Dvorak Export: Arcane powers deck

This is a tab-separated dump of the deck, designed for import into Lackey's carddata.txt.

To use this in Lackey, copy this address to the AutoUpdate field in Lackey's Preferences:


For further information, read this page.

Image file named after:
Address of image directory:
Name	Set	ImageFile	Type	CornerValue	Text	FlavorText	Creator
Fireball	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Deal 10 points of damage to your opponent.		
Ice Shard	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Freeze your opponent so that they cannot cast spells for 2 turns and the opponent takes 10 points of damage.		
Forked Lightning	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Inflict 15 points of damage to your opponent.		
Tornado Clap	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Your opponent gets sent flying inflicting 5 points of damage.		
Divine Healing	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Heal 20 points of damage.		
Undying rage	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		All attacks do double damage for the rest of the game.		
Shield	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Take no damage for the next 5 turns. You can still use spells.		
Meteor Shower	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		All players [including caster] takes 40 points of damage.		
Chain Lightning	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		3 points of damage is inflicted upon 3 opponents		
Nightfall	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		All players become hard to see and therefore spells may miss.		
Ominous Haze	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The caster and his alliance becomes hidden.		
Earthquake	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		All players lose 1 random card and lose 5 points of health.		
Slow Motion	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Time slows for 3 turns giving the caster a 50/50 chance of dodging any spells cast at him.		
Sonic Boom	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		A loud sonic boom sends all players flying inflicting 20 points of damage.		
Snow Storm	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Heavy snow falls on the field boosting frost attacks by 15 points.		
Teleport	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		When used you dodge the next attack that is aimed at you.		
Windchill	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		All heat-based attacks are removed from your opponents hand.		
Summon	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		A wolf appears at the casters side and will deal 5 points of damage to the casters opponents for 5 turns.		
Severe Burn	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Your opponent takes 15 points of damage for the next 3 turns.		
Spellbound	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The opponent is trapped in an invisible barrier and cannot cast for the next 6 turns.		
Guardian	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The caster takes no damage until his guardian [who has 50 health points] is defeated.		
Basic Healing	arcane_powers	spells	Spells		All allies recieve 5 points of health.		
Shatter	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Shards of glass are flung all around damaging all players by 12 points.		
Hover	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The caster hovers above the playing field. Attacks will not hit the caster for 5 turns until he/she lands.		
Shrink	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The opponent shrinks down to half size and means their magical energies will not be as powerful for 2 turns. (Half damage will be dealt)		
Locust Swarm	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		A swarm of deadly locust assault the opponent dealing 45 points of damage.		
Stampede	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		A stampede of raging bulls rips across the battlefield all opponents take 30 points of damage.		
Avalanche	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The opponent takes 30 point of damge and his hand of cards is rendered useless.		
Rain Storm	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Heavy rain causes the battlefield to go dark.Spells may miss and fire attacks do half the damage than usual [lasts for 5 turns].		
Warp	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The opponent suffers 60 points of damage.		
Heatwave	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The battlefield becomes dry and fire attacks now deal double damage. [lasts for 12 turns].		
Invisibility	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Any attacks aimed at you always miss [lasts for 6 turns].		
Casters Blessing	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The caster can choose another player. This player takes all the damage aimed at the caster for the next turn.		
Bottomless pit	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The opponent falls down a pit taking 35 points of damage.[the opponent remains in the pit for 5 turns unless he has a hover or teleport spell].		
Sacrifice	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The caster takes 500 points of damage to inflict 1000 points of damage to the opponent [If it is a 1 on 1 game then this card should be avoided. The caster dies first therefore losing. If he is in an alliance then the game continues without him].		
Revive	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The caster brings the chosen player back to life with full health.		
Mind control	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		For the next 2 turns the casters chosen player is under his control. The caster can tell said player to cast any spell. Should the player go against the casters will, he shall be killed and removed from the game.		
Full Moon	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The moon increases the casters power by 25 points.		
Rewind	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Play after an attack has been dealt to the caster. All damage dealt to the caster due to that attack is not counted.		
Volcano Tempest	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Deals 90 points of damage to the opponent but deals 50 points of damage to the caster.		
Legendary Healing	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		Heals 100 points of health to all allies including caster.		
Shard Onslaught	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		A deadly barrage of 100 ice shards [each shard deals 1 point of damage] is launched at the opponent and cannot be avoided unless a card such as teleport is used.		
Stone Strike	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		A massive stone sword is thrust right into the opponent dealing 99 points of damage.		
Tsunami Strike	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		A massive tsunami sweeps over the battlefield damaging all players by 75 points. The tsunami cannot be dodged and the only defense is a shield. Any enemys within the bottomless pit are defeated.		
Lava Flow	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		A stream of Lava flows through the battlefield damaging all opponents by 25 points.		
Dragon Breath	arcane_powers	spell	Spell		The caster sets his opponents on fire, the damage lasts for 3 turns. (5 damage per turn)		

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