Dvorak Export: Greek Mythology Deck

To import this deck into the Dvorak MUSH Engine, just cut and paste the quoted commands below straight into your telnet window. (Any card whose type is neither "Thing" nor "Action" will default to "Thing"; if it was somehow meant to be played like an Action, just destroy it after playing it.)

(You can also get an output formatted for the Dvorax Engine.)

Regenerate this output, minus the cards created by a comma-separated list of users:
loadcard Chaos/T/Acton: Gain control of any Primordial in play ("Void")
loadcard Gaia/T/When played, you gain control of any Titan in play ("Earth Mother")
loadcard Eros/T/Action: Gain control of another player's Thing. ("Sexual Love")
loadcard Tartarus/T/Action: Imprison a Titan ("Abyss")
loadcard Erebus/T/ ("Darkness")
loadcard Nyx/T/ ("Night")
loadcard Uranus/T/You now control Sky (Location) if it is in play image=Uranus.jpg ("Sky")
loadcard Aether/T/ ("Heaven")
loadcard Hemera/T/ ("Day")
loadcard Chronus/T/ ("Time")
loadcard Pontus/T/ ("Sea")
loadcard Ourea/T/ ("Mountains")
loadcard Cronus/T/This Thing cannot be destroyed except by a player who controls an Olympian ("The Scythe")
loadcard Rhea/T/Your hand increases by 1 ("Motherhood")
loadcard Tethys/T/ ("Rivers")
loadcard Clymene/T/ ("Fame")
loadcard Eos/T/ ("Dawn")
loadcard Helios/T/ ("Sun")
loadcard Selene/T/ ("Moon")
loadcard Eurybia/T/If you control the Sea (Location), take 2 actions on your turn. ("Mastery of the Sea")
loadcard Aura/T/ ("Breeze")
loadcard Astraeus/T/ ("Stars and Planets")
loadcard Asteria/T/ ("Falling Stars")
loadcard Themis/T/ ("Divine Law")
loadcard Cirus/T/
loadcard Mnemosume/T/Action: Take s card from the discard pile and add it to your hand ("Memory")
loadcard Theia/T/When played, you can look at all other player's hands ("Sight")
loadcard Phoebe/T/Action: Look at 1 card in another player's hand ("Prophecy")
loadcard Oceanus/T/ ("Oceans")
loadcard Coeus/T/ ("Axis")
loadcard Iapetus/T/ ("Mortality")
loadcard Hyperion/T/ ("Light")
loadcard Styx/T/This Thing is not destroyed by Titanomachy ("Hatred")
loadcard Prometheus/T/Choose another player. They discard one card. ("Forethought")
loadcard Epimetheus/T/When played, take another player's hand and ask them to choose one. That card is then discarded. ("Afterthought")
loadcard Perses/T/When played, destroy all cards in play. ("Destruction")
loadcard Pallas/T/ ("Warcraft")
loadcard Metis/T/Action: Look at another player's hand. ("Advise")
loadcard Menoetius/T/Action: Destroy 1 thing or object ("Violent Anger")
loadcard Leto/T/When played, gain control of either Apollo or Artemis if in play. ("Motherhood")
loadcard Lelantos/T/ ("Stalking Prey")
loadcard Typhon/T/Cannot be destroyed except by a player who controls Zeus. Mt. Edna then comes into play, no matter what.
