To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)
(You can also get an output formatted for the Dvorax Engine.)
cleardeckskipcard Chinese Factory (3B)/T/Counts as a Machine.%r Action:Spend 3 Energy or Money-related tokens. Make a copy of a Thing another player controls and put it into your hand.skipcard Advance to Go/A/Collect 2 Money Tokens.skipcard The Gold Standard (3$)/T/You may play extra Things with numbers in their corner value, if you destroy the same number of money-related Tokens you own.skipcard Insurance Policy/T/Whenever a non-Token Thing you control is destroyed, you may either draw a card or generate two Money Tokens.skipcard Piggybank/T/Whenever you gain one or more Money-related tokens, you may put one of them on Piggybank. If any tokens are removed from Piggybank, destroy it. <i>(When Piggybank is destroyed, you keep control of the tokens that were on it.)</i> %r Action: If there are 7 tokens on Piggybank, win the game.skipcard Capitalism/T/If any player has fifteen or more Money tokens in play, they win the game. Action: Put a Money token into play.skipcard Second-Hand Shop/T/Action: Discard a card to gain a number of Money tokens equal to the number of words in the card's title.skipcard Recession/A/Remove all money tokensskipcard Purchase (5P)/A/Take control of target Thing. Its former controller gains 3 Money tokens.skipcard Credit Crunch/A/Every player discards two cards. Destroy all Money and Gold tokens.skipcard Life Insurance/T/Play onto target Thing. When equipped Thing is destroyed, destroy this card as well and gain 5 moneys tokens.skipcard Pawn Shop/T/Action: Replace a non-token Thing you control with three Money tokens, or replace a token you control with a Money token. Any player may play this ability.skipcard Day Job (8W)/T/Action:Gain two Money tokens.skipcard Trade Goods (TI4)/A/Gain 4 money tokensskipcard Bank Job/T/Action: Put a Money token into play. Action: Destroy this card, and all Money tokens you control. Draw two cards for each Money token destroyed in this way.skipcard Death Takes Bribes/T/Play as a reaction to being eliminated. You must pay 10 Money tokens, already in your possession, to the eliminating player and are not eliminated. ("Perhaps we can come to some arrangement?")skipcard Coin on a string (M1)/T/This counts as a money token. You may use abilities that require you to destroy one money token for free.skipcard Fundraiser (5W)/T/If you ever control 15 Money Tokens at the start of your turn, you win the game.%rAt the start of each of your turns, gain a Money token.skipcard Rob the Card Store (8P)/A/Gain two Money Tokens, then draw a card.skipcard Glyf of Guile (1Z)/T/When you use an action ability you may create a money token.skipcard Glyf of Wisdom (5Z)/T/When you play an action card you may create a money token.skipcard Explosive Drug-Dealing Fight Club (8G)/T/At the start of your turn, gain a Money token. Afterwards, if you control more than 5 Money tokens, destroy all Things. ("Card name courtesy of")skipcard Fund-raising event (4A)/A/Gain three Money tokens.%r%rInstead of playing a Thing this turn, you may gain two Money tokens.skipcard Toll Bridge/T/Gain a Money token whenever an opponent plays a Thing.skipcard With My Proven System/A/Count your tokens and gain twice as many Money tokens.skipcard Extended Stay (888)/T/When played put a thing in play under this card. Action (global): Destroy this card and 3 money tokens to take control of the things under this card.skipcard Pirate Gunner (2x)/T/This Thing's Action ability may not be used if it was used on your previous turn.%rAction: Roll one six-sided die. On a result of 4 or lower, destroy a Thing. Otherwise, erase this card's text and gain 2 Money tokens.skipcard Average Salary Man ($2 Pay)/T/At the beginning of your turn, you get two money tokens. ("He'll never get anywhere in life.")skipcard Purchasing Power (9P)/T/When Purchasing Power enters play, put 6 Money tokens into play.%rAction: Destroy 3 Money tokens you control and play a Thing.skipcard Actors' Guild/T/You may play an additional Action each turn.