To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)
(You can also get an output formatted for the Dvorax Engine.)
cleardeck loadcard Armor Transformation/A/Regain all clothing levels up to Armored. loadcard A. T. Defense/T/While this card is in play, you may choose to skip a turn to block one of your opponent's attacks. You may only have one skipped turn at a time. Discard this card when you lose at least one clothing level. loadcard Block/A/Prevent one attack. loadcard Body Double/A/Switch clothing levels with target player. loadcard Bright Idea/A/Choose any card from either your draw or discard pile, reveal it to everyone and put it in your hand. Reshuffle your draw pile if necessary. loadcard Chains/A/Target player loses one clothing level unless armored. Opponent skips their next turn. loadcard Combination Attack/A/Opponent loses one clothing level. loadcard Disguise/A/Target player skips their next turn. loadcard Distraction/A/Opponent cannot block or dodge the next card that you play. loadcard Dodge/A/Prevent one attack. loadcard Energy Lazer/A/Target player loses one clothing level. Deadly. Cannot be blocked. loadcard Enhanced Attack/A/If an attack you made was not dodged or blocked then your opponent loses one clothing level. loadcard Galactic Tsunami/A/Remove any number of clothing levels. Target player loses the same amount of clothing levels. Any block or dodge cards played only prevent a single clothing level from being lost. Additional effects from block or dodge cards are ignored. loadcard Henshin/A/Regain all clothing levels up to Clothed. If already Clothed, then gain Armored clothing level instead. loadcard Large Energy Blast/A/Target player loses two clothing levels unless Armored. If Armored, then target player loses one clothing level. loadcard Love Shield/T/Block opponent's next attack, then discard this card. loadcard Missiles/A/Removes Armored clothing level from target player. If opponent is not Armored, then their next turn is skipped instead. loadcard Nano-bots/T/Regain one clothing level up to Clothed every turn on your draw phase. Discard this card if you are reduced to Naked. loadcard Nova Blast/A/Every player loses three clothing levels. A player who blocks this card only loses two. A player who dodges this card only loses one. Additional effects from block or dodge cards are ignored. loadcard Power of Love/A/Ignore one card, even if it cannot be blocked or dodged. loadcard Riposte/A/Dodge an attack and immediately play an attack card on the opponent who played the dodged card. loadcard Special Sword Technique/A/Target player loses two clothing levels. If blocked, then both you and your opponent lose one clothing level each. loadcard Super Speed/T/Dodge opponent's next attack, then discard this card. loadcard Surprise/A/Your turn is no longer skipped. loadcard Sword Slash/A/Target player loses one clothing level. Deadly. loadcard Temporary Fix/A/Regain one clothing level unless Clothed or Armored. loadcard Tentacles/A/Target player loses one clothing level. Deadly. Opponent cannot block or dodge the next card you play. loadcard Time Distortion/A/Remove a number of clothing levels. You can play one plus that number of extra cards this turn. loadcard Turn Around/A/Block an attack. That card now acts as if just played on the player who originally played it. loadcard Virus Attack/T/Play on one opponent. Every turn your opponent loses one clothing level on their draw phase. Discard this card when your opponent is Naked. loadcard Whirlwind Attack/A/Shuffle both target player's and your hands together and deal them back out evenly, starting with your opponent. loadcard Armored (5)/T/ loadcard Clothed (4)/T/ loadcard Missing a Little (3)/T/ loadcard Missing a Lot (2)/T/ loadcard Naked (1)/T/ @emit [name(%#)] pastes the Magical Girl Battle Tournament CCG card set into the Dvorak Engine.