(Night) - Investigate target player. You will know if they are an Informed Minority. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Heal another player. (Night) - Heal yourself. (1 use) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Post-Death, Night) - If you were killed, target a player. If they killed you, this will be announced tomorrow. (3 uses) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Moderner/Special - Unique |
(Night) - Invest target player's type, gaining a 1 use ability from it. Investigative/Special - Investigate target player, determining faction. Social - Target player cannot be voted tomorrow. Support - Heal Target Player. Offensive - Distract Target player. Killer - Kill target player. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Target player requires half as many votes to be put on trial and lynched. (2 uses) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - If target player is killed, you will strongman kill the attacker, the attacker killing you instead. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Target a player without visiting them. You learn the names of each person who visits your target tonight.
Card : ChippyYYZ |
You can't be Distracted. (Night) - Target player is Distracted tonight.
"You busy tonight?" |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
You may reveal your role. You may not be Healed if you are revealed. (Day) - Your votes count as 3 votes, and you break ties if two players receive enough votes to be accused.
"It's high time we cleaned up this city." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Kill every player who visits you tonight, bypassing Death Immunity. You are Death Immune and can't be Distracted tonight (3 uses).
Alone with a pot of coffee, a loaded gun, and his memories. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Target two different players. All Night abilities targeting either one are Redirected to the other. They will know they were transferred.
"Get in, and don't ask." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Investigate target player's role type. If you are Redirected, you learn your target's name.
"Okay, and what would you say is the most important skill you bring to the table?" |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
High Elf/Investigative - Unique |
Unconvertable You know which players are Elfguards. (Night) - Investigate target player and learn whether they're a Killer role. If they are an Informed Minority or Neutral Psycho, they will learn your name and role.
"State your business, citizen." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Target a player. You learn the names of everyone who visits them tonight.
"Halt, who goes there?" |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Kill target player without visiting them (3 uses). If you kill an allied Uninformed Majority this way, you unavoidably kill yourself the following night instead of waking up.
"My aim, like my heart, is unerring." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Target another player. If any player would kill or convert them tonight, they kill you instead, and you kill them in return, bypassing Death Immunity.
"Draw steel, knave! Is this not why you've come?" |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Heal another target player. (Night) - Heal all Uninformed Majority and True Neutral roles that visit you tonight (2 uses).
"Darkness is only a passing thing. Rest here until morning." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Unconvertable After every even-numbered night, you learn what Neutral roles are alive and how many of each, but not who they are. You are Death Immune, but only to the first attack against you by a Neutral player.
"Those who disturb balance will never know it themselves." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Target a dead player whose role is revealed. If they are an Uninformed Majority, they return to life in the morning. (1 successful use).
"To the earth you have gone, and from the earth you return. Oh, and you'll need to water yourself twice a day now." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
You can't be distracted. (Night) - Target player is Distracted tonight. If they are Distracted this way, they can't vote to lynch or accuse players the next day (4 uses).
"Listen awhile, and let peace fill your heart." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Target a player or dead player. If they die tonight or are already dead, you learn their role(s) and what roles killed them. (Post-Death, Night) - If you were killed at night, target a player. If they killed you, this will be announced tomorrow (1 use).
"Not a page shall fade from memory, nor a word be stricken." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
You may reveal your role. (Day) - Any player who becomes accused today is lynched instead of going on trial. There can be 3 lynchings today. Lynched players' roles are not revealed until the end of the day (1 use).
