Stratego deck

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
Revision as of 00:17, 5 February 2013 by Ltn Koen (talk | contribs) (special rules, action cards.)
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Designer Ltn Koen
Date 2013
Players 2+
This is an unfinished deck. It is incomplete, and is not playable.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

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Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.

Dvorak version of the famous game.

Under construction. Any advice or suggestions welcome, particularly regarding Actions. Flavour text will come, one day.

Special Rules


Just like Stratego, part of the game is about remembering or guessing where things are.

Things are always put in play face down.

Once they are in play, Things should not be moved. Every player should keep their hand visible at all times - that is, their opponents should be able to see how many cards they have in hand. Players cannot change the order of the cards in their hands, other than adding a new card to the hand (for instance when drawing a card), or removing a card from the hand (when playing or discarding a card).

The maximum size of a hand should probably be slightly more than five, but it has never been tested yet! Maybe players should start the game with more cards and either have to discard on their first turn, or be allowed to play several Things - this way Flags will appear sooner. Maybe the discard pile should be face down, since Flags can be discarded (if you have more than one in hand).

If a player doesn't control any Things, they may play up to two Things instead of a Thing and an Action.


During their turn, instead of playing an Action, a player may launch an attack. To do so, they must select one of their Things (either from their hand or from play), and one of the opponent's Things (either from the opponent's hand of from play). Both Things are revealed. If they have the same rank, they are both destroyed. Otherwise, the lower-ranked card is destroyed, and the higher-rank card is put into play, face down, in the control of the player they already belong to.

Ranks go as follows, from highest to lowest:

Bomb > Marshal > General > Colonel > Major > Captain > Lieutenant > Sergeant > Miner > Scout > Spy > Flag

With the following exceptions:

  • The Miner wins against the Bomb
  • When the Spy faces the Marshall, whoever launched the attack wins.
  • The Bombs and the Flag cannot launch an attack.

Some Action cards have "Attack:" abilities. When playing such an Action card, launch an attack, and follow the text of the card to resolve the attack.

When a player launches an attack against their opponent's Flag, the game ends and they win!

Limited resources

Some type of cards have restrictions along the lines of "You may not own more than a certain number of this type of card." If, at the end of your turn, the number of cards of this type that are either in play under your control, or in your hand, is higher than that number, you have to discard or destroy enough of those cards so that you fit the limitation again.



It is possible to play as Multi-deck Dvorak. In that case, the deck should be printed once for every player. The proportion of cards should be changed (especially the number of Flags perd deck). It is suggested to use a different back colour for each player.

  • Each player has their own draw and discard pile.
  • When a card is destroyed or discarded, it is sent to the discard pile of the player whose deck it came from.


If there are three or more players, the winning condition could be:

  • The first player to capture an opponent's Flag wins.
  • When a Flag is captured, its owner loses. The last standing player wins.
  • When a Flag is captured, its owner loses. Play resume between the other players, but the player who just captured The Flag takes control of all Things that were in control of the defeated player.
    • ...or any other reward for capturing The Flag, like immediately playing a new turn, or an increased hand size, or whatever.
  • When a player captures The Flag, they keep it in front of them, face up. Once a given number of Flags have been captured, the game ends and the player who capture the more Flags wins.

In addition, when two players are engaging in an attack, the two cards can either be shown to everyone, or to the two players only. Just make sure everyone agreed on the rules before starting the game.

No memory

To make things easier, when a card in play has been revealed, it may stay face up on the table.

This Stratego deck differs from the original board game Stratego in that you may attack any card with any card, with no consideration to the position they would occupy on the board. This means once an opponent card has been revealed, you may attack it immediately with a higher-ranked card. However, this would mean revealing your higher-ranked card, which in turn can be easily targeted by your opponents.

Card List

The deck should include several copies of each card. Following the proportions of Stratego (X Flags, X Marshalls, 1X General, 2X Colonels... 6X Bombs) is probably good enough, though including slightly more flags may be better. As for action cards... Well, I don't know. However, this is unfinished and cards are subject to modification, so I'd rather wait before I start copy-pasting everything everywhere.


The Flag
The Flag cannot attack.

The Flag can only be discarded if you have another copy of it in play or in your hand.

If The Flag is attacked, you lose!
You may not have more Marshals than Flags.
You may not have more Generals than Flags.
You may not have more than twice as many Colonels as Flags.
Miner can defuse Bombs.
If it is face down, turn Scout face up. Look at opponent card.
If the Spy attacks an opponent's Marshall, the Marshall is destroyed and the Spy remains in play.
Bombs cannot attack.

If an opponent attacks a Bomb with a non-Miner card, the opponent card is destroyed and the Bomb remains in play.


Tactical Withdrawal
Put all Things you control back into your hand, then shuffle your hand.
Forced ...
Look through the draw pile for The Flag. If you can find it, give it to an opponent. They must take all the Things they control back into their hand, shuffle their hand, then play a number of Things equal to the number of Things they controlled.
If you win this attack, put the defeated opponent card into your hand instead of destroying it.
Wait for your opponent to reveal the chosen card before you choose your own card.