To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)
(You can also get an output formatted for the Dvorax Engine.)
cleardeck loadcard God/T/If you have 7 Angles on your side of the field you win. If you don't have 5 Angles on your side of the field by the end of the turn you drew this card, discard this card and shuffle the discard pile together with the draw pile. loadcard The Devil/T/If you have 7 Demons on your side of the field you win. If you don't have 5 Demons on your side of the field by the end of the turn you drew this card, discard this card and shuffle the discard pile together with the draw pile. loadcard Demon/T/ loadcard Demon/T/ loadcard Demon/T/ loadcard Demon/T/ loadcard Demon/T/ loadcard Demon/T/ loadcard Demon/T/ loadcard Demon/T/ loadcard Demon/T/ loadcard Demon/T/ loadcard Demon/T/ loadcard Angel/T/ loadcard Angel/T/ loadcard Angel/T/ loadcard Angel/T/ loadcard Angel/T/ loadcard Angel/T/ loadcard Angel/T/ loadcard Angel/T/ loadcard Angel/T/ loadcard Angel/T/ loadcard Angel/T/ loadcard Holy resurrection/A/Search the discard pile for an Angel and put it in your hand. loadcard Holy resurrection/A/Search the discard pile for an Angel and put it in your hand. loadcard Holy resurrection/A/Search the discard pile for an Angel and put it in your hand. loadcard Holy resurrection/A/Search the discard pile for an Angel and put it in your hand. loadcard Unholy resurrection/A/Search the discard pile for an Demon and put it in your hand. loadcard Unholy resurrection/A/Search the discard pile for an Demon and put it in your hand. loadcard Unholy resurrection/A/Search the discard pile for an Demon and put it in your hand. loadcard Unholy resurrection/A/Search the discard pile for an Demon and put it in your hand. loadcard Crucifixion/A/Destroy an Angel on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Crucifixion/A/Destroy an Angel on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Crucifixion/A/Destroy an Angel on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Crucifixion/A/Destroy an Angel on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Crucifixion/A/Destroy an Angel on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Crucifixion/A/Destroy an Angel on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Crucifixion/A/Destroy an Angel on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Exorcism/A/Destroy a Demon on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Exorcism/A/Destroy a Demon on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Exorcism/A/Destroy a Demon on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Exorcism/A/Destroy a Demon on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Exorcism/A/Destroy a Demon on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Exorcism/A/Destroy a Demon on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Exorcism/A/Destroy a Demon on an opponents side of the field. loadcard Death/T/As long as you have Death on your side of the field, you may kill 1 human on your side of the field per Death card you control. (To signify they are dead, turn the card over DO NOT PUT THE DEAD HUMAN IN THE DISCARD PILE.) loadcard Death/T/As long as you have Death on your side of the field, you may kill 1 human on your side of the field per Death card you control. (To signify they are dead, turn the card over DO NOT PUT THE DEAD HUMAN IN THE DISCARD PILE.) loadcard Death/T/As long as you have Death on your side of the field, you may kill 1 human on your side of the field per Death card you control. (To signify they are dead, turn the card over DO NOT PUT THE DEAD HUMAN IN THE DISCARD PILE.) loadcard Human/T/After humans are turned into Demons or Angels put them in the discard pile loadcard Human/T/After humans are turned into Demons or Angels put them in the discard pile loadcard Human/T/After humans are turned into Demons or Angels put them in the discard pile loadcard Human/T/After humans are turned into Demons or Angels put them in the discard pile loadcard Human/T/After humans are turned into Demons or Angels put them in the discard pile loadcard Human/T/After humans are turned into Demons or Angels put them in the discard pile loadcard Human/T/After humans are turned into Demons or Angels put them in the discard pile loadcard Human/T/After humans are turned into Demons or Angels put them in the discard pile loadcard Human/T/After humans are turned into Demons or Angels put them in the discard pile loadcard Human/T/After humans are turned into Demons or Angels put them in the discard pile loadcard Human/T/After humans are turned into Demons or Angels put them in the discard pile loadcard Sin/A/Turn a dead human into a Demon. (Requires a satanist). loadcard Sin/A/Turn a dead human into a Demon. (Requires a satanist). loadcard Sin/A/Turn a dead human into a Demon. (Requires a satanist). loadcard Sin/A/Turn a dead human into a Demon. (Requires a satanist). loadcard Sin/A/Turn a dead human into a Demon. (Requires a satanist). loadcard Sin/A/Turn a dead human into a Demon. (Requires a satanist). loadcard Blessing/A/Turn a dead human into a Angel. (Requires a priest). loadcard Blessing/A/Turn a dead human into a Angel. (Requires a priest). loadcard Blessing/A/Turn a dead human into a Angel. (Requires a priest). loadcard Blessing/A/Turn a dead human into a Angel. (Requires a priest). loadcard Blessing/A/Turn a dead human into a Angel. (Requires a priest). loadcard Blessing/A/Turn a dead human into a Angel. (Requires a priest). loadcard Satanist/T/You must have this card in play to use Sin. (Each Satanist may only use 1 Sin a turn). loadcard Satanist/T/You must have this card in play to use Sin. (Each Satanist may only use 1 Sin a turn). loadcard Satanist/T/You must have this card in play to use Sin. (Each Satanist may only use 1 Sin a turn). loadcard Satanist/T/You must have this card in play to use Sin. (Each Satanist may only use 1 Sin a turn). loadcard Priest/T/You must have this card in play to use Blessing. (Each Priest may only use 1 blessing a turn). loadcard Priest/T/You must have this card in play to use Blessing. (Each Priest may only use 1 blessing a turn). loadcard Priest/T/You must have this card in play to use Blessing. (Each Priest may only use 1 blessing a turn). loadcard Priest/T/You must have this card in play to use Blessing. (Each Priest may only use 1 blessing a turn). loadcard Eternal Darkness/A/Destroys all good things in play. loadcard Blinding Light/A/Destroys all evil things in play. loadcard Grave Robber/A/Take a human out of the discard pile and put it on the field in the dead position (Flipped over). loadcard Grave Robber/A/Take a human out of the discard pile and put it on the field in the dead position (Flipped over). loadcard Grave Robber/A/Take a human out of the discard pile and put it on the field in the dead position (Flipped over). loadcard Grave Robber/A/Take a human out of the discard pile and put it on the field in the dead position (Flipped over). loadcard Grave Robber/A/Take a human out of the discard pile and put it on the field in the dead position (Flipped over). @emit [name(%#)] pastes the Angels and Demons deck into the Dvorak Engine.