"Your lives belong to me. Relinquish them." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Target a player. Spend a prepared suit of armor to Armor that player if they're not already Armored. The next time they are attacked, they become Death Immune for the night, and they lose their Armor. (Night) - Prepare a suit of armor. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
You know who is visited by Informed Minorities each night. (Night) - If you're charged, Strongman Investigate target player. You may not use this ability tomorrow night. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Investigate target player's role type. (Night) - If you're charged, Investigate target player's role (1 use). |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Investigate target player. (Night) - Kill target player (1 use). Gain another use when you become Charged. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Heal another target player. If you're Charged, then their Night abilities tonight are Strongmanned. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Target player becomes Death Immune tonight. You will know if they are attacked while they are Death Immune this way. If you are Charged, they stay Death Immune until you successfully use this ability on another target, or until the morning after they are attacked. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night)) - Target another player. All other players visiting that player tonight become Distracted. You can't use this ability on the same target twice in a row unless you're Charged. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Starfarer/Support - Unique |
(Night) - Target two different players without visiting either. All Night abilities targeting either one are Redirected to the other. They will know they were transferred. If you're Charged, this ability is Strongmanned. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Target a player. If they attack a player tonight, kill them. If you're Charged, learn who your target visits. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Starfarer/Social - Unique |
You may reveal your role. You can't be healed while you're revealed. When you die, if you're Charged, a player of your choice becomes Charged. (Day) - There may be an additional lynching today. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
If all players are Charged at the end of a day, become a Starfarer/Support role of your choice. (Night) - If you're Charged, target player becomes Charged. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Send an anonymous message through the Moderator to everyone. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
You are revealed Day 1. (Night) - Investigate target player. If they are suspicious, kill them. You will kill yourself if they were Red Dragon |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Strongman target player's action. You will be alerted if it succeeded. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Poison or Heal target player. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Depending on the moon phase, receive one of the following: New moon - Nothing Half moon - 3 players and 1 role type, which one of them is. Full moon - The name of a suspicious player. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Strongman Distract and Heal target player. Strongman kill them instead if you've used this on them once. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Determine a player's Role Type |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Strongman Distract target Player. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
If you are killed, you will kill all players visiting you, even if the kill would fail. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
If you have not used your night ability, you will revive yourself when attacked instead. (Night) - Revive a dead Red Dragon (1 use) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Redirect target player to another target player. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Heal target player. Poison them if they did not require healing. Can target self. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Learn the following from your target: Whether they were Investigated, Distracted/Redirected, and/or healed from an Attack. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
If you are killed during the day, you remain unrevealed. (Night) - Kill target player. Their role will be unrevealed. You will be Death Immune if successful. (3 uses) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Death Immune, Tailored (Night) - The Mafioso uses their Night ability targeting a player of your choosing (without you visiting anyone). If they are unable, you visit and kill the targeted player instead.
"I have no intention of placing my fate in the hands of men whose only qualification is that they managed to con a bloc of people to vote for them." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Kill target player. The Godfather may overrule this ability's targeting. If the Godfather dies or is converted, you become the Godfather.
"I got a message for ya from the boss." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Target a player. If they die tonight, their role is revealed only to you. Limit: 3 successful uses per game.
A spotless record is messy work. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
You can't be Distracted. (Night) - Target player is Distracted tonight.
If neither a Godfather nor a Mafioso is alive at the end of a day, you become a Mafioso instead of any other player.
"You busy tonight?" |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Investigate target player, learning their role.
More valuable than gold is information. Heavier, too. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Frame target player.
"I don't fabricate evidence. I just hide it on someone else." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Target player is silenced for the following day. If they are on trial, they may say that they are blackmailed. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Low Justice/Social - Unique |
If you are lynched, a trial cannot be held tomorrow. (Night) - No Low Justices can be lynched the following day. (2 uses)
We see truth through a lens, refracted. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Low Justice/Killer - Unique |
If there is no Vigilante, a random Low Justice will be chosen to become the Vigilante. (Night) - Kill Target player.
It's time to take justice into my own hands. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Low Justice/Investigative |
(Night) - Investigate target player's faction. If they are an Uninformed Majority, learn their role type as well. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Frame Target player. If they are lynched tomorrow, all Low Justices will be Tailored the next night. (3 uses) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Distract Target player.
Perhaps him dying is his body sabotaging our town, hm? |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Strongman another Low justice's ability tonight. (3 uses)
You see, we actually stole all of this money from the taxes. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Choose a Low Justice role to become. If there isn't already that role, you will become it the next night. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Low Justice/Killer - Unique |
Tailored (Night) - Kill target player. You will not die from killing them, if you would. (3 uses)
I'm the ultimate authority. No one could possibly match my authority. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Low Justice/Social - Unique |
Once per game, you may reveal yourself. If you do, your vote for everything triples. You also leave the night meetings with the other Low Justices.
