Dvorak Export: Bay12 deck

To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)

(You can also get an output formatted for the Dvorax Engine.)

Regenerate this output, minus the cards created by a comma-separated list of users:
skipcard Dwarf/T/ ("A short humanoid with a beard.")
skipcard Dwarf/T/ ("A short humanoid with a beard.")
skipcard Dwarf/T/ ("A short humanoid with a beard.")
skipcard Dwarf/T/ ("A short humanoid with a beard.")
skipcard Hammerer/T/ ("A dwarf capable of carrying out justice!")
skipcard Cat/T/ ("A feline creature known for reproducing excessively.")
skipcard Bronze Colossus/T/ ("A nigh Un-killable 50ft tall demi-god.")
skipcard Fluffy Wambler/T/ ("Ability: If the fluffy wambler is played on top of any allied card with the ability to throw then it renders that card useless agaisnt any opponent expect from the bronze colossus in which the fluffy wambler and the colossus are both discarded.")
skipcard Elf/T/ ("Pointy-eared tree-hugger.")
skipcard Cheesemaker/T/ (""Why do we have a cheesemaker when we have no way to actually make CHEESE!?!"")
skipcard Hippie/T/ ("Possibly revolutionary tree-hugger.")
skipcard Hippie/T/ ("Possibly revolutionary tree-hugger.")
skipcard WW1-era Medic/T/Action: Return the top creature or dwarf from your discard pile to your hand. ("Wartime medic on a suicide mission.")
skipcard Noble/T/This card must be played on an opponent. If you have this card in play, you cannot win. Instead of discarding this card, this card shall always be shuffled back into the deck. (""I can't believe it. Even more useless than the cheesemakers. At least cheesemakers haul."")
skipcard Radio Personality/T/Action: Once per game, you may take one of an opponent's creatures or dwarves and put it under your control.
skipcard Generic Artifact/T/ (""Great. Another ash trumpet."")
skipcard Generic Artifact/T/ (""Great. Another ash trumpet."")
skipcard Generic Artifact/T/ (""Great. Another ash trumpet."")
skipcard Generic Artifact/T/ (""Great. Another ash trumpet."")
skipcard Planepacked/T/Counts as ten artifacts. (""Oddly enough, it contains no images of cheese."")
skipcard Justice System/A/Destroy any one Dwarf if you own a hammerer. If you have no hammerer, nothing happens. ("Off with their heads!")
skipcard Catsplosion/A/If 2 or more cats are in play, create 2 cats on your side of the field for every 2 cats in play. This card then is shuffled back into the deck instead of discarded. ("Help! We are drowning in cats!")
skipcard Beer Rush/A/You can take 2 actions this turn instead of one. ("Dwarven Fact: Dwarves work twice as fast with alcohol in their veins!")
skipcard Migrant Wave/A/Create 3 Dwarf cards in your hand. ("More soap makers? NOOOOO!")
skipcard Migrant Wave/A/Create 3 Dwarf cards in your hand. ("More soap makers? NOOOOO!")
skipcard Migrant Wave/A/Create 3 Dwarf cards in your hand. ("More soap makers? NOOOOO!")
skipcard Odd Mood/A/Play this card immediately. You have two options: Discard your entire hand, search the deck for an Artifact-type card, and put it in your hand. You may not do this if you have less than 2 cards in your hand, or discard one Dwarf-type card from play. Shuffle this card back into the deck.
skipcard Heroic Liberal Raid/A/Discard 1 creature or dwarf in play to force an opponent to discard one of their creatures or dwarves. ("We need a slogan!")
skipcard Homeless Shelter (DV 1)/T/Action: Create 1 "Hippie" card in your hand. You may only do this once every 3 turns. ("Houses homeless revolutionaries.")
skipcard The Trenches (DV 2)/T/ (""They never end. Every time we get through one, we just go to another...so many die on the way..." -- The Unnamed Medic")
skipcard The Oubliette (DV 0)/T/ ("The one and only costume and replica weapon store.")
skipcard Still/T/You must discard two dwarves in order to play this card. Action: Create one copy of 'Beer Rush' in your hand.
skipcard Absurdly Overequipped Weapon Trap/T/Attach to a location to double its DV until the AOWT is removed.
@emit [name(%#)] pastes the Bay12 deck into the Dvorak Engine.

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