This is a tab-separated dump of the deck, designed for import into Lackey's carddata.txt.
To use this in Lackey, copy this address to the AutoUpdate field in Lackey's Preferences:
For further information, read this page.Name Set ImageFile Type CornerValue Text FlavorText Creator The Flag capture_the_flag flag Flag The Flag starts in play in the center of the field. Footman capture_the_flag thing_soldier Thing - Soldier The Joker capture_the_flag thing_soldier Thing - Soldier Action: Destroy a random Thing. Harvey Dent capture_the_flag thing_soldier Thing - Soldier If Harvey is destroyed by The Joker, he becomes Two-Face for the rest of the game. (not just the round. He is still destroyed, though.) Two-Face Action: Flip a coin. On heads, destroy a Thing. Dark Magician capture_the_flag thing_soldier Thing - Soldier Action: Say "Dark Magic Attack!" Target opponent discards a card. Light Magician capture_the_flag thing_soldier Thing - Soldier Action: Target Thing you control is indestructible until your next turn. 3-Star General capture_the_flag thing_soldier Thing - Soldier Your maximum hand size is increased by one. 4-Star General capture_the_flag thing_soldier Thing - Soldier Your maximum hand size is increased by two. 5-Star General capture_the_flag thing_soldier Thing - Soldier Your maximum hand size is increased by two. At the beginning of your turn, you may draw an extra card. If you do, play no Things this turn. Riot Shield capture_the_flag thing Thing When played, equip Riot Shield to a soldier. If the equipped soldier would be destroyed, destroy Riot Shield instead. The equipped soldier cannot Capture The Flag. Spy Network capture_the_flag thing Thing Whenever an opponent plays an Action card, they must show you a random card from their hand. Minefield capture_the_flag thing Thing Whenever a player attempts to Capture The Flag, they first destroy a soldier they control. Suppressive Fire capture_the_flag thing Thing As long as you control a soldier, opponents cannot score with The Flag. Seal Away capture_the_flag action Action Put target non-soldier Thing on the bottom of the deck. Hand-To-Hand Combat capture_the_flag action Action If you have more cards in your hand than an opponent, destroy a Thing that player controls. Energy Blast capture_the_flag action Action Discard a card to destroy a Thing. Fumble capture_the_flag action Action If a soldier has The Flag, it drops it. Recon Mission capture_the_flag action Action Return a soldier you control to your hand to draw 3 cards. Guerilla Tactics capture_the_flag action Action Return a soldier you control to your hand to make each opponent discard a random card. Blitz Attack capture_the_flag action Action If you control a soldier and have at least 4 cards in your hand, discard your hand and one of your soldiers Captures The Flag. "Charge!" capture_the_flag action Action If you control a soldier, it Captures The Flag. Each opponent draws a card. Distract And Capture capture_the_flag action Action If you control at least 3 soldiers, destroy 2 of them and another Captures The Flag.