It's high time the real justice of this town showed itself! |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Mithrite/Special - Unique |
(Night) - Convert a player into their Mithrite role, given that they are a member of the Uninformed Majority. They keep 1 ability that they possess. Revealed players are unconvertable. 1 night cooldown. (Night) - Kill a player. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Investigative roles convert into this. (Night) - Investigate a player's exact role. (3 uses) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Support roles convert into this. (Night) - Heal all Mithrites tonight. (2 uses) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Social roles convert into this. If you are revealed, your vote counts as 2. (Night) - No Mithrites can be lynched tommorow (1 use) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Killer roles convert into this. The eldest Combatant performs all killing abilities for Mithrites alongside their own ability. (Night) - Kill a player. (2 uses) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Offensive roles convert into this. (Night) - Distract a player, or redirect them to anyone, including themselves. (5 uses) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Special roles convert into this. (Night) - Learn how many people visit the Mithrites tonight. If it is less than 3 people visit, you will kill them. If more than 3 visit, distract all visitors to you. (2 uses) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Mithrite/Special - Unique |
(Night) - Convert a player into their Mithrite role, given that they are a member of the Uninformed Majority. They keep 1 ability that they possess. Revealed players are unconvertable. 1 night cooldown. (Night) - Tailor yourself and a Mithrite of your choice until you use this ability again. (3 uses, shared) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Can't be Distracted. (Night) - Kill target player. The first time you kill a player, their role is revealed only to you. When you die, at the end of the day, a Dark Elf of your choice becomes The Kinslayer
Kiss of death Blood revenge Moment of betrayal |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Heal another target player. If they're lynched tomorrow, their role is not revealed, except to the Dark Elves that night (3 uses).
"My surgery leaves no scars, my treatment leaves no symptoms, and your passing will leave no trace." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Target another player. All players who would visit you tonight are Redirected to your target (3 uses).
"Lead, follow, or get out of the way? Why not all three?" |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Frame target player. If they're lynched tomorrow, their role is not revealed, except to the Dark Elves that night (3 uses).
"You could have been one of us. I see the potential in you. And so will they." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Target another player. You learn the names of everyone who visits them tonight, and you learn who your target visits.
"Sometimes they stop and look around to see if they're being followed. It never helps." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Dark Elf/Special - Unique |
You have the (Night) abilities of all non-Killer Dark Elf roles that aren't currently alive, even after becoming The Kinslayer, but each ability only has 1 use.
"Your third mistake was forgetting who we are. Your second was forgetting your first. Know that we never will." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Tailored (Night) - Strongman kill target player. You are no longer Tailored. The Moderator announces in the morning that the Fell Blade has struck. (1 use)
In a single moment, one life is ended, and another is completed. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
If you are lynched, you get the choice of either strongman killing a player who voted guilty on you at night, or preventing a trial the next day. Goal: Get yourself Lynched |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Whenever a player visits you, kill them. Their role will be unknown. (Night) - Redirect a player to yourself. Goal: Have at least 1/3 of the people visit you. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Heal target player. This is strongmanned until your first successful use of it. Goal: Prevent 3 people from dying. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Frame and Mark target player for 1 day. Goal: Live to see 2 marked targets get lynched. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Death Immune the first time you're attacked. (Night) - Target a player and choose another player. If your target's first Night ability targets a player, they must use that ability tonight and are Redirected to the chosen player. You learn your target's role. Goal: Outlive all Uninformed Majorities.
"No good deed goes unpunished." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Death Immune When you become the Nemesis, the Moderator picks a random player with a non-Unique Uninformed Majority role. Goal: Live to see that player Lynched. If they die at night, you become a Fool.
No reason. No mercy. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night, Strongmanned) - Target a dead player. At the start of the day, you become their role. You can't become a Unique role if another is alive, or if it's a Unique Uninformed Majority role. It is announced that an Amnesiac has become that role. Goal: Survive, or win as your new role.
"Something about this seems... familiar." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - Heal a player, killing anyone visiting them. Goal: Kill 4 Uninformed, or prevent 2 people from dying. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
(Night) - Choose a dead player to perform a ritual on. This will be announced tommorow. Upon completing 3 rituals, you will kill yourself, and convert 1 other player into a Spiritualist. Goal: Complete 3 rituals |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Starting Day 1, you will be revealed. Upon your death, an election to determine the next King will be held. (Day) - Immediately put someone on trial, or decide the accused's fate. Goal: If you were elected, complete your previous goal. If impossible, survive until the end of the game. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Each night, you may send an anonymous message through the Moderator to everyone. (Night) - Investigate target player's role. Goal: Outlive all Uninformed Majorities.
"This place'll be under new leadership soon. At least that's the word on the street. I should know, I put it there." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Death Immune - This role is only assigned in a game with The King. (Night) - Kill The King (2 uses). If you become The King, you are Death Immune the first time you're attacked. Goal: Become the King and survive to the end of the game.
"The throne is rightfully mine, by which I mean that I want it and nothing will stand in my way." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
You must always be constantly yelling. Goal: Get Yourself Lynched.
