Dvorak Export: Chess Plus Plus deck

This is a tab-separated dump of the deck, designed for import into Lackey's carddata.txt.

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Name	Set	ImageFile	Type	CornerValue	Text	FlavorText	Creator
Secular Queen	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_queen	Thing - Move Change - Queen		The queen combines the moves of a knight and rook in standard chess.		
Queen Without a Tower	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_queen	Thing - Move Change - Queen		The queen combines the moves of a knight and bishop in standard chess.		
Democratic Queen	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_queen	Thing - Move Change - Queen		The queen combines the current moves of the bishop and rook. If the rook is immobile, the queen moves as a bishop and gives the protection of a rook.		
Normal Queen	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_queen	Thing - Move Change - Queen		The queen moves as in standard chess.		
Canon	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_bishop	Thing - Move Change - Bishop		The bishop moves as in standard chess, with the exception that it must leap over exactly one friendly piece. If a bishop is stopped by a Forest, and has not leapt over a friendly piece, it returns to its starting square and the player forfeits their Action for the turn.		
The Man	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_bishop	Thing - Move Change - Bishop		The bishop moves 1 square in any direction (like a king in standard chess).		
Augmented Bishop	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_bishop	Thing - Move Change - Bishop		The bishop moves as in standard chess, or may move one square non-diagonally.		
Lame Bishop	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_bishop	Thing - Move Change - Bishop		The bishop leaps exactly 2 squares diagonally.		
Normal Bishop	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_bishop	Thing - Move Change - Bishop		The bishop moves as in standard chess.		
Cannon	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_rook	Thing - Move Change - Rook		The rook moves as in standard chess, with the exception that it must leap over exactly one friendly piece. If a rook is stopped by a Forest, and has not leapt over a friendly piece, it returns to its starting square and the player forfeits their Action for the turn.		
Tower of Fear	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_rook	Thing - Move Change - Rook		The rook does not move. However enemy pieces who are one square away from the rook may not move either.		
Tower of Peace	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_rook	Thing - Move Change - Rook		The rook does not move. However friendly pieces, other than the king, who are one square away from the rook may not be taken.		
Augmented Rook	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_rook	Thing - Move Change - Rook		The rook moves as in standard chess, or may move one square diagonally.		
Normal Rook	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_rook	Thing - Move Change - Rook		The rook moves as in standard chess.		
Quantum King	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_king	Thing - Move Change - King		The king moves by leaping to any non-Mountain square which no other piece could move to whether it was unoccupied or occupied by a piece of either colour.		
Peaceful King	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_king	Thing - Move Change - King		The king has the move of a standard chess queen, but may not take.		
Vampire King	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_king	Thing - Move Change - King		The king takes as in standard chess. However when he is not taking, the king leaps to any unoccupied non-Mountain square, and reduces the rank of any friendly piece.		
Wizard King	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_king	Thing - Move Change - King		The king moves by swapping places with any friendly piece.		
Warrior King	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_king	Thing - Move Change - King		The king has the move of a standard chess knight.		
Normal King	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_king	Thing - Move Change - King		Kings move as in standard chess.		
Chevalier	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_knight	Thing - Move Change - Knight		Knights leap 2 squares orthoginally and 1 diagonally.		
Cavalier	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_knight	Thing - Move Change - Knight		Knights leap 1 square orthoginally and 2 diagonally.		
Frenzied Knights	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_knight	Thing - Move Change - Knight		When a knight takes a piece, there is a one in three chance that the knight will also die. However if this does not happen, the player who has lost a piece must skip their turn entirely.		
Normal Knights	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_knight	Thing - Move Change - Knight		Knights move as in standard chess.		
Checkers	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_pawn	Thing - Move Change - Pawn		Pawns move as checkers. That is, they move 1 square forward diagonally, and take by leaping 2 squares forward diagonally over an enemy piece, and may take more than once in a turn.		
Reverse Pawns	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_pawn	Thing - Move Change - Pawn		Pawns take directly forward, and otherwise move forward diagonally.  Pawns may still move 2 squares on their first move and take en passant.		
