The Mines Deck

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
Revision as of 01:12, 5 October 2019 by JakeTheWolfie (talk | contribs)
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The Mines Deck
Designer JakeTheWolfie
Date 9/13/2019
Players 2+
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.


This deck is meant to be a customizable mining simulator. You will need tokens. A lot of them. A lot of different tokens. Most cards can be customized by players. The goal can be anything the players want, relating to the game.

Card Information

There are 4 types of cards.

Ore Cards - These cards are the raw ore that you can mine from your.. mine. Each one has a number which represents how much of that ore you need to make a bar.

Place Cards - These cards represent the main places that you use your ore that you mine up.

Stuff Cards - These cards are what you can turn bars of ore into. Stuff can do Actions. Stuff can require multiple bars, and even specific bars to make.

Actions - Standard Actions.

Most cards have a value in the corner representing how much they are worth.

Token Information

There are 5 types of tokens.

Research Token - The owner of this has the ability to create that thing, as long as they also have the place for it.

Ore Token - These represent how much type of ore that you have.

Bar Token - These are refined ore, which can be more easily used.

Stuff Token - These represent.. stuff that you own. You can use the stuff's actions if you have it's token.

Money Token - Used to by Places, or even improve the quality (and Price) of Ore, Bars, or Stuff.

You may use an action to sell as much of a single type of token. You gain money tokens if you sell Ore, Bars, or Stuff.



Thing - Place
Action: Choose an ore card with your research token on it, and gain an ore token of that type.
We all start somewhere..
Thing - Place
Action: If you own exactly or more of an ore type than on it's card, destroy that many ore tokens to gain 1 Bar token of that ore type.
The Furnace Churns Bars of ore
Research Center
Thing - Place
Action: Flip a coin. If heads, do nothing. If Tails, put a research token on a random global card, or draw another global card and put a research token on it.
Thing - Place
Thing - Place
Thing - Place
Thing - Place
Thing - Place
Thing - Place


Thing - Ore
Thing - Ore
Thing - Ore
Thing - Ore
Thing - Ore
Thing - Ore
Thing - Ore
Thing - Ore
Thing - Ore


Thing - Stuff
Chest piece
Thing - Stuff
Thing - Stuff
Thing - Stuff
Full Armor Set
Thing - Stuff
This is only made with Helmet, Chest piece, Leggings, and Boots, all of the same ore type.
Thing - Stuff
Thing - Stuff
Thing - Stuff
Thing - Stuff
Thing - Stuff
Thing - Stuff
Thing - Stuff