Only the best players don't fake this role |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
True Neutral/Investigative |
On first becoming a Recruit, gain a random Recruit sub-role. Keep it when converted and don't reveal it on death. (Night) - Investigate target player. If they're suspicious and an Informed Minority, Mark them, and their faction learns that you are a Recruit. When a Marked player dies, you are converted to a random non-Unique non-Killer role of their faction. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
You can't Distract, Redirect, Poison, kill, or vote to Lynch your allies. You can't become a Killer role unless you have no allies. When you are killed by an Informed Minority while you're either their ally or a Recruit, their faction can't kill players the next night. Goal: Win as your new role. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Allied abilities that would kill you are Strongmanned. You can't Distract, Redirect, Poison, kill, or vote to Lynch your allies. You can't become a Killer role. You become a Recruit when you have no allies. When you die, your faction's members can't be lynched the following day. Goal: Outlive all Informed Minorities. This goal overrides your role's goal. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
True Neutral/Investiative |
You start the game with 3 heretics. At least one of them will be Scum. None of them can be Neutral. (Night) - Determine if a player is a heretic. If they are, learn their role. (Night) - Kill a found Heretic. (1 use) Goal: See all heretics die before you do. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
You know the identity of Yang, and cannot visit them. The game will not end unless either achieves their goal. Death Immune Once (Night) - Distract target player. Goal: See Yang killed before yourself. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
You know the identity of Yin, and cannot visit them. The game will not end unless either achieves their goal. Death Immune Once (Night) - Strongman target player's night ability. Goal: See Yin killed before yourself. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Death Immune (Night) - Kill target player, and gain a 1 use version of their night ability. You can store infinitely many abilities. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Death Immune (Night) - Kill target player. Their body will be burned up, leaving their role unknown to everyone. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Death Immune (Night) - Douse target player. They won't know that they have been Doused. Doused players appear to be an Arsonist when Investigated. (Night) - Strongman kill all Doused players without visiting them. (Night) - Un-Douse yourself.
Some people just want to watch the world burn. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Psycho Neutral/Special - Unique |
Death Immune Players visiting or visited by you or an Infected player become Infected in the morning. Players do not know that they are infected. You know which players are infected. When all other players are Infected, you become Pestilence.
(Night) - Infect target player.
"I am the cure." |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Psycho Neutral/Killer - Unique |
Strongman Death Immune This role cannot be assigned at the beginning of the game. The Moderator announces when a player becomes Pestilence.
(Night) - Strongman Kill target player and all other players who visit them tonight.
Behold, a pale horse. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
If you were to die at night, strongman prevent the death or deaths, consuming a soul. You start the game with 1 soul. (Night) - Kill a player, gaining 1 soul. This bypasses Healing. Optionally spend 1 soul each for strongman kill and/or killing all players visiting them. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Death Immune (Night) - Target two players. You will visit one targetted player of your choice, and they visit and kill the other player. (Night) - Target a player. If they are not currently Death Immune, trade roles with the and unavoidably die. This counts as a kill against them. You win if the Possessor wins. (2 uses) |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Death Immune (Night) - Kill a player. If they are Death Immune, or you would die from killing them, you will be notified and not kill. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
If you were to die, you would instead prevent it. The attacker will be notified that you are the Wraith (Night) Kill target player, or anyone visiting them. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
If you are killed, your Puppet will die instead. (Night) Choose a player to become your puppet. You will always visit them. Can Self-Target. (Night) Kill a player, your puppet visiting them. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
Death Immune Tailored on odd-numbered nights. (Even-Numbered Night) - Kill target player and each player visiting them, bypassing Death Immunity. If you target yourself, or if you would become Distracted, instead kill each player visiting you, bypassing Death Immunity.
Beware not the howls of many wolves. Beware the howl that no wolf answers. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
Psycho Neutral/Social - Unique |
Tailored, Death Immune (Night) - Mark target player and Investigate their role type. If all players except you are marked, kill that player instead. When you vote to Lynch or Pardon a player, all Marked players' votes are not counted, and your vote counts as one extra vote for each Marked player able to vote. |
Card : ChippyYYZ |
(Night) - If target player talked in the day before, silence them from talking, permanetly. If everyone else is silenced, kill all of them instead. |
Card : JakeTheWolfie |
You start the game with a 1-shot Death Immunity (Night) - Choose a dead player. If you haven't targetted them before, gain 1-shot Death Immunity. You will appear as their role, until attacked or another target is chosen. (Night) - Kill target player
Card : JakeTheWolfie |