Dvorak Export: Infinite Dvorak deck/Cards 8401-8500/From Day One


Adjust these settings until the cards fit comfortably, with the correct number per page, in your browser's Print Preview.

When you're happy with the settings, send all but the first page to your printer, and cut the cards out with something sharp. Either stick the results onto cardboard, slip them into deck-protectors with some spare CCG cards for padding, or just play with them as flimsy bits of paper.

Deck-Print Settings

Card Height :cm Title Box Height :cm
Card Width :cm Text Box, Min. Height :cm
Cards per Page :x Text Size :

Card Mine
Counts as a Machine. Action:Draw a card
Card : Bucky
Cutting Corners
While this card is in play, treat all cards as if they had no cornervalue. If any Player plays a card with the string "dust" in its title, destroy this card.
Card : Bucky
The Useless Card
Draw a card. You may take one extra Action this turn.
Card : Bucky
Core Ruleset Loophole
You win unless all other players agree to negate this effect within 10 seconds, or 30 seconds if you are playing online.
Card : Bucky
Leverage Scam
You win unless any player discards eir hand within 10 seconds, or 30 seconds if you are playing online.
Card : Bucky
If there is another Thing in play, immediately destroy Antimatter and any other Thing of your choice. When this occurs, gain 10 Energy Tokens.
Card : Bucky
Generic Elves 1G
Action:Gain a Green Energy Token, and rotate this card 90 degrees.
Card : Bucky
Token Eater
At any time during your turn you may destroy any Token you control and put a Food counter on Token Eater. If this causes Token Eater to have more than 100 Food Counters on it, destroy it. Action:Remove all counters and tokens from this card. For every 5 counters or tokens removed in this way, draw a card, or discard a card and play an extra Thing this turn, or discard a card and play an extra Action this turn.
Card : Bucky

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