To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)
(You can also get an output formatted for the Dvorax Engine.)
cleardeck loadcard Katie/T/She's quite selfish... loadcard Courteney/T/Very experienced... loadcard Jennifer/T/Her nose is crooked, but her eyes are crooked the other way to compensate for this. loadcard Leslie/T/You haven't even kissed her, so you have no idea how much fun she is. loadcard Svenja/T/She's a great singer! loadcard Natanz/T/Yes! loadcard Polar Bear/T/You like big things... loadcard Sven/T/You're not sure if he's ever done anything with anyone. loadcard Bob/T/Your generic boyfriend. loadcard Jack/T/He wants to be an actor and is always practicing. loadcard Smile/T/You put on your smile. Charm + 1%r%rAction: Unfortunately, you didn't brush your teeth (destroy this card). loadcard Confidence/T/You act confident. Act. Charm + 1%r%rAction: You fall through your act (destroy this card). loadcard Good dresser/T/You put on your best outfit. Charm + 1%r%rAction: Because you wear it so often, it's worn-out (destroy this card). loadcard Shave/T/You shave and look even more attractive! Charm + 1%r%rAction: You cut yourself and are still bleeding (destroy this card). loadcard Language/T/You speak with an irresistible accent. Charm + 1%r%rAction: It turns out you're not really foreign (destroy this card). loadcard Nails/T/You do your nails. Everyone keeps looking at them! Charm + 1%r%rAction: You break one of your nails (destroy this card). loadcard Eye Contact/T/You keep strong eye contact with whomever you talk to. Charm + 1%r%rAction: It gets creepy over time (destroy this card). loadcard Word Play/T/You talk smoothly so nobody notices you keep changing your opinion. Charm + 1%r%rAction: Your tongue slips (destroy this card). loadcard Not so Fast.../A/You activate an opponent's Thing - Charm, destroying it. loadcard Tricky/A/You activate an opponent's Thing - Charm, destroying it. loadcard Messing Things Up/A/You activate an opponent's Thing - Charm, destroying it. loadcard My Idea/A/You act the same as your competitor. You steal a Charm. loadcard Steal System Explanation Card 1/T/1 The stealing player chooses a lover to 'steal'. The stealing and defending players throw a dice. Whoever throws the highest can choose to go first or last in the next steps. - 2 Charm points = how many times a player can throw the dice (doesn't count for step 1). If you use a Charm point you must destroying a Charm card, unless you have 1 Charm point and no Charm cards. loadcard Steal System Explanation Card 2/T/3 The first player throws the dice. If she's not satisfied with the thrown score, she can throw again until she's out of Charm points. The last thrown score counts! - 4 Lost Charm points don't return. - 5 The second player throws the dice until satisfied with the score/out of Charm points. The last thrown score counts! 6 The highest score wins the Lover. loadcard Phone Call/A/You call your competitor's lover and ask her/him over.%r%rSee the Steal System Explanation Cards. loadcard Invite/A/You talk to a competitor's lover and ask her/him to come over to your place.%r%rSee the Steal System Explanation Cards. loadcard Homework/A/You ask a competitor's lover to help you make your homework.%r%rSee the Steal System Explanation Cards. loadcard Wave Over/A/You wave your competitor's lover over.%r%rSee the Steal System Explanation Cards. loadcard Eye Contact/A/You make eye contact with a lover, who seems interested.%r%rSee the Steal System Explanation Cards. loadcard Distract/A/Your friend distract a competitor so you have time with the competitor's lover.%r%rSee the Steal System Explanation Cards. loadcard Fight/A/Your friends beat up your competitor, so you have lot of time with her/his lover.%r%rSee the Steal System Explanation Cards. loadcard Candy/A/You lure a lover over with some candy.%r%rSee the Steal System Explanation Cards. loadcard Tongue/A/You show a lover how tall your tongue is...%r%rSee the Steal System Explanation Cards. loadcard Massage/T/You start massaging your lovers! loadcard Candles/T/You light some colourful candles. loadcard Talk/T/You talk about all kinds of fun things. loadcard Lights/T/You dim the lights. loadcard Music/T/You put on some smooth music. loadcard Story/T/You tell a nice, interesting story that happened to you that you just made up. loadcard Movie/T/You watch a romantic movie about a couple that get together after almost choking in a drinking straw. loadcard Comfortable/T/You put on something more comfortable, enhancing the mood. loadcard Kissing/T/You kiss your lover. loadcard Tickling/T/You start a tickle fight! loadcard Pillows/T/You begin a pillow fight! Fun! loadcard Massage/T/You fake an injury, getting a double massage. loadcard Phone Call/A/You call your lover, who gets out of the mood. Destroy a Mood. loadcard Effectively Disabled/A/You steal your competitor's condoms, who has to get new ones. This ruins the mood. Destroy a Mood. loadcard Remote/A/You use your remote to turn on the TV and switch to a channel with screaming monkey's. Destroy a Mood. loadcard CD/A/You climb through the window and swap 'All Night Long' with a Celine Dion CD. Destroy a Mood. loadcard Balls/A/You secretly enter the apartment and kick your competitor in the balls. Destroy a Mood. Doesn't work on people without balls! loadcard Kissing/A/You start kissing. From 1 thing comes 2 others, from 2 things come... 3-some! You've won!%r%rYou can only play this card if you have 2 Moods. loadcard Question/A/You ask the lovers who's the best kisser. "There's only one way to find out!" You also find out who's the best in bed! You've won!%r%rYou can only play this card if you have 2 Moods. loadcard Fake/A/You pretend to trip on the lovers and the fun begins! You've won!%r%rYou can only play this card if you have 2 Moods. loadcard Push in the Right Direction/A/You "accidentally" push the lovers against each other. They're in a playful mood and start playing with each other, and eventually, you! You've won!%r%rYou can only play this card if you have 2 Moods. loadcard Bed/A/You nonchalantly push the lovers into your bed and start getting it on! Who could ever resist you? You've won!%r%rYou can only play this card if you have 2 Moods. loadcard Kamasutra/A/You show the lovers a position in the Kamasutra, and ask them if they've ever done it. They all have done it, and are happy to show you! You've won!%r%rYou can only play this card if you have 2 Moods AND 3+ lovers. loadcard Friends/A/You tell your friends to beat up a competitor. S/he missed her next turn. loadcard Frustrated/A/Being so frustrated, you try harder. Draw 2 cards. loadcard Wrong Time/A/You notice your watch is ahead, so you have more time to complete your plan. Draw 2 cards. loadcard Frustrated/A/Being so frustrated, you try harder. Draw 2 cards. loadcard Handcuffs/A/You put handcuffs on you and your lover, so she can't be stolen this turn. Destroy 2 charm cards to use this card when your lover is about to be stolen. This doesn't count as an Action. @emit [name(%#)] pastes the 3-some! deck into the Dvorak Engine.