loadcard Zeus/T/ ("Sky")
loadcard Hera/T/When played, destroy one Goddess. ("Marriage")
loadcard Poseidon/T/ ("Sea")
loadcard Demeter/T/When played, gain control of Persephone if in play ("Agriculture")
loadcard Hades/T/When played, gain control of Persephone if in play ("Underworld")
loadcard Hestia/T/ ("Hearth")
loadcard Aphrodite/T/Gain control of 1 Thing in play ("Love")
loadcard Athena/T/When played, look at one card in another player's hand. ("Wisdom")
loadcard Hephaestus/T/When played, choose an artifact in play and add it to your hand ("Craftmanship")
loadcard Ares/T/When played, destroy one object ("War")
loadcard Apollo/T/ ("Sun")
loadcard Artemis/T/ ("Hunt")
loadcard Dionysus/T/ ("Wine")
loadcard Clotho/T/ ("Spinner")
loadcard Lachesis/T/ ("Measurer")
loadcard Atropos/T/ ("Severer")
loadcard Calliope/T/ ("Epic Poetry")
loadcard Clio/T/Action: Return 1 card from the discard to your hand ("History")
loadcard Erato/T/ ("Love Poetry")
loadcard Euterpe/T/ ("Music and Elegiac Poetry")
loadcard Melpomene/T/ ("Tragedy")
loadcard Polyhymnia/T/When played, summon 1 God or Goddess from your hand ("Religious Poetry")
loadcard Terpsichore/T/ ("Dance")
loadcard Thalia/T/ ("Comedy")
loadcard Urania/T/When played, gain control of Uranus if in play ("Astronomy")
loadcard Anteros/T/ ("Requited Love")
loadcard Morpheus/T/This Thing must be destroyed before Nyx ("Dreams")
loadcard Pothos/T/ ("Sexual Longing")
loadcard Hedylogos/T/ ("Flattery")
loadcard Hineros/T/Negate the Parthenogenesis card. ("Sexual Desire")
loadcard Harpocrates/T/After played, first player to speak discards. ("Silence")
loadcard Ascelepius/T/Action: Recover a destroyed Thing from the discard pile  If you have Panacea, effect doubles ("Healing")
loadcard Plutus/T/Increase your hand by 2 ("Wealth")
loadcard Charon/T/When in play, your objects cannot be destroyed unless the attacker discards 1 card. ("Ferryman of Hades")
loadcard Persephone/T/Expand your hand by 1 ("Spring")
loadcard Hecate/T/ ("Magic")
loadcard Enyo/T/Action: Destroy 1 object ("Destructive War")
loadcard Hebe/T/Destroy this card in place of another ("Youth")
loadcard Eunomia/T/ ("Lawful Conduct")
loadcard Eirene/T/If one of your cards is to be destroyed, negate it. ("Peace")
loadcard Iris/T/Expand your hand by 1 ("Rainbow")
loadcard Cheimon/T/If you control all 4 seasons, you gain Demeter or Persephone ("Spring")
loadcard Theros/T/If you control all 4 seasons, you gain Demeter or Persephone ("Summer")
loadcard Pthinoporon/T/If you control all 4 seasons, you gain Demeter or Persephone ("Autumn")
loadcard Eiar/T/If you control all 4 seasons, you gain Demeter or Persephone ("Winter")
loadcard Panacea/T/Action: Recover a Thing from the discard pile.  If you have Asclepius, The effect doubles ("Healing")
loadcard Chloris/T/ ("Flowers")
loadcard Herse/T/ ("Dew")
loadcard Alectrona/T/ ("Morning")
loadcard Chione/T/ ("Snow")
loadcard Psyche/T/ ("Soul")
loadcard Auge/T/ ("First Light")
loadcard Anatole/T/ ("Sunrise")
loadcard Mousika/T/ ("Morning Hour of Music")
loadcard Gymnastika/T/ ("Morning Hour of Exercise")
loadcard Nymphe/T/ ("Morning Hour of Bathing")
loadcard Mesembria/T/ ("Noon")
loadcard Elete/T/ ("Afternoon")
loadcard Sponde/T/ ("Lunch Prayer")
loadcard Akte/T/ ("Eating and Pleasure")
loadcard Hesperis/T/ ("Evening")
loadcard Dysis/T/ ("Sunset")
loadcard Arktos/T/ ("Night")
loadcard Palioxis/T/ ("Flight")
loadcard Phantasos/T/ ("Fantasy Dreams")
loadcard Epiales/T/ ("Nightmares")
loadcard Nomes/T/Change a rule. ("Law")
loadcard Momus/T/ ("Mockery")
loadcard Mania/T/When played, gain control of Dionysus if in play ("Madness")
loadcard Lyssa/T/Action: Discard a card, then destroy a Thing ("Rage")
loadcard Limos/T/Decrease another player's hand by 1 ("Hunger")
loadcard Lethe/T/Shuffle the discard pile back into the decks ("Forgetfulness")
loadcard Kydoimos/T/Switch fields with another player ("Confusion")
loadcard Kratos/T/ ("Power")
loadcard Koalemos/T/ ("Stupidity")
loadcard Keres/T/Choose 1 Thing. Take control of it. It and this card is destroyed in 3 turns. ("Cruel Death")
loadcard Kakia/T/ ("Vice")
loadcard Hybris/T/All players pass their hands to the left ("Outrageous Beheivior")
loadcard Horme/T/Switch 1 card with another player. ("Impulse")
loadcard Horkus/T/ ("Oaths")
loadcard Homados/T/ ("Din of Battle")
loadcard Hedone/T/ ("Pleasure")
loadcard Geras/T/ ("Old Age")
loadcard Euthenia/T/ ("Prosperity")
loadcard Eusebeia/T/If you control Sacred Flame (Location), summon up to 3 Things on your turn. ("Piety")
loadcard Pietharchia/T/ ("Obedience")
loadcard Eupheme/T/If you control a Theater (Location), it's effect doubles. ("Applause")
loadcard Eucleia/T/ ("Glory")
loadcard Epiphron/T/ ("Thoughtfulness")
loadcard Elpis/T/ ("Hope")
loadcard Eleos/T/ ("Mercy")
loadcard Ekecneiria/T/ ("Trace")
loadcard Dyssebeia/T/Choose 1 player. Destroy all their Gods and Goddesses. ("Dispiety")
loadcard Dysnomia/T/Choose 2 players. Switch fields. ("lawlessness")
loadcard Dolos/T/ ("Trickery")
loadcard Cerebus/T/If you have Underworld(Location) in play, none of your Things can be destroyed until Cerebus is. ("Guardian of Hades")
loadcard Zelos/T/ ("Rivlry")
loadcard Dike/T/ ("Justice")
loadcard Thrasos/T/ ("Boldness")
loadcard Techne/T/Gain control of 1 Muse in play. ("Art")
loadcard Sophrosyne/T/Return all hand sizes to 6. ("Moderation")
loadcard Soteria/T/ ("Safety")
loadcard Ptocheia/T/Take a card from another players hand. ("Beggary")
loadcard Prophasis/T/When a card of yours is targeted, return it to your hand. ("Excuses")
loadcard Proioxis/T/Destroy 2 objects ("Onrush")
loadcard Praxidike/T/ ("Exacting Justice")
loadcard Ponos/T/ ("Toil")
loadcard Poine/T/When another player destroys one of your card, destroy one of theirs. ("Retribution")
loadcard Pistis/T/ ("Trust")
loadcard Phthonus/T/Take control of another players object. ("Envy")
loadcard Phrike/T/ ("Fear")
loadcard Phonoi/T/Destroy 1 Thing ("Murder")
loadcard Philotes/T/ ("Friendship")
loadcard Philophrosyne/T/Increase both yours and another player's hands by 1 ("Kindness")
loadcard Pheme/T/ ("Gossip")
loadcard Penthus/T/ ("Grief")
loadcard Penia/T/Destroy another player's hand. ("Poverty")
loadcard Aergia/T/Choose another player. They skip their next turn. ("Sloth")
loadcard Adikia/T/ ("Injustice")
loadcard Adephagia/T/Action: Draw 2 cards ("Gluttony")
loadcard Achlys/T/When played, destroy all the Things of an opponent ("Death-mist")
loadcard Corus/T/ ("Destain")
loadcard Caerus/T/ ("Oppertunity")
loadcard Bia/T/Choose one of your cards in play. It cannot be destroyed while Bia is in play. ("Power")
loadcard Ate/T/ ("Delusion")
loadcard Arte/T/ ("Virtue")
loadcard Aporia/T/ ("Difficulty")
loadcard Apete/T/ ("Guile")
loadcard Angelia/T/Increase your hand by 1 ("Messages")
loadcard Anaidoia/T/ ("Ruthlessness")
loadcard Amechania/T/All other players lose 1 turn. ("Helplessness")
loadcard Lupe/T/ ("Sorrow")
loadcard Ania/T/ ("Ache")
loadcard Achos/T/Choose another player. Switch hands. ("Trouble.")
loadcard Aletheia/T/ ("Truth")
loadcard Alastor/T/ ("Blood Feuds")
loadcard Alala/T/ ("War Cry")
loadcard Aisa/T/ ("Lots")
loadcard Aidos/T/Choose another player. Their hand size decreases by 1. ("Modesty")
loadcard Agon/T/ ("Contest")
loadcard Moros/T/Choose a thing. After 3 turns, it is imprisoned. After 3 more, it is destroyed. ("Doom")
loadcard Thanatos/T/Action: Choose one Thing and destroy it. If the player controls Underworld (Location), no effect. If you control Underworld, you now control the card. ("Death")
loadcard Hypnos/T/Choose 1 Thing. It is now imprisoned. ("Sleep")
loadcard Nemesis/T/When one of your cards id destroyed, a card belonging to the attacking player is also destroyed. ("Retribution")
loadcard Eris/T/ ("Discord")
loadcard Momus/T/If one of your cards is targeted, change the target to any card in play ("Blame")
loadcard Apate/T/ ("Deciet")
loadcard Philotes/T/ ("Affection")
loadcard Oizys/T/ ("Woe")
loadcard Geras/T/target a Thing. After 3 turns, it is destroyed. ("Aging")
loadcard Harmonia/T/Destroy this card in place of another card ("Harmony")
loadcard Pietho/T/When played, gain control of 1 Thing ("Seduction")
loadcard Tyche/T/Flip a coin. Heads, draw 1 card. Tails, discard 1 card. ("Luck")
loadcard Phobos/T/Choose 1 Thing. It is imprisoned for 1 turn. ("Horror")
loadcard Deimos/T/Choose 1 Thing. It is imprisoned for 3 turns. ("Terror")
loadcard Mt. Edna/T/If Release is played on this card, summon Typhon ("Typhon's Prison")
loadcard Sacred Hearth/T/While this card and Hestia are in play, no Gods or Goddesses can be destroyed
loadcard Hephaestus's Forge/T/While this card is in play, you may use the Thunderbolt card twice
loadcard Elusion Fields/T/Can only be played on Underworld (Location). Action: Return one Thing from the discard pile. ("Place of the Blessed")
loadcard Tartatus/T/If Release is played on this card, you gain 2 Titans from anywhere. ("Prison of the Titans")
loadcard Underworld/T/
loadcard Mt. Olympus/T/You can summon 2 Olympian Things on your turn. ("Home of the Gods")
loadcard Styx/T/ ("River of Hatred")
loadcard Phlegethon/T/Destroy 1 Thing of the first player to target you after you play this card. ("River of Fire")
loadcard Lethe/T/When played, summon the Goddess Lethe. ("River of Forgetfulness")
loadcard Kokytos/T/One use: When another player targets you, their turn ends. ("River of Wailing")
loadcard Acheron/T/When you play this card, summon Charon. ("River of Pain")
loadcard Sky/T/
loadcard Sea/T/
loadcard Theater/T/If you control Melpomere and Thalia, draw an extra card at the start of your turn for each one.
loadcard Zeus's Thunderbolt/T/This card protects Zeus. When played, destroy 1 Thing.
loadcard Rhea's Stone/T/This card protects Rhea.
loadcard Cronus's Scythe/T/This card protects Cronus. When played, Uranus is destroyed.
loadcard Hestia's Broom/T/This card protects Hestia.
loadcard Hermes's Caduceus/T/This card protects Hermes.
loadcard Hera's Feather/T/This card protects Hera.
loadcard Hephaestus's Hammer/T/This card protects Hephaestus.
loadcard Hades's Key/T/This card protects Hades.
loadcard Dionysus's Thyrusus/T/This card protects Dionysus. When played, summon Mania.
loadcard Demeter's Torch/T/This card protects Demeter.
loadcard Athena's Aegis./T/This card protects Athena. When played, choose 1 Thing. It is now imprisoned.
loadcard Artemis's Bow/T/This card protects Artemis
loadcard Ares's Spear/T/This card protects Ares. When played, destroy 1 Thing.
loadcard Apollo's Lyre/T/This card protects Apollo. You may summon 1 Muse from your hand.
loadcard Aphrodite's Girdle/T/This card protects Aphrodite. Gain control of 1 Thing.
loadcard Urania's Globe and Compass/T/This card protects Urania
loadcard Thalia's Comic Mask/T/This card protects Thalia. If you have Theater, draw a card.
loadcard Terpischore's Lyre/T/This card protects Terpischore.
loadcard Polyhymnia's Veil/T/This card protects Polyhymnia
loadcard Calliope's Writing Tablet/T/This card protects Calliope
loadcard Melpomene's Tragic Mask/T/This card protects Melpomene
loadcard Erato's Cithara/T/This card protects Erato
loadcard Euterpe's Flute/T/This card protects Euterpe
loadcard Clio's Scroll/T/This card protects Clio
loadcard Poseidon's Trident/T/This card protects Poseidon. When played, destroy 1 Location.
loadcard Ichor/T/Destory 1 Olympian ("Blood of the Gods")
loadcard Gate of Sleep: Horn/T/When played on Hypnos, Action: Choose a card from another player's hand look at it.
loadcard Gate of Sleep: Ivory/T/When played on Hypnos, you do not need to show your hand to other players.