Diagonal Pawns	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_pawn	Thing - Move Change - Pawn		Pawns move diagonally forward whether or not they are taking.  Pawns may still move 2 squares on their first move and take en passant.		
Plodding Pawns	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_pawn	Thing - Move Change - Pawn		Pawns move directly forward whether or not they are taking.  Pawns may still move 2 squares on their first move. There is no situation where the en passant rule will apply.		
Situational Pawns	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_pawn	Thing - Move Change - Pawn		On the 2nd to 4th ranks, pawns move as in standard chess. On the 5th rank they have whatever move is currently legal for knights, on the 6th they move as bishops, the 7th rooks and the 8th queens. Pawns do not queen on reaching the 8th rank.		
Madhouse Pawns	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_pawn	Thing - Move Change - Pawn		When pawns are taken, they are not removed from the board. The taker may move them to any unoccupied square. A pawn on the 8th rank will not queen, but may move to any unoccupied non-Mountain square.		
Frenzied Pawns	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_pawn	Thing - Move Change - Pawn		When a pawn takes a piece, there is a 50% chance that the pawn will also die. However if this does not happen, the player who has lost a piece must skip their turn entirely.		
Normal Pawns	chess_plus_plus	thing_move_change_pawn	Thing - Move Change - Pawn		Pawns move as in standard chess.		
Forest	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece whose move takes them through a Forest square, unless they are leaping over it, has a 50% chance of being forced to end their move on that square.		
Forest	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece whose move takes them through a Forest square, unless they are leaping over it, has a 50% chance of being forced to end their move on that square.		
Forest	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece whose move takes them through a Forest square, unless they are leaping over it, has a 50% chance of being forced to end their move on that square.		
Desert	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece who moves through or ends their move on a desert square, unless they are leaping over it, has a 50% chance of losing one rank. A piece who loses rank part-way through their move may still complete it, even if the move is now impossible for their new rank.		
Desert	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece who moves through or ends their move on a desert square, unless they are leaping over it, has a 50% chance of losing one rank. A piece who loses rank part-way through their move may still complete it, even if the move is now impossible for their new rank.		
Desert	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece who moves through or ends their move on a desert square, unless they are leaping over it, has a 50% chance of losing one rank. A piece who loses rank part-way through their move may still complete it, even if the move is now impossible for their new rank.		
Mountains	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		No piece may pass through or end their move on a Mountains square. Pieces may leap over it.		
Mountains	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		No piece may pass through or end their move on a Mountains square. Pieces may leap over it.		
Mountains	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		No piece may pass through or end their move on a Mountains square. Pieces may leap over it.		
Oasis	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		When a player ends their move on an Oasis square, there is a 50% chance that their opponent must skip their turn entirely.		
Oasis	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		When a player ends their move on an Oasis square, there is a 50% chance that their opponent must skip their turn entirely.		
Oasis	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		When a player ends their move on an Oasis square, there is a 50% chance that their opponent must skip their turn entirely.		
Portal	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece who ends their move on a Portal square (not just passes through it) has a 50% chance of losing one rank. A piece who is on a Portal square may move to any other unoccupied Portal as their move.		
Portal	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece who ends their move on a Portal square (not just passes through it) has a 50% chance of losing one rank. A piece who is on a Portal square may move to any other unoccupied Portal as their move.		
Portal	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece who ends their move on a Portal square (not just passes through it) has a 50% chance of losing one rank. A piece who is on a Portal square may move to any other unoccupied Portal as their move.		
Sanctuary	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece other than a king which is on a Sanctuary square may not be taken.		
Sanctuary	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece other than a king which is on a Sanctuary square may not be taken.		
Sanctuary	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece other than a king which is on a Sanctuary square may not be taken.		
Cathedral	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece on this square has the current move of a bishop, except for bishops, who have the move of a bishop in standard chess.		
Guild Hall	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece on this square has the current move of a rooks, except for rooks, who have the move of a rook in standard chess.		
