Dvorak Export: Gostak deck

This is a tab-separated dump of the deck, designed for import into Lackey's carddata.txt.

To use this in Lackey, copy this address to the AutoUpdate field in Lackey's Preferences:


For further information, read this page.

Image file named after:
Address of image directory:
Name	Set	ImageFile	Type	CornerValue	Text	FlavorText	Creator
The Gostak	gostak	thing	Thing		Action: Distim a dosh.		
Distimming	gostak	action	Action		Distim a dosh.		
Morbled Distimming	gostak	action	Action		Distim a morbled dosh.		
Fum-Distim	gostak	action	Action		Distim fum doshes.		
Shim-Distim	gostak	action	Action		Distim shim doshes.		
Coppling	gostak	action	Action		Copple a dosh.		
Copplefum	gostak	action	Action		Copple fum doshes.		
Coppleshim	gostak	action	Action		Copple shim doshes.		
Morblefum	gostak	action	Action		Copple fum morbled doshes.		
Snerking	gostak	action	Action		Snerk a dosh.		
Flimming	gostak	action	Action		Flim a podule.		
Fooming	gostak	action	Action		Foom a podule.		
Flimshim	gostak	action	Action		Flim shim podules.		
Flim and Copple	gostak	action	Action		Flim a podule, then copple a dosh.		
Veb Wunking	gostak	action	Action		Wunk a veb.		
Dosh Mavale	gostak	thing	Thing		Doshes may not be coppled!		
Podule Mavale	gostak	thing	Thing		Podules may not be flimmed!		
Dosh-Podule Grenk	gostak	thing	Thing		Whenever a dosh is coppled, you must flim a podule.		
Podule-Dosh Grenk	gostak	thing	Thing		Whenever a podule is flimmed, you must distim a dosh.		
Piminy Distim	gostak	action	Action		Piminy Players must distim a dosh.		
Piminy Copple	gostak	action	Action		Piminy Players must copple a dosh.		
Bonus Foom	gostak	thing	Thing		You may foom an extra podule, each turn.		
Bonus Snerk	gostak	thing	Thing		You may snerk an extra dosh, each turn.		

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