designer in play 3: +1 Art per Artist in play 4: -1 Bug per Programmer and Tester in play 5: +1 Bug 6: +1 Bug per Programmer and Tester in play. Contract Programmer game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 5 1: +3 Engine or +3 Gameplay 2: +3 Engine or +3 Gameplay 3: +3 Engine or +3 Gameplay 4: - 5: +3 Bugs 6: Destroy this. Intern Designer game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 0 1: +1 Writing 2: +1 Gameplay 3: - 4: -1 Writing 5: -1 Gameplay 6: -5 to a stat of your choice. Junior Designer game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 1 1: +2 Writing 2: +1 Writing 3: +1 Gameplay 4: - 5: -1 Writing 6: +1 Bug Full Designer game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 2 1: +2 Writing 2: +2 Writing or +1 Gameplay 3: +1 Gameplay, +1 Art 4: +1 Gameplay or +1 Art 5: -1 Design, -1 Gameplay 6: +1 Bug Senior Designer game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 3 1: +3 Writing 2: +2 Writing, +1 Gameplay 3: +1 Writing, +2 Gameplay 4: +2 Gameplay or +2 Art 5: -2 Design or -2 Gameplay 6: +2 Bugs Junior Tester game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 1 1: -1 Bug 2: -1 Bug 3: - 4: - 5: - 6: +1 Bug Full Tester game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 1 1: -2 Bugs 2: -1 Bug 3: +1 Gameplay 4: +1 Engine 5: - 6: +1 Bug Senior Tester game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 1 1: -2 Bug 2: -2 Bugs 3: -1 Bug and +1 Gameplay 4: -1 Bug and +1 Engine 5: -1 Bug and +1 Writing 6: +1 Bug, Target Developer loses their roll this turn Marketing Producer game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 3 1: +2 Market 2: +1 Market 3: +1 Fanbase 4: - 5: -1 Market 6: Destroy this. Junior Manager game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 3 You can reroll one dice per turn. 1: Draw a card. 2: - 3: - 4: - 5: - 6: Discard a card. Middle Manager game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 4 You can reroll two dice per turn. 1: Draw a card. 2: Play an extra Thing this turn. 3: - 4: - 5: - 6: Discard a card. Senior Manager game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 5 You can reroll three dice per turn. 1: Draw a card. 2: Look at target opponent's hand. 3: - 4: - 5: Discard a card. 6: Destroy a Developer in play. Indie Developer game_development thing_developer Thing - Developer 1 1: +3 Engine 2: +3 Gameplay 3: +3 Writing 4: +3 Art 5: +3 Bugs 6: Destroy this. Documentation game_development thing_assignment Thing - Assignment Assign this to a Developer. They generate +1 Gameplay each turn instead of their regular output. Betatesting game_development thing_assignment Thing - Assignment Assign this to a Developer. They generate -1 Bug each turn instead of their regular output. Legacy Engine Programmer game_development thing_assignment Thing - Assignment Assign this to a Programmer. They generate +1 additional Engine per turn. If they're destroyed, lose half your Engine resource. Mascot game_development thing_equipment Thing - Equipment Costs 10 Writing and 10 Art. You retain Market between games. Physics Engine game_development action Action 2 Add +5 Engine, +5 Gameplay and +1d6 Bugs. 3D Engine game_development action Action 5 Add +10 Engine, +5 Gameplay, +5 Art and +2d6 Bugs. Network Engine game_development action Action 3 Add +10 Gameplay and +1d6 Bugs. Model Library game_development action Action 1 Add +5 Art. In-Game Cutscenes game_development action Action Add +10 Writing, lose -10 Gameplay. Palette Shift game_development action Action Add +10 Art, lose -10 Gameplay. QTE game_development action Action Add +10 Engine, lose -10 Gameplay. FMV game_development action Action Add +10 Writing, lose -10 Art. Player Customization game_development action Action Add +10 Gameplay, lose -10 Art. Expansive Game World game_development action Action Add +10 Engine, lose -10 Art. User-Friendly Interface game_development action Action Add +10 Gameplay, lose -10 Engine. Artificial Intelligence game_development action Action Add +10 Writing, lose -10 Engine. Procedural Generation game_development action Action Add +10 Art, lose -10 Engine. Sandbox World game_development action Action Add +10 Gameplay, lose -10 Writing. Morality System game_development action Action Add +10 Engine, lose -10 Writing. Dialogue Trees game_development action Action Add +10 Art, lose -10 Writing. Third-Party Engine Upgrade game_development action Action 1 Add +1d6 Gameplay, +1d6 Engine, +1d6 Art, and +1d6 Bugs. HD Reformat game_development action Action 1 Target loses 10 Engine, Gameplay or Art. Valve Time game_development action Action 1 Return target Genre or Theme to its owner's hand. They recover all of the resources used on it. DNF game_development action Action 5 Destroy target Genre or Theme. Its owner recovers half of the resources used on it. Bandwagoning game_development action Action Pick any Genre and Theme cards an opponent used to make a Game since your last turn and put them in your hand. Sequelitis game_development action Action Pick any Genre and Theme cards you used to make a Game since your last turn and put them in your hand. Red Bull game_development action Action Roll three times for a Developer. Overtime game_development action Action Roll for all your Developers again, ignoring all 1s. Scrum game_development action Action Reroll any number of dice, ignoring the previous result. Source Control game_development action Action Your Bugs count does not change this turn. (May be played in response to an Action.) Death March game_development action Action Destroy a Developer, draw a card, then roll for all your Developers again. Repeat this until you lose all Developers or release a Game. Brain Drain game_development action Action Pick a Developer from a discard pile and put it in play under your control. Vacation game_development action Action Return Target Developer to their owner's hand. Their salary cost and roll are not counted this turn. Puzzle game_development thing_genre Thing - Genre Cost - 10 Gameplay, 10 Engine Market - 3d6 Fanbase x1 Casual game_development thing_genre Thing - Genre Cost - 20 Gameplay, 5 Engine Market - 6d6 Fanbase x1 Platformer game_development thing_genre Thing - Genre Cost - 30 Gameplay, 20 Engine Market - 5d6 Fanbase x2 MMORPG game_development thing_genre Thing - Genre Cost - 20 Gameplay, 50 Engine Market - 10d6 Fanbase x5 Pirate game_development thing_theme Thing - Theme Cost - 10 Writing, 10 Art Market - 3d6 Fanbase x1 High Fantasy game_development thing_theme Thing - Theme Cost - 10 Writing, 40 Art Market - 6d6 Fanbase x2 Indie game_development thing_theme Thing - Theme Cost - 20 Writing or 20 Art Market - 1d6 Fanbase x3