<BR>When a player has more Money Tokens than each other player, that player gains control of Actors' Guild.skipcard Liquidate/A/Destroy target Thing. Its controller may gain 3 Money Tokens or 3 Water Tokens. ("How literally do you want to take it?")skipcard Part-Time Job/T/Action: Gain 2 Money tokens.skipcard Free Gift With Purchase/A/Pay an opponent 2 Money tokens to gain control of one of their Things. They throw in a card from their hand as well, as a bonus thank you gift.skipcard Art Exhibition/A/Reveal any number of cards by the same creator from your hand (possibly including this one). Each opponent pays you an equal number of Money tokens as an admission fee; those who cannot must discard an equal number of cards instead.skipcard <font color=000>Militia</font> (4)/T/Gain 2 Money tokens. Each other player discards down to 3 cards in hand.skipcard Sold!/A/Choose an opponent. They choose one of your things to be destroyed. Roll d10, and gain that many Money tokens.skipcard Rooftop Barbecue/A/You and every opponent who gives you a money- or food-related token may receive a Steak, a Mushroom, and a Bell Pepper token, each with "Action: Destroy this and draw a card."skipcard Sunflower/T/Each turn, gain a money token. ("Sunflower can't resist bouncing to the beat. Which beat is that? Why, the life-giving jazzy rhythm of the Earth itself, thumping at a frequency only Sunflower can hear.")skipcard Cherry Bomb/A/Destroy 6 of your sun/money tokens, interchangeable, to destroy target thing, and the 2 closest things to it. (""I wanna explode," says Cherry #1. "No, let's detonate instead!" says his brother, Cherry #2. After intense consultation they agree to explodonate.")skipcard Presented by Guacola®/T/Play onto target Thing. When attached Thing uses an ability, gain 2 Money tokens.skipcard Paycheck/A/Draw two cards and gain two Money Tokens. Shuffle Paycheck into the deck.skipcard Money Printer (1D)/T/Thing: Gain a Money token.%r%r%r ("<span style="font-size:180%"><i>Brrr...</i></span>")skipcard Card Store (2D)/T/When you play this, gain Money tokens equal to the largest digit in your Things' cornervalues.%r%rOnce per turn, you may spend two Money tokens to draw a card.skipcard Hire Mercenaries (3D)/A/Destroy a Thing.%r%rInstead of playing a Thing this turn, you may spend 3 Money tokens to destroy a living Thing.skipcard Buy Out (6B)/A/Exchange control of target Thing and a number of Money tokens you control equal to the largest digit in that Thing's cornervalue. If that digit is 0 or that Thing has no cornervalue, it's free.skipcard Invest (6I)/A/Discard a card. If you do, draw 3 cards and gain 3 Money tokens.skipcard Second-Hand Store (4D)/T/When you play this, gain Money tokens equal to the largest digit in your Things' cornervalues.%r%rOnce per turn, you may spend a money token and discard a card to put the bottommost card in the discard pile into your hand.skipcard Information Broker (6D)/A/Gain 6 Money tokens.%r%rYou may give each opponent any number of your Money tokens to look at the same number of cards from their hand.skipcard Cashcycler (0C)/T/When you play this, return one of your Things to your hand and gain Money tokens equal to the largest digit in its cornervalue. You may return Cashcycler to your hand at the end of your turn.skipcard Market Crisis (2M)/A/Each player gains 3 Money tokens and discards two cards.skipcard Same-Day Delivery/A/Target opponent gives you a Thing from their hand and gains a Money token. If their hand contains no Things, they instead give you the next Thing they draw and refund you the Money token in apology for the delay.skipcard Crunch Time/T/Your hand size limit is 2. Whenever you play a card, you may draw a card or gain a Money token.skipcard Corporate Control (6C)/A/Destroy target Thing UNLESS its controller reveals their hand and discards a card of your choice, gaining 3 Money tokens if they do. <BR>You may spend 3 Money tokens to treat UNLESS as AND. (""Record labels will change your message, and they'll change your mind." - Sunny Side Up")skipcard Gift Card/T/When you would be required to spend a number of Money tokens up to 5, you may destroy Gift Card instead. Action: Replace Gift Card with a copy of target Thing. ("Don't spend it all in one place!")skipcard Considerable Influence (1C)/A/Gain a Money token for each other card in your hand, then look at the top X cards of the deck and put one into your hand. Shuffle the deck. X=the number of your Money tokens.skipcard Better Offers (2B)/T/When you would draw a card, you may instead gain a Money token.