To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)
(You can also get an output formatted for the Dvorax Engine.)
cleardeck loadcard Cult Leader/T/This card will be the last cult card to be destroyed and does not require a Cultist Token. ("This is you.") loadcard Cult Leader/T/This card will be the last cult card to be destroyed and does not require a Cultist Token. ("This is you.") loadcard Cult Leader/T/This card will be the last cult card to be destroyed and does not require a Cultist Token. ("This is you.") loadcard Cult Leader/T/This card will be the last cult card to be destroyed and does not require a Cultist Token. ("This is you.") loadcard Acolyte/T/Action: Destroy 3 CP Tokens to destroy 1 C Token from an opponent. ("I kill, so you don't have to.") loadcard Acolyte/T/Action: Destroy 3 CP Tokens to destroy 1 C Token from an opponent. ("I kill, so you don't have to.") loadcard Acolyte/T/Action: Destroy 3 CP Tokens to destroy 1 C Token from an opponent. ("I kill, so you don't have to.") loadcard Apostle/T/Action: Destroy 2 CP Tokens to gain a CI token from the village this is in. Action: Destory 3 CP tokens to convert one of your CI Token into a C token. ("I speak only the truth, and the others are heretics.") loadcard Apostle/T/Action: Destroy 2 CP Tokens to gain a CI token from the village this is in. Action: Destory 3 CP tokens to convert one of your CI Token into a C token. ("I speak only the truth, and the others are heretics.") loadcard Apostle/T/Action: Destroy 2 CP Tokens to gain a CI token from the village this is in. Action: Destory 3 CP tokens to convert one of your CI Token into a C token. ("I speak only the truth, and the others are heretics.") loadcard Ritualist/T/Action: Destroy 2 CP Tokens and 1 C Token to Gain 1 GP Token Action: Destroy 3 CP tokens to prevent an action being played against you. ("I can feel Their Presence.. watching..") loadcard Ritualist/T/Action: Destroy 2 CP Tokens and 1 C Token to Gain 1 GP Token Action: Destroy 3 CP tokens to prevent an action being played against you. ("I can feel Their Presence.. watching..") loadcard Ritualist/T/Action: Destroy 2 CP Tokens and 1 C Token to conduct a Ritual from the Discard Pile Action: Destroy 3 CP tokens to prevent an action being played against you. ("I can feel Their Presence.. watching..") loadcard Invoker/T/Action: Destroy 2 CP tokens to gain 1 CI token from the village this is in. ("I bend their will into ours") loadcard Invoker/T/Action: Destroy 2 CP tokens to gain 1 CI token from the village this is in. ("I bend their will into ours") loadcard Invoker/T/Action: Destroy 2 CP tokens to gain 1 CI token from the village this is in. ("I bend their will into ours") loadcard Seeker/T/Action: Destroy 1 CP token to reveal 1 Person in the village this is used in. ("I see that you see that I see..") loadcard Seeker/T/Action: Destroy 1 CP token to reveal 1 Person in the village this is used in. ("I see that you see that I see..") loadcard Seeker/T/Action: Destroy 1 CP token to reveal 1 Person in the village this is used in. ("I see that you see that I see..") loadcard Villager/T/ ("Not really skilled.. in anything") loadcard Blacksmith/T/This cannot be destroyed, but takes 1 token less to convert whenever it gets converted loadcard Mystic/T/This cannot be converted nor influenced. ("I see through lies like yours") loadcard Secret Devout/T/Whichever cult reveals this card gains 1 Cultist token from this person. ("Praise the brotherhood.") loadcard Mayor/T/If this gets converted, 2 other cards may be converted with it. ("I am the ultimate authority besides God.") loadcard Traveller/T/Every Round, this card travels to a random village ("I am the traveller") loadcard Bloody Sacrifice/A/Destroy 2 CI Token or 1 C Token to gain 1 GP ("Blood for the Blood God") loadcard Bloody Sacrifice/A/Destroy 2 CI Token or 1 C Token to gain 1 GP ("Blood for the Blood God") loadcard Bloody Sacrifice/A/Destroy 2 CI Token or 1 C Token to gain 1 GP ("Blood for the Blood God") loadcard Brainwash/A/Destroy 2 CP to turn one CI token into a C Token ("Mithras is all that ever was") loadcard Brainwash/A/Destroy 2 CP to turn one CI token into a C Token ("Mithras is all that ever was") loadcard Brainwash/A/Destroy 2 CP to turn one CI token into a C Token ("Mithras is all that ever was") loadcard Untitled/T/ @emit [name(%#)] pastes the Cults of Nark into the Dvorak Engine.