This is a tab-separated dump of the deck, designed for import into Lackey's carddata.txt.
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For further information, read this page.Name Set ImageFile Type CornerValue Text FlavorText Creator Heineken barbeque thing_instant_alcohol Thing -Instant -Alcohol -1 Play on target player. TheNathan Beer barbeque thing_instant_alcohol Thing -Instant -Alcohol 1 MrEdwardNigma White Wine barbeque thing_instant_alcohol Thing -Instant -Alcohol 1 Needs to be consumed with fish. MrEdwardNigma Red Wine barbeque thing_instant_alcohol Thing -Instant -Alcohol 1 Needs to be consumed with meat. MrEdwardNigma Jack Daniels barbeque thing_instant_alcohol Thing -Instant -Alcohol 2 If The Nathan is in play, both cards are destroyed. "Gimme that bottle" MrEdwardNigma Polish Vodka barbeque thing_instant_alcohol Thing -Instant -Alcohol 2 Play on target player. They go temporarily blind => Each player may steal one item on the table from this player, starting with the person who played this card. MrEdwardNigma Sangria barbeque thing_instant_alcohol Thing -Instant -Alcohol 3 May only be played together with a Spain reference, or if you have a Spain guest in play. MrEdwardNigma Keg barbeque thing_instant_alcohol Thing -Instant -Alcohol 3 You cannot eat this turn. "No time, drinking" MrEdwardNigma Lame Salad barbeque thing_instant_vegetable Thing -Instant -Vegetable 1 MrEdwardNigma Lame Salad barbeque thing_instant_vegetable Thing -Instant -Vegetable 1 MrEdwardNigma Crudités is just French for lame salad barbeque thing_instant_vegetable Thing -Instant -Vegetable 1 You may switch this for a 2 point food, in this case the card is playable as an action. MrEdwardNigma Carrots barbeque thing_instant_vegetable Thing -Instant -Vegetable 1 "Nobody likes carrots" -Shone MrEdwardNigma Cucumber barbeque thing_instant_vegetable Thing -Instant -Vegetable 2 Flip a coin: Heads: 2 points, as normal. Tails: bloody diarrhea => lose 2 points instead. MrEdwardNigma Cigarette barbeque thing_instant Thing -Instant 1 One player of your choice loses his appetite this round. TheNathan Bun barbeque thing_instant Thing -Instant 1 You gain an extra point if you consume this with a burger. MrEdwardNigma Pasta Salad barbeque thing_instant Thing -Instant 3 MrEdwardNigma Bacon Rod barbeque thing_bbq_meat_pork Thing -BBQ -Meat -Pork 2/1 "Because, hey, bacon on a stick!" Ace Garlic Bread barbeque thing_bbq Thing -BBQ 2/1 You lose one guest due to halitosis. MrEdwardNigma Burger barbeque thing_bbq_meat_beef Thing -BBQ -Meat -Beef 2/2 MrEdwardNigma Burger barbeque thing_bbq_meat_beef Thing -BBQ -Meat -Beef 2/2 MrEdwardNigma Burger barbeque thing_bbq_meat_beef Thing -BBQ -Meat -Beef 2/2 "The card should say Burger-King, not Burger-Thing!" MrEdwardNigma Veggie Burger barbeque thing_bbq Thing -BBQ 2/2 "An abomination against nature" MrEdwardNigma Sardines barbeque thing_bbq_fish Thing -BBQ -Fish 2/2 MrEdwardNigma Chicken Wings barbeque thing_bbq_poultry Thing -BBQ -Poultry 2/2 You gain an extra point if you control Hot Sauce. MrEdwardNigma Sausages barbeque thing_bbq_meat_pork Thing -BBQ -Meat -Pork 2/2 Easily Divided: 2 points for you, 1 point for a player of your choice. MrEdwardNigma Salmon barbeque thing_bbq_fish Thing -BBQ -Fish 2/3 MrEdwardNigma Corn on the Cob barbeque thing_bbq_vegetable Thing -BBQ -Vegetable 2/4 You may spend extra turns cooking this to butter it. If you do, each extra turn makes this food worth an extra point. MrEdwardNigma Pigeon barbeque thing_bbq_poultry Thing -BBQ -Poultry 2/5 MrEdwardNigma Scampi Delicacy barbeque thing_bbq_fish Thing -BBQ -Fish 3/1 TheNathan Bacon!!! barbeque thing_bbq_meat_pork Thing -BBQ -Meat -Pork 3/2 "Food of the gods" Ace Roadkill barbeque thing_bbq_meat Thing -BBQ -Meat 3/2 Flip a coin: Heads: 3 points, as normal. Tails: Puking => lose 2 points instead. "No idea what this is, but hey, free food!" MrEdwardNigma Baked Banana barbeque thing_bbq Thing -BBQ 3/2 May only be consumed as dessert (to finish the game). MrEdwardNigma Duck! barbeque thing_bbq_poultry Thing -BBQ -Poultry 3/3 May be used as an action card instead to ignore the effect of one action on you. MrEdwardNigma Skunk Steak barbeque thing_bbq_meat Thing -BBQ -Meat 3/3 Discard all guests in play due to awful odours. MrEdwardNigma Chicken after Three Days barbeque thing_bbq_poultry Thing -BBQ -Poultry 3/3 Play only if this would let you win the game. If you do not win, lose all your points. All opponents lose four as well. Ace Spare Ribs barbeque thing_bbq_meat_pork Thing -BBQ -Meat -Pork 4/3 "Have you got one to spare?" *Badum-Tish* MrEdwardNigma Red Wine Marinated Beef barbeque thing_bbq_meat_beef_alcohol Thing -BBQ -Meat -Beef -Alcohol 4/3 "French" MrEdwardNigma Fatty Loin barbeque thing_bbq_meat Thing -BBQ -Meat 4/3 One thing on the barbeque is destroyed. *Woosh* "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Ace Half A Cow barbeque thing_bbq_meat_beef Thing -BBQ -Meat -Beef 5/2 Divide 4 extra points among your opponents as you see fit. This steak is just too big. Ace Octopus barbeque thing_bbq_fish Thing -BBQ -Fish 8/2 Divide the eight