Dvorak Export: Draw deck


Adjust these settings until the cards fit comfortably, with the correct number per page, in your browser's Print Preview.

When you're happy with the settings, send all but the first page to your printer, and cut the cards out with something sharp. Either stick the results onto cardboard, slip them into deck-protectors with some spare CCG cards for padding, or just play with them as flimsy bits of paper.

Deck-Print Settings

Card Height :cm Title Box Height :cm
Card Width :cm Text Box, Min. Height :cm
Cards per Page :x Text Size :

Double Trouble
You may play this under an opponent's control. Whenever you draw cards, you must draw double the amount.

If I were you, I'd get rid of this thing... fast!
Card : Sinny
Weighted Die
Anytime you must roll a die, the result is automatically "1".

Who needs luck when you're a cheater?
Card : Sinny
Hammer of Justice
Whenever you must draw cards, every other player must draw one.

"If I'm going down, you're coming with me!"
Card : Sinny
Corrupt Police Officer
Action: You may order any player to draw a card.

While I'm on duty, you obey MY rules.
Card : Sinny
Swift Reaction
During your turn you may play an Action instead of a Thing.

-"Wow did you see that!?" -"See what?"
Card : Sinny
Heavy Lifter
During your turn you may play a Thing instead of an Action.

With the strength of two things!
Card : Sinny
Action: Discard a card from your hand.

It loves to eat your cards!
Card : Sinny
Sinister Dealer
Action: Draw two cards. Give one of those cards to any opponent, and you keep the other. Then discard one card from your hand.

"Everybody knows that if they deal with this guy, they deal with their soul..."
Card : Sinny
Flame Thrower
Action: Destroy any target thing in play.

"I wish it would burn my cards... and not my hands too!"
Card : Sinny
Thought Criminal
Action: Discard two cards. Place Thought Criminal under another player's control.

"I should not have thought of that..."
Card : Sinny
Action: Take a random card from any player's hand, and place it in another player's hand.

"Damn mail, it just means more bills to pay."
Card : Sinny
Someone Else's Stuff
Whenever you draw cards, you may give one card to an opponent.

"That doesn't belong to me."
Card : Sinny
Hot Potato
While this card is under your control, whenever you must draw cards, you only draw one. Action: Any player may use this action, even if this card is not under their control. Bring this card into your control. Action: Destroy this card.

"Too hot to handle!"
Card : Sinny
The Flu
Action: Give a card from your hand to any other player. Give them control of this card too.

"Spread the love... eww..."
Card : Sinny
Dr. Phil
When Dr. Phil comes into play, look at an opponent's hand, then order them to discard a card of your choice.
Action: Any player may use this action. Order target player to pick up Dr. Phil.

"I hate Dr. Phil."
Card : Sinny
Order target player to draw a card. If target player has a copy of this card in their hand, they may play it as a counter-draw instead of drawing the card.

"Who has the fastest hands...?"
Card : Sinny
Order target player to draw a card. If target player has a copy of this card in their hand, they may play it as a counter-draw instead of drawing the card.

"Who has the fastest hands...?"
Card : Sinny
Order target player to draw a card. If target player has a copy of this card in their hand, they may play it as a counter-draw instead of drawing the card.

"Who has the fastest hands...?"
Card : Sinny
Order target player to draw a card. If target player has a copy of this card in their hand, they may play it as a counter-draw instead of drawing the card.

"Who has the fastest hands...?"
Card : Sinny
Order target player to draw a card. If target player has a copy of this card in their hand, they may play it as a counter-draw instead of drawing the card.

"Who has the fastest hands...?"
Card : Sinny
You may play this Action in response to any other Action. If an Action is played against you, you may turn it against that opponent instead.

"Remind me never to get in his bad books."
Card : Sinny
You may play this Action in response to any other Action. If an Action is played against you, you may turn it against that opponent instead.

"Remind me never to get in his bad books."
Card : Sinny
You may play this Action in response to any other Action. If an Action is played against you, you may turn it against that opponent instead.

"Remind me never to get in his bad books."
Card : Sinny
Take any card from the discard pile, and put it in target player's hand.

"Nobody wants the remains of the day..."
Card : Sinny
Take any card from the discard pile, and put it in target player's hand.

"Nobody wants the remains of the day..."
Card : Sinny
Destroy target thing.

"It's dead, so let's get rid of it!"
Card : Sinny
Destroy target thing.

"It's dead, so let's get rid of it!"
Card : Sinny
Destroy target thing.

"It's dead, so let's get rid of it!"
Card : Sinny
Destroy all things in play.

"For some people, it means a new start."
Card : Sinny
Sleight of Hand
Bring target thing into your control.

"What was yours, is now mine."
Card : Sinny
Sleight of Hand
Bring target thing into your control.

"What was yours, is now mine."
Card : Sinny
Sleight of Hand
Bring target thing into your control.

"What was yours, is now mine."
Card : Sinny

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