<BR>When an opponent's Thing is destroyed during your turn, you and its controller may take turns spending any amount of Money tokens. Then, if you spent twice as many (min. 2), return that Thing to play under your control. ("Whatever Kevan's paying, I'll double it.")skipcard Everything Must Go (6E)/A/Destroy all non-token Things. For each Thing put into the discard pile this way, its controller gains two Money tokens. End your turn.skipcard Welfare Program (6E)/T/At the beginning of your turn, draw a card and gain a Money token.<BR>At the end of your turn, destroy this Thing if you have four or more Money tokens or four or more cards in hand.skipcard Trading Hub (0T)/T/Once during your turn, you may convert any of your tokens into Money tokens <BR>OR spend 2 Money tokens to create a blank Thing card named Gem and put it into your hand<BR> OR put two non-token Things you control into target opponent's hand to look at their hand and put a card from their hand into yours.<BR>Action: Gain a Money token.skipcard Funded Expedition (6F)/A/Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may gain 3 Money tokens.%r%rSet aside and look at the top card of the deck and the bottom card of the discard pile. Repeat this process any number of times by spending a Money token for each time. Put two of those cards into your hand, then discard the rest.skipcard Expensive Hobby/T/Instead of drawing a card at the beginning of your turn, you may gain a Money token. Once per turn, you may spend a Money token to increase your hand size by one until your next turn or to play a Thing.skipcard Card Trader (1R)/T/When you draw a card, you may spend a Money token to discard it and draw another.%rAction:Gain a Money token.skipcard Card Repeater (2R)/T/When you play your first Action card of the turn, you may spend two Money tokens to play it a second time.%rAction:Gain a Money token.skipcard Card Repairer (3R)/T/When one of your nontoken Things is destroyed, you may spend three Money tokens to return it to play.%rAction:Gain a Money token.skipcard Once-in-a-Lifetime Offer/A/Gain control of target Thing by giving its controller any combination of your Money tokens, non-token Things, or revealed hand cards with equal or greater value. A card's value for this purpose is the greater of the largest digit in its cornervalue or the number of words in its title.skipcard Card Breeder (4R)/T/When you draw a Thing, you may spend four Money tokens and reveal it to add another copy of it to your hand.%rAction:Gain a Money token.skipcard Card Assassin (5R)/T/When an opponent plays a Thing, you may spend five Money tokens in response to destroy one of their other Things.%rAction:Gain a Money token.skipcard Card Seller (6R)/T/When you use an Action ability, you may spend six Money tokens at the end of the action to draw two cards.%rAction:Gain a Money token.skipcard Card Thief (7R)/T/When an opponent draws a card, you may spend seven Money tokens to look at their hand and steal a card from it.%rAction:Gain a Money token.skipcard Player Killer (8R)/T/When you destroy a Thing, you may spend eight Money tokens to eliminate its controller.%rAction:Gain a Money token.skipcard Crown Bearer (9R)/T/When you start your turn, you may spend nine Money tokens to win the game.%rAction:Gain a Money token.skipcard Card Entrepreneur/T/When you gain a Money token, you may discard a card to gain two more.skipcard Coin Flip (1S)/A/Flip a coin. If heads, draw two cards and you may take two extra Actions this turn. Regardless of the result, gain a Money token.skipcard Mortgage (2S)/A/Move target Thing to Up Your Sleeve. Its controller gains two Money tokens and a Note token with "If <that Thing's name> is Up any Player's Sleeve, you may pay them three Money to return it to your control."skipcard Card Sale (3S)/A/Discard a card from your hand or Up Your Sleeve. Gain Money tokens equal to three plus the highest digit in its cornervalue (default 1) and draw two cards.skipcard Tax and Spend (4S)/A/Choose one, four times in succession:%r * Gain a Money token or steal an opponent's Money token.%r * Spend a Money token to draw a card.%r * Spend a Money token for the ability to play an extra Action or Thing this turn.skipcard Total Liquidation (9S)/A/Destroy all Things. Each player gains a Money token for each of their tokens destroyed, two Money tokens for each of their non-token Things destroyed, and an additional eight Money tokens for each of their Things destroyed whose text contained the word "win".skipcard Reverse Card Seller (R6/3T)/T/When you use an Action ability, gain a money token afterwards.