Dvorak Export: Wizard quest card set

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Image file named after:
Address of image directory:
Name	Set	ImageFile	Type	CornerValue	Text	FlavorText	Creator
wizard	wizard_quest_card_set	charecter_lvl_0	charecter-lvl: 0	0	This wizard has a weakness to fire. 100 hp, 100 mp, 100 E. Water blast: 100 h	this wizard specilizes in water spells.	
Flame	wizard_quest_card_set	spell_creature_offensive_lvl_0	Spell-creature*-offensive-lvl 0	0	100 h, 100mp	This shoots out a fiery blast	
Mana potion	wizard_quest_card_set	potion_boost_stackable_lvl_0	potion-boost-stackable-lvl 0	0	heal 25 mp	A potion that heals mp	
Sword of Derza	wizard_quest_card_set	item_weapon_equipable_lvl_10	Item-Weapon*-equipable-lvl 10	5	Attack 100 h. Role a dice. If 1-3 add 5 fire dammage. If 4-6 do 1 poison dammage each turn for 3 turns	The sword of the evil shade Durza	Eric F.
Arya's sword	wizard_quest_card_set	item_weapon_equipable_lvl_15	Item-Weapon*-equipable-lvl 15	5	Attack 150 h. Every other turn you may do a double attack.	The sword of the elf Arya	Eric F.
Brom's sword	wizard_quest_card_set	item_weapon_equipable_lvl_3	Item-Weapon*-equipable-lvl 3	3	Attack 50 h.	The sword of Brom	Eric F.
Zar'rok	wizard_quest_card_set	item_weapon_equipable_lvl_20	Item-Weapon*-equipable-lvl 20	5	Attack 1000 h. Flip a coin if heads do 10 bleed damage. If tails do 3 darkness damage.	The sword Brom gave to Eragon which was stolen by Murtaugh	Eric F.
Gladring	wizard_quest_card_set	item_weapon_equipable_lvl_10	Item-Weapon*-equipable-lvl 10	4	Attack 100. If attacking a goblin deal 150.	The sword stolen by Gadnalf from trolls. It was used in the goblin wars	Eric F.
Biter, sword of Thorin	wizard_quest_card_set	item_weapon_equipable_lvl_5	Item-Weapon*-equipable-lvl 5	4	Attack 75 h. When attack goblins hit 100.	The sword stolin by Thorin the dwarf from trolls.	Eric F.
Sting	wizard_quest_card_set	item_weapon_equipable_lvl_10	Item-Weapon*-equipable-lvl 10	3	Attack 30 h. When attack goblins hit 50. When a goblin is put into play it is useless for 2 turns.	The short sword stolen by Frodo the hobbit from the trolls.	Eric F.
Gandalf the Grey	wizard_quest_card_set	charecter_hero_lvl_20	Charecter-Hero-Lvl 20	5	9000 hp, 5000 mp, 1050, E. Lightning flare-150 h.	Gadalf the mighty wizard from the lord of the rings.	Eric F.
Gadalf the white	wizard_quest_card_set	charecter_hero_lvl_25	Charecter-Hero-Lvl 25	5	9500 hp, 5500 mp, 1100, E. Super falming light-200 h.	Gadalf becomes the white after his battle with the balorg.	Eric F.
Suraman the White	wizard_quest_card_set	charecter_hero_lvl_20	Charecter-Hero-Lvl 20	5	10000 hp, 5000 mp, 1050, E. Enchanting voice-100 h and whenever anyone plays you that hour they lose their first turn.	Gadalf the mighty wizard from the lord of the rings.	Eric F.
Suaraman of many colors	wizard_quest_card_set	charecter_hero_lvl_17	Charecter-Hero-Lvl 17	5	7000 hp, 2000 mp, 1100, E. Do 12 fire damage.	Gadalf the mighty wizard from the lord of the rings.	Eric F.
Badghast the Brown	wizard_quest_card_set	charecter_hero_lvl_12	Charecter-Hero-Lvl 12	2	7540 hp, 1550 mp, 1100, E.	The wizard who unkowingly sends Gadalf into Suramans trap.	Eric F.
The witch of blackbird pond	wizard_quest_card_set	charecter_lvl_5	Charecter-Lvl 5	2	3000 hp, 2000 mp, 1100, E. Flood-do 20 damage	The witch of blackbird pond.	Eric F.
Fire strike	wizard_quest_card_set	spell_humanoid_offensive_lvl_3	Spell-humanoid*-offensive-lvl 3	o	do 3 fire damage.	a small blast of fire	Eric F.
Fire blast	wizard_quest_card_set	spell_humanoid_offensive_level_4	spell-humanoid*-offensive-level 4	o	Do 9 fire dammage.	a medium blast of fire.	Eric F.
Fire wave	wizard_quest_card_set	spell_offensive_level_5	Spell-offensive-level 5	1	Do 13 fire dammage.	A wave of fire.	Eric F.
fire flood	wizard_quest_card_set	spell_offensive_level_10	Spell-offensive-level 10	1	Do 17 fire damage	A flood of fire	Eric F.