points as fairly as possible, ignoring bonusses. MrEdwardNigma The Shone barbeque thing_guest_spain Thing -Guest -Spain If you consume alcohol, you may destroy a guest. MrEdwardNigma The Ace barbeque thing_guest Thing -Guest Comes into play with 3 counters. You may ignore an action for each. "Yeah, but I have a knife" MrEdwardNigma The Vincent barbeque thing_guest_spain Thing -Guest -Spain Assign to any player when played. You may not play vegetables. "What do you mean, vegetables?" MrEdwardNigma The Arno barbeque thing_guest_spain Thing -Guest -Spain Immunity to puking. MrEdwardNigma The Nathan barbeque thing_guest_spain Thing -Guest -Spain One extra point for every vegetable consumed. MrEdwardNigma The Didier barbeque thing_guest_spain Thing -Guest -Spain Comes into play with 5 counters. For each counter you may have someone discard a card at any time due to distraction. This card may be destroyed by anyone by throwing away a cigarette. "Bump it, bump it, c'mon, bump iiiit!!" MrEdwardNigma The Atan. barbeque thing_guest Thing -Guest Comes into play with 3 counters. For each counter you may have someone discard 2 cards at any time due to distraction. If The Atan and The Didier are in play at the same time, the universe is destroyed and the game must be rebooted. Only points are kept. "Have you seen this YouTube clip?" MrEdwardNigma The Muslim barbeque thing_guest Thing -Guest Assign to any player when played. You may not eat pork. MrEdwardNigma The Hippie barbeque thing_guest Thing -Guest Assign to any player when played. You may not eat fish, meat and poultry. Can be discarded by throwing away a vegetable. "Go, fetch!" MrEdwardNigma Designated Driver barbeque thing_guest Thing -Guest Assign to any player when played. You may not consume alcohol. Ace Captain Cook barbeque thing_guest Thing -Guest Reduce your cooking costs by 1, you can never go below 1 turn of cooking. Ace The Colonel barbeque thing_guest Thing -Guest All poultry you eat gives double points. MrEdwardNigma Incredibly Hot Sauce. barbeque thing Thing For all barbeque foods you eat you may flip a coin: Heads: Double the points. Tails: Destroy the food. Ace Mad Cow Disease barbeque thing Thing There may be no beef on the table! Playable as action: if played when someone eats beef this player must discard their hand. MrEdwardNigma Binge Drinking barbeque action Action Consume all alcohol in your hand at the same time (show your hand to prove this!). MrEdwardNigma Burnt Meat barbeque action Action One barbeque food is destroyed. TheNathan Ants! Ants! barbeque action Action One piece of meat is destroyed. MrEdwardNigma Lighter Fuel Spillage barbeque action Action Destroys three things in play. MrEdwardNigma Water Fight barbeque action Action The barbeque is doused => cooking times reset. MrEdwardNigma Playing With Fire barbeque action Action All barbeque food is stalled one turn due to people stealing the lighter fluid for entertainment. MrEdwardNigma Heavy Rain barbeque action Action Everything on the barbeque is destroyed. TheNathan Gross Negligence barbeque action Action Everything on the barbeque is destroyed. MrEdwardNigma One Glass Too Many barbeque action Action Target alcohol consuming player loses 3 points due to puking. MrEdwardNigma Sea, Food! barbeque action Action Target player with points over 10 loses 5 points (needs to be used while consuming a food) due to puking. MrEdwardNigma Incredibly Nasty Campfire Story barbeque action Action Opponents of your choice pukes up 6 points, all other players lose 2. Ace Swimming Pool barbeque action_spain Action -Spain Target player gets a chair chucked at their head and loses 2 points. MrEdwardNigma Water Balloon Counter barbeque action_spain Action -Spain Cancel target action. "Duck!" "Oh, I like duck" Ace Blackened Upper Body barbeque action_spain Action -Spain Target opponent loses a turn to go wash. MrEdwardNigma "It Looks Ready To Me" barbeque action Action Consume a barbeque food before it is done cooking for one point less. MrEdwardNigma Everything's Better Onna Stick barbeque action Action One consumed barbeque food is worth an extra point. MrEdwardNigma BBQ, A Poem By AM barbeque action Action You may throw one guest onto the barbeque. They are worth 5 points and take 4 turns to cook. "All those people, all that blood, come what may, not what should" MrEdwardNigma "There's Nothing Wrong With This" barbeque action Action You may retrieve the top food from the discard pile and put it into play. "You're not gonna throw that away, are you?" MrEdwardNigma The Bum barbeque action Action Target opponent hands you one thing from the barbeque which would be finished this turn. "Please?" Ace King Salami barbeque action Action Divide one barbeque food between you and the owner (the points are split evenly, rounded down). MrEdwardNigma Raccoon Burglary barbeque action Action Target player loses 2 random cards. MrEdwardNigma Cooler Run barbeque action Action Draw 2 cards. MrEdwardNigma Cooler Run barbeque action Action Draw 2 cards. MrEdwardNigma Supermarket Run barbeque action Action Draw 3 cards. "Anyone got a car? Anyone NOT drunk?" Ace