Dvorak Export: RoboDeath

To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)

(You can also get an output formatted for the Dvorax Engine.)

Regenerate this output, minus the cards created by a comma-separated list of users:
loadcard RoboDeath 3000 (10)/T/DEF:3 ATT:4 SPEED:1
loadcard Miranda20K (5)/T/DEF:3 ATT:3 SPEED:5
loadcard SleekAssasin (3)/T/DEF:1 ATT:5 SPEED:10
loadcard Twin Terrapin (10)/T/DEF:5 ATT:1 SPEED:1
loadcard AutoClean360 (1)/T/DEF:1 ATT:1 SPEED:10
loadcard Laser Cannon (10)/T/+10 ATT
loadcard HyperShield (10)/T/+10 DEF
loadcard Rotating Blades (10)/T/+5 ATT, -1 SPEED from opponent for each hit
loadcard Air Howitzer (5)/T/+2 ATT
loadcard Air Boots (10)/T/-5 opponet's ATT
loadcard Short Circuit/A/-1 HP each turn. Fiz with Elektro Kit
loadcard Low Battery/A/-3 SPEED. Fix with New Battery
loadcard Delete/A/Cannot fight. Fix with Back-Up
loadcard Battered/A/-5 DEF. Fix with MechaniBot
loadcard Virus/A/-3 HP each turn. Fix with Firewall
loadcard Expired Warranty/A/-5 ATT. Fix with Check Up
loadcard Check Up/T/Cures Expired Warranty. Discard.
@emit [name(%#)] pastes the RoboDeath into the Dvorak Engine.

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