Dvorak Export: Legend of Elsewhere

This is a tab-separated dump of the deck, designed for import into Lackey's carddata.txt.

To use this in Lackey, copy this address to the AutoUpdate field in Lackey's Preferences:


For further information, read this page.

Image file named after:
Address of image directory:
Name	Set	ImageFile	Type	CornerValue	Text	FlavorText	Creator
GOAL	legend_of_elsewhere	basic_goal	Basic Goal	BG			AldusValor
A.R.I.E.S.	legend_of_elsewhere	thing_non_basic_goal	Thing~Non-Basic Goal	NG	Action: All non-PM non-EQ Things you control receive +2/+3		AldusValor
Doublechin's Decree	legend_of_elsewhere	action	Action	AC	Player's cannot play action cards for five turns	"If people do what I say, I'll quit; If they can't do anything it'd be a job well done." ~ Doublechin	AldusValor
Doublechin	legend_of_elsewhere	thing_legendary_supervillain	Thing~Legendary Supervillain	2/7	Action: When Doublechin comes into play take control of target opponant's Things. Discard them to owners Discard pile at end of turn.	"Doublechin uses and discards, he steals too." ~ Fox Slater	AldusValor
Doublechin's Late 60's Death Ray	legend_of_elsewhere	thing_weapon	Thing~Weapon	PM	When there are no tokens on this card, discard it. This card comeis into play with 10 Charge Counters on it.Action: Remove a Charge Counter: Destroy Target Thing.	"118 Pygmy slaves died in the construction of this spectacular weapon." ~ Doublechin	AldusValor
Doublechin's Henchman	legend_of_elsewhere	thing_henchman	Thing~Henchman	1/1		"OK, who's going to fulfill his ultimate destiny and die for my cause? Let's see, odd numbered henchmen from 19 to 31." ~ Doublechin	AldusValor
Number 11	legend_of_elsewhere	thing_ledgendary_henchman	Thing~Ledgendary Henchman	1/*	Number 11 has a defense equal to the number of Henchman you control.	"The problem is he arbitrarily made me you guys' commander." ~ Number 11	AldusValor
Dr. Strangeglove	legend_of_elsewhere	thing_legendary_supervillain	Thing~Legendary Supervillain	4/6	Action (Global): All Things count as both EQ and PM Things.	"Armies of machines do Strangeglove's bidding. Some look like his mother." ~ Fox Slater	AldusValor

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