Enters play with 3 Foam tokens on it.
Action:Remove a Foam token from this card and either destroy a Fire-related thing or give target player a Foam token. |
Card : Bucky |
Enters play with 2 Fuel tokens on it. At the start of your turn, destroy all Things with Flame tokens on them. Action:Remove a Fuel token from this card and put a Flame token on target Thing. |
Card : Bucky |
Put a Flame Token on target Thing and return this card to your hand, OR destroy all things with Flame Tokens on them. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
If one of each player's non-token Things is on fire, destroy every Thing. Action: Put a Flame token on a Thing. |
Card : Binarius |
Destroy a Thing that used to have a Flame token on it. |
Card : Binarius |
Draw a card whenever a Thing is destroyed by a fire-based effect. Action: Put a Flame token on a Thing. Action: Destroy a Thing with a Flame token on it. |
Card : Binarius |
Destroy a number of your opponents' cards equal to the number of cards you have with Flame tokens on them.
Card : Nehh |
This card comes into play with 10 Flame tokens on it. It cannot be destroyed by fire-based effects. If it would be destroyed, instead destroy one of the flame tokens on it. If this card has no flame tokens on it, destroy it. Action: Create 1 Flame token and place it on a card. |
Card : Nehh |
Target any Thing. Remove all Flame tokens from that thing.
Mmmmmmf mmmf mmMMmmf mmf mmf - Pyro |
Card : Nehh |
Action: Remove all Flame tokens from your cards. Place them on an opponent's thing.
Now that's flaming with Portal. |
Card : Nehh |
This Thing cannot be destroyed by Fire-based effects. Action: If there is a Flame Token on Fire Golem, destroy target Thing.
A scientist wanted to know if it was possible to "Set fire on fire." He died horribly. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Put a Flame Token on target Thing and return this card to your hand. Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may place a Flame Token on another Target Thing. OR Destroy any number of Things with Flame Tokens on them. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Place a Flame Token on target Thing, then destroy all Things with Flame Tokens on them. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Action: Place a Cursed Flame token on Target thing. If that thing is targeted, destroy it. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
At the beginning of your turn, gain a Flame Token. Action: Put a Flame Token you control on target Thing. Action: Spend 3 Flame Tokens to draw a card and destroy target Thing. Gain control of it instead if it's a Dragon. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
At the beginning of your turn, destroy all other Things with Flame Tokens. Action: Gain a Flame Token, or put a Flame Token you control on target Thing. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Inflammatory Influencer |
2I |
Thing - Party Member |
When this enters play, create two copies of Spicy Hot Take (#9383) and add them to your hand. Action: If there isn't a Flame token on this card, create one. Otherwise, move a Flame token from this card to target Thing. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |