Combo Pirates

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
Revision as of 20:07, 2 April 2018 by Bucky (talk | contribs) (New prototype! Rules locked in, cards welcome, I reserve editorial authority.)
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Combo Pirates
Designer Bucky
Date 4/2/18
Players 2-5
This deck has not been categorised.
To play Dvorak: Draw five cards each and leave the rest as a draw pile. On your turn, draw a card from the draw pile and play one Thing and/or one Action. (See the full rules.)
Cards.gif Print this deck

Telnet.gif Generate MUSHcode
Cards.gif Generate Lackey export

Hammer and spanner.gif
This deck is under construction. Anyone is welcome to contribute - check the talk page to find out more.

Special Rules


Coins are a resource, granted by global Income cards. If a card has a numerical cornervalue, it's played by paying that many Coins rather than the normal 1-action-per-turn and 1-Thing-per-turn limits. Coins are kept between turns.

The game starts with 1 Income in play. Once at least half the players have taken their turn on the first round, add another Income. Other cards can add another Income to a limit of 8. Additionally, if there are more than 3 players, the last player starts the game with an extra Coin.

Some Things have a Use ability, with a cost in coins. Those Things can only be Used once per turn, unless another card Readies them between uses.

Treasure Deck

There's a special deck of Treasure cards. Keep it separate from the main deck. Treasures also have a separate discard pile. All Treasures are Things.

Treasure Shelf

Players get Treasures by buying them from the Treasure Shelf, a row of Treasures. The Treasure Shelf's size is three plus the number of players. If the Shelf is ever not full, fill it from the Treasure Deck.

To buy a Treasure, simply pay its cost in Coins.


You win by gaining 10 Activity Points in one turn. You get an Activity Point every time you play a card from your hand or Use a Thing. Activity Points are lost at the end of a turn.

Card List

Main Deck

Treasure Deck

Gold Cannon
Thing - Treasure
Use(6): target opponent destroys one of their Things.
Card by Bucky


Each player gets +1 Coin at the start of their turn
Card by Bucky
Each player gets +1 Coin at the start of their turn
Card by Bucky
Each player gets +1 Coin at the start of their turn
Card by Bucky
Each player gets +1 Coin at the start of their turn
Card by Bucky
Each player gets +1 Coin at the start of their turn
Card by Bucky
Each player gets +1 Coin at the start of their turn
Card by Bucky
Each player gets +1 Coin at the start of their turn
Card by Bucky
Each player gets +1 Coin at the start of their turn
Card by Bucky