loadcard Box of Persephone's Beauty/T/This object protects Persephone and Psyche. If another player sees this card in your hand, they lose a turn.
loadcard Wings/T/This Thing cannot be targeted specifically.
loadcard Eye of the Moirae/T/Play this on 1 Moirae to see the hand of any other player.
loadcard Chair of Forgetfulness/T/Can be placed on any Thing in play except Hades. That Thing is now imprisoned.
loadcard Nector/T/Sacrifice this instead of an Olympian
loadcard Ambrosia/T/Sacrifice this instead of an Olympian
loadcard The Palladium/T/Your Locations cannot be destroyed.
loadcard Pandora's Box/T/When played, destroy all Things in play.
loadcard Golden Fleece/T/When played, the Thing can be traded for any other Thing in play.
loadcard Necklace of Harmonia./T/If placed on a Goddess, the player may draw an extra card at the start of their turn. On any other thing, they are distroyed in 2 turns.
loadcard Winged Sandles/T/This thing cannot be targeted.
loadcard Sword of Peleas/T/Thing cannot be destroyed.
loadcard Cap of Darkness/T/This Thing cannot be targeted.
loadcard Apple of Discord./T/When played on Eris, destroy the Things Hera, Aphrodite and Athena if they are in play (regardless of Artifacts).
loadcard Tooth of the Moirae/T/Play this on a Moirae to see one card in another player's hand.
loadcard Giantomachy/A/Requires: Gaia, Typhon. Destroy all Olympian cards in play.
loadcard Release/A/Any 1 Thing that is imprisoned, it is set free.
loadcard Pomegranate Seeds/A/Choose a Thing. It is out of play for 6 turns.
loadcard Arrow of Hatred/A/Switch control of one of your Things to another player. They cannot destroy destroy it.
loadcard Arrow of Love/A/Take control of one Thing in play.
loadcard Ogygian Deluge/A/Destroy all cards on the field.
loadcard Decent to the Underworld/A/If you control the Locations: Underworld and the 5 rivers and the Things: Hades, Persephone, Charon, Cerebus and the 3 Moari. YOU WIN!
loadcard Thunderbolt/A/Destroy 1 Thing on the field.
loadcard Rise/A/Requires: Rhea and Rhea's stone. Destroy all Titans not controlled by you.
loadcard Seize the Day!/A/If you control all 12 Horae, YOU WIN!
loadcard Inspiration/A/If you control all 9 Muses and their Artifacts, YOU WIN!
loadcard Bronze Age/A/If you control 12 Olympians and Mt. Olympus, YOU WIN!
loadcard Silver Age/A/If you control Rhea and Cronus and any 10 other Titans, YOU WIN!
loadcard Golden Age/A/I you control: Chaos, Tartarus, Eros, Gaia and any 8 other Primordials, YOU WIN!
loadcard Titanomachy/A/Destroy as many Titans as Olympians you control.
loadcard Earthquake/A/Destroy a Location.
loadcard Short Straw/A/You gain control of the Underworld (Location) if in play. If it isn't, another player must give it to you, or search through the decks for it.
loadcard Medium Straw/A/
loadcard Long Straw/A/
loadcard Master of the Earth/A/If you control: Gaia, Demeter, Persephone, Ourea, Herse, Chloris, Eiar, Theros, Pthinoporon, and Cheimon, YOU WIN!
loadcard Mastery of the Sea/A/If you control: Poseidon, Dionysus, Pontus, Oceanus, Tethys, Eurybia, Sea (Location), Charon, Chione, and Styx (Thing), YOU WIN!
loadcard Mastery of the Sky/A/If you control: Sky (Location), Zeus, Hera, Heilus, Selene, Eos, Aether, Uranus, Asteria, Astroeus, Iris, and Hermes, YOU WIN!
loadcard Medusa's Gaze/A/Destroy 1 object
loadcard Leather Thongs/A/Choose 1 thing. It is now imprisoned.
loadcard Mastery of the Gods/A/If you control 20 or more Things, YOU WIN!
loadcard Parthenogenesis/A/If you have: Summon one. Gaia: Aphrodite. Uranus: Aphrodite. Hera: Hephaestus. Zeus: Athena. Nyx: Axhlys, Apate, Eris, Geras, Momus, Ozyas, Philotes, or 1 Moari.
@emit [name(%#)] pastes the Greek Mythology Deck into the Dvorak Engine.

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