Tourney Field	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		A piece on this square has the current move of a knight, except for knights, who have the move of a knight in standard chess.		
Summer Palace	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		Pieces that are not kings or queens may not end their move on this square, unless they're taking.		
Madhouse	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		If a piece on this square other than a king is taken, it is not removed from the game. Rather, the player who takes it must place it in any unoccupied square which is not Mountains.		
Winter Palace	chess_plus_plus	thing_terrain	Thing - Terrain		Knights, bishops and rooks may not end their move on this square. Bishops, pawns and rooks may not pass through it. If a pawn ends their move on this square, destroy Winter Palace.		
Rules Committee	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		All pieces have the moves that they have in standard chess (discard any 'Move Change' cards in play).		
Shuffle Knight	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a knight (yours or your opponents) one square in any direction to an unoccupied, non-Mountain square. The knight has a 50% chance of becoming a pawn if they enter a Portal or Desert.		
Shuffle Bishop	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a bishop (yours or your opponents) one square non-diagonally to an unoccupied, non-Mountain square. The bishop has a 50% chance of becoming a knight if they enter a Portal or Desert.		
Shuffle Rook	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a rook (yours or your opponents) one square diagonally to an unoccupied, non-Mountain square. The rook has a 50% chance of becoming a bishop if they enter a Portal or Desert. This card may be played even if the rook is currently unable to move.		
Promotion	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Promote any piece (yours or your opponents).		
Demotion	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Demote any piece (yours or your opponents), other than a king or pawn. If you demote a knight and it becomes a pawn which is on the last rank and entitled to queen, it queens immediately.		
Martyr	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Choose any piece (yours or your opponents) which is not a king or queen. When this piece takes, it is itself taken, as is the taken piece, and any piece other than pawns in adjacent squares (including kings).		
Exile and Return	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		The pieces in the four centre squares change places with the pieces in the four corner squares (d4 with a1, e5 with h8 etc). This card does not effect terrain. This card is not playable if it would lead to a pawn being queened.		
Rotation of the Earth	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		The pieces on the four corner squares swap places clockwise (a1 to a8, a8 to h8 etc). This card does not effect terrain.		
Attrition	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Remove one of your pieces other than a king, and remove one of your opponent's pieces of the same rank.		
Options	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Draw three cards.		
Options	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Draw three cards.		
Options	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Draw three cards.		
Options	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Draw three cards.		
Options	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Draw three cards.		
New Queen	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move your rook into a square occupied by a friendly bishop, or vice versa. The pieces merge to become a queen. If your piece is stopped by a Forest or demoted by a Desert it returns to its original square and you forfeit your Action for the turn.		
Exile	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move an enemy piece who is not a king to any non-Mountain edge square.		
Move Pawn	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a pawn.		
Move Pawn	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a pawn.		
Move Pawn	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a pawn.		
Move Pawn	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a pawn.		
Move Pawn	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a pawn.		
Move Pawn	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a pawn.		
Move Pawn	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a pawn.		
Move Pawn	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a pawn.		
Move Pawn	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a pawn.		
Move Pawn	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a pawn.		
Move Knight	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a knight.		
Move Knight	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a knight.		
Move Knight	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a knight.		
Move Knight	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a knight.		
Move Knight	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a knight.		
Move Knight	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a knight.		
Move Bishop	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a bishop.		
Move Bishop	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a bishop.		
Move Bishop	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a bishop.		
Move Bishop	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a bishop.		
Move Bishop	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a bishop.		
Move Bishop	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a bishop.		
Move rook	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a bishop.		
Move rook	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a rook.		
Move rook	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a rook.		
Move rook	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a rook.		
Move rook	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a rook.		
Move rook	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a rook.		
Move queen	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a queen.		
Move queen	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a queen.		
Move queen	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a queen.		
Move queen	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a queen.		
Move queen	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a queen.		
Move queen	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a queen.		
Move king	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a queen.		
Move king	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a king.		
Move king	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a king.		
Move king	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a king.		
Move king	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a king.		
Move king	chess_plus_plus	action	Action		Move a king.		

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