User talk:Bucky

From Dvorak - A Blank-Card Game
Revision as of 11:23, 16 November 2008 by Xahn Borealis (talk | contribs) (→‎RTS)
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That was actually a rogue spambot editing the time-travel CCG - I don't know why they're doing it, but they seem to take the wiki source of a page and feed it through something that converts plus signs to spaces and cuts out entirely at non-ASCII characters, before pasting it all back in.

I picture them as long-forgotten spambots in a Taiwanese warehouse, who've crossed out all the shut-down spam sites from their list of sites to advertise, and are just idly churning through wiki pages, with nothing left to add... --Kevan 19:19, 5 June 2007 (BST)


Thanks for your advice. I definitely want it to be rock-paper-scissors style as, like I said, this is going to be similar to Command & Conquer, which uses that style. I want it to be so that you can choose your strategy in the same way, i.e., Rusher, Turtle, Steamroller, etc. rock-paper-scissors always seems interesting to me, tactically. I might use a similar combat sequence to my Halo: Starside deck, that is, put your attacking units into play and use an Action to start combat with all units in play.--Xahn Borealis 13:38, 14 November 2008 (UTC)

Rock-Paper-Scissors stuff works in an RTS game because you can't see what your opponent has deployed in the spot you're attacking until one of your units gets close to them (at which point it may be too late to switch production.) One way to simulate that would be to deploy unit cards face-down and only turn them face-up when both players have Things in the same area.
Be careful, though, that the R-P-S action is in playing the game, not in building the deck. A good Rock-based deck might be strong, but it isn't fun at all vs. a Scissors deck (you both know who's going to win after the first few revealed units) and even less fun vs. a Paper deck (same reason, except you lose.) You need to make sure a well-constructed mixed deck can go even or better vs. any of the three pure strategies.-Bucky 07:10, 16 November 2008 (UTC)
Exactly. Like in C&C, you might attack an enemy base with Mammoth Tanks, only for them to use some Raider Buggys with EMP Coils to disable your tanks, and destroy them with fanatics. Also, not all my units will be exclusively Rock. Some might be good all-rounders, but expensive.--Xahn Borealis 11:23, 16 November 2008 (UTC)