To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)
(You can also get an output formatted for the Dvorax Engine.)
cleardeck loadcard Elf/T/You gain +1 when wielding ranged weapons. You need only roll above 4 to escape from a monster. loadcard Uruk-Hai/T/You gain a +2 bonus in combat if you are wielding melee weapons. If the monster you are facing is enhanced, ie. the monster you are facing is angry, ancient or intelligent, you gain +1 against it for every enhancer. You must roll a 6 to escape from combat. loadcard Dwarf/T/You may carry any number of big items. Your maximum hand size is 6. loadcard Halfling/T/You may have any number of sidekicks. You get +3 bonus to combat when fighting any baby monster. loadcard Warrior/T/Beserk: You may discard up to 3 cards in combat, each card giving you a +1 bonus. You win ties. loadcard Cleric/T/Heal Spell: You may discard 3 cards to remove any curse from any player. Undead Slayer Bonus: You gain a +2 bonus in combat if you are facing an undead. You may discard up to two more cards from your hand, each card conferring an additional +1 bonus against undead. loadcard Wizard/T/Flight Spell: You may discard up to three cards while running away, each one giving a +1 bonus to flee. Charm Spell:You may discard your whole hand to charm a single monster instead of fighting it. You gain the tresure from the monster but not the levels. If there are any other monsters in combat face them normally. loadcard Rogue/T/Pilfer: You may discard one card and roll a die. If you roll 4 and above, you may steal one card from any fellow adventurer. Backstab: You may discard up to three cards during ANY combat. For each card, a chosen adventurer or monster gets -1 to conbat. loadcard Goblin (L2/T1)/T/+3 Against Uruk-Hai due to an ancient grudge. ("Bad Stuff: You lose 1 levels.") loadcard Giant Bat (L3/T1)/T/ ("Bad Stuff: You lose 1 level.") loadcard Floating Eye (L2/T1)/T/Freeze: Roll a die. If you roll 1 or 2 you are frozen and cannot gain treasure from the floating eye even if you win. ("Bad Stuff: You lose 2 levels.") loadcard 200 Orcs (L10/T3)/T/+5 against dwarves due to an ancient grudge. ("Bad Stuff:Roll a die. For a roll of 1 or 2 you get lynched to death and lose two levels. Otherwise, just lose 2 levels.") loadcard Teleportation Serum/T/Teleport: Destroy this Scroll, and all Monsters you face. Redraw a card from the dungeon pile and repeat the 'open a door' phase. ("Cost:600") loadcard Fire Cannister/T/Discard 1 card and this postion to reduce a monster's level by 2. ("Cost:600") loadcard Draft of Taming/T/Discard 3 cards and this postion to to gain control of a Monster.You count as having defeated the monster.You get its treasure but not the levels. ("Cost:600") loadcard Melange/T/Discard this potion and look at the first 3 cards of the dungeon deck. Arrange them as you wish and replace them on the deck. ("Cost:600") loadcard +1 Cap of Intelligence/T/ ("Cost:600") loadcard +1 Sponge Plates/A/This armour can be imbued with extra protection by pouring potions into it. You can increase the bonus by +1 for every potion up to two potions which have to be placed in front of the 'Sponge Plates' cards in play. If the potions are used the bonuses are removed. ("Cost:900") loadcard +3 Plate Mail/A/ ("Cost:1000") loadcard +5 Titan Mail/A/This armour is so heavy that you have to discard it in order to run away. ("Cost:1100") loadcard +2 Magic Mirror Mail/A/Discard 4 Cards in order to negate the effects of a curse and place it on another player. ("Cost:900") loadcard +2 Junk Mail/A/If you are discarding this card pass it to the player to the right of you instead of discarding it. During his turn he may choose to play the card from his hand. ("Cost:700") loadcard +1 Dagger/T/ ("Cost:400") loadcard +1 Axe/T/ ("Cost:400") loadcard +2 PoleArm/T/ ("Cost:600") loadcard +2 MechBow/T/This item cannot be discarded. ("Cost:800") loadcard +3 Scimitar/T/ ("Cost:900") loadcard +4 BroadSword/T/ ("Cost:1000") loadcard +5 StormBringer/T/Discard your hand in order to make another player discard his hand. ("Cost:1500") loadcard +4 Artemis' Bow/T/ ("Cost:900") loadcard +1 Bow/T/ ("Cost:400") loadcard +3 Ballistia/T/Destroy this card in order to kill a monster instantly. You get the treasure and levels. ("Cost:1000") loadcard +0 Golden Boots/T/Your maximum hand size is increased by 1. ("Cost:900") loadcard +1 Swiftsoles/T/You need only roll 4 or above to run away. ("Cost:800") loadcard +1 Oilskin Boots/T/These boots cannot be removed by monsters if you suffer bad stuff. ("Cost:800") loadcard +2 Kicking Boots/T/ ("Cost:800") loadcard +4 Cockatrice (L8/T2)/T/Can only be killed by a Player with a Weapon. Once it is killed, it may be used as a +4 Two-Handed Sword. ("Bad Stuff:Roll a die. For a roll of 4 and above you get petrified and lose 3 turns and two levels as a curse. Otherwise lose two levels. Cost:900") loadcard Mr. Bones (L3/T1)/T/ ("Bad Stuff:Lose 2 levels.") loadcard Bonedragon (L12/T3)/T/+4 against halflings who are all very afraid of flying, undead, firebreathing monsters. ("Gain 2 levels if you kill this monster.Bad Stuff:Lose 3 levels.") loadcard Magitechmech (L15/T4)/T/-3 against anything wearing armour. ("Gain 2 levels if you kill this monster.Bad Stuff:Lose all the cards in your hand and 2 levels.") loadcard Amazon (L8/T2)/T/Does not attack females or gender changed males. They gain +1 treasure and count as having defeated the amazon. ("Bad Stuff: Lose your dignity, lose your class(es).") loadcard Colossus (L17/T4)/T/Does not chase after anyone below level 5. Rusts with contact with magic: -3 to its level for every potion used against it. ("Bad Stuff:Lose 5 cards. Lose 1 level.") loadcard Angry!!!/A/You may add +3 to the level of a single Monster card, during any combat.Treasure gained for a kill is increased by 2. loadcard Intelligent!!!/A/You may add +2 to the level of a single Monster card, during any combat.Treasure gained for a kill is increased by 1. loadcard Ancient!!!/A/You may add +2 to the level of a single Monster card, during any combat.Treasure gained for a kill is increased by 1. loadcard Gigantic!!!/A/You may add +2 to the level of a single Monster card, during any combat.Treasure gained for a kill is increased by 1. loadcard A cute baby monster/A/You may subtract 2 from the level of a single Monster card, during any combat.Treasure gained for a kill is decreased by 1. loadcard A cute baby monster/A/You may subtract 2 from the level of a single Monster card, during any combat.Treasure gained for a kill is decreased by 1. loadcard Trapdoor/A/Lose either your whole hand or 2 levels. loadcard The Trappings of Charity/A/Give one card of your choise from your hand to any player. loadcard Nothing Happens/A/Destroy a miscellaneous item. @emit [name(%#)] pastes the Dungeon Brawl Deck into the Dvorak Engine.