Alchamist Fire	wizard_quest_card_set	potion_lvl_25	Potion-Lvl 25	4	Do 50 fire damage.	A potion of liquid fire that catches when thron	Eric F.
Tangelfoot	wizard_quest_card_set	potion_lvl_15	Potion-lvl 15	4	A player loses his/her turn till they remove the tangelfoot.	A sticky gelly in a bag that bursts open when thrown.	Eric F.
Holy water	wizard_quest_card_set	potion_lvl_3	Potion-lvl 3	4	All undead/unholy things on both sides of the field are destroyed.	A bottle of blessed water.	Eric F.
There and back again	wizard_quest_card_set	conditions	Conditions	5	If you start the game and win it and you used at least 1 card related to hobbits then the next time you play against that person you start.	There and back again. A hobbits tale. By bilbo bagins	Eric F.
Ixen svent	wizard_quest_card_set	spell_creature_offensive_lvl_25	Spell-creature*-offensive-lvl 25	5	You can only use this if you have translator cards for these words. role a die. Whatever the number is multiply i be 10.	Ixen Svent. This card seams to be in draconic.	Eric F.
Translator; Ixen	wizard_quest_card_set	translator	Translator	5	Ixen= Fire	Ixen the draconic word for fire	Eric F.
Translator: Svent	wizard_quest_card_set	translator	translator	5	Svent=arrow	Svent is draconic for arrow.	Eric F.
Suarmans Icy storm	wizard_quest_card_set	spell_offensive_lvl_30	Spell-offensive-lvl 30	5	do 12 ice damage. Can not be used without the magic words.	Suarmans storm that makes the fellowship take the rout of Moria.	Eric F.
Suarmans icy storm (magic words)	wizard_quest_card_set	magic_words	magic words	5	You need this card to cast Suarmans icy storm	"Their is a fell voice in the air" says Legoles.	Eric F.
Legolas the elf	wizard_quest_card_set	person_lvl_19	Person-lvl 19	5	1000 hp, 50 mp, 200 e. Great acuracy: If weilding a bow flip a coin whenever you attack with it. Add 25 if heads add 10 if tails.	"I am Legolas of Mirkwood forest."	Eric F.
Legolas's battle knives.	wizard_quest_card_set	weopon_equipable_lvl_17	Weopon-equipable-lvl 17	4	role a die. Multiply the number by 15. That is how much you hit. You may not have 2 weopons or a sheild equiped with this.	The battle knives of Legolas.	Eric F.
Bow of Legolas	wizard_quest_card_set	weapon_equipable_lvl_18	Weapon-equipable-lvl 18	5	50 h. Elven shot: Role a die. Multiply the number by 50. To do this you need a quiver of arrows. It should be removed from play after using elven shot. You may not have a shield or other weapon equiped with this.	The bow of Legolas	Eric F.
Bowman	wizard_quest_card_set	person_lvl_1	Person-lvl 1	0	Hp 50, 20 h.	A simple bow man.	Eric F.
Minor mana potion.	wizard_quest_card_set	potion_lvl_1	Potion-lvl 1	0	Draw 1 spell card from your deck	A simple mana potion.	Eric F.
Mana Potion	wizard_quest_card_set	potion_lvl_1	Potion-lvl 1	1	Heal 10 magic points	A potion for healing magic.	Eric F.
Flame	wizard_quest_card_set	spell_creature_lvl_10	Spell-creature*-lvl 10	2	Do 50 fire damage.	Shoots out a jet of flame.	Eric F.
Water wizard	wizard_quest_card_set	charecter_lvl_1	Charecter-lvl 1	0	100 hp, 100 mp. Water blast 50 h	A simple water wizard	Eric F.
Major mana potion	wizard_quest_card_set	potion_lvl_10	Potion-lvl 10	2	Heal 10 mp and draw 1 spell card	A potion that heals alot of magic.	Eric F.
Final Strike	wizard_quest_card_set	super_attack_lvl_17	Super attack-lvl 17	4	Use this with any charecter/people card that has a sword etc. Hit 100. You can only play it at the very end of your turn.	The final strike	Eric F.
...And the lord of the rings.	wizard_quest_card_set	condition	Condition	5	If you are using the condition card There and Back again then you must use this one also. If you have the One Ring card you lose 1 hp every turn.	There and Back again. A hobbits tale. By Bilbo Baggins and The lord of the Rings by Frodo Baggins.	Eric F.
Water wizard	wizard_quest_card_set	character_lvl_1	Character lvl 1	0	100hp, 100 mp, 100 e. Water strike: 100 h	A simple wizard who specializes in water	Eric F.
Water potion	wizard_quest_card_set	potion	Potion	2	Either A: remove any card with fire in its name or and fire spell card, B: Enhance a water spell by 100 h, or C: Enhance either the hp, mp, or E of a charecter with water in its name by 100	A potion of water.	Eric F.
The One Ring	wizard_quest_card_set	item_equipable_lvl_50	Item-equipable-lvl 50	5	You can not be hit, gain darkness power, every turn you lose 1 hp, You gain 100 hp, 100 mp, and 100 E.	"One ring to rule them all. One ring to find them. One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. In the halls of Mordor where the shawdows lie."	Eric F.

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