Dvorak Export: Different Chess Deck


Adjust these settings until the cards fit comfortably, with the correct number per page, in your browser's Print Preview.

When you're happy with the settings, send all but the first page to your printer, and cut the cards out with something sharp. Either stick the results onto cardboard, slip them into deck-protectors with some spare CCG cards for padding, or just play with them as flimsy bits of paper.

Deck-Print Settings

Card Height :cm Title Box Height :cm
Card Width :cm Text Box, Min. Height :cm
Cards per Page :x Text Size :

Thing: Move Changing (Queen)
Queens now move as a standard Rook or Knight.
Thing: Move Changing (Queen)
Queens now move as a standard Bishop or Knight.
Thing: Move Changing (Queen)
Queens now have whatever moves are legal for Rooks and Bishops. They also have any special powers or abilities of Rooks or Bishops
Thing: Move Changing (Knight)
Knights may make multiple "Knight Jumps" in the same direction. They are blocked only on the squares where they would "land" from a Knight Jump
Thing: Move Changing (Knight)
Knights now move by making a "Long L" move. They jump 3 in one direction and 1 in a perpendicular direction
Thing: Move Changing (Knight)
Knights now move by making a "Large L" move. They jump 3 in one direction and 2 in a perpendicular direction
Berolina Pawn
Thing: Move Changing (Pawn)
Pawns now move diagonally forward and capture straight forward.
Japanese Pawn
Thing: Move Changing (Pawn)
Pawns now move and capture straight forward and may promote to anything beside King or Queen on the last 3 ranks
Chinese Pawn
Thing: Move Changing (Pawn)
Pawns now move and capture straight forward. Upon reaching rank 5 they gain the power to move and capture sideways. Pawns may not promote on rank 8.
Draught Man
Thing: Move Changing (Pawn)
Pawns now move diagonally forward and capture by jumping an enemy and landing on the next square which must be vacant. They may capture more than once a turn and must capture if capturing is possible. You can move other pieces if there are captures possible but not pawns. Pawns promote to Kings on rank 8.
Draught King
Thing: Move Changing (King)
Kings now move 1 square diagonally and capture by jumping an enemy and landing on the next square which must be vacant. They may capture more than once a turn and must capture if capturing is possible. You can move other pieces if there are captures possible but not kings.
Thing: Move Changing (King)
Kings now move 1 square diagonally or jump exactly 2 squares up, down, or sideways
Thing: Move Changing (King)
Kings now move 1 square up, down, or sideways or jump exactly 2 squares diagonally
Thing: Move Changing (Queen)
Queens now move as a bishop or jump exactly 2 squares up, down, or sideways in a row as many times as desired
Thing: Move Changing (Queen)
Queens now move as a rook or jump exactly 2 squares diagonally in a row as many times as desired
Thing: Move Changing (King)
Kings now move as a standard Knight.
Thing: Move Changing (Inverted Rook)
When you play this card you may invert 1 Rook you control. Inverted rooks have the option of making a standard Knight's move in addition to their current powers. After the option is used the Rook must be un-inverted.
Thing: Move Changing (Inverted Rook)
When you play this card you may invert 1 Rook you control. Inverted rooks now move, but may not capture, as a standard Queen. All enemy pieces adjacent to an inverted rook cannot take any action except to "commit suicice" effectively capturing themselves.
Action: Special Promotion
Promote any pawn you control to a silver general. A silver general moves 1 square diagonally, or straight forward. Silver generals promote to gold generals on the last 3 ranks. Gold generals move 1 square forward, backward, sideways, or diagonally forward.
Action: Special Promotion
Promote any non-pawn piece you control on the last 3 ranks to a gold general. Gold generals move 1 square forward, backward, sideways, or diagonally forward.
Liberal Castling Manouvere
Action: Special Move
Move a King any number of squares sideways. Move a Rook on the same rank to any square on the opposite side of the king. All passed through squares must be empty and the king may not go out of, into, or through check.
Action: Special Move
Move all of your pieces 1 square forward. These moves can be made in any order and can capture. You cannot use this move to kill the last enemy king.
Thing: Move Changing (Rook)
Rooks now move, but do not capture, as in Chess. They now capture by jumping over exactly 1 piece along a Rook-Line and landing on the piece to be taken.
Thing: Move Changing (Rook)
Rooks now move, but do not capture, as in Chess. You may move a non rook piece onto a friendly rook's square and have the rook "carry" the piece. If the rook moves it takes what it's carrying with it, but if the other piece moves the rook stays put. If a carrying rook is captured or this card is discarded then both pieces are captured.
Nonplay: Response
Play when a King of yours is captured. Promote any non-rook piece to a King.
Nonplay: Response
Play when a Queen of yours is captured. Promote any non-rook piece to a Queen.
Action: Event
All of your Kings, all of your Queens, and 2 of your Pawns are removed from the board. You can only lose if your opponent captures all of your remaining pieces or if you have no moves. (stalemate)
Out with a Bang
Nonplay: Response
Play when a you capture a piece or have a piece captured. The capturing piece, the captured piece, and all pieces on adjacent squares are captured. You cannot play this card if it lets either player win the game.
Thing: Move Changing (Any except Bishop)
Pieces move normally but cannot capture. If they are captured they are reincarnated on their starting square; of the same color as what it was on before if a Knight/Rook/Bishop, and on the same file if a pawn. If the starting square is occupied then the piece is captured normally.
Thing: Move Changing (Generic)
Bishops now have whatever moves and powers are legal for Queens and Queens now have whatever moves are legal for Bishops and no powers (including capturing)
Thing: Move Changing (Generic)
Pieces move normally. If they are captured they are reincarnated on square of opponents choice. Every time your piece is reincarnated it demotes according to King>Queen>Rook>Bishop>Knight>Pawn. Pawns do not get reincarnated or promote. If you only have 1 King it cannot get reincarnated.
Thing: Move Changing (Generic and Queen)
All pieces except Queens and pawns may in addition to their current abilities make a "Long L" knight jump; 3 squares one way and 1 square perpendicular. Queens now move 1 square diagonally and pawns promote only to queens.
Action: Card Affecting
Destroy all Buddhism, Catholicism, Hinduism, and Islam in play
Thing: Move Changing (Inverted Rook)
You may invert a rook when you play this. Inverted Rooks now do not move. They cannot be captured and you can move friendly pieces on to them. The friendly pieces cannot be captured this card is destroyed, in which case the Rook and what it's carrying are captured.
Thing: Move Changing (Inverted Rook)
You may invert a rook when you play this. Inverted Rooks now move as standard kings but do not capture. They can push any pieces that get in their way and if they push pieces off the board they are captured.
Thing: Move Changing (Bishop)
Bishops now move 1 square diagonally or make a "Long L" jump; 3 squares one way and 1 square perpendicular

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