Dvorak Export: Shootout deck

This is a tab-separated dump of the deck, designed for import into Lackey's carddata.txt.

To use this in Lackey, copy this address to the AutoUpdate field in Lackey's Preferences:


For further information, read this page.

Image file named after:
Address of image directory:
Name	Set	ImageFile	Type	CornerValue	Text	FlavorText	Creator
Shootout!	shootout	shootout	SHOOTOUT		Too Much Gin		
Shootout!	shootout	shootout	SHOOTOUT		Explosive Billiard-Ball Salesman Showcases His Wares		
Shootout!	shootout	shootout	SHOOTOUT		He Done Stole My Gold!		
Shootout!	shootout	shootout	SHOOTOUT		Your Gal is Flirting with a Tall, Dark Stranger...		
Shootout!	shootout	shootout	SHOOTOUT		Calm, Collected Card Game Turns Ugly		
Shootout!	shootout	shootout	SHOOTOUT		Bad Hearing (What's That You Say!?)		
Shootout!	shootout	shootout	SHOOTOUT		Them's Fightin' Words		
Shootout!	shootout	shootout	SHOOTOUT		Carnegie Wants To Build Another Railroad Here		
Store Sign	shootout	cover	COVER	1			
Time Machine from 34th Century	shootout	cover	COVER	1			
Hitchin' Post	shootout	cover	COVER	2			
Overturned Table	shootout	cover	COVER	3			
Bar, The	shootout	cover	COVER	3			
Shelves of Assorted Glassware	shootout	cover	COVER	2			
Pile of Crates Covered with Cloth	shootout	cover	COVER	3			
Nosy Mexican	shootout	cover	COVER	3			
Wooden Fence	shootout	cover	COVER	3			
Convenient Rock Outcropping	shootout	cover	COVER	4			
Barrel	shootout	cover	COVER	2			
Bar Piano	shootout	cover	COVER	3			
Saloon Doors	shootout	cover	COVER	1			
Lonely Cactus	shootout	cover	COVER	2			
Silver Sheriff's Star	shootout	cover	COVER	1			
Ye Olde Privy	shootout	cover	COVER	3			
Overturned Table	shootout	cover	COVER	3			
Bar Gal	shootout	cover	COVER	3			
Row of Tethered Horses	shootout	cover	COVER	3			
Horse Carcass	shootout	cover	COVER	2	Must play face up.  May only be played if Row of Tethered Horses is in play and has taken   damage.		
Horse Carcass	shootout	cover	COVER	2	Must play face up.  May only be played if Row of Tethered Horses is in play and has taken   damage.		
Load	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load Two	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load Two	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load Two	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load Two	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load Two	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load Two	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load Two	shootout	load	LOAD				
Load Two	shootout	load	LOAD				
Ricochet!	shootout	ricochet	RICOCHET				
Ricochet!	shootout	ricochet	RICOCHET				
Ricochet!	shootout	ricochet	RICOCHET				
Ricochet!	shootout	ricochet	RICOCHET				
Ricochet!	shootout	ricochet	RICOCHET				
Ricochet!	shootout	ricochet	RICOCHET				
Ricochet!	shootout	ricochet	RICOCHET				
Ricochet!	shootout	ricochet	RICOCHET				
Ricochet!	shootout	ricochet	RICOCHET				
Ricochet!	shootout	ricochet	RICOCHET				
Ricochet!	shootout	ricochet	RICOCHET				
Ricochet!	shootout	ricochet	RICOCHET				
Sixth Sense of Danger	shootout	action	ACTION		Draw two cards.		
Helpin' The Greenhorn	shootout	action	ACTION		Choose another player.  Both you and that player draw 1 card each.		
Twitchy Trigger Finger	shootout	action	ACTION		Take a shot, if you have a bullet.  If the majority of your opponents subsequently agree, a   Shootout then occurs.		
'Doc' Holliday	shootout	response	RESPONSE		Play in response to a Shootout.  If you are hit during the Shootout, flip a coin.  On   heads, Doc heals you and you ignore the bullet.		
Sandstorm's A' Comin'!	shootout	response	RESPONSE		Play in response to the end of a round of shooting.  The shootout ends and everyone still   alive discards a card as they flee in panic from the sandstorm.		
Nervous Reload	shootout	response	RESPONSE		Play in response to the end of a round of shooting.  Flip a coin.  If heads, place a bullet   in your gun.		
Quick Reflexes	shootout	response	RESPONSE		Play in response to a Shootout.  If you have a bullet in your gun, during the first round   of shooting, you are the only player who can fire (because you're just that quick).		
Out On The Ranch	shootout	response	RESPONSE		Play in response to a shootout.  Choose any player.  They cannot fire or be shot at during   the first round of shooting.		
Dying Revenge Shot	shootout	response	RESPONSE		Play in response to taking a hit.  If you have a bullet in your gun, take a shot against   another player.  (Please choose this player in a vengeful manner)		
Top Hat	shootout	response	RESPONSE		Play after a round of shooting.  If you were hit during that round, ignore the hit, because    it went through your hat.		

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