This is a tab-separated dump of the deck, designed for import into Lackey's carddata.txt.
To use this in Lackey, copy this address to the AutoUpdate field in Lackey's Preferences:
For further information, read this page.Name Set ImageFile Type CornerValue Text FlavorText Creator Hyperdrive discard action Action Discard one card from your hand, and place one card from your discard pile into your hand. Defense Shield discard thing_equipment Thing-Equipment The creature equipped with this card cannot be destroyed until this card is destroyed. Spy discard thing_creature Thing-Creature 0/0 If this card is on the field at the end of your opponent's turn, discard two cards from the deck to your discard pile. Soldier1 discard thing_creature Thing-Creature 0/2 Action: Destroy any Creature in play. Soldier2 discard thing_creature Thing-Creature 3/1 Soldier3 discard thing_creature Thing-Creature 4/3 When this Creature is played, move two cards from your discard pile to your opponent's discard pile. Black Hole discard action Action Destroy all cards in play. SpyGear discard thing_equipment Thing-Equipment When equipped to "Spy" or "Robot Spy", double the amount of cards discarded by the effect of Spy. Note: Can stack multiples. Magnet discard thing_equipment Thing-Equipment The opponent can only attack the creature with the Magnet equipped to it. Icy Hands discard action Action Destroy all equipment in play. Restart Button discard action Action Place all cards from each player's discard pile, including this card, in the deck and shuffle the deck. Switcheroo discard action Action Both players exchange hands. Multiplier discard action Action Each player discards, from the top of the deck, the amount of cards in his/her hand. Rogue discard thing_creature Thing-Creature 1/1 When attacking, bypass all equipment. Peacefulness discard action Action Neither player can attack for two turns Extra Summon discard action Action The player of this card can play two Things this turn. Time Stop discard action Action This card stays in play until neither player has any cards in his/her hand. While this card is in play, neither player can draw from the deck. Undead discard thing_creature Thing-Creature 2/1 When this Creature is destroyed, place it in the player's hand instead of his/her discard pile. Detonator discard thing_equipment Thing-Equipment This card can only be equipped to an opponent's creature. If an opponent's creature already has an equipment card equipped, you may send that equipment to the opponent's discard pile to equip this. At the end of the opponent's next turn, after any end-of-turn effects, destroy the creature and send it and this to the discard pile of the player who played this card. Sword discard thing_equipment Thing-Equipment The Creature equipped with this card gets +2/+0 to its cornervalue Robot Fighter 001 discard thing_creature Thing-Creature 0/1 When this card is put in play, search the deck for any card with "Robot" in its name and add it to your hand. Robot Fighter 002 discard thing_creature Thing-Creature 1/0 When this card is put in play, it gets +1/+1 for every Creature in the player's possesion. Robo-Hunter discard thing_creature Thing-Creature 1/1 When this card is put in play, all cards with "Robot" in their names get sent to the discard pile of the player of this card. Robot Spy discard thing_creature Thing-Creature 0/0 If this card is in play at the end of your opponent's turn, send two cards from the top of the deck to your discard pile. Gamebreaker discard action Action Switch Discard Piles with your opponent. Robot Pirate discard thing_creature Thing-Creature 2/1 When this card is put in play, take one card randomly from your opponent's hand and discard it into your discard pile. Blunt Object discard thing_equipment Thing-Equipment When a Creature equipped with this card destroys an opponent's creature, discard two cards from the deck to your graveyard. Copycat discard action_instant Action-Instant Play when your opponent uses an action. That action applies to both players. Nullify discard action_instant Action-Instant Play when your opponent uses an action. That action is sent to the discard pile without its effect activating. Pilfer discard action_instant Action-Instant Play when your opponent draws a card. After your opponent sees it, take that card and add it to your hand. Robo-Sniper discard thing_creature Thing-Creature 2/1 This card gains +1/+1 for every card with "Robot" in its name in play. Doppelganger discard thing_creature Thing-Creature ?/? When this card is put in play, choose a creature on the field. This card obtains the same cornervalues and abilities as that card. If that card has a put-in-play effect, apply that effect. This card can not be played when the field is empty. Ghost Fighter 01 discard thing_creature Thing-Creature 2/1 This card can only be attacked by Creatures with "Ghost" in their names.