Dvorak Export: Dirks & Poniards deck


Adjust these settings until the cards fit comfortably, with the correct number per page, in your browser's Print Preview.

When you're happy with the settings, send all but the first page to your printer, and cut the cards out with something sharp. Either stick the results onto cardboard, slip them into deck-protectors with some spare CCG cards for padding, or just play with them as flimsy bits of paper.

Deck-Print Settings

Card Height :cm Title Box Height :cm
Card Width :cm Text Box, Min. Height :cm
Cards per Page :x Text Size :

Standard Dirk 6
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: None Strength: 3 Durability: 1
Standard Poniard 5
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: None Strength: 1 Durability: 3
Standard Dagger 7
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: None Strength: 2 Durability: 2
Standard Knife 6
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: None Strength: 0 Durability: 4
Standard Stiletto 4
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: None Strength: 3 Durability: 1
Damascus Dirk 8
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: All Action cards that only affect Strength also give this card +1 to Durability Strength: 5 Durability: 2
Damascus Poniard 7
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: All Action cards that only affect Strength also give this card +1 to Durability. Strength: 4 Durability: 3
Damascus Dagger 9
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: All Action cards that only affect Strength also give this card +1 to Durability. Strength: 3 Durability: 4
Damascus Knife 8
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: All Action cards that only affect Strength also give this card +1 to Durability. Strength: 2 Durability: 5
Damascus Stiletto 6
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability; All Action cards that only affect Strength also give this card +1 to Durability. Strength: 2 Durability: 2
Katana Styled Dirk 7
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: Sacrifice this card to give another card +2 points that are able to go wherever you wish, i.e. LP, Strength, or Durability. Strength: 5 Durability: 1
Katana Styled Poniard 6
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: Sacrifice this card to give another card +2 points that are able to go wherever you wish, i.e. LP, Strength, or Durability. Strength: 1 Durability: 5
Katana Styled Dagger 8
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: Sacrifice this card to give another card +2 points that are able to go wherever you wish, i.e. LP, Strength, or Durability. Strength: 3 Durability: 3
Katana Styled Knife 6
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: Sacrifice this card to give another card +2 points that are able to go wherever you wish, i.e. LP, Strength, or Durability. Strength: 4 Durability: 2
Katana Styled Stiletto 8
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: Sacrifice this card to give another card +2 points that are able to go wherever you wish, i.e. LP, Strength, or Durability. Strength: 1 Durability: 3
Razor Dirk 6
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: This card gets +1 to Strength for every other Dirk in play, regardless of type. Strength: 3 Durability: 2
Razor Poniard 7
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: This card gets +1 to Strength for every other Poniard in play, regardless of type. Strength: 2 Durability: 3
Razor Dagger 5
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: This card gets +1 to Strength for every other Dagger in play, regardless of type. Strength: 2 Durability: 4
Razor Knife 9
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: This card gets +1 to Strength for every other Knife in play, regardless of type. Strength: 3 Durability: 1
Razor Stiletto 7
Thing - Weapon
Special Ability: This card gets +1 to Strength for every other Stiletto in play, regardless of type. Strength: 2 Durability: 4
Extra Weapon
Action - Event
Player may play 1 additional Weapon card OR draw two cards from the deck. If player chooses the latter and one of the cards is a Weapon card, it cannot be played until next turn, if player has another Extra Weapon card, or if player has not played a Weapon card yet.
Action - Event
Player chooses one of his/her Weapon cards and adds 1 to both Strength and Durability.
Keen Blade
Action - Event
Player chooses one of his/her Weapons and adds 1 to Strength.
Rusty Blade
Action - Event
Player chooses any Weapon in play to target. This card subtracts Strength of target Weapon by 1.
Cursed Blade
Action - Event
Player chooses one of his/her Weapons and adds 1 to Strength, but subtracts 1 from Durability (this, in effect, negates the Special Ability of Damascus Weapons ~ the Durability of a Damascus Weapon, if this is played on one, stays the same, but Strength is still changed).
Dancing Blades
Action - Event
Player may switch one of his/her Weapons in play with a Weapon card in his/her hand. This does NOT affect the limit of Weapons that can be played per turn ~ Player may still also play one other Weapon directly from his/her hand.
Heavenly Blades
Action - Event
Player chooses one of his/her Weapons and adds 1 to Durability, but subtracts 1 from Strength.
Blade Swarm
Action - Event
Player chooses one of his/her Weapons. Chosen Weapon may now attack twice in the same turn. This stays in play till negated from another card's ability or after 5 turns, whichever comes first.
Weapons Falling from the Sky
Action - Special
All players may play a max of 3 Weapons per turn instead of 1. This card stays in effect until another Special card is played.
Worn Out Blades
Action - Special
Subtract 1 from Durability from ALL Weapons. This card stays in effect until another Special card is played.
The Amethyst Gate
Action - Special
Players must now sacrifice one event card in their hand to play a Weapon. ALL Special Abilities of all weapons are nullified. To be rid of this card, player must play another Special card AND sacrifice one of their weapon cards in play. Only ONE Amethyst Gate allowed per deck.
Wooden Curse
Action - Special
All Weapon cards now have 1 strength and 1 durability. All Event cards in play are discarded. All Special Abilities are nullified.
Jack of All Blades
Action - Special
All Weapons without Event cards attached now have 10 LP, 9 Strength, and 10 Durability. All Weapons with Event cards attached now have 9 LP, 10 Strength, and 9 Durability and the Event cards are discarded. This does not affect the new stats given to them.
Assassin's Creed
Action - Special
All Weapons now have poison blades. Meaning that once they deal damage, another 2 points is added to the amount. This does not help in battles, just to the amount of damage inflicted to LP.
Magic Sweep
Action - Special
Players chose one weapon type - e.g. Standard, Razor, et cetera - and flip a coin. If heads, ALL weapons in play are turned into the selected type, and ALL Special cards in play are discarded. If tails, weapons stay as they are, but ALL Special cards in play are still discarded.

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