%r%rAction: spend six Money to draw two cards.skipcard Double Agency (7T)/T/Play this attached to another Thing. You control the attached Thing during your turn.%r%rAction: Spend 3 Money things to attach Double Agency to a different Thing.skipcard Wages of Corruption (4U)/A/Each player discards a card at random. Put one of the discarded cards into your hand. Gain a Money token for each other card discarded. ("Scrapping the treasures to steal the scrap")skipcard Paid Time Off (1P)/A/Instead of playing a Thing this turn, you may draw a card and gain a Money token.<BR><BR>The next time you would take a turn, draw three cards and gain three Money tokens instead. ("Leaving early and taking tomorrow off.")skipcard Trade Caravan (3W)/T/At the start of your turn, discard a card.%rAction: Gain a Money token.%r%rAt the end of your turn, draw a card.skipcard Liquidator (5W)/T/When you gain your ninth token during a single turn, you win. %r Action: Discard a Thing card and gain three Money tokens.skipcard Cash Cache (7X)/A/Gain a number of Money or Gold tokens equal to your hand size limit.skipcard Prank Store (0D)/T/When you play this, gain Money tokens equal to the largest digit in your Things' cornervalues.%r%r Once per turn, you may spend two Money tokens or sacrifice this Thing to force an opponent to discard a card. ("from Token Store (#8236) et. al.")skipcard Extort/A/Create a Money Token for each Human Thing on the field.skipcard Stonks (6S)/A/Put the top card of the deck into the discard pile. If it has no cornervalue, destroy all tokens. If there's one even digit in its cornervalue, gain half that many Money tokens and draw a card. Otherwise, each opponent gains a Money token and discards a card.skipcard Stonk Market (1S)/T/At the beginning of your turn, gain a Money token and roll a d6.<BR>Once during your turn, you may spend Money tokens equal to the rolled number to draw a card.skipcard Wireproof/A/Until your next turn, Money tokens you control can't leave your control.skipcard Hustle/A/Gain two Money tokens and draw two cards. Then, if you're at or above your maximum hand size, gain two additional Money tokens. Then, if you control at least five more Money tokens than each opponent, draw two additional cards.skipcard Prosperity (9P)/A/Each player draws cards equal to the number of cards in their hand and gains Money tokens equal to the number of Money tokens they control.skipcard Nostalgia Marketing (8N)/A/Put the bottom X cards of the discard pile on top of the deck in any order, where X is the number of players.<BR>Draw a card and gain a Money token.skipcard Thrift Store (1T)/T/When you play Thrift Store or another building, gain two Money tokens.<BR>Action: Spend a Money token to reveal the top three cards of the deck. The next opponent in turn order picks one of those cards for you to draw. Discard the rest.skipcard Buy Low, Sell High (4B)/A/Roll two dice. Gain Money tokens equal to the higher result, then spend tokens (any type) equal to the lower result. If you roll doubles, return this card to your hand.skipcard Cash Influx/A/Gain 2 Money tokens per non-token Thing you control. You may spend any number of these, up to the highest digit in a cornervalue of a Thing you control, to draw half as many cards, rounding up.skipcard Charity Fraud/A/Each opponent loses a Money token if possible. Gain a Money token for each opponent. Each opponent gains control of a blank Thing named Tax Deduction.skipcard Going Platinum/A/Create 3 money tokens. You may play an additional action this turn.skipcard Too Big to Fail/T/If one player controls more non-token Things than all others combined, then when any of their non-token Things would be destroyed, they may discard any number of cards to prevent the destruction of as many Things, and for each of their non-token Things that is destroyed, they may draw a card and gain a Money token.skipcard Racketeer (3N)/T/You may play this face-down. It's turned face-up when its other text becomes relevant.%r%rWhen an opponent draws two or more cards, they draw one fewer and you gain a Money token.skipcard Corporate Sponsorship (0C)/A/Until the end of your next turn, whenever you play a card, draw a card and gain a Money token. ("I like to start my day with CashCrazedⓇ.")@emit [name(%#)] pastes the Infinite Dvorak deck/Money set into